Covenant Library Unified Index
Part I of this index* consists of the titles of Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh. Part II contains all other general entries. Titles of Tablets and books are italicized. Footnotes are indicated by the abbreviation 'n.' after the page number; if the name or subject occurs both in the text and in a note, this is indicated by 'p. -- and n.'. Principal themes are shown by bold figures.
The actual Writings which are currently included in this library are linked by their names. Click here to switch to the collapsed version of this page.
{BP} = Bahá'í Prayers
{DBNN} = Dawn-Breakers, Nabíl's Narrative
{ESW} = Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
{GL} = Gleanings From The Writings Of Bahá'u'lláh
{GPB} = God Passes By
{KA} = The Kitáb-i-Aqdas
{KI} = The Kitáb-i-Íqán
{PM} = Prayers and Meditations
{ROB1} = The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 1 (Baghdad 1853-63)
{ROB2} = The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 2 (Adrianople 1863-68)
{ROB3} = The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 3 (Akka, The Early Years 1868-77)
{ROB4} = The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 4 (Mazra'ih & Bahjí 1877-92)
{SVFV} = The Seven Valleys And The Four Valleys
{SAQ} = Some Answered Questions
{SFWAB} = Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
{TOB} = Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh revealed after the Kitáb-i-Aqdas
* The main purpose of this page is to provide a point of reference for the works contained in this library. It can also serve as a classic index when used in conjunction with your browser's search function to locate items of interest.
I. TABLETS AND WRITINGS OF BAHÁ'U'LLÁH Alwáh-i-Maryam,'Nine Categories' {ROB1: 13}Asl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr (Words of Wisdom), see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Maryam (cousin of Bahá'u'lláh), recipient of, {ROB1: 12-13, 61, 122, 124}
Az-Bágh-i-Iláhí (ode), {ROB1: 211, 218-20}
Bahá'í Prayers,index of prayers revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, {BP: Author Index}Bishárát, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
see also Prayer(s)
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf,
Fire Tablet, see Lawh-i-QadIhtaraqa'l-Mukhlisún{GPB: 219, 238}
{ROB1: quoted, 10, 50, 249, 251-2, 253-4}
{ROB2: 206; quoted, 43, 95-6, 223, 230, 247, 270, 350, 400}
{ROB3: 390}
{ROB4: chs. 24-25, Appendix III}
{TOB: 203}
Anthology of Bahá'u'lláh's Writings,onDivine Assurance, {ESW: 9, 18, 21, 36, 39, 53, 76, 85}calumnies of Azalís, {ROB4: 405}re-revelation of Tablets,
Presence of God, {ROB4: 408}
suffering, {ROB4: 402}
use of force, {ROB4: 377-8}
worthlessness of world, {ROB4: 249}
{ROB4: 372-4}Teachings, exposition of, {ROB4: 371-2}
quotes from His own Writings, {ROB4: 153n.}
Tablet for Hájí Muhammad-Ibráhím, {ROB4: 153n., 405}
To kings and rulers,{ROB4: 388}
Bahá'u'lláh proclaims Himself as King of Kings, {ROB3: 111}
to Napoleon III,{ROB4: 249, 434}to Queen Victoria,
see also To The Kings and Rulers
{ROB4: 434}
see also To The Kings and Rulers
Doubters, {ESW: 131-134, 135}
Exhortations of, {ESW: 22, 23, 24, 29, 38, 75, 93}
Hádíy-i-Dawlat-Ábádí, addressed in,{ROB4: 47}Shaykh Muhammad-Taqí ('The Son of the Wolf', Aqa Najafi), addressed to,
Hájí Mírzá Hádíy-i-Dawlat Ábádí,{ROB1: 251}
{ROB4: 174-6, 412, 435, 438}
{TOB: 42 and n., 43-4, 79}
see also Tarázát{GPB: 201}Writings of The Báb quoted, {ROB4: 47-8}
{ROB4: 79, 175, 314}
{TOB: 203}
God addresses the Son of the Wolf, {ROB4: 371}
prayer for, see Prayers
summons to, {ROB4: 409-12}
see also Lawh-i-Burhán/Muhammad-Báqir (Wolf)
Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh,Kitáb-i-Aqdas, see Kitáb-i-AqdasHalih-Halih-Yá-Bishárat (ode), {ROB1: 211, 219}
Kitáb-i-Íqán, see Kitáb-i-Íqán
Lawh-i-'Abdu'l-Vahháb,{ROB2: 286}Lawh-i-Ahmad (Persian), see Lawh-i-Ahmad
{ROB4: 41}
Lawh-i-Ashraf,Lawh-i-Dunyá (Tablet to Afnán), see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Karmil, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Khalíl (Tablet to Khalíl), {GL: XXXIII, XXXVIII, LXXVII, CXXVII, CXXXVI}
{ROB2: 259-61}Lawh-i-Laylatu'l-Quds (Tablet of the Holy Night), {ROB2: 164, 188-90; quoted 188-9}
Hájí Muhammad-Ibráhím-i-Qazvíní (Khalíl), recipient of {ROB2: 259}
Lawh-i-Mánikchí Sáhib,Lawh-i-Maqsúd, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Nasír (Tablet to Nasír) {GL: LIII, LXXV},{ROB2: 39, 245, 247-55; quoted, 248-9}Lawh-i-Ra'ís (Persian, Tablet to Ra'ís),
{ROB4: 383}
Hájí Muhammad-Nasír of Qazvín, recipient of,{ROB2: 245-7}
{ROB4: 383, 434}
Lawh-i-Salmán (Tablet to Salmán, Tablet to Shaykh), {GL: XXI, CXLVIII, CLIV, CLX}{ROB3: 33-4, 34n., 36, 87, 99n., 100n., 103}
{ROB4: 437}
'Alí Páshá, Muhammad Amin, Grand Vizir, Turkish Prime Minister, addressed to,{GPB: 105, 141, 146}Barracks of 'Akká, referred to, {ROB3: 36}
{ROB1: 225, 227, 244}
{ROB2: 55, 57, 312, 398, 401, 411, 413-14}
{ROB3: 34, 36, 91, 99n., 100n., 109, 419}
Bahá'u'lláh foretells downfall of, {GPB: 208}
fate of, {GPB: 231}
Tablet to, {GPB: 174, 208}
on Turkish Empire, {ROB3: 36-7}
'Show of Sultán Salím', {ROB3: 99 and n., 103}
see also Súriy-i-Ra'ís, Lawh-i-Fu'ád
Lawh-i-Siráj (Tablet of Siráj), {GL: L, XCVII}I,{ROB2: ch. 13, 291}II,
{ROB3: quoted, 89-90}
{ROB4: 172}
Bahá'u'lláh, on His sufferings, {ROB3: 26}
on those who refute arguments of enemies of Faith, {ROB3: 89}
{ROB3: 25-6; quoted, 157}
Shaykh Salmán of Hindíyán, recipient of,{ROB1: 109-113, 255-6}
{ROB2: 67, 168, 208, 263, 283, 384, 400}
{ROB3: 25-6, 174-5 and n.}
{ROB4: 325}
see also Tablet of Madínatu't-Tawhíd
{ROB2: 262-3, 269; quoted, 268}
{ROB3: 89}
Mullá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Siráj, recipient of {ROB2: 262}
Súriy-i-Damm, {ROB2: 236-40}
Súriy-i-Vafá, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Tablet of Madínatu't-Tawhíd (The City of Unity),{ROB1: 109, 113, 116, 117-19; quoted, 118}Tablet of Visitation to Baghdád House (Tablet to Muhammad),
Bahá'u'lláh describes God, {ROB1: 114-16}
Shaykh Salmán of Hindíyán, recipient of, see Lawh-i-Salmán
Nabíl-i-A'zam, recipient of, see Gleanings/Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam
Tablet to 'Alí, {GL: C, CXLII}
Tablet to Constantinople, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
Tablet to Hájí Muhammad Ismá'íl-i-Káshání (Dhabíh)Hájí Muhammad Ismá'íl-i-Káshání, recipient of, see Súriy-i-Ra'ísTablet to Hakim,
Tablet to Husayn,
Tablet to Javád,
Tablet to Kamál,Hájí Mírzá Kamálu'd-Dín, recipient of, see Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám (Tablet of All Food)Tablet to Kings, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Tablet to Queen Victoria
Tablet to Kings of Christendom, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
Tablet to Letter of the Living,see also Letters of the LivingTablet to Minister of Sháh, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
Tablet to Mírzá Hádí-i-Qazvíní, {GL: LXXIII, LXXXIII, CXXIV}{ROB2: 144}Tablet to Muhammad, see Gleanings/Tablet of Visitation to Baghdád House
man's attainments dependent on spiritual capacity, {ROB3: 63-4}
Mírzá Hádí-i-Qazvíní (15th Letter of the Living, son of Mullá 'Abdu'l-Vahháb-i-Qazvíní),The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
see also Letters of the Living
Tablet to Muhammad-'Alí,
Tablet to Mustafá,
Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam,Tablet to Napoleon III (Second), see Tablet to Napoleon III{ROB3: 26-7}
Mullá Muhammad i-Zarandí (Nabíl-i-A'zam, the chronicler), recipient of,{DBNN: 169, 434, 580, 586, 592}
{GPB: 3, 9, 113, 125, 126, 134, 137, 138, 147, 152, 155, 156, 160, 161, 166, 167, 169, 171, 176, 188, 199}
{KA: n172, n178, n179}
{ROB1: 41, 48, 69, 91n., 117n., 131, 132, 202-6, 212, 221, 284}
{ROB2: 59, 114, 140, 166, 236, 240, 276, 293}
{ROB3: 5-10, 56-7, 60, 74, 176-7, 209}
{ROB4: 84, 106-8, 113, 210, 241, 243-4, 329-30}
{TOB: 73}
account of Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 414-17, 418-19}
chosen to select passages for Tablet of Visitation, {GPB: 222}
describes Bahá'u'lláh at His declaration, {GPB: 153}
drowns himself, {GPB: 222}
The Dawn Breakers, his narrative,{KA: n171-n172, n178-n179}poetry about Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 107-8}
{ROB3: 240, 254-5, 419}
quoted, {ROB1: 138, 204-5, 209, 220, 228-9, 265-6, 275-6, 281, 325-6, 327-30}
Tablet revealed in Alexandria, in honour of, {ROB3: 7}
thrown into prison, {GPB: 178}
see also Gleanings/Tablet of Visitation to Baghdád House, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Tablet to Shaykh Mahmúd,{ROB1: 33}Tablet to Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
Shaykh Mahmúd-i-'Arrábí, recipient,{ROB1: 32 and n., 33}
{ROB3: 65-8, 70, 109, 216}
Tablet to Tihrán, {GL: LV, LXIII, LXIV }
Tablet regarding visit to, {GL: LXIII}Tablet to Turkish Ministers, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Misc. Topics,Herald, {GL: 43}
Holy Ghost, {GL: 103}
Poison, {GL: 189}
Rebirth, {GL: 196, 213, 231, 269}
Recompense, {GL: 6, 36, 46, 129, 278}
Sacrifice,{GL: 265}Soliciting, how regarded, {GL: 202}
of Husayn, {GL: 76}
"The Kingdom is God's", {GL: 11, 31, 33, 35, 42, 44, 199, 210, 260, 343}
Writing to defend Cause, {GL: 330}
Hidden Words, The,Húr-i-'Ujáb (The Wondrous Maiden), {ROB1: 211, 218}{GPB: 140}
{KA: n23, n37}
{ROB1: ch. 6, 107n.}
{ROB2: quoted, 31-2, 36, 84, 95, 96-7, 216, 217, 219, 221, 233, 238, 280, 281-2, 350}
{ROB3: quoted, 10, 35, 325, 356-7, 370, 376, 378}
{ROB4: 53, 68, 82, 283, 319, 340, 414, 433}
{SFWAB: 35, 207}
{TOB: 36}
Bahá'u'lláh's reference to,{ROB1: 78}'Hidden Book' of Fátimih,
excerpts from, {ESW: 15, 16}
{ESW: 15, 81, 99, 100}major themes of, {ROB1: 72, 75, 77, 78-80}
{ROB1: 71}
{GPB: 140}
Fátimih (Chaste One), daughter of the Prophet Muhammad,{GPB: 347}
{ROB1: 71-2}
{ROB4: 91n., 433}
{TOB: 206 and n., 213 and n., 214 and n.}
manner of its Revelation, {ROB1: 71}
potential influence of, {ROB1: 77}
terms, see Terms in Holy Writings
various subjects:Bahá'u'lláh's prescription for man, {ROB1: 78-80}
calamity, {ROB1: 79, 149}
Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 80-2}
Covenant of God with man, {ROB1: 72, 79}
death, {ROB1: 79}
detachment,{ROB1: 74-7, 79-80}interpretations of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB1: 80-3}
{ROB4: 68}
love, {ROB1: 79, 80}
prayer at dawn, {ROB1: 79}
pride, {ROB1: 77, 79, 81}
purity of heart, {ROB1: 79}
soul of man, {ROB1: 72-5, 78-80}
Hurúfát-i-'Állín (The Exalted Letters), also titled Musíbát-i-Hurúfát-i-'Álíyát{ROB1: 122-5}Ishráqát, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Mírzá Muhammad-i-Vazír (cousin of Bahá'u'lláh), to memory of {ROB1: 122-3}
Javáhiru'l-Asrár (The Essence of Mysteries), {ROB1: 151-2}
Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Kitáb-i-'Ahdí, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book, Most Great Book, Bahá'u'lláh's Book of Laws, Mother Book),
Kitáb-i-Badí',{ESW: 128, 148}Law(s) of, Ordinances, Precepts,
{GPB: 14, 139, 177, 206, 207, 208, 209, 213-219, 254, 255, 326, 328}
{ROB1: 26, 60, 153, 160, 212, 301; quoted, 47, 124, 134, 280}
{ROB2: 120, 122, 130, 240, 354-5, 389; quoted, 36, 265, 304-5}
{ROB3: 108, 147, 240, 274, chs. 13-17, 399, 400}
{ROB4: 123, 138-9, 160, 212, 399, 400, 417}
{SAQ: 64, 171n, 238}
{SFWAB: 18}
{TOB: 85, 93, 128 and n., 132, 200, 221, 262, 264, 267}
Character of, {KA: viii, 12-16}
Charter of world civilization, {ROB3: 294, 393}
Publication of,circulation gradual, {KA: 8, n126}Relationship to past Dispensations,
original Arabic text, {KA: 9}
translation of,{ROB3: 276n., 283-4}withholding Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {ROB4: 249}
English translation, {KA: vii-viii, 9-11}
anticipated by Prophet Isaiah, see Bahá'u'lláhRelation to World Order, see New World Order of Bahá'u'lláh
anticipated by writer of the Apocalypse, {KA: 12}
embraces all, {KA: 16}
Holy Books of, {KA: 2, 12-13}
Bayán, {KA: 7-8, K142, n108, n109}
laws of, see Abrogation of laws and practices
provisions rest on their foundations, {KA: 1-2}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
Revealed in 'Akká (1873),{GPB: 213-216}Significance,
{KA: 8-9, 12-13, 16, K98, n126}
{ROB3: 274, 393}
circumstances of, {ROB3: 279, 393}
date, {KA: 8, 12, K98, n126}
most signal act of Bahá'u'lláh's ministry, {KA: 12}
see also 'Akká/'Údí Khammár, house of, Bahá'u'lláh/His Revelation
{KA: viii, 1, 12-16, K186}Synopsis and Codification of,
brightest emanation of Author's mind, {KA: 12}
Charter of future world civilization,{KA: 1-2, 12-14, n189}Most Holy Book, {KA: 1, 162}
see also New World Order of Bahá'u'lláh
Mother Book of Bahá'í Dispensation,{GL: 34, 99, 199}"Unerring Balance" established amongst men,
{KA: 1, 11, 12, K103, n129}
{ROB3: 147, 164, 275}
{TOB: 21, 48, 51, 52, 74, 75, 104, 244, 247}
{KA: 13, 15}
Balance, Book of God as, {KA: 15, K99, K148, K183}
{GPB: 411}
{KA: vii-viii, 141-164}
{ROB3: 284}
Statements by Bahá'u'lláh,{KA: 2-9, 12-16, 145-162}
{ROB3: 276ff., 281, 292-4, 295-8}
{ROB4: 114, 116, 299-300, 321, 421, 423, 433}
"Govern three areas", {KA: 4}
Abrogation of laws and practices, Annulment of laws,{KA: 4, 159}antecedents, {KA: n16, n20, n93, n168}
supersede former laws and customs,{KA: 1-2, K138, n93}see also Relationship to past Dispensations
relation to laws of the Báb,{KA: 7-8, K65, K129, K139-K142, K179, n108-n109, n163, n168}
see also Bayán
application, Implementation of laws,
mutatis mutandis, to men and women equally, {KA: 7, n38, n133}binding on every Bahá'í and Bahá'í institution, {KA: 6-7}
progressive, {KA: 5-7, n89, n126}
in relation to Civil Law, {KA: 6}
brevity, {KA: 4-7}
Burial, Funeral, Graves,{KA: 157}central themes, {KA: 4, 13-15}
burial rings, {KA: K128-K129, Q70, n149}
coffin,{KA: K128, n149}cremation prohibited, {KA: n149}
of Concrete, {KA: n149}
Wood for, {KA: K128, n149}
expenses, {KA: K28, Q9, Q69, n47}
one hour's journey, {KA: K130, Q16, n149, n152}
shroud, cloths, sheets, {KA: K130, Q56, n149, n151}
see also Prayer for the Dead
characterized by Bahá'u'lláh,{KA: 15-16}Commandments of God, {KA: n188}
breath of life, {KA: 16, K2}
hearts will rejoice through, {KA: K96}
keys of mercy, {KA: K3}
lamps of loving providence, {KA: K3, K29}
Most Great Law, {KA: K81}
not mere code of laws, {KA: 3, K5}
Water of Life, {KA: K29}
weightiest testimony unto all people, {KA: 3}
designed for future state of society, {KA: 5-6, n78, n86}
by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: 8-9, 91-92}embedded in spiritual commentary, {KA: 2}
by Universal House of Justice see Bahá'í Faith
supplementary to the Kitáb-i-Aqdas,{KA: viii, 8-9, 91-102}
Questions and Answers, on the laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas,{GPB: 219, 383}Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
{KA: vii, viii, 9, 103-140}
{ROB1: 26}
{ROB3: 278-9, 284}
Zaynu'l-'Ábidín, Mullá (surnamed Zaynu'l-Muqarrabín), compilation made by,{ROB1: 25-6}
{ROB2: 69, 335-6}
{ROB3: 223, 278, 359}
{ROB4: 105, 244}
{SFWAB: 99} {TOB: 133 and n.}
enjoins, prescribes,amity with followers of all religions,Exemptions from,{KA: 14, K144}Monogamy, see Marriage
{ROB3: 369}
not viewed as prohibitions, {KA: n20, n55}Fasting,
see Fasting, Huqúq'u'lláh, Prayer(s), Pilgrimage
{GL: 337}forbids,
{GPB: 214}
{KA: 4, 14, K10, K16, 148-149}
{KI: 39-40}
{ROB2: 397}
{ROB3: 115, 281, 286, 293, 362}
{ROB4: 9}
{SFWAB: 69-70}
{TOB: 109}
age of maturity for, {KA: K10, 148, n13, n25}
Bayán, laws of, confirmed, amplified or modified by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: n20, n26}
conditions,{KA: 148-149}duration, {KA: K16-K17, 148, n26-n27}
abstinence from food and drink,{KA: K17, n25, n32}
includes smoking, {KA: n32}
during days other than prescribed, {KA: Q71, 149}
exemptions from, due to
age, {KA: K10, 149, n14, n25, n31}nearness to God, through, {KA: n25}
Bahá'í Holy Days, {KA: Q36, n138}
illness, {KA: K10, K16, Q93, 149, n14, n31}
hard labour, {KA: Q76, 149, n31}
menstruation, {KA: K13, 149, n20, n31, n34}
pregnancy and nursing, {KA: K16, 149, n31}
traveling, {KA: K16, Q22, Q75, 148-149, n30-n31}
verses alternative to, {KA: K13, n34}
prayer for, see Prayer(s)
significance, {KA: K17, Q76, Q93, 148, n25}
time for, definition,hours, {KA: K17, n17, n25}see also Naw-Rúz, Twin Holy Birthdays, Declaration of The Báb, Prayer(s)
Sunrise, {KA: K17, n25, n32}
Morning, {KA: K17, n25, n32}
Sunset, {KA: K17, n25, n32}
Evening, {KA: K17, n25, n32}
Night, {KA: K10, K17, n25, n32}
see also 'Alá'AbuseHuqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faithphysical, {KA: K56, K148, n81}Confession of Sins, Faults,
verbal, {KA: K19, 91, n37}
{KA: 2, K34, 158, n58}Contention and Violence, see Contention
{ROB3: 353}
{TOB: 24-5}
Absolution of sins, {KA: K34, n58}
see also Bishárát
Drinking, Liquors, Alcohol,{GPB: 214}Gambling, Games of chance, Raffles,
{KA: 14, K119, n2, n144, n170}
use of, {SFWAB: 149, 150}
see also Intoxicants, Wine
{GPB: 214}Habit-forming Drugs,
{KA: 14, K155, 158, n169}
Lotteries, {KA: n169}
{GPB: 214}Interpretation by followers, {ROB3: 374}
{KA: 14, K155, K190, n170}
{ROB3: 282, 439}
{SFWAB: 148-50}
Cannabis, Hashish, Heroin, LSD, Marijuana, Opium, Peyote, {KA: n170}
Intoxicants, {KA: 14, K119, 158, n2, n144, n170}
Prevention of opium use, {SFWAB: 149}
Tobacco,{ROB3: 437-9}see also Alcohol
use of, {SFWAB: 147-50}
Monasticism, see Clergy
Penance, {GPB: 214}
Slave Trading, see Slavery
Inheritance, Estate, Heirs,{GPB: 214}institutions ordained by,
{KA: 4, 14, K20, Q5, 153-56, n38}
{ROB3: 281, 330}
absence of heirs, missing heirs, Intestacy,
{KA: n38, n136}allocation of shares and property,
children,female, {KA: Q37, Q54, n42}inheritance law applies only in case of, {KA: n38}
male, {KA: K26, Q41, Q72, n42, n45}
other categories, {KA: K22-K24}
reversion to House of Justice,{KA: K24, Q100, n42}teachers, {KA: Q28, Q33}
children's allocation, {KA: K21, Q7}
Local Houses of Justice, {KA: K21-K22, Q6-Q7, Q28, Q33, Q41, Q72, Q100, 154-156, n38-n39, n42-n44}
male heirs' allocation, {KA: Q41, Q72, n44}
other categories' allocation, {KA: K22-K23, Q28, n38, n43}
{KA: K20, Q5, n38}Bayán, laws of, confirmed, amplified or modified by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K20, Q100, 153, n38, n41}
brothers,{KA: K20, Q5, Q6, Q53, n38, n39}children,
half-brothers, {KA: Q6, Q53, n39}
{KA: K20, K22, K29, Q5, Q28, Q33, n38, n41}cousins, {KA: K23, n38}
female, daughter(s), {KA: K23, Q37, Q41, Q54, Q72, n38, n44-n45}
male, son(s),{KA: K25, n44}under age, {KA: K27, n46}
eldest, {KA: n38, n44, n66}
father, {KA: K20, Q5, n38}
grandchildren, {KA: K26, n45}
mother, {KA: K20, Q5, n38}
nephews and nieces, {KA: K23, n38}
Non-Bahá'í(s), {KA: Q34, n38, n158}
sisters,{KA: K20, Q5, n38}spouse, {KA: K20, Q5, Q55, n38}
half-sisters, {KA: Q6, Q53, n39}
teachers,{KA: K20, Q5, n38, n40}uncles and aunts, {KA: K23, n38}
{ROB3: 330}
non-Bahá'í, do not inherit, {KA: Q33}
clothing, distribution of,{KA: K25, n44}debts, payment of, {KA: K28, Q9, Q69, Q80, n47}
used, of deceased woman, {KA: Q37, Q78, n44}
funeral and burial expenses, {KA: K28, Q9, n47}
God, Bounties of, evidenced by provisions of inheritance, {KA: K29, Q100}
Huqúq'u'lláh, payment of, see Bahá'í Faith
jewelry, {KA: Q37, Q78, n44}
non-Bahá'í relatives and intestacy, {KA: Q34, n38}
residence, principle, {KA: K25, Q34, n44}
trustees, appointment for underage inheritors, {KA: K27, n46}
Will and testament, {KA: K109, Q69, n38, n137}
{KA: 3-7, 13-14}integrity, seals affixed, {KA: K117, n143}
Guardianship, see Shoghi Effendi
House of Justice, see House(s) of Justice
law of God, {ROB3: 292-3, 297}
law of Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
Murder, punishment for, see Crime(s)
obedience to, observance of
{KA: K1}particular to men see Men
all are charged with, {KA: Q10}
benefits, {KA: K7, K67, K97, K148}
brings True Liberty,{GL: 92, 96, 99, 216, 260, 335, 336}enjoined, {KA: K17, K29, K62, K67, K71, K147, K148, Q10}
{GPB: 215}
{KA: 15, K122-K125, 163}
{ROB3: 298-300}
{TOB: 84, 89, 162}
moderation, {TOB: 169}
linked with recognition of manifestation of God, {KA: K1}
love of God as motive for, {KA: K4, 163}
negligence,{KA: K40, K134, K171}wisdom enjoined, {KA: 6}
warned against, {KA: K17, K30, K45, K106, K134, K138, K171, Q105, 160}
particular to women see Women
Prohibitions, {KA: 4, 14, 16, 157-158}
purpose(s),{KA: 2-3}Statutes of, {KA: 15-16}
establishment of love, harmony, unity, {KA: K65, K70}
maintenance of order and security, {KA: K2}
protection and elevation of human station, {KA: K45, K97, K123-K125, K155, Q105}
summarized, {GPB: 214}
their implementation, {ROB3: 282, 286}
transgression forbidden, {KA: K2, K29, K30, K107}
Misc. Topics,Abasement, {KA: K138, K158, n57, n58, n171}
Addresses, Summons of Bahá'u'lláh to,Human race, {KA: K59}Admonitions, {KA: 162}
Kings and rulers:{GL: CV}Mírzá Yahyá, see Yahyá, Mírzá
{KA: K82}
{ROB3: 147-8, 156}
Francis Joseph (Franz Josef), Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary,{GPB: 208}Kaiser William I (Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig), Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia,
{KA: 15, K85, 162, n116}
{ROB3: 150}
fate of, {GPB: 226}
reproved by Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 208}
{GPB: 208, 218, 226}Presidents of American Republics,
{KA: 15, K86, 162, n117-n118}
{ROB3: 113, 148-9}
{GPB: 207}see also To The Kings and Rulers
{KA: 15, K88}
{ROB3: 155-6}
People of Bahá, {KA: K84}
Religious leaders, divines,{GPB: 209}Summons to specific individuals and peoples, {KA: 15, 162-164}
{KA: K104}
{ROB3: 163-5, 240}
see also To The Kings and Rulers, Clergy
Allegory, {KA: n2, n121, n127, n130}
Allusion(s), {KA: 164}
Anger,{KA: K153, 161}Antiques, {KA: n166}
not to lose Temper, {KA: K153, 91-92, 161}
care of, {KA: K155, n104, n144, n170}Business,
desires of the flesh, {KA: K2, K58, K64, n25}
respect for,{KA: n149}Feet, Foot,
see also Burial
travel on, {KA: Q75, n153}Head, Hair,
washing of, see Cleanliness
Beard(s),Hand(s),{KA: K159, 159, n175}Face see Ablutions, Qiblih
{TOB: 23}
Hair does not invalidate prayer, {KA: K9, 148, n12}
Hair length, {KA: K44, n69}
shaving the head, {KA: K44, Q10, 158, n68, n69}
kissing,Nails, paring, {KA: K106, 162}{KA: 14, K34, 157, n57}plunging into food, {KA: K46, 158, n73}
{ROB2: 266n}
washing of see Ablutions
Semen, {KA: K74, 159, n103}
see also Cleanliness, Illness, Physicians
investment in, financial, {KA: K27}Claim to Revelation,
place of, exempt from Huqúq, {KA: Q95}
{KA: K37, n62}Concepts, human, {KA: n93, n181}
by Mírzá Yahyá, see Yahyá, Mírzá
Crystal, {KA: K50, K128, n15, n149}
Customs,redefined and take on new meaning, {KA: n93}Debasement, {KA: K123}
see also Hadíth, Religion(s), Religious traditions
Deceit, {KA: K165}
Denounces,hypocrisy in religion, {ROB3: 355}Desire,
Turkish regime, {ROB3: 123, 151-2}
corrupt, selfish, see SelfDevelopment, social and economic, {KA: K160, n53}
earthly, {KA: K89}
Passion(s), {KA: K2, K41, K64, K89, K184, 161}
wilderness of, {KA: K107}
Differences,between marriage partners, {KA: K69-K70, Q19, n100}Disbelief,
between people, {KA: K35}
between revealed verses, {KA: Q57, Q63, n109}
Disagreement, {KA: Q19, Q99}
resolution by reference to Sacred Text, {KA: K53}
{KA: K141}Discord, {KA: 92}
see also Recognition, Rejection
Discrimination, {KA: 14}
Disorder, spread not, {KA: K165}
Domestic help, Servant, {KA: K63, Q30, 157, n90}
Effigies, {KA: K31}
Eternity, {KA: K182}
exhortation(s),{KA: 4, 14-15, 143, 156-162, K50, K55, K132, K134, K135, K136, K157, K183, n155, n172}Expenses, {KA: K28, K69, Q47, Q69, n47, n125}
to clergy, {KA: K41, K100, K102, K165, K166}
to followers in, {GPB: 214, 215}
to kings, {KA: K82, K85, K86}
to people of Bayán, {KA: K137, K138, K139, K140, K141, K179}
first duty of human being, {KA: K1}
Family,{KA: n76, n91, n133}Foolishness, {KA: K51, K89, K178}
bedrock of society, {KA: n134}
Descendants,{KA: Q6, n38}Father,
Birthright of eldest son, {KA: K25, n44}
of Bahá'u'lláh,{KA: n66}of Muhammad, {KA: n85}
see also Aghsán
{KA: K45, K107, n133}Forefathers, {KA: K10, K180}
instruction of son and daughter enjoined on, {KA: K48, Q105, n76}
son should serve, {KA: Q104}
Mother, first educator,{KA: n76}see also Inheritance, Marriage
mothers, importance of, {SFWAB: 124, 125, 126, 138, 139}
Forbearance, {KA: 14, K153}
Godliness, {KA: K108, Q106}
healing and medicine, see Lawh-i-Tibb
Harm,{KA: K123, K155, Q94, n170}Head of the Faith,
see also Bahá'í Faith/opposition to, Bahá'u'lláh/His sufferings
{KA: n66, n125}Heroes, {KA: K94}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Universal House of Justice, Shoghi Effendi
His Covenant and succession, Bahá'u'lláh's successor, see Covenant, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Mírzá Yahyá, Ahmad-i-Ahsá'í, Shaykh
Homemaking, {KA: n56}
Hospitality, {KA: 14, K16, K57, n29, n82}
entering without permission of owner, {KA: K145, 158}Imposter, {KA: K37}
furnishings, renewal, {KA: K151, Q8, Q42, Q95, 162, n166}
Sacred, Twin, see Holy Places and Historical Sites
Indulgence,in carrying out laws, {KA: K45, 160}Invitations, {KA: K156, 161}
of passions, {KA: K2, K64, 161}
see also Negligence
Jewellery,{KA: Q37, Q78, n44, n166}Journey,
see also Inheritance
Night, of Muhammad, {KA: n128}Judicial officer, religious, {KA: Q98}
of soul towards God, {KA: n92, n128, n149}
see also Travel
Káf (the letter),{KA: n188}lamentation,
see also Land of Káf and Rá
{KA: K43, 161}Lost property, {KA: Q17, 157}
of Berlin see Berlin
Lust, {KA: K64}
Marketplace,{KA: K108, n135}Material means, to make use of, {KA: K66, K113, 163}
see also Public places
Maturity, age of, Adult, Coming of age,for Bahá'í administrative purposes, {KA: n49}Medicine,
for betrothal and marriage, {KA: Q43, Q92, 150}
for performance of religious duties,{KA: Q20, Q92, 146, n13, n25}under-age inheritors, {KA: K27, n46}
Prayer for the Dead and burial rings, see Prayer(s)
see also Human race, coming of age
{KA: n144, n170}Middle Way, {KA: K43}
see also Physicians
Neighbor,behaviour towards, {KA: 2, 159, 161, n163}Oppression,
treat neighbour as self, {TOB: 64}
{KA: K73, K88, K148, n170}Philanthropy,
see also Bahá'u'lláh/His sufferings, Tyranny
{KA: n125}Power,
see also Huqúq'u'lláh, Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Zakát
of God see GodPretender, {KA: K37, K117, K184, n190}
of kings, {KA: K86, K93, n118}
rational, {KA: n130}
of the tongue, {KA: K160}
Problems,personal, {KA: n52}Promise(s),
solution of, {KA: 91}
of Divine assistance, {KA: K38, K53, K74, 164}Reciting verses of God,
fulfillment of promise, {KA: K35, K80, K156, n160}
obligation to fulfill, {KA: K67, K156}
see also Promised One, Progressive Revelation
{ROB3: 323-4}Relief of poor or suffering, see Poverty
in Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, {ROB3: 343-4}
Radiance, attitude enjoined when reading Writings, {KA: K149, Q68, n165}
Remembrance of God, {KA: K40, K43}
Reproofs, {KA: 162}
Respect for people of learning and accomplishment, {KA: n110}
Reversal, Great,{DBNN: 202}Sea of Purification, {KA: K75, n106}
{KA: K157, n171, n172}
Silver,utensils, {KA: K46, 159, n72}Six Year Plan, {KA: vii}
see also Dowry
Sovereign, Sign of the, {KA: K157, n171}
Spot, in reference to,'Akká, {KA: K37, K81, K100, n63, n127}Standing,
Baghdád, {KA: K133, Q32, n154}
Constantinople, {KA: K89, n120}
Garden of Ridván, {KA: n107}
Qiblih, {KA: K6, n7, n8}
Shíráz, {KA: K133, Q32, n154}
to deliver talks, {KA: n168}State, matters of,
movements of Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)
for recitation of Prayer for the Dead, see Prayer(s)
{KA: 91}Stewards, Chief,
see also House(s) of Justice
{KA: n183}Study of
see also Hands of the Cause
arts and sciences, {KA: K77, 160, n110}teaching His Faith, {ROB3: 331, 383}
Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {KA: viii, 7}
languages, {KA: K118, 161}
teachings, {KA: K149, K182}
see also Language(s), Interpretation of Sacred Text
tribute to the 'learned', {ROB4: 38}
Trustees, see Trustees
Unanimity in decision-making, {KA: Q99, n52}
'We are with You at all times', {ROB3: 383}
Writings of The Báb quoted,{ROB3: 305-7}Writings of Shaykh Muhammad-Hasan, {KA: n178}
Relationship to Bayán, see Bayán
Next Manifestation of God, see Manifestation(s) of God
pride, {ROB3: 369-70}
prophecies,{ROB3: 398}saintly life and character, {ROB3: 356-7}
future Bahá'í sovereigns, {ROB3: 159}
standards set for Bahá'ís in Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {GPB: 214-215}
Statements by Shoghi Effendi,{ROB3: 274, 281-2, 286, 294, 400, 420}Tihrán, {GL: LVI}
summary of contents, significance of, {GPB: 213-216}
virtues, {ROB3: 356-7}
{ROB1: 102, 250, 279}Kitáb-i-Íqán (The Book of Certitude),
{ROB2: ch. 17, 373-82}
Mírzá Mihdíy-i-Gílání, addressed to {ROB2: 370, 381}
Lawh-i-Ahbáb (Tablet of the Friends),{ESW: 119}
{GPB: 138, 139, 172}
{KA: n180, n182}
{ROB1: ch. 10, 152, 263, 332, see also Table of Contents}
{ROB2: 52, 68-70, 101, 219-20, 370; quoted, 232}
{ROB3: 39, 93, 98, 117, 245, 275, 302-3, 334, quoted 95}
{ROB4: 95, 136, 140, 152, 154, 207, 213, 295, 322, 329, 385, 421, 427-8, 438}
{SAQ: 110, 110n, 289}
{TOB: 210}
dissemination of, {ROB1: 160}
effect on reader, {ROB1: 158-9, 161-2}
former title (Risáliy-i-Khál), {ROB1: 158}
Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Karím Khán-i-Kirmání, Hájí Mírzá Karím Khán, admonished in,{KA: K170, 164, n182}Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Muhammad (uncle of The Báb), recipient of,
{KI: 184, 190}
{ROB1: 186n., Appendix IV}
{ROB2: 390, 438}
{ROB3: 255}
{ROB2: 69, 71}importance of, {ROB1: 153, 197}
Bahá'u'lláh addresses,{ROB1: 186-9; also 180, 189, 198n.}
{ROB4: 329}
original copy, {ROB1: 159}
revealed in two days and two nights, {GPB: 138}
summary of contents, significance of, {GPB: 138, 139}
various subjects:Beginning That Hath No Beginning, {KI: 161, 163, 167, 168}written for a Muslim, {ROB1: 162}
contentment, {ROB1: 187}
End That Hath No End, {KI: 161, 167, 168}
fellowship with righteous, {ROB1: 187}
interpretation of former Scriptures, {ROB1: 162, 164-6, 171-2}
knowledge, {ROB1: 172-3, 185-6}
Life, true, {KI: 114, 120-21}
love, {ROB1: 187}
pride, {ROB1: 187}
purity of heart, {ROB1: 172, 187}
'seal' on Holy Books, see Terms in Holy Writings
unity of religions, {ROB1: 160-61}
Zíyárat, {KI: 240}
See also Certitude, Detachment, Spirit, Holy, Manifestations of God, Báb, The/Qá'im, True SeekerLawh-i-Ahmad (Tablet of Ahmad),{ROB3: 258-9}
holy and dedicated souls will arise, {ROB3: 259}
Mullá Muhammad-Sádiq-i-Khurásání (Mullá Sádiq, Muqaddas, Ismu'lláhu'l-Asdaq), Hand of the Cause of God, recipient of,{ROB1: 92-3}on human character, {ROB3: 259}
{ROB2: 110, 293n., 388}
{ROB3: 62-3, 253-60, 266-7}
{ROB4: 286, 301}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, Statements on, {ROB3: 259-60}
arrested and tortured, {GPB: 10}
conversion of, {DBNN: 100, 145, 184}
father of Hand of the Cause Ibn-i-Asdaq,{ROB3: 266}
see Hands of the Cause of God/Ibn-i-Asdaq
on His sufferings, {ROB3: 259}
on teaching, {ROB3: 259}
Lawh-i-Aqdas, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláhArabic,{GPB: 172}Persian, {GL: CLII, CLIII}
{ROB1: 66, 294}
{ROB2: ch. 5, 116, 119-20; quoted, 123, 126}
{ROB3: 257}
{ROB4: 141}
Ahmad-i-Yazdí, recipient of,{ROB2: 107-16}on steadfastness, {ROB4: 141}
{ROB3: 257}
{ROB2: ch. 6; quoted, 139, 143-4, 147-8, 150}
Hájí Mírzá Ahmad, recipient of, {ROB2: 137}
Lawh-i-Ard-i-Bá, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Áyiy-i-Núr (Tablet of The Verse of Light),Lawh-i-Ayyúb, see Súriy-i-Sabralso titled Tafsír-i-Hurúfát-i-Muqatta'ih (Interpretation of the Isolated Letters),
Alif, Lám, Mím, {KI: 202}
{ROB1: 125-8}
Mírzá Áqáy-i-Rikáb-Sáz, recipient of,{DBNN: 156}
{ROB1: 125}
Lawh-i-Bahá,{ROB2: 171, 179-80}Lawh-i-Bulbulu'l-Firáq (Tablet of the Nightingale of Bereavement), {ROB1: 244-5}
Khátún Ján, revealed in honour of,{ROB2: 171-80}
Hájí Asadu'lláh, father of, {DBNN: 281}
Lawh-i-Burhán, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Dunyá, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Fitnih (Tablet of the Test),{ROB1: 128-9, 135-6}Lawh-i-Fu'ád,
Princess Shams-i-Jihán (entitled Fitnih), recipient of {ROB1: 128-9}
Lawh-i-Ghulámu'l-Khuld (Tablet of The Youth of Paradise), {ROB1: 211, 213-14}
Lawh-i-Haft Pursish (Tablet of Seven Questions), {ROB3: 272; quoted, 272}
Lawh-i-Hawdaj (Tablet of the Howdah),{GPB: 157}Lawh-i-Hikmat, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB2: 6-7, 16}
Lawh-i-Hirtík (Tablet of Hirtík), {ROB3: 29-30}
Lawh-i-Húríyyih (Tablet of the Maiden),{ROB1: 125}Lawh-i-Ittihád (Tablet of Unity),
{ROB3: 223}
{ROB4: 191-6}Lawh-i-Karmil, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
on power of unity, {ROB4: 194-5}
Muvását (Equality) is noblest quality of man, {ROB4: 195}
Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám (Tablet of All Food),{ROB1: 55-60 passim}Lawh-i-Malláhu'l-Quds (Tablet of The Holy Mariner),
Hájí Mírzá Kamálu'd-Dín, recipient of,{ROB1: 55-6, 60, 260n.}see also World/spiritual worlds of God
see also Gleanings/Tablet to Kamál
{GPB: 140, 147-8, 157}Lawh-i-Maqsúd, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB1: prologue, ch. 14}
{ROB2: 6}
{SFWAB: 314}
Lawh-i-Mubáhilih, quoted, {ROB2: 293 and n.}
Lawh-i-Nuqtih, {ROB2: 397}
Lawh-i-Pisar 'Amm (Tablet to the Cousin), {ROB3: 216-18}
Lawh-i-Qad Ihtaraqa'l-Mukhlisún or Lawh-i-Ihtiráq (The Fire Tablet),{ROB2: 275 and n}Lawh-i-Qiná' (Tablet of the Veil), {ROB1: 334 and n.}
{ROB3: 226-30, 231; quoted, 228, 229}
Hájí Siyyid 'Alí-Akbar-i-Dahají, recipient of,{ROB2: 275}
{ROB3: 226-7}
Lawh-i-Ra'ís, see Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Ridván,Lawh-i-Rúh (Tablet of the Spirit),{ROB2: 181-8 passim, 260; major themes of, 181, 186, 187}Lawh-i-Ru'yá (Tablet of Vision),
see also Adrianople/Ridá Big, house of
{ROB3: 223-4}Lawh-i-Salmán, see Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB4: 417}
Lawh-i-Sayyáh, (Tablet of Sayyáh),Lawh-i-Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahají, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Lawh-i-Sultán, see To The Kings and Rulers
Lawh-i-Tibb (Tablet of Medicine),Lawh-i-Tuqá, {ROB2: 397}
Madínatu'r-Ridá (City of Radiant Acquiescence), {ROB1: 108-9}
Madínatu't-Tawhíd, see Gleanings/Tablet of Madínatu't-Tawhíd
Mathnavíy-i-Mubárak,{ROB2: ch. 2 passim}Musíbát-i-Hurúfát-i-'Álíyát, see Hurúfát-i-'Állín
{ROB4: 232}
Nafahát-i-Quds,God would be pleased if Arabic chosen as Universal Auxiliary Language, {ROB4: 159}Nightingale and the Crow, The, {ROB2: 241-5}
Prayers and Meditations by Bahá'u'lláh,Qasídiy-i-'Izz-i-Varqá'íyyih, Qasídiy-i-Varqá'íyyih,{ROB1: 62-4, 84-5}Questions and Answers, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
{ROB3: 206}
{ROB4: 390}
Rashh-i-'Amá (poem),{ROB1: 45-6, 51}Ridvánu'l-Iqrár, {ROB2: 397}
Bahá'u'lláh, on His Revelation, {ROB4: 406}
Sahífiy-i-Shattíyyih (Book of the River), {ROB1: 105-8}
Sáqí-Az-Ghayb-i-Baqá (poem),{ROB1: 64}Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys, The,
{ROB2: 141}
Seven Valleys, The,Shikkar-Shikan-Shavand,Four Valleys, The,{GPB: 121, 140, 260, 383}
{ROB1: ch. 8, 151}
{ROB2: 26}
{ROB4: 142, 181}
Shaykh Muhyi'd-Dín, the judge of Khániqayn, recipient of,{ROB1: 96}1. Search, {ROB1: 96}
{SVFV: xii}
2. Love, {ROB1: 96-8}
3. Knowledge, {ROB1: 98-9}
4. Unity, {ROB1: 99}
5. Contentment, {ROB1: 99-101}
6. Wonderment, {ROB1: 101}
7. True Poverty and Absolute Nothingness, {ROB1: 101}
{GPB: 122, 140}
{ROB1: 104}
Shaykh 'Abdu'r-Rahmán-i-Karkúkí, recipient of,{ROB1: 62, 104}
{SVFV: xiii}
{ROB1: 147-50}Subhána-Rabbíya'l-A'lá,
Siyyid Mírzá Husayn-i-Mutavallí, addressed to,{ROB1: 147, 149-50}
betrays Quddús to enemy, {DBNN: 384, 398}
{ROB1: 211-13}Subhánika-Yá-Hú or Lawh-i-Náqús (Tablet of the Bell), {ROB2: 18-19, 23-4}
Hájí Mírzá Músáy-i-Javáhirí (owner of residence of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád), recipient of,{ROB1: 211, 212-13}
{ROB2: 329}
Hájí Mírzá Hádí, father of, {ROB1: 211}
Súratu'lláh (Súrih of God), {ROB1: 244-5}
Súriy-i-Ahzán, {ROB2: 397}
Súriy-i-Amr (Tablet of Command), {ROB2: 161-2, prologue}
Súriy-i-Asháb (Tablet of Companions),{ROB1: 286}Súriy-i-Ayyúb, {DBNN: 477}
{ROB2: ch. 4; 65, 72-7, 84, 86-7}
Súriy-i-Bayán, {ROB2: 397}
Súriy-i-Ghusn (Tablet of the Branch),{ROB1: 135}Súriy-i-Hajj (Tablet of Pilgrimage),
{ROB2: ch. 18}
{GPB: 177}Súriy-i-Haykal, see To The Kings and Rulers
{KA: Q10, n54, n68}
{ROB1: 212}
I and II, {ROB2: 240}
Súriy-i-Hijr, {ROB2: 397}
Súriy-i-'Ibád (Tablet of the Servants), {ROB2: 272-4}
Súriy-i-Mulúk, see To The Kings and Rulers
Súriy-i-Nush, {ROB1: 137, 142, 146}
Súriy-i-Qadír (Tablet of the Omnipotent), {ROB1: 119-22}
Súriy-i-Qalam, {ROB2: 397}
Súriy-i-Qamís, {ROB2: 397}
Súriy-i-Ra'ís, (Arabic)
Súriy-i-Sabr (Tablet of Patience), also titled Lawh-i-Ayyúb (Tablet of Job),{GL: 39}
{ROB2: 411-17; quoted, 414, 415}
{ROB3: 34 and n., 87, 100n., 109, 123; quoted, 151}
'Álí Páshá, Grand Vizir, Turkish Prime Minister, addressed to, see Lawh-i-Ra'ís
Hájí Muhammad Ismá'íl-i-Káshání (Dhabíh - Sacrifice, Anís - Companion), recipient of,{DBNN: 168}see also Lawh-i-Fu'ád
{ROB2: 137, 411-13}
{ROB3: 99, 100n.}
see also Tablet to Hájí Muhammad Ismá'íl-i-Káshání (Dhabíh){ROB1: 141 and n., 263-73 passim}Tablet for 'Abdu'r-Rahím of Bushrú'íyyih,
effect upon Bábís, {ROB1: 271-2}
Hájí Muhammad-Taqí of Nayríz (entitled Ayyúb), recipient of, {ROB1: 139-41, 263-4, 268-9 and n.}
see also Job
{ROB3: 60-61}Tablet of Ahmad, see Lawh-i-Ahmad
'Abdu'r-Rahím of Bushrú'íyyih, {ROB3: 59-63}
Tablet of Carmel, see Lawh-i-Karmil
Tablet of Ihtiráq (Fire Tablet), see Lawh-i-QadIhtaraqa'l-Mukhlisún
Tablet of Medicine, see Lawh-i-Tibb
Tablet of Ridván, see Lawh-i-Ridván
Tablet of Ru'yá, see Lawh-i-Ru'yá
Tablet of Salmán, see Lawh-i-Salmán
Tablet of Sayyáh, see Lawh-i-Sayyáh
Tablet of Siráj, see Lawh-i-Siráj
Tablet of The Holy Mariner, see Lawh-i-Malláhu'l-Quds
Tablet of Visitation,Tablet to Badí',Bahá'u'lláh and The Báb,{PM: 310-313}see also Haifa/'Abdu'l-Bahá/Tablet of Visitation
{ROB1: 30, 206 and n.}
{ROB4: 419}
see also Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam/Mullá Muhammad i-Zarandí,Tablet to Hájí 'Abdu'l-Majíd,{ROB3: 179-80, 183, 184, 199-200, 203}
Áqá Buzurg of Khurásán, Badí' ('Wonderful'), Fakhru'sh-Shuhadá ('Pride of Martyrs'),{GPB: 199, 233}
{ROB2: 97, 128, 339}
{ROB3: 75, 176ff., 192, 198-203}
{ROB4: 39, 73, 299, 305, 386, 435}
Bahá'u'lláh extols, {ROB3: 179-80, 184, 198-9}
in interviews with Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 241}
Martyrdom of, {ROB3: 186-91, 198-203}
'Salt of My Tablets', {ROB3: 199ff.}
Tablet to Hájí Siyyid Javád-i-Karbilá'í,Tablet to Rada'r-Rúh,Tablet to Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahají, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Tablet to The Times,{ROB3: 195}Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh revealed after the Kitáb-i-Aqdas,
{ROB4: 348-50}
{KA: 9, 89}Tajallíyát, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB4: 33, 118, 167, 227-38}
Asl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr, (Words of Wisdom),{GPB: 383}Bishárát (Glad-Tidings)
quoted, {ROB2: 96}
Ishráqát (Splendours),{GPB: 216}
{KA: n58, n61, n173}
{ROB4: 116, 158, 159, ch. 10, 168}
{SFWAB: 35, 61}
on a true believer, {ROB4: 161-2}
on auxiliary language, {ROB4: 159-60}
on confession,{ROB4: 164}on monasticism, see Clergy
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
on unacceptable actions, {ROB4: 161}
quotes from His own, {ROB4: 162}
quoted, {ROB3: 353}
Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih (Words of Paradise),{ESW: 26}
{GPB: 216, 383}
{KA: 89, 91-92, n75, n109}
{ROB3: 270n.; quoted, 219, 319}
{ROB4: 18, 116, ch. 9, 162, 168, 405}
{SFWAB: 35, 61}
'Abdu'l-Bahá interprets, {ROB4: 147}
contains passage from Tablet to,Hájí Mírzá Buzurg-i-Afnán, see TarázátHájí Jalíl-i-Khu'í, addressed to,
Hájí Muhammad-Ibráhím (Muballigh), see Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
{ROB4: 145-7, 149}on auxiliary language, {ROB4: 159-60}
{TOB: 106 and n., 117, 121, 122, 124, 131}
on human character, {ROB3: 219-20}
on infallibility, see Infallibility
on Islámic prophecies, {ROB4: 153-4}
on steadfastness, {ROB4: 141}
on Trustworthiness, {ROB4: 17-18, 437}
quotes from His own, {ROB4: 162}
Kitáb-i-'Ahdí (The Book of My Covenant, Book of the Covenant, Book of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant, Book of His Covenant, Crimson Book, Epistle of the Covenant, Will and Testament of Bahá'u'lláh, Most Great Tablet),{GPB: 216}
{KA: n61}
{ROB4: 117, 175-6, 196, ch. 15, 374}
{SFWAB: 35, 61}
Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí ('Angel of Carmel'), revealed in honour of,{KA: K80, n114}on fear of God, {ROB4: 28}
{ROB1: 28-9}
{ROB2: 68-73, 77, 194-202, 332, 340, 370, 438-50}
{ROB3: 181, 352}
{ROB4: 214, 258, 270-3, 323, 325-6, 432}
{TOB: 57 and n., 70, 74, 243-4}
Bihjatu's-Sudúr, memoirs of,{ROB3: 99-104, 182, 183-4, 218-19, 248-9, 335-6, 377, 397-8, 401-2, 434-5}met by Hájí Muhammad-i-Yazdí, see Muhammad-i-Yazdí, Hájí
reminiscences of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 4-5, 14-15}
reminiscences of Varqá and Rúhu'lláh, {ROB4: 60-3}
on the Person of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 135-6}
teaching work of, {ROB4: 238, 270-3}
quoted, {ROB2: 7-10, 11-12, 42-3, 52-3, 68-73, 116-17}
see also Tablet to Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí
on misdeeds of believers, {ROB4: 225}
quoted, {ROB3: 352-3}
Lawh-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Tablet, Tablet to the Christians),{GPB: 238-240}
{KA: n37, n66, n145, n183}
{ROB1: 37, 80, 134, 137}
{ROB2: 389}
{ROB3: 81, 371}
{ROB4: 69, 388, 419-420, 434}
'Abdu'l-Bahá as being the One to Whom all must turn, {SAQ: 60 and n}
and Most Holy Book, {GPB: 326}
"Crimson Book",{GPB: 238}on worldly goods, {ROB3: 81}
{TOB: 89, 90, 220, 242}
{GPB: 209, 210, 216}Lawh-i-Ard-i-Bá (Tablet of the Land of Bá (Beirut)),
{ROB3: 11 and n.}
{ROB4: 117, 227-35, 352, 353}
addressed to church aristocracy, {ROB4: 229-30}
explanation of 'stars', {ROB4: 229}
{ROB4: 240-1}Lawh-i-Burhán (Tablet of the Proof),
see also BeirutLawh-i-Dunyá (Tablet of the World),{GPB: 200, 219, 232}
{ROB4: ch. 6, 425, 435}
Muhammad-Báqir, Shaykh of Isfahán ("Dhi'b" - Wolf), addressed to,{GPB: 201, 232}to divines, {ROB4: 97-9}
{ROB2: 130-4}
{ROB3: 163}
{ROB4: 75-6, 79, 91-102, 297, 368, 384-5}
{TOB: 203, 213 and n., 215-16}
Shoghi Effendi describes end of the Wolf and the She-Serpent, {ROB4: 100-101}
see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf/Shaykh Muhammad-Taqí (Son of the Wolf)
to enemies, {ROB4: 95}
Lawh-i-Hikmat (Tablet of Wisdom),{GL: XLIII}
{GPB: 216}
{ROB3: 85n.; quoted, 85-6, 220, 380}
{ROB4: 117, 288, ch. 22, 401, Appendix II}
Áqá Mírzá Áqáy-i-Afnán (Núru'd-Dín), recipient of,{ROB1: 155}burning of books, {ROB4: 341}
{ROB2: 383 and n.}
{ROB3: 85n., 202 and n.}
{ROB4: illus. 331; 7, 284, 329-37, 429-31}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet to, to restore the House of The Báb, {ROB4: 430}
Bahá'u'lláh meets with, {ROB4: 330-37}
Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to, about Mazra'ih, {ROB4: 7}
Maryam Sultán Bagum, wife of, {ROB4: 332, 337}
counsels of, to followers, {ROB4: 338-42}
on future of the Cause, {ROB4: 72}
on wickedness, {ROB4: 340}
response to martyrdoms in Yazd, {ROB4: 347}
to Hájí Muhammad-Ridá, {ROB4: 342-4}
Lawh-i-Karmil (Tablet of Carmel),{GPB: 219}
{ROB1: 20-21}
{ROB3: quoted, 389}
{ROB4: ch. 3, 192, 373}
Mullá Áqá Muhammad-i-Qá'iní (Áqá Muhammad, Nabíl-i-Akbar), Hand of the Cause, Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh, recipient of,{ROB1: 91-5, 145n.}ancient Greek philosophers, {ROB4: 46}
{ROB2: 42, 341}
{ROB3: 97, 389}
{ROB4: 33-4, 38, 39, 45, 48-9, 118n., 237, 258, 286, 313}
{TOB: 135, 137, 151, 198}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's tribute to, {ROB4: 34}
at 'Akká, {ROB4: 33}
dear to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 48}
travels of, {ROB4: 177}
deplores condition of the world, {ROB4: 34-5}
description of nature, {ROB4: 45}
differs from historical records, {ROB4: 46}
for mankind, {ROB4: 34-5}
on creation, {ROB4: 39-40, 42, 45}
on His own knowledge, {ROB3: 389}
on knowledge of the Manifestations, {ROB4: 48}
on misdeeds of believers, {ROB4: 37}
on speech, {ROB4: 192}
on worship, {ROB4: 36}
philosophical terminology of, {ROB4: 33}
teaching, advice on, {ROB4: 192}
teachings to spiritualize the human race, {ROB4: 35-7}
Lawh-i-Maqsúd (Tablet of Maqsúd),{GL: XI}
{GPB: 194, 219, 345}
{ROB3: 215 and n.}
{ROB4: ch. 23, 423}
'Angel of Carmel', see Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih/Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí
Bahá'í Community addressed in, {ROB4: 356-7}
Shoghi Effendi's interpretation of, {ROB4: 347-8}
Mount Carmel,{ESW: 38, 145}
{GL: 14-16, 211}
{GPB: 194}
{ROB1: 15, 19, 29, 200, 268}
{ROB2: 2}
{ROB3: 16, 22, 28, 56, 57, 75, 172, 183, 211, 215, 305, 418, 430-32, 442, 446-8}
{ROB4: illus. 363; 70n., 123, 170-1, 332, 351}
{SAQ: 32}
{TOB: 3-4}
'Abdu'l-Bahá,Burial, Shrine ofBahá'u'lláh at,{GPB: 313}on prophecies concerning, {ROB4: 170-1}
see also Haifa/Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
{GPB: 194}Elijah, cave of,
{ROB3: 28, 30-31, 418}
{ROB4: 351, 332-7}
{GPB: 277}future site of Bahá'í institutions,
{ROB4: 351, 359}
{GPB: 316}Shoghi Effendi on
property on, {GPB: 346}
school to be on, {GPB: 307}
Mashriqu'l-Adhkár on, {ROB4: 352, 363}
see also Bahá'í Faith/World Administrative Centretransfer of remains of Purest Branch and Navváb to,Shrine of the Báb,{GPB: 348}see also Bahá'u'lláh/Mírzá Mihdí, Bahá'u'lláh/Navváb
{ROB3: 201-11, Appendix III}
{GPB: 263, 267, 273, 275, 276, 277, 346}
{KA: n114}
{ROB1: 15, 200, 206}
{ROB3: 86, 107, 389, 430-32, 443, 446-7}
{ROB4: illus. 363, 364; 123, 165, 170-1, 358-65, 419}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, on,{ROB3: 430-32}dome, {GPB: 411}
{ROB4: 358-9}
His troubles in building the Báb's Shrine, {GPB: 275}
Mausoleum on Mt. Carmel, {GPB: 194}
remains of The Báb,{GPB: 273, 275-278, 346}Pilgrimage to, {ROB4: 170-1}
{ROB4: 358-60}
'Abdu'l-Baháon interment of,Russian Consul,{ROB3: 432}places on Mt. Carmel, {GPB: 241, 273, 275, 276, 314}
{ROB4: 359}
has artist picture remains of Báb, {GPB: 54}transfer of,
ordered to investigate Bábí Movement, {GPB: 55}
views remains of the Báb, {GPB: 54}
Bahá'u'lláh on,see also Sháh-Muhammad-i-Manshádí, Hájí (Amínu'l-Bayán){ROB3: 424 ff.}to Mt. Carmel, {GPB: 54, 177, 241, 262, 273, 275, 276, 314}
orders bodies of Báb and Quddús brought to Tihrán,{DBNN: 519}
{GPB: 54, 273}
{ROB4: 299}
Shoghi Effendi, on, {ROB4: 360-1}
Lawh-i-Síyyid-i-Mihdíy-i-Dahají (Tablet to Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahají),Súriy-i-Vafá (Tablet to Vafá),Tajallíyát (Effulgences),
Tarázát (Ornaments),{GPB: 216}
{ROB3: 120 n.}
{ROB4: 117, ch. 8, 168}
{SFWAB: 35, 61}
Book of, {ESW: 26}
on recognizing God, {ROB4: 139}
on sciences which begin and end in words, {ROB4: 143-4, 236}
Ustád 'Alí-Akbar-i-Banná, recipient of,{ROB3: 120}
{ROB4: illus. 121; 30, 118-25}
{TOB: 48 and n., 49-53 passim}
'Abdu'l-Bahá,meets with, {ROB4: 122}Bahá'u'lláh meets with, {ROB4: 120}
writes tablets to, {ROB4: 122, 123, 125}
in 'Ishqábád, {ROB4: 119-23, 124}
twenty-seven Tablets, revealed for, {ROB4: 124-5}
Other Tablets,{GPB: 216}
{ROB4: 16, 18, 117, ch. 11}
{SFWAB: 35, 61}
exhortation to Bahá'ís, {ROB4: 173}
full of Significances, {ROB4: 168}
contains passage from Tablet to Hájí Mírzá Buzurg-i-Afnán, {ROB4: 16, 333, 337}
on Trustworthiness, {ROB4: 17-18, 437}
on 'veils' and 'oppressors', {ROB4: 172-3}
to Hádíy-i-Dawlat-Ábádí,{ROB4: 47, 174}
see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Tablet in honour of Bahá'ísMisc. Topics,
Tablet to 'Alí Haydar
Tablet to Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí,see also Kalimát-i-FirdawsíyyihTablet to Javád
Tablet to Muhammad Husayn
Tablet to Muhammad-Javád-i-Qazvíní (Ismu'lláhi'l-Júd - The Name of God, Bounty),{TOB: 74 and n.}
Muhammad-Javád-i-Qazvíní, addressed to {ROB2: 275-6}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works/Muhammad-Báqir-i-Qazvíní, HájíAbode, pristine, {TOB: 268}
Adorer and Adored One, {TOB: 53}
Anguish, {TOB: 112}
Animosity, Hatred,{SFWAB: 245}Atmosphere, contamination of, {TOB: 69}
{TOB: 23, 44}
dark night of, {SFWAB: 2}
fire (Flame) of hatred, {TOB: 88, 132, 219}
ravens of, {SFWAB: 9}
'B' (letter), {TOB: 101 and n.}
Bahá, city of, {TOB: 120}
Bahá'u'lláh,hidden, {TOB: 143}Balínús, {TOB: 147-8}
investigation of, {TOB: 12, 157, 188, 211, 236}
Kingdom of, {TOB: 231}
laws changed by, {TOB: 28, 132}
letters and questions to, {TOB: 183, 196-7, 267}
love of, {TOB: 17}
loves mankind, {TOB: 148, 171}
requested interview with learned, {TOB: 139}
Breeze,{TOB: 13, 14, 16}Burning Fire, {TOB: 116}
of God, {TOB: 137, 177, 214}
City,{TOB: 4, 246, 260}Counsellor, Counselor. {TOB: 44, 134, 170}
of Bahá, {TOB: 120}
strong, {TOB: 259}
Dawn, {TOB: 41, 51, 75, 233}
Dawning-Place, {TOB: 109, 113, 149, 210, 234}
Discoveries and Inventions of various ages, see Knowledge
Doubt,{KA: K134, K163, K164}Dust, writhing in, {TOB: 112}
{TOB: 138}
Educator, {TOB: 149}
Educators, Teachers, {TOB: 35, 96-7, 109}
Error, source of, {TOB: 156}
Eternity, {TOB: 246}
Father, {TOB: 11, 14}
Fathers, {TOB: 25, 128}
Festival, {TOB: 78}
Finger, {TOB: 156}
Fisherman, {TOB: 10}
Force concealed in world of being, {TOB: 221}
Force similar to lightning, {TOB: 69}
Fruit of one tree, {TOB: 127, 164}
Future,{TOB: 102, 241}Generation, this perverse, {TOB: 85}
dreams about, {TOB: 187-8}
Glory,{TOB: 155}Good, {TOB: 155, 169, 170}
pavilion of, {TOB: 112}
realm of, {TOB: 137, 181, 219}
Guidance, {TOB: 138}
Hidden Secret, {TOB: 231}
Husayn, {TOB: 77, 234}
Leaves of one tree, bough, {TOB: 27, 127, 129}
Letters, manifestations of, {TOB: 101}
Light,{TOB: 13, 14, 33, 41, 92, 108, 119, 169, 240}Lion, {TOB: 197}
and darkness, {TOB: 138}
Mother Tablet, {TOB: 213}
Murád, Muhammad, {TOB: 16}
Murtus, {TOB: 150}
Mystery(ies),{TOB: 24, 142, 145}Prudence, {TOB: 85}
divine, {TOB: 106, 139, 151, 188}
Hidden, {TOB: 47, 50}
impenetrable, {TOB: 77, 101, 231}
of creation, {TOB: 147}
of God, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
revealed (laid bare), {TOB: 4, 5, 39, 47, 50, 76, 107, 231, 241}
strange and astonishing things, {TOB: 69}
Qualities,desirable, Bahá'u'lláh is Dayspring of,Questions and letters to Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 183, 196-7, 267}{TOB: 47}undesirable, see Backbiting, Corruption, Cursing, Dishonesty, Hypocrisy, Idleness, Imposture, Jealousy, Materialism, Pride, Selfishness, Slander
see also Bahá'í(s)
Rank, no glory in, {TOB: 68}
Rock, {TOB: 177, 208}
Samandar, son of, {TOB: 73}
Sign(s),{TOB: 239}Stones groaned, {TOB: 254}
Most Mighty, {TOB: 47, 209}
Straight Path,{KA: 15, K14, K112, K186}Tablet, {TOB: 79, 244, 247, 267}
{SFWAB: 14}
{TOB: 35-6, 61, 101, 116, 121, 132, 168, 171, 205, 209, 248, 251}
Treasured Symbol, {TOB: 47, 50}
True One, {TOB: 11, 79, 117}
Turkey, Sultán of, {TOB: 210, 213}
Tarázát, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
Words of Wisdom, (Asl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr) see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
To The Kings and Rulers,{ESW: 28, 30-32, 39-40, 45, 53, 54, 89, 91-92, 104, 128}
{GL: 206}
{GPB: 171-176, 206, 385}
{ROB4: 421}
{SAQ: 33}
{SFWAB: 16}
'Each one of them, hath been designated by a special name', {ROB3: 110}
Bahá'u'lláh's proclamation to, {GPB: 158, 159, 170-176, 206-213}
handmaids outshine queens, {SFWAB: 23-4, 123}
power seized from kings and ecclesiastics, {GPB: 230}
King(s), Rulers,{KA: 13, 15, K85, K86, K88, K89, K91, n118}
{PM: 36}
{ROB2: chs. 15, 16 passim; 416, 418}
{ROB3: 147-8, 156, 157, 161}
{ROB4: 98, 179, 235, 291, 388, 421}
{TOB: 50, 70, 93, 113, 125, 126, 127, 130, 206, 220-1, 238, 252}
addressed collectively, {KA: K78-K83, K87}
cause of impotence, {GL: 223, 255}
chosen perdition for their people, {TOB: 106}
faults and favours of, {TOB: 65}
duty of, {GL: 216, 218, 232, 247, 249, 250, 254}
God beseeched to aid, {TOB: 29, 39, 65, 127}
God's retributive justiceto kings and ecclesiastics, {GPB: 230}Great Peace, {TOB: 165}
to tyrants, {GPB: 224}
injustice of, {GL: 222-224, 229, 253}
justice of, {TOB: 164, 166}
justice enjoined upon, {GL: 219, 222, 223, 247, 251, 252}
loyalty to, {TOB: 22-3, 65, 221}
majesty of, {TOB: 28}
message to Persian ambassador, {GPB: 160}
Monarchy, Royalty,{ROB3: 118, 156, 157-9}obedience to, {GL: 207, 229, 240, 241}
constitutional, {ROB4: 162}
Kingship,{KA: n194}Prophecies of future just ruler, {GL: 110, 111, 212}
plus republic (i.e. constitutional monarchy), {TOB: 28, 93}
received Bahá'í literature, {GPB: 384}
sovereign will arise to protect Bahá'ís,{GPB: 411}visited by Martha Root, {GPB: 387, 388, 389}
loyalty of believers to King who will arise, {GL: 207, 112}
station of one who will arise, {GL: 111, 207, 212}
who will arise to aid Cause, {KA: K84, 163}
of Eternity, {TOB: 123}
of Kings, {TOB: 215}
of Revelation, {TOB: 118}
on Persian authorities, {ROB4: 222}
perpetrate tyranny, {TOB: 85}
shall pass away, {TOB: 265-6}
should enforce laws of God, {TOB: 29, 90}
should reform society, {TOB: 168}
should uphold religion, {TOB: 63, 130}
station of, {GL: 212, 218, 219, 241, 249, 251, 304}
Sultán of Turkey joins Shah to stamp out Bábí Faith, {GPB: 112}
unity enjoined upon, {GL: 216, 249, 254, 255}
world gathering of rulers, {GPB: 218}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
To Religious Leaders
proclamations to, {GPB: 158, 170-176, 206, 209-213}
Tablet to Pope Pius IX,{GPB: 209}to Kings of Christendom, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
{ROB3: 116-18, 133; quoted 116-17}
Bahá'u'lláh proclaims Himself as Lord of Lords, {ROB3: 116}
fate of, {GPB: 227}
to the Jews, {GPB: 211}
to Muslim ecclesiastics, {GPB: 175, 210}
to Zoroastrian priests, {GPB: 211}
see also Lawh-i-Aqdas
Kitáb-i-Aqdas,Addresses Kings and Rulers, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Addresses Religious Leaders, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Lawh-i-Sultán, (Tablet to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh, Epistle to the Sháh, Epistle to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh),Súriy-i-Haykal, or Súratu'l-Haykal (Súrih of the Temple),{ESW: 11, 39, 124-125}
{GPB: 26, 102, 143-4, 172-4, 185}
{ROB1: 21}
{ROB2: 337-40, 349, 351; quoted, 340, 346, 349, 355-6}
{ROB3: 21, 38, 109, 133, 174ff., 182-91, 199-200, 209-10; quoted, 232}
{ROB4: 374, 388}
{SAQ: 85}
Násiri'd-Dín Sháh (the Vali-'Ahd, reigned 1848-96), addressed to,{DBNN: 314 (note 4), 358, 365, 400, 500, 539}see also Áqá Buzurg, of Khurásán (Badí')
{GPB: 296}
{KA: n177, n182}
{ROB1: 8, 10, 11, 13 and n., 26-7, 37, 40-1, 225, 258 and n.}
{ROB2: 246, 304, 326, 337-9}
{ROB3: 21, 26, 38, 85, 109, 174-6, 182, 184-6, 187-91, 199, 200, 201-2, 245, 269, 425}
{ROB4: 38, 76, 102, 186, 297n., 381, 383, 387, 401-2, 439}
{SAQ: 33, 85n}
attempt on the life of,{DBNN: 599}Bahá'u'lláh's declaration to, {GPB: 102}
{GPB: 62, 78, 104}
{ROB4: 124, 378, 379}
exiles Bahá'u'lláh from Persia, {GPB: 106}
fate of,{GPB: 225}fate of his son, {GPB: 232}
assassinated, {GPB: 296}
Hujjat's petition to, {DBNN: 554}
mistrust of, {ROB4: 379-80}
persecuted Bahá'ís, {GPB: 197, 198}
"Prince of Oppressors," {GPB: 197, 225}
Sháh warned, {TOB: 15}
see also Hands of the Cause of God/'Alí-Akbar-i-Sháhmírzádí, Hájí
Súriy-i-Mulúk, (Súrih of the Kings), {GL: LXV, LXVI, CXIII, CXIV, CXVI, CXVIII}{ROB1: 121-2}
{ROB3: ch. 7, quoted 147 passim.}
{ROB4: 133, 278}
{SAQ: 32-33}
nine different styles or categories of verses of God, enumerated by Jináb-i-Fádil-i-Mázindarání (Mírzá Asadu'lláh),{ROB1: 42}Kitáb-i-Haykal, {SAQ: 33}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
"Maiden"appears to Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 101}on nature of God and His Manifestations, {ROB4: 133-5}
personified the Spirit of God, {GPB: 101, 121, 221}
Tablet to Czar Alexander II,{GPB: 171}
{ROB1: 146-7}
{ROB2: ch. 15 passim, 337, 418; quoted, 56, 62, 301}
{ROB3: 109, 146, 238, 242, 251; quoted, 156}
{ROB4: 27}
to Constantinople, {GL: LXV, LXVI, CXIII}
to Kings of Christendom, {GL: CXVI}
to Minister of Sháh, {GL: CXIII}
to Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz, {GL: CXIV}
to Turkish Ministers, {GL: LXV}
Tablet to Napoleon III,Tablet to Queen Victoria {GL: CXIX, CXX},{ESW: 45-56, 124-5}
{GPB: 173, 207}
{KA: n118}
{TOB: 210}
I,{ROB2: 337, 368-9}II,
{ROB3: 109, 110}
{ROB4: 249, 434}
{ROB2: quoted, 35, 93-4}
{ROB3: 81, 110-15, 133; quoted, 111-13, 115}
on teaching, {ROB3: 331-2}
on worldly goods, {ROB3: 81}
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, addressed to,{KA: 15, K86, 164, n118}see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
{ROB2: 369}
{ROB3: 81, 109, 110-15, 149, 201}
{ROB4: 95, 249, 388, 434}
{SAQ: 32-33}
{SFWAB: 16 and n.}
fate of, {GPB: 225}
Prophecies concerning,{SAQ: 32-33}result of attitude toward Bahá'u'lláh, {ESW: 51}
fall of, {KA: n118}
Tablet to Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz,{GPB: 172-3}
{ROB3: 147}
'Abdu'l-'Azíz, Sultán of Turkey, addressed to,{KA: n120}
{ROB2: 1, 61, 304, 312, 401}
{ROB3: 14, 37-8, 69, 87 and n., 91, 99 and n., 100 and n., 101-2, 123, 151-4, 191, 418-19}
{ROB4: 27, 95, 104, 105, 240, 241-2, 421}
edict condemning Bahá'u'lláh to life imprisonment,{ROB3: 18, 19, 52, 252, 410, 413, 414, 417}fate of, {GPB: 225}
{ROB4: 240, 241}
exiles Bahá'u'lláh to 'Akká, {GPB: 179, 195}
edict of Sultán meaningless, {ROB3: 18-19}
see also 'Abdu'l-Hamíd
see also Súriy-i-Ra'ís, Lawh-i-Ra'ís, Lawh-i-Fu'ád
Unpublished, Untranslated, or Unnamed Works:Amr va Khalq, a compilation of the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Persian, {ROB4: 45}
confers title on Quddús, {ROB4: 210}
depicting perversity of humanity,{ROB4: 70}for Anniversary of Birth of the Báb, see Báb, The
see also Mankind
for Bahá'í women, {ROB4: 202-3}
for chief of Templers, {ROB4: 351}
for Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí,{ROB4: 323}for Hájí Mullá Mihdíy-i-'Atrí,
and Mullá Muhammad i-Zarandí (Nabíl-i-A'zam), {ROB4: 108}
{ROB4: 51}for Mírzá Hasan, {ROB4: 53}
Mihdíy-i-'Atrí, Hájí Mullá,{ROB1: 331}
{ROB4: 50-3}
'Abdu'l-Bahá on, {ROB4: 52-3}
for Mullá Muhammad i-Zarandí (Nabíl-i-A'zam), and Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí, {ROB4: 108}
'He doeth what He pleaseth', {ROB3: 26}
His Message destined to envelop whole world, {ROB3: 13, 380}
high standard of behaviour demanded, {ROB4: 83}
holy and dedicated souls will arise,{ROB3: 33, 381}Iqtidárát, A compilation of the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh. 1310 A.H. (A.D. 1892-3),
see also Lawh-i-Ahbáb
{ROB2: 30, 32, 84, 118, 401}Ishráqát, A compilation of the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, 1310 A.H. (A.D. 1892-3),
{ROB4: 68, 83, 246, 253, 278}{ROB3: 201, 230}message to Amínu's-Sultán
{ROB4: 141, 195}
on 'Akká,on 'Alí, Mullá, the teacher, {ROB3: 91}
on calumnies of Azalís, {ROB4: 399}
on character, human, {ROB3: 230, 258}
on chastisement, divine, {ROB3: 200-202}
on chastity, {ROB3: 364}
on children, duties of towards parents, {ROB3: 203}
on Christ, {ROB4: 152}
on circumambulation, {ROB4: 108-13}
on conduct, {ROB3: 230-31, 237}
on consultation, {ROB4: 289-90}
on countryside,{ROB3: 416}on creation, {ROB4: 42}
{ROB4: 7}
on detachment, {ROB4: 246-7}
on equality of men and women,{ROB4: 199-204}on forgiveness, {ROB4: 85-6}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá
on God 'the Incomparable', {ROB4: 199}
on Hands of the Cause,on His exile, {ROB3: 21, 419-20, 420-21}{ROB4: 287-8, ch. 21, 337-8}
on believers as Hands of the Cause, {ROB4: 285}
to Hands of the Cause,{ROB4: 253-5, 277-8, 284, 287-8, 315-28}
Áqá Siyyid Áqá,{ROB4: 284}Hájí 'Abu'l-Hasan-i-Amín,
see also Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB4: 116, 284, 290}Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqí (Ibn-i-Abhar),
see also Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB4: 289, 305-7, 315-28}Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar-i-Sháhmírzádí (Hájí Ákhúnd),
see also Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB4: 255, 287, 315-28}Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Khurásání (Ibn-i-Asdaq),
see also Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB4: 254, 275, 277, 296, 302-4, 315-28}Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Varqá,
see also Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB4: 17-18, 51, 64-72, 88-9}
Tablets for Varqá's children, {ROB4: 59}
see also Hands of the Cause of God
on House of The Báb, {ROB4: 429}
on Huqúq'u'lláh,{ROB4: 252-3, 256}on inner realities of prominent people, {ROB4: 286-7}
see also Bahá'í Faith
on invincibility of Cause, {ROB3: 33}
on Islám, {ROB3: 245}
on Jesus, {ROB3: 243-4, 247-8}
on Manifestation, attaining presence of, {ROB3: 404}
on Manifestations of God, {ROB3: 243-8}
on martyrdom, {ROB4: 87, 302-3, 305}
on Mírzá Áqá Khán and Shaykh Ahmad, {ROB4: 399-400}
on Obligatory Prayers, see Prayer(s)
on punishment,{ROB3: 296-7}on Purest Branch,
of mankind, {ROB4: 157}
{ROB3: 210, 213}on religion, {ROB4: 155-6}
see also Bahá'u'lláh/Mírzá Mihdí
on self and passion, worst human characteristics, {ROB3: 35}
on Shaykh Muhammad-i-Yazdí, {ROB4: 394, 395, 399}
on steadfastness, {ROB3: 258, 259, 267}
on strife, {ROB3: 230}
on suffering, {ROB4: 105, 157}
on teaching, {ROB4: 275, 305, 319}
on the heart, {ROB4: 35}
on Turkish Empire, {ROB3: 87, 100ff.}
on unknowable Essence, {ROB4: 130}
on wisdom, {ROB4: 319, 320-3}
on worthlessness of world, {ROB4: 249}
proclamation of Mission, {ROB1: 17, 109n.}
proclamation to the Kings, {ROB3: 161}
prophecies easing of restrictions, {ROB3: 55, 108}
revealed in the home of Áqáy-i-Kalím, {ROB4: 242-3}
'the Cause will flourish through persecution', {ROB3: 32-3}
to Afnáns,{ROB4: 285}to 'Andalíb, {ROB4: 83-4}
to Hájí Muhammad 'Alíy-i-Afnán, {ROB4: 247}
to Hájí Áqá Muhammad-i-'Aláqih-band, {ROB4: 26, 218-9}
to Hájí Mullá 'Alíy-i-Kání,{ROB4: 297}to Indian believers, {ROB4: 181}
Hájí Mullá 'Alíy-i-Kání, {ROB3: 191}
to Karbilá'í Áqá Ján,{ROB4: 271}to Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl, {ROB4: 260}
Karbilá'í Áqá Ján, recipient of, {ROB4: 100, 348, 429}
to Muhammad-Báqir (from Káshán), {ROB4: 247}
to Muhammad-Báqir-i-Qazvíní, Hájí, {ROB2: 276-9}
to People Of The Bayán, {GPB: 211}
to Shaykh Kázim-i-Samandar, {ROB4: 88}
to Sulaymán Khán,to The King and Beloved of the Martyrs,to Umm-i-'Attár, {ROB2: 127}{ROB4: 89-90}
{TOB: 203-5, 214 and n.}
The King and Beloved of Martyrs,recounting story of, {ROB4: 73, 80-90}
and Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 73-5, 80-90}
and The Báb, {ROB4: 74}
martyrdoms of, at Isfahán, {ROB4: 73-90, 384}
Mírzá Muhammad-Hasan, 'Sultánu'sh-Shuhadá' (King of the Martyrs),{GPB: 200, 201}Mírzá Muhammad-Husayn, 'Mahbúbu'sh-Shuhadá' (Beloved of the Martyrs),
{ROB1: 103n., 259}
{ROB2: 203 and n., 205, 334}
{ROB3: 388}
{ROB4: illus. 77; 16, 58, 73-90, 91, 99-100, 101, 119, 254, 368, 384, 434}
prayer for, see Prayer(s)
tablet to, {ROB4: 87}
{GPB: 200, 201}see also Ismá'íl, Mírzá
{ROB1: 103n., 259}
{ROB2: 204 and n., 205, 334}
{ROB4: illus. 78; 16, 58, 73-90, 91, 99-100, 101, 119, 368, 384, 434}
Destroyed/Lost Works:{GPB: 138}
{KA: n9}
{ROB1: 50, 69}
{ROB2: 269}
{ROB3: 302}
{ROB4: 151}
Tablets of Hakím Masíh,{ROB3: 267}
Hakím Masíh, {ROB3: 265-8}
See also Bahá'u'lláh/His Tablets and Writings, Prayer(s)
'Abá-Basír, Áqá Naqd-'Alí,{ROB2: 226-7}Ábádih,
{ROB4: 386, 435}
Nabíl gives acknowledgment in his account of upheaval of Zanján, {DBNN: 580}
{ROB1: 77 and n., 266}'Abbás, Mírzá (Qábil, of Ábádih), {ROB1: 77-8}
{ROB4: 314, 325-6, 385}
'Abbas-Qulí Khán, instigates martyrdom of Vahid at Nayríz, {DBNN: 494}
'Abbas-Qulí-Khán-i-Láríjání, {DBNN: 339, 341, 375, 386, 391}
'Abdu'l-'Alí Hájí, Shaykh,{DBNN: 476, 498}'Abdu'l-'Ali-Khán-i-Marághiyí,
{DBNN: 290, 324}'Abdu'l-'Azim-i-Khu'í, Siyyid,
{DBNN: 362, 471}'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Abbás Effendi, Most Great Branch,
{DBNN: 209, 440}'Abdu'l-Báqí, Siyyid,
{KA: 3, n184, 252}
{ROB1: 16, 19, 29, 35, 40, 41-2, 199-201 passim, 205, 206, 212, 219}
{ROB2: 14-15, 58, 161, 196, 199, 238, 392-3}
{ROB3: 7, 12, 30, 48, 50, 52-3, 86, 106-7, 138, 159-60, 162, 171, 187, 204, 214, 241, 268, 307, 333, 402, 405-9, 435}
{ROB4: 16, 73, 85, 93, 185-6, 222, 273, 275, 313, 326, 328, 363, 377n., 430}
BiographicalHis Qualities,and,Abu'l-Qásim, see Ridvánas a child and youth,
Dr Habíb Mu'ayyad, see Habíb Mu'ayyad, Dr.
Hájí Muhammad-i-Yazdí, see Muhammad-i-Yazdí,Hájí
Jalálu'd-Dawlih, see Yazd
Jamálu'd-Din, {ROB4: 402}
King Feisal, see Feisal, King
Sulaymán Khán, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Ustád Ali-Akbar, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
Varqá and his children, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Zillu's-Sultán, see Mas'úd Mírzá
{ROB1: 9, 13, 100}Ascension of, see Haifa
{ROB2: 14, 389-91}
Bahá'ís describe interviews with, {GPB: 258}
commentator describes Him, {GPB: 290}
first public appearance, {GPB: 283, 284}
guests at His table, {GPB: 269}
His family,Bahá'u'lláh, father of, see Bahá'u'lláhhighlights of His life, {GPB: 240-243}
marriage,{ROB2: 205, 207}Navváb, mother of, see Bahá'u'lláh/Navváb
{ROB3: 400-401}
Munírih ('Illumined') Khánum, Fátimih Khánum, wife of,{ROB2: 204, 205, 206-9, 384, 386}
{ROB3: 400}
{ROB4: 16, 73, 430}
Prince Mírzá Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Nahrí (Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí), father of,{DBNN: 159, 161, 208, 461}Rádíyih, sister of, {ROB4: 15-16}
{ROB2: 202-5}
{ROB3: 254}
{ROB4: 73-4}
Mírzá Ibráhím, brother of, {DBNN: 208}
Purest Branch, brother of, see Bahá'u'lláh/Mírzá Mihdí
Shoghi Effendi, grandson of, see Shoghi Effendi
Tuba Khánum, daughter of, reminiscences about 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 2-4, 13-14}
Varaqiy-i-'Ulyá, the Greatest Holy Leaf, sister of, see Bahá'u'lláh/Bahá'íyyih Khánum
His ministry,{GPB: 235-320}in,
{ROB3: 84, 90, 172, 265}
achievements, outstanding, {GPB: 296; summary of, 314, 315}
effect of work of, {GPB: 295-309}
mission of, {GPB: 252}
prestige of Faith, {GPB: 242}
schools built during, {ROB4: 122n.}
'Akká, see 'Akkáincident related by, {DBNN: 616}
Baghdád, see Baghdád
Constantinople, see Constantinople
Garden of Ridván, see Ridván
interviews with rulers and notables, {GPB: 283-290}
last wish of, {SFWAB: 295}
memories of, {GPB: 292-294}
recites prayer of the Báb continually, {GPB: 276}
stories attributed to, {ROB4: 170}
travels,{GPB: 279-294}Townshend's poem to, see Hands of the Cause of God
Beirut, see Beirut
Egypt, see Egypt
West,America, see America
England, see Britain
Paris, see Paris
Stuttgart, see Stuttgart
Vienna, see Vienna
see also West, The
His Services to Bahá'u'lláh,admired by officials, {ROB3: 18, 19, 24, 52-3, 71-2, 107, 251, 252, 410, 411-12, 414n.}
austerity of His life, {ROB3: 81-4}
boundless vitality of, {GPB: 287, 288}
example of His serenity, {GPB: 269}
gifts,His attitude to, {ROB3: 83-4}His care for others,
refuses gifts and contributions, {GPB: 282}
{ROB3: 20, 70, 222, 252}His detachment, {ROB2: 40-1}
helps people receive justice, {ROB4: 3}
His effect on people, {ROB3: 66, 70, 71-2, 159-60, 253}
His health, {ROB2: 391-2}
His humility, {ROB3: 337}
His knowledge, {ROB3: 70}
His leadership and guidance, {ROB3: 52-3, 410-11}
His love, {ROB3: 336}
His magnanimity, {ROB3: 82}
His methods of teaching, {ROB3: 336-42}
His power and majesty, {ROB3: 337, 340}
His powers of healing, see Lawh-i-Tibb
protects Bahá'ís, {GPB: 267}
sorrow at human slaughter, {GPB: 304}
{ROB1: 25, 159}His Station and Titles,
{ROB2: 63, 200, 392-3}
arranges Bahá'u'lláh's release from 'Akká, {GPB: 241}
deputy of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 241}
shields Bahá'u'lláh from outside world, {ROB4: 1-2, 4-5, 336}
His Sufferings, Persecutions{GPB: 239, 240, 242, 243, 245, 263}
{ROB1: 14, 134-5, 313}
{ROB2: 15, 261, 388-92, 394-6}
{ROB3: 106, 405-9}
{ROB4: 56-7, 240-1, 304, 336}, 414n.}
{SFWAB: 56, 295}
Bahá'u'lláh,'Abdu'l-Bahá appointed by,Centre of the Covenant, see Covenant{KA: 3, 13, K121, K174, 145, n1}'Abdu'l-Bahá assisted by, {SFWAB: 237}
{ROB1: 134-5}
'Abdu'l-Bahá Interpreter of Writings of,{ROB3: 283, 374, 406}'Abdu'l-Bahá Vicegerent of, {GPB: 245}
Interpreter of Word of God, {KA: K174, n130, n184}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's relationship to {ROB3: 207-8, 225, 249-50, 252}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's station disclosed in Covenant of, {GPB: 239, 240}
describes station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 56-7}
entitles 'Abdu'l-Bahá as,Áqá (Master),reveals prayer for 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 243}{GPB: 242}heir, {TOB: 221-2}
{ROB3: 20, 106, 209, 252, 268, 362, 411n., 437, 446}
He Whom God hath purposed, {KA: K121, n145}
Most Great Branch,{GPB: 239, 243}Most Mighty Branch,
{ROB3: 122, 207, 336, 371}
{TOB: 222}
{KA: n145}Mystery of God (Sirru'lláh)
{TOB: 221, 227}
statement about 'Abdu'l-Bahá by, {ROB3: 142-3}
Exemplar of Teachings, Exemplar of Faith of Bahá'u'lláh,{GPB: 242, 245}Father of the Poor,
{KA: 3}
{ROB1: 14, 100, 134}
{GPB: 269}infallibility of, see Infallibility
{ROB3: 252}
inhales fragrance of love of God, {SFWAB: 92}
knighted by British authorities, {GPB: 306}
Master of 'Akká, {ROB4: 2}
on His own station, {ROB3: 405}
prestige of, {ROB4: 239-41, 421}
rank unparalleled in religious history, {GPB: 314}
receives message in world of spirit, {SFWAB: 19}
spiritual titles of, {ROB1: 13-14, 100, 132, 134-5}
His Writings,{GPB: 250}
{SFWAB: 225-7, 240-2, 315-16}
are joy, {SFWAB: 79, 225-7, 240-2, 316}
Bahá'u'lláh foresees trials of 'Abdu'l-Bahá,{GPB: 250}caused by Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí (Centre of Sedition; half-brother of 'Abdu'l-Bahá), {SFWAB: 216–19}
"lightnings", "thunders", "earthquake", {GPB: 249}
enemies of, {GPB: 317-320}
imprisoned, {ROB3: 237}
investigation of (1907), {GPB: 269-272}
re-incarcerated, {GPB: 263-272}
released from imprisonment in 1908, {GPB: 272}
see also Lawh-i-Karmil{ROB1: 50, 77, 80-81, 91, 95, 127n., 201, 239}
{ROB3: 107, 139, 140, 280, 284, 332, 350-51, 445}
{ROB4: 198}
answers are like rain, {SFWAB: 181}
Books and Tablets,Amr va Khalq, see Unpublished or Untranslated WorksInterpretations by,
Bahá'í Prayers,index of prayers revealed by 'Abdu'l-BaháLawh-i-Hizár Baytí,
{ROB1: 127n.}Memorials of the Faithful
{ROB4: 146}
{KA: n183}Risáliy-i-Síyásíyyih (Treatise on Politics), {ROB4: 304}
{ROB4: 405-6}
Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Freedom, {SFWAB: 32, 302, 305}Some Answered Questions,
Glory,crowns of, {SFWAB: 19, 21}Infinity, Eternity,
cycle of, {SFWAB: 13}
Pavilion of, {SFWAB: 18}
endless universe, {SFWAB: 48}Lawh-i-Dukhán (Tablet of Purity), {ROB3: 437-9}
eternal bliss, {SFWAB: 81}
eternal food, {SFWAB: 77}
Realm of the Limitless, {SFWAB: 18}
Reunion, {SFWAB: 12, 24, 201}
Spiritual Assemblies: New York, Chicago, Washington, {SFWAB: 83}
Tender, {SFWAB: 22, 26}
Woe, {SFWAB: 14}
{KA: n75, n86}Tablets of the Divine Plan,
{ROB3: 187, 191, 339}
{ROB4: 41, 45, 152}
Laura Dreyfus-Barney (Laura Clifford Barney), translates,{GPB: 260}
{ROB3: 187, 191}
{GPB: 255, 296, 305, 406}A Traveller's Narrative
{ROB4: 358}
a charter for teaching of Bahá'í Faith, {ROB4: 358}
Divine Plan of, {KA: 4}
Prayers for Teaching, see Prayer(s)
Will and Testament,
{GPB: 325-328; outline of, 328}
{KA: 3, n49, n66, n125, n183}
{ROB1: 137, 241n.}
{ROB3: 372n., 446}
{ROB4: 286, 288, 377n.}
appoints Shoghi Effendi as Guardian, {KA: 3, n66, n130}
outline of contents, {GPB: 328}
pens His Will and Testament, {GPB: 268}
successors to, {KA: 3}
Tablets of visitation, for specific individuals {ROB4: 165}
Tablet toÁqá Mírzá Áqá, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-DunyáTablets on
Central Organization for a Durable Peace (The Hague),{GPB: 308}Covenant-breakers, see Covenant-breakers
{ROB4: 304}
Hague Conference, {SFWAB: 296 and n., 307-8}
Dr August Forel, see Forel, Dr. Auguste
Hájí Áqá Muhammad-i-'Aláqih-band, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God/'Abdu'l-Bahá/Tablets to
Mírzá Áqá Khán, see Áqá Khán, Mírzá (Qá'im Maqámí)
Ustád 'Alí-Akbar, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
creation, {ROB4: 40, 41, 44-5}unaddressed, {ROB4: 325-6}
relationship of God to the Manifestations, {ROB4: 132}
trustworthiness, {ROB4: 26-7}
writes Tablets,{ROB4: 326}
daily writing of Tablets, {GPB: 267}
{ROB1: 82-2}
of a hadíth, {ROB4: 39n.}
of The Hidden Words, see The Hidden Words
of 'Ishráqát, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Ishráqát
of Scripture, {ROB4: 147, 289, 357, 375n., 427}
not accounted "verses of God," {KA: n165}
poems, {SFWAB: 228, 256, 270, 278}
quotations from, {GPB: 49, 55, 57, 72, 75, 92, 99, 107, 124, 150, 159, 183, 193, 196, 197, 201, 238, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257, 271, 275, 276, 282, 288, 293, 308, 309, 310, 311, 316, 332, 347, 351, 354, 355, 377, 389, 397}
Statements by,{ROB1: 62, 100, 120, 127, 208, 214, 230, 254-5, 257, 260 and n., 262, 268, 276-7, 284, 288-9, 290, 309}addresses (talks) of, {SFWAB: 224}
on'Abu'l-Fadl, Mírzá, see Abu'l-Fadl, Mírzáprophecies of,
Afnán-i-Kabír, see Afnáns
attributes,{ROB4: 198}The Báb
of God, {ROB4: 132}
interment, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-KarmilBahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
Shrine of, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
Christ, {ROB4: 152}
consultation,{ROB3: 51, 318}courage, {ROB3: 35}
{ROB4: 290}
covenant-breakers, see Covenant-breakers
edict of Sultán meaningless, see To The Kings and Rulers/Tablet to Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz
education and upbringing of children, {ROB3: 327, 328-9, 331}
emanation andincarnation, {ROB4: 40}equality of men and women,
Manifestation, {SAQ: 205-07}
{KA: 7}faith, {ROB4: 217}
{ROB4: 203-4}
{SFWAB: 79-80, 108-9, 249, 302}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, mutatis mutandis
future, {ROB4: 423-4}
Hájí Mullá Mihdíy-i-'Atrí, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Hands of the Cause,Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar, see Hands of the Cause of Godhistorical records, {ROB4: 46}
Ismu'lláhu'l-Asdaq, see Hands of the Cause of God
marriage of Ibn-i-Abhar, see Hands of the Cause of God
Nabíl-i-Akbar, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat
see also Hands of the Cause of God, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Statements on, Tablets to
holy souls to arise, {ROB3: 381}
House of Justice, see House(s) of Justice
importance of the West, see West, The
laws of Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, see Báb,The
marriage,{ROB3: 366-7}Mashriqu'l-Adhkár,
marriage of Ibn-i-Abhar, see Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB3: 345}medicine, see Lawh-i-Tibb
of 'Ishqábád, {ROB4: 122}
Muhammad Khán-i-Balúch, see Muhammad-Khán-i-Balúch, Hájí
music, see Music
nature of God, {ROB4: 41, 44-5, 131-2}
nuclear energy, {ROB4: 225}
pilgrimage,{ROB3: 64}prayer,
makes arrangements for pilgrims, {ROB4: 2}
permission for, sought from, {ROB4: 87}
and resting places of departed, see Prayer(s)/Departedregeneration of world, {ROB3: 312}
obligatory, see Prayer(s)
relation of Báb to Bahá'u'lláh, see Báb,The
sacrifice, {ROB3: 211, 405}
Sháh-Muhammad, Hájí, {ROB3: 76}
Smoking,{ROB3: 437-9}Spiritual Assemblies, see Bahá'í Faith/Assemblies
{SFWAB: 147-50}
spiritual capacity, see Capacity/spiritual
surrendering one's will to the will of God, see God
Táqí Khán, Mírzá, see Taqí Khán, Mírzá
teaching the Faith,{ROB3: 332, 381}unity, {ROB4: 2-4}
guidance to teachers, {ROB4: 296}
sends teachers to India, {ROB4: 183, 184}
travel teachers during the ministry of, {ROB4: 276, 304, 310-11, 314}
wisdom, {ROB4: 322}
{GPB: 315, 316}promises divine assistance, {ROB3: 383}
anticipates persecution of Jews in Europe, {GPB: 282}
dream, prophetic, {GPB: 270, 271}
Mount Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
predicts radical changes in Europe, {GPB: 282}
prophesies attacks on Cause, {GPB: 354, 355}
warns of World War I, {GPB: 303}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá/Ascension of
sends message to Amínu's-Sultán, {ROB4: 187-8}
subject matter of His talks, {GPB: 281, 282}
{DBNN: 219, 221}'Abdu'l-Ghaffár-i-Isfahání,
{GPB: 182}'Abdu'l-Hamid Khán
{ROB1: 287-8}
{ROB2: 329, 402, 408, 411}
{ROB3: 12n., 36n.}
asks the Báb's forgiveness, {GPB: 13}'Abdu'l-Hamíd, Shaykh, {ROB1: 283}
son was healed by the Báb, {DBNN: 195, 197, 372}
'Abdu'l-Hamíd II, Sultán of Turkey,'Abdu'l-Husayn-i-Samandar, Mírzá, {ROB4: 395}
'Abdu'l-Husayn-i-Tihrání, Shaykh (also known as 'Iráqí),{ROB1: 142-7 passim, 225}'Abdu'l-Karím-i-Máhút Furúsh {ROB3: 92-4, 96-104, passim}
{ROB2: 332, 341-4}
stigmatized by Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 148}
'Abdu'l-Karím-i-Qazvíní, Mullá, Mírzá Ahmad,{DBNN: 159, 162, 163, 168, 170, 176, 212, 227, 439}'Abdu'l-Kháliq-i-Yazdí, Mullá, {ROB2: 109-10}
{ROB1: 53-4, 330}
{ROB2: 247n.}
{ROB3: 424, 425}
{ROB4: 439}
'Abdu'lláh Khán-i-Turkamán, {DBNN: 359, 360 (note 44)}
'Abdu'lláh, Hájí Mírzá, {ROB1: 41, 42}
'Abdu'lláh-i-Núrí, Mírzá, {ROB4: 56}
'Abdu'lláh-i-Sahíh Furúsh, Hájí Mírzá, {ROB3: 390}
Abdu'lláh-i-Ubayy, {GL: 25, 83}
'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Marághi'í, {ROB4: 84-5}
'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Shírází, Hájí,{ROB1: 94, 155, 157}'Abdu'l-Qasím-i-Aláqih-Band-i-Isfáhání, {DBNN: 587}
{ROB4: 45-6}
'Abdu'l-Vahháb, Hájí, {DBNN: 7}
'Abdu'l-Vahháb-i-Shírází, {DBNN: 87}
'Abdu'r-Rahím, Mírzá (of Burújird), {ROB3: 64}
'Abdu'r-Rahím-i-Qannád, {ROB4: 23}
'Abdu'r-Rahmán-i-Baraqúqí, {ROB3: 436}
'Abdu'r-Rasúl-i-Qumí, Áqá,{ROB2: 333}Abhá,
{ROB3: 178}
'Ábid, Hájí Siyyid, {DBNN: 490}
Abú-'Alí Síná, {ROB4: 434}
Abú-Bakr, Caliph, see Clergy
Abú-Dhar, {ROB4: 433}
Abú 'Amír, {GL: 25}
Abu Jahl, condemned to damnation, {KI: 121}
Abú-Lahab, {ROB1: 156 and n.}
Abu'l-'Aliy-i-Harátí, {DBNN: 159, 161}
Abú-Nasr, {ROB4: 434}
Abú-Tálib, Siyyid, {DBNN: 407, 408, 481}
Abú-Turáb-i-Qazvíní, Shaykh,{DBNN: 39 note 22, 293, 299, 347}Abu'l-Fath-i-Shahristání, {TOB: 144 n.}
{ROB1: 205, 332}
Abu'l-Hasan Mírzá, Prince (The Shaykhu'r-Ra'ís), {ROB2: 132 and n.}
Abu'l-Hasan-i-Bazzáz, Hájí, {DBNN: 156}
Abu'l-Hasan-i-Shírází, Hájí,{DBNN: 130}Abu'l-Qásim, (servant of Mírzá Yahyá), {ROB1: 247}
{ROB3: 202}
Abu'l Qasím, Mírzá, investigates the message of Bahá'u'lláh, {DBNN: 114, 116}
Abu'l-Qásim-i-Baydá, Siyyid, {ROB2: 51-2}
Abu'l-Qásim-i-Faráháni, Mírzá (Qá'im Maqám),{ROB4: illus. 224; 221-2, 223}Abu'l-Qásim-i-Hamadání (servant of Bahá'u'lláh), {ROB1: 62, 67}
{TOB: 65 and n.}
Abu'l-Qásim-i-Káshí,{ROB1: 252}Abu'l-Qásim-i-Názir, {ROB4: 395-6, 398}
{ROB4: 439}
Abu'l-Qásim-i-Sultán Ábádí, {ROB3: 20}
Acquiescence,{GL: 133, 290, 299}'Ád,
{PM: 11, 54}
{ROB4: 96, 425-6}Ádhirbáyján,
{TOB: 214}
{ROB2: 60, 147, 212}Adrianople, Edirne, 'Land of Mystery',
{ROB4: 84, 145-6, 186, 210, 435, 439}
Navváb Hamzih Mírzá, Governor of, {DBNN: 504}
Adversity, Persecution, Suffering, Tests and Trials, Tribulations, Torment, Disasters,{ESW: 132}
{GL: 114}
{GPB: 159-182}
{KA: K37, Q100, n33, n63, n190}
{ROB2: 152, 427-37}
{ROB3: 1, 5, 16, 21, 27, 50, 64, 109, 110, 123, 151, 174, 176, 177, 205, 225n., 243, 250-51, 279, 415}
{ROB4: 1, 5, 6, 81, 108, 115, 154, 233, 247, 257, 393, 421}
{TOB: 118, 213}
Bábí community in, {ROB2: 138-9}
Bahá'ís in, {ROB1: 27, 28, 203, 287-8}
Bahá'u'lláh,exile to,Governor(s) of,{GPB: 159-162}in,
{ROB1: 17, 24, 37, 97, 102, 203, 246, 255}
{ROB2: 57, 61-2, 63, 152, 194, 291, 331}
{ROB3: 5, 26, 251}His Writings in,
{ROB4: 247, 393, 421}
His proclamation in,{GPB: 158, 170-177}Murádíyyih, quarter of,
{GPB: 158, 166}
{ROB2: 427}
houses occupied by Bahá'u'lláh in,{ROB2: 62}mosque of Sultán Salím, in, {ROB2: 62, 63, 293, 294, 428, 437}
Amru'lláh, house of, {ROB2: 62, 162, 210, 291, 295, 427, 433, 435}
'Izzat Áqá, house of, {ROB2: 291, 427, 433, 436}
Ridá Big, house of, {ROB2: 162, 164, 171, 181, 210, 291, 427, 436}
{GPB: 171-176}departure from, {ROB2: 356, 398, 401-11}
{ROB1: 102, 279-80}
see Lawh-i-Ridván
{ROB3: 251}
Khurshíd Páshá, {ROB2: 167, 296, 331, 391, 398, 401, 402, 404}
Afghanistan,{GL: 12, 27, 72, 285}
{ROB2: 46}
{ROB4: 72, 156-8, 197}
{SFWAB: 9-10, 56, 163-4, 181-2, 238-46, 309}
{TOB: 17, 138, 177}
Adversity followed by success, {TOB: 138}
Bounties of God, {PM: 12, 14, 78, 136, 218, 219}
Mystery and purpose of, {ROB1: 98-9, 148, 269-70}
of Bahá'ís, see Bahá'ís
of Job, see Job
of kindred of Bahá'u'lláh, {PM: 153}
Powerless, {PM: 153, 154, 171, 218, 219}
Purpose of, {PM: 9, 158}
Spiritual value of,{SFWAB: 226-8, 239-40, 245, 280-1, 316}Steadfastness during, {SFWAB: 74, 79, 242, 274}
awaken people, {SFWAB: 81}
help spread Cause, {SFWAB: 234-6}
separate gold from dross, {SFWAB: 120-1}
Suffering is condition of world, {SFWAB: 200}
Take place only in material world, {SFWAB: 194}
Tests, {PM: 3, 15, 27, 77, 167, 220, 232}
Torment, two kinds of, {SAQ: 265}
Trials, {PM: 3, 15, 27, 77, 96, 132, 155, 167, 232, 301}
Tribulation shall not afflict them, {SFWAB: 12}
Welcomed, {PM: 9, 18, 135, 186, 220}
Yearning for, {TOB: 14, 15}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Lawh-i-Ahbáb, Lawh-i-Salmán, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Báb, The, Christ, Manifestation(s) of God, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Martyrs, Martyrdom, Bahá'ís, Bábís, Children, Man, Tihrán
{ROB4: 183}Africa,
see also Badakhshán, Balkh
{ROB4: 233, 423}Agah, Rahbar, {ROB4: 459}
{SFWAB: 235, 256}
coming of see Human RaceAgnostic, {ROB3: 36, 326n.}
of maturity see Maturity, age of
old. elderly, {KA: K10, Q74, 146, n14, n25, n31}
of retirement, {KA: n56}
Agriculture,{ROB4: 341}Ahmad Effendi, {ROB4: 24}
{SFWAB: 144-5}
{TOB: 90}
Ahmad-i-Ahsá'í, Shaykh, Shaykh-i-Ahsá'í, Shaykh Ahmad,Ahmad-i-Azghandí, Mírzá,{DBNN: 125, 127, 184, 504, 587}Ahmad-i-Káshání, Hájí Mírzá, {ROB2: 67, 118, 127, 137, 159}
{ROB1: 194}
{ROB3: 27-8}
his conversion to the Faith, {GPB: 12}
Ahmad-i-Khurásání, Shaykh, {ROB2: 60}
Ahmad-i-Níshápúrí, Shaykh (Shaykh-i-Fání), {ROB3: 177}
Ahmad-i-Ruhi, Shaykh, {ROB4: 399-402}
Akhtar (newspaper), {ROB4: 396, 400-401, 436}
'Akká, Acre, Crimson Spot, Most Great Prison,Al-Azhar, University of,{ESW: 33, 56, 68, 69, 79, 106, 119, 125, 128, 134, 144, 145, 177-180}
{KA: K85, K132, K136, n8, n63, n116, n127, n192}
{PM: 17, 31, 34, 35, 70, 73, 101, 105, 106, 111, 145, 153, 200, 218}
{ROB1: 17, 24, 27, 42, 98, 204, 286-9 passim}
{ROB2: 2, 214, 325, 356, 398-411 passim}
{ROB3: 1, 9, 12, 14-16, 21, 24-5, 58, 63, 64, 153, 159-60, 171, 203, 211, 248-9, 251, 252, 257-8, 301-2, 384-6, 403n., 414-15, 418, 419, 443}
{ROB4: 9, 11, 14, 25, 31, 51, 58, 103, 107, 115, 170, 205, 244n., 303, 325, 343, 362, 392, 398, 400, 402, 405, 416, 417, 421, 430}
{SFWAB: 16, 17}
'Abdu'l-Bahá in,Bahjí, see 'Akká/BahjíAchor, Valley of, {SFWAB: 162}
barracks, {ROB3: 17-20}
House of 'Abdu'lláh Páshá
Khán-i-'Avámíd (Inn of the Pillars), {ROB3: 159, 222-3}
life in 'Akká,{ROB1: 100, 132, 201}'Master of', see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
{ROB3: 66}
{ROB4: 1-6, 45}
Bahá'u'lláh exile to,{GPB: 179-222}Bahá'u'lláh in,
{ROB1: 17, 204, 286-9 passim}
{ROB3: 1, 11-16, 27-8, 114}
{ROB4: 6, 77, 242, 278, 351, 353}
{SAQ: 31, 32, 36n}
{ROB3: 16}climate, {ROB3: 21-2}
{ROB4: 105, 242-3}
arrival {ROB4: 351}
Barracks,{ROB3: 16-21, 23, 52-3, 56, 66, 179, 210, 216, 221, 243}difficulty entering, {ROB3: 54-7, 58, 60-61, 179, 225}
conditions in, {ROB3: 16-21}
death of Purest Branch in, see Bahá'u'lláh
Healing Prayer revealed in, see Prayer(s)
interrogation of Bahá'u'lláh in, {GPB: 190}
Lawh-i-Ridván revealed in, see Lawh-i-Ridván
pilgrims to, {ROB3: 16, 54-8, 60, 67-8}
referred to in Lawh-i-Ra'ís, see Lawh-i-Ra'ís
water, in, {ROB3: 17}
donkey of, {ROB4: 105, 106, 336}
feasts held in honour of, {ROB4: 9-10}
Garden of Ridván, see Ridván
houses lived in,{ROB3: 221}inn of Siyyid Habíb, {ROB3: 250}
'Abbúd, house of,{ROB3: 24, 52, 69, 221, 238, 400-403, 410, 413}Bahjí, Mansion of,
{ROB4: 33, 106, 242}
'Abbúd, Christian merchant of 'Akká, residence of,{ROB3: 24, 238, 413}Bahá'u'lláh at, {ROB3: 400-403}
{ROB4: 248}
{KA: n8, n54}Khavvám, Mansúr, house of, {ROB3: 221}
{ROB1: 24, 276n., 319}
{ROB3: 22, 160}
{ROB4: illus. 109, 110, 111, 112, 422; 30, 103-17, 405, 416}
and 'Abdu'1-Bahá, {ROB4: 1, 5, 104, 106, 108}
Bahá'u'lláh at,{ROB4: 9n., 85, 103-17, 242, 245, 333, 351, 414, 418, 423}Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí describes events at, {ROB4: 106-8}
His Ascension,{GPB: 221-233}His Shrine, Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, Most Holy Shrine,
{KA: 1, K38, K53, K121, n9, n54, n125, n139}
{ROB1: 24, 132-3, 205}
{ROB3: 153, 224, 372n., 383}
{ROB4: 107n., 185, 300, 351, 413-24}
{SFWAB: 17-18}
'Abdu'l-Bahá on, see Bahá'u'lláh
effect of ascension of,{GPB: 222-223, 244, 404-405}expresses desire to leave world, {GPB: 221}
{SFWAB: 65}
Nabíl-i-A'zam's account of, see Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam
Shoghi Effendi describes events after, see Shoghi Effendi
see also Tablet Of Visitation (Section I), Bahá'í Faith/Holy Days{KA: K6, n8, n54}
{ROB1: 206 and n., 318-19}
{ROB3: 22, 348n.}
{ROB4: illus. 422; 30n., 103, 165, 170, 362n., 418, 419}
Abu'l-Qásim-i-Khurásání, Mírzá, caretaker at, {ROB4: 30n.}
circumambulation of, {ROB4: 107-8}
pilgrimage to,{GPB: 300}Qiblih (point of adoration), Most Holy Tomb, Holy Court,
{ROB4: 103}
{GPB: 214, 348, 355, 369}
{KA: 14, K6, K137, 145-146, n7}
{ROB2: 60-1, 135}
{ROB3: 170 and n., 281, 348 and n., 408}
{ROB4: 362}
focus for Obligatory Prayers, {KA: K6, 92, 99, Q67, n7}
identified by the Báb as Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K137, 145, n7}
law of, unaltered by Manifestations, {KI: 51}
and non-obligatory prayers, {KA: Q14}
and Prayer for the Dead, {KA: Q85, n10, n19}
reason why, changed by Muhammad, {KI: 49-51, 52}
resting place of Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K6, 145, n8}
Holy Family does not go to, {ROB4: 1, 106}
inscription over entrance of, {ROB4: 104}
Shoghi Effendi discusses, {ROB4: 104}
'Údí Khammár, merchant of 'Akká, residence of, see 'Akká/'Údí Khammár, house of
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Malik, house of, {ROB3: 221}
Mazra'ih, mansion of,{ROB1: 290-91}Rábi'ih, house of, {ROB3: 221}
{ROB3: 389, 401n., 416, 418}
{ROB4: 52}
'Abdu'lláh Páshá, summer residence of, {ROB4: 1}
Bahá'u'lláh at, {ROB4: 1-10, 11, 50, 73, 103, 104-5, 181, 186, 244, 421}
Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet about, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá/Áqá Mírzá Áqáy-i-Afnán (Núru'd-Dín)
pilgrims at, {ROB4: 9}
room of Bahá'u'lláh at, {ROB4: 248}
scenery at, {ROB4: 7}
'Údí Khammár, house of,{ROB3: 29, 221-2, 224-6, 234, 253, 274, 275}
'Údí Khammár, merchant of 'Akká, residence of,{KA: 12}Kitáb-i-Aqdas revealed in,
{ROB4: 103-4, 108}
laws of World Order revealed in, see New World Order of Bahá'u'lláhsee also 'Akká/Bahjí
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
interrogated by Governor, {ROB3: 238, 242-3}
interviews Governor, {ROB3: 249-50}
interviews Mufti of 'Akká, {ROB3: 70-71}
Khán-i-Shávirdí, {ROB3: 237}
life in, {ROB4: 1-2, 104-5, 241-4}
major crisis begins in 'Akká, {GPB: 185}
Most Great Prison,{DBNN: 304}Muhammad-Hasan, Áqá, caretaker of Pilgrim House, {ROB3: 362}
{GPB: 179, 182, 183-220, 196, 224}
{ROB1: 17, 98, 290}
{ROB3: 1, 11 ff., 16-17, 19-21, 32, 36, 52-3, 55, 60, 74, 108, 205-6, 208, 210, 216, 221, 386}
{ROB4: 5, 6, 104, 105, 242, 335, 401, 412}
{SAQ: 28, 31, 32, 36n}
{TOB: 21, 52, 77, 78, 83, 89, 95, 210, 227, 233, 254, 264, 267}
Prisoner of 'Akká, a title of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
twenty-four years' incarceration in 'Akká, {GPB: 104}
ordered to 'Akká, {GPB: 179}
pilgrims, {ROB4: 83-7}
proclamation of His Mission from 'Akká, {GPB: 206-213}
prophecies an end to imprisonment,{ROB3: 33}leaves the prison-city, {ROB3: 416-18}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
description of, {GPB: 185, 186}
history of, {GPB: 185}
Holy Family in,{ROB4: 106}inhabitants of,
Ásíyih Khánum (Navváb), resting-place in, see Bahá'u'lláh
Mírzá Mihdí (The Purest Branch), resting-place in, see Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB3: 12-13, 19, 21, 22-3, 69-72, 225, 235, 236-7, 238, 252, 400}its authorities and leaders,
Bahá'ís,{ROB1: 26, 27, 29, 35, 39, 204, 287-91 passim}Christian community, {ROB3: 22, 221, 225}
{ROB3: 54-5, 65-72, 160, 401-4, 407, 410-12}
{ROB4: 2}
'Abdu'lláh Tu'zih, {ROB3: 13}
Nabíl-i-Akbar at, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat
'Uthmán Effendi, {ROB3: 72}
Covenant-breakers,{ROB1: 201, 315-19}Khalíl Ahmad 'Abdú, {ROB3: 12-13}
Azalís in,{ROB3: 56-7}
murder of three Azalís, {ROB3: 69, 224-5, 234-9, 242-3, 400, 407}
mourn death of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 222}
Sálih Effendi, {ROB3: 70}
{ROB3: 11, 14, 17-19, 20, 52-3, 65-6, 69, 70-72, 235, 237-9, 242, 411-12 n., 416-18}Junaynih, Garden of ,
Clergy, Islám,{ROB1: 32}Jarráh,
{ROB3: 70}
Mahmúd-i-'Arrábí, Shaykh, see Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláhAhmad-i-, officer in the Turkish Army, {ROB3: 68-9}Governor of,
Amín-i-, Commander of the Guard, {ROB3: illus. 60; 69}
Khálid-i-, physician, {ROB3: 69}
{ROB4: 7, 336}Mufti of,
Ahmad Big Tawfíq,{ROB3: 24-5, 251-2, 410}Faydí Páshá, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
directed to restore aqueduct, {GPB: 192}
respects Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 191}
{ROB3: 70-72, 238, 242}Mutasarrif, {ROB3: 17-19, 235, 237-8, 249-50}
{ROB4: 239}
Shaykh 'Alíy-i-Mírí,{ROB3: 70-71, 410-412, 413, 417}
{ROB4: 245}
officials governing, {TOB: 125, 127}
{ROB4: 30, 105, 244, 335}land gate, {ROB3: 57, 225}
Bahá'u'lláh in, {ROB4: 336}
Muslim Cemetery, {ROB3: 20}
Mosque of, {ROB3: 18, 66, 179}
pilgrims, pilgrimages to,{GPB: 198}prophecies and traditions concerning,
{ROB1: 37, 48, 50n., 111, 131-2}
{ROB4: 8, 12, 33, 84-5, 87, 120, 178, 217}
Siyyid Asadu'lláh's pilgrimage to, see Asadu'lláh, Siyyid
{GPB: 183, 184}public bath, {ROB3: 19, 74-5}
{ROB1: 32n.}
{ROB3: 13, 14-16, 28, 65-6, 67, 68}
{ROB4: 387}
Shaykh Yúsuf visits, {ROB4: 239}
Strong City, {TOB: 259}
Sulaymán Khán in, {ROB4: 178, 181, 185, 189}
Súq-i-Abyad (White Market),{ROB4: 106, 243}Tablets revealed in, {ROB3: 25, 29, 32, 34, 45, 87, 100n., 110, 114, 116, 118, 123, 133, 147, 174, 179, 199, 216, 223, 226, 230, 258, 270, 272, 279, 358, 379, 420-21}
Khán-i-Súq-i-Abiyad, {ROB1: 131}
visitors to, {SFWAB: 195-6}
water, in 'Akká, {ROB3: 22-5}
{ROB3: 435}Aleppo, {ROB4: 418}
{ROB4: 151, 265}
Alexander the Great, {ROB4: 46}
Alexandria, Egypt,'Alí (minister of Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz), {ROB4: 242}
'Alí' Hájí, {ROB3: 183}
'Ali Khán, Siyyid, arrest at Zanján, {DBNN: 557}
'Alí Khán-i-Máh-Kú'í, {DBNN: 230, 243, 247, 256, 302}
'Alí Sháh, Prince, {ROB1: 258}
'Alí, Áqá (martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 347}
'Alí, Mírzá, Mulla, Shaykh, 'Azim,{DBNN: 125, 155, 172, 306, 313, 505, 587, 599}'Alí, Mullá (Mu'allim), {ROB3: 90}
{GPB: 28}
{ROB1: 327 and n., 328}
{ROB4: 437}
'Alí, Shaykh, {ROB4: 23-4}
'Alí, Siyyid (brother-in-law of the wife of 'Abdu'l-Bahá), {ROB4: 16}
'Alí-Akbar, Mullá, of Manshád, {ROB2: 100-2}
'Alí-Akbar-i-Ardistání, Mullá, {ROB3: 256}
'Alí-Akbar-i-Hakkák, {ROB2: 46}
'Alí-Akbar-i-Muhibb'us-Sultán (Rawhání), {ROB4: 293}
'Alí-Asghar (first martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 347}
'Alí-Asghar (sixth martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 348}
'Alí-Asghar-i-Hikmát, {ROB4: 314}
'Alí-Asghar-i-Khán, the Amínu's-Sultán, {ROB4: 185-8}
'Ali-Askar, Hájí,relates account of Martyrdom of the Báb, {DBNN: 518}'Alí-'Askar-i-Shál-Báf, Ustád, {ROB2: 103-4}
visits Báb in Tabríz when imprisoned, {DBNN: 239, 240}
'Alí-Khán, {ROB3: 196-8}
Ali-Kuli Khán,{ROB3: 105-6}'Alí-Naqíy-i-Níshápúrí, Mullá, {ROB2: 61}
{ROB4: 261, 265}
'Alí-Ridáy-i-Mustawfí, Mírzá, {ROB2: 388}
'Alíy-i-Misrí, Hájí, {ROB3: 52}
'Alíy-i-Mudhahhib, Mullá, {DBNN: 490}
'Alíy-i-Sabzivárí, Mullá (martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 347, 349}
'Alíy-i-Yazdí, Hájí, {ROB4: 248}
'Alíy-i-Yazdí, Siyyid, {ROB4: 23-5}
'Alíy-i-Zunúzí, Siyyid, {DBNN: 307, 509}
Alláh-Yár, Hájí,{DBNN: 519}Allenby, General,
{ROB3: 423-4}
extends sympathy at passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 312}Alpha and Omega,
instructed to protect 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 306}
visits 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 306}
{SAQ: 219, 281}Amanuensis,
{SFWAB: 13}
of The Báb,America,Mullá 'Abdu'l-Karím-i-Qazvíní, see 'Abdu'l-Karím-i-Qazvíní, Mulláof Bahá'u'lláh,
Siyyid Husayn-i-Yazdí, see Letters of the Living
Khádimu'lláh, see Áqá Ján, Mírzá (Khádimu'lláh)
Mírzá Mihdí (The Purest Branch), see Bahá'u'lláh/Mírzá MihdíAmír-Nizám-Taqí Khán, Mírzá, {DBNN: 332, 500, 504, 506, 526, 539, 547, 595}{ROB3: 155}
{ROB4: 233, 260-1, 262, 265, 285, 358}
{SFWAB: 70, 74-5, 235}
Bahá'ís of, Believers of,{ROB3: 345, 431, 432}Canada, {GPB: 336}
{SFWAB: 243 and n.}
accomplishments of, {GPB: 255-256, 329-345, 348-353, 372-374}
community, {GPB: 396, 400}
community of the Most Great Name, {GPB: 316}
distinguishes itself, {GPB: 396-401}
Divine Plan of, {GPB: 296, 305}
evolved pattern of Administrative Order, {GPB: 255}
restless, {SFWAB: 215}
foundation of Faith laid by May Bolles, see Maxwell, May Ellis BollesChoir of holiness, {SFWAB: 255}
Conferred special favor by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 305}
Continent will lead all nations spiritually, {GPB: 254}
Early history of Faith in, {GPB: 256-263}
Introduction of Faith in (1893), {GPB: 256}
Latin America, establishment of Faith in, {GPB: 399, 400}
Letter from {SFWAB: 243}
Mexico, Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 336}
North America,
achievements of Bahá'ís in, {GPB: 255, 256}Teaching in, {SFWAB: 107}
establishment of Faith in, {GPB: 253, 256-262}
will lead all nations spiritually, {GPB: 254}
United States of America,{ROB3: 82, 83-4, 106, 337}World mission of, {GPB: 305, 396, 397}
'Abdu'l-Bahá in,{GPB: 281-283, 287-292}California,
addresses at public gatherings, {GPB: 288, 289}
Bowery (New York), visit to, {GPB: 291}
hopes to visit,{SFWAB: 105, 106}lays dedication stone of Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, see Chicago
resolves to visit, {GPB: 259}
proof of His love for American believers, {GPB: 288}
{SFWAB: 81 and n., 196, 209, 210}Chase, Thornton, Thábit (Steadfast),
Los Angeles, {SFWAB: 209, 210}
San Francisco, {SFWAB: 81 and n.}
{SFWAB: 196}Chicago,
Abdu'l-Bahá visits grave of, {GPB: 288, 292}
first American believer, {GPB: 257, 267}
see also Disciples of 'Abdu'l-BaháCleveland, {SFWAB: 213}{GPB: 256, 261, 336, 348, 373, 401}
{ROB3: 84}
{SFWAB: 83, 198; see also Mashriqu'l-Adhkár}
Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (Mother Temple Of The West),{GPB: 261, 262, 307, 314, 337, 348-353}
{ROB4: 359}
{SFWAB: 98, 216}
'Abdu'l-Baháapproval of, in 1903, {GPB: 262}Bourgeois, Louis,
lays dedication stone of, {GPB: 288}
{GPB: 349}praised by,
architect of, {GPB: 303}
description of, {GPB: 351, 352}
Barnard, George Gray, {GPB: 352}see also Prayers
Cody, Sherwin, {GPB: 352, 353}
Magonigle, H. VanBuren, {GPB: 352}
Newcomb, Dr. Rexford, {GPB: 353}
Quaglino, Prof. Luigi, {GPB: 352}
Englewood, New Jersey, souvenir feast at, {GPB: 288}
First Bahá'í Convention, see Bahá'í Faith
Government,Bahá'u'lláh addresses Presidents of, see Kitáb-i-AqdasKenosha, Wisconsin, Faith taught in, {GPB: 257}
President of the United States, uses Bahá'u'lláh's peace principles, {GPB: 294}
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, {GPB: 344}
President Woodrow Wilson, {SFWAB: 109, 311}
presidential system, {ROB4: 162}
recognizes the Faith, {GPB: 372, 373}
Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in, see Chicago
Montana, {SFWAB: 206}
Muskegon, Michigan, endowment in, {GPB: 337}
New York City,{ROB3: 83-4}Pacific coast, {SFWAB: 191}
{SFWAB: 83}
called "City of the Covenant," {GPB: 288}
introduction of Faith in, {GPB: 257}
Philadelphia, introduction of Faith in, {GPB: 257}
Pine Valley, Colorado, endowments in, {GPB: 337}
Schools,Colorado Springs, {GPB: 340, 341}States recognizing Bahá'í marriage, {GPB: 373, 374}
Geyserville,endowments in, {GPB: 337}Green Acre,
summer school established (1927), {GPB: 340}
{SFWAB: 28}Louhelen, {GPB: 340}
'Abdu'l-Bahá visits, {GPB: 288}
endowments in, {GPB: 337}
first summer conference (1894), {GPB: 261}
summer school established (1929), {GPB: 340}
Turner, Robert C., Disciple of 'Abdu'l-Bahá,{GPB: 259}Washington, {SFWAB: 83}
see also Disciples of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
West Englewood, endowments in, {GPB: 337}
Wilson House, Malden, Mass., {GPB: 337}
Amos,{ROB3: 15}Ámul,
{ROB4: 408}
prophecies of, {ESW: 145}
{ROB3: 68}Annas,
{ROB4: 148, 389, 435}
{GL: 83}Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh,
{TOB: 210}Apperson, Ann, niece of Mrs. Hearst, {GPB: 257}{GPB: 254}
{ROB1: 16, 26, 27 and n., 36, 41n., 95, 202, 259}
{ROB2: 42, 44, 77n., 175n.}
{ROB3: 76, 88, 104, 181}
{ROB4: 49, 50, 53, 88n., 105, 294, 394, 414, 438}
1. Mírzá Músá (Áqáy-i-Kalím), the brother of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
2. Mírzá Buzurg (Badí)
3. Siyyid Hasan (Sultánu'sh-Shuhadá')
4. Hájí Mullá Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikání, see Hands of the Cause of God
5. Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpáygání,{GPB: 195, 261}6. Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Varqá, see Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB1: 7, 221}
{ROB2: 16, 27-8, 44-5, 219-20}
{ROB3: 16, 21-2, 88, 91-107, 246, 270, 293, 304, 374-6, Appendix II}
{ROB4: 14, 99, 151-2, 258-79, 343}
{SFWAB: 191}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's Statements on,{ROB3: 106}dialogues of, with clergy {ROB4: 262-9}
an example, {ROB4: 36}
Fará'id, his book, {ROB3: 16, 22, 434, 440}
exposes errors of Maqálih-Fí-Al-Islám (Treatise on Islám), {ROB4: 151}
imprisonment of, {ROB4: 379}
influence of prayers on, see Prayer(s)
Kashfu'l-Ghitá,{DBNN: 72 (note 16), 79 (note 31), 81 (note 36), 101 (note 6), 175 (note 5), 183 (note 14), 188 (note 18), 272 (note 7), 285 (note 19), 293 (note 5), 431 (note 4), Appendix #26}on certitude, see Certitude
{ROB1: 329}
simple life of, {ROB4: 258-61}
teaching work of, {ROB4: 258-70}
travels of, {ROB4: 177, 258-70}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
7. Mírzá Mahmúd Furúghí, Mírzá Mahmúd-i-Fúrúghi, an indomitable spirit and jealous defender of the Faith
{ROB2: 115}8. Mullá 'Ali-Akbar (Hájí Ákhúnd)
9. Mullá Muhammad (Nabíl-i-Akbar), see Lawh-i-Hikmat
10. Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqí, Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqíy-i-Afnán, Kabír-i-Afnán, the Vakílu'd-Dawlih{ROB1: 158, 198-201}11. Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqí (Ibn-i-Abhar)
{ROB4: 120, 122, 123, 394}
12. Mulla Muhammad (Nabíl-i-A'zam)
13. Shaykh Kázim-i-Samandar,{ROB1: 36}14. Mírzá Muhammad Mustafa, brave and vigilant custodian and bearer of the remains of the Báb
{ROB2: 73-4, 175, 246, 260}
{ROB3: 88-91, 257-8, 266, 381}
{ROB4: 88, 178, 191, 394}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Shoghi Effendi
15. Mírzá Husayn, of Isfahán, Áqá Husayn-i-Isfahání (Mishkín-Qalam),{ROB1: 26-8}16. Mírzá Hasan (Adíb)
{ROB2: 213, 328, 402, 408}
{ROB3: 223, 431}
{ROB4: 244, 333}
17. Shaykh Muhammad- Ali, eloquent and learned champion of the Faith in Russian Turkistán
18. Mullá Zaynu'l-'Ábidín (Zaynu'l-Muqarrabín)
19. Mírzá 'Ali-Muhammad (Ibn-i-Asdaq, Shahid Ibn-i-Shahíd)
Áqá Ján (Kaj Kuláh),{ROB2: 326, 397, 402}Áqá Ján Khán-i-Khamsih, {DBNN: 514}
{ROB3: 56, 178, 224-5, 235}
Áqá Ján, {GPB: 179, 181, 189}
Áqá Ján, Mírzá, Khádimu'lláh,Áqá Ján, Siyyid, {GPB: 200}{DBNN: 460}
{GPB: 115, 116, 138, 166, 171, 247}
{KA: n192}
{ROB1: 24, 35-8, 40, 69, 92, 131, 157, 205, 228, 278}
{ROB2: 6, 153, 162, 294, 329}
{ROB3: 7, 37, 45 and n., 57, 122, 179, 205 and n., 206, 236, 251, 279, 304n., 386, 404}
{ROB4: 8, 9, 24, 73, 105, 106, 114, 246, 248, 254-5, 300, 332, 339, 400}
{TOB: 159, 174}
amanuensis of Bahá'u'lláh, records revelation, {ROB4: 125, 219, 333, 334}
biography, {ROB1: 24, 40-41}
breaks Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant,{ROB1: 315-19}his important testimony, {ROB1: 42}
downfall of, {ROB4: 247}
'Revelation Writing ',{ROB1: 24-5, 35-6}Tablets dictated to, {TOB: 159}
{ROB3: 7}
{ROB4: 125, 334}
"the first to believe" in Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 115}
Áqá Khán, Mírzá (Qá'im Maqámí),{ROB4: illus. 224; 222-5}Áqá Khán, Mírzá, Persian Prime Minister, {ROB1: 10-11}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, Tablet to, {ROB4: 223-5, 400}
Áqá Khán-i-Kirmání, Mírzá, {ROB4: 399-402}
Áqá Khán-i-Núrí, Mírzá, {DBNN: 120, 279, 502, 522, 598, 650}
Áqá Ridá, of Shíráz, {ROB1: 288-8}
Aqásí, Háji Mirza,Áqáy-i-Káshání, Mírzá (Ismu'lláhu'l-Muníb),{DBNN: 120, 121, 204, 226, 231, 244, 254, 259, 280, 301, 525, 531}
{GPB: 6, 13}
{TOB: 65 n.}
Anti-Christ of the Báb's Revelation, {GPB: 164}
attacks upon the Báb, caused by, {GPB: 15}
The Báb's return to Chihríq and His epistle to, {DBNN: 323}
death of, {GPB: 82}
falls in disgrace, {GPB: 37}
persecutor of Bábís, {GPB: 82}
plots against the Báb, {GPB: 15}
{ROB1: 283-7 passim}Arabia, Arab(s), Arab tribes,
{ROB2: 59, 65, 72-7 passim, 114}
{ROB3: 425}
Arák, {ROB4: 222, 223}
Arawaka, Viscount, {ROB4: 225}
Ardabíl, {ROB4: 186}
Ardikán, {ROB4: 245}
Arguments, {ROB3: 336-7}
Armenian, {ROB3: 121}
Asadu'lláh, Mírzá; Dayyán,{DBNN: 303, 304}Asadu'lláh, Siyyid, {ROB4: 191}
{ROB1: 249-52}
{ROB4: 439}
Asadu'lláh-i-Farhádí, Hájí, {ROB2: 171-2}
Asadu'lláh-i-Isfahání, Mírzá, {ROB3: 427-30}
Asadu'lláh-i-Káshání, Mírzá, {ROB2: 302-3}
Asadu'lláh-i-Qumí, Siyyid,{ROB1: 35; quoted, 35-6, 87-9}Ascetic, asceticism, Seclusion,
{ROB4: 14, 185-7, 222-3, 333}
in Tihrán, {ROB4: 186}
Prophecies of, {ROB4: 185-6}
{KA: 14, K36, 157, n61}Ashraf, Áqá Mírzá, (of Ábádih),
{ROB3: 281, 347}
{TOB: 71}
prohibited, {GPB: 214}
see also Detachment
{ROB4: 175-6, 384, 385-6, 435}Asia, {ROB4: 233, 394, 423}
{TOB: 79 and n.}
Ásíyih, {GPB: 347}
Assistance, Aid,to Cause of God, {KA: K84, K159}Association,
divine, {KA: K53, K74, K157, 164}
to king who will arise, {KA: K84}
of laws, {KA: K4}
see also Prayer(s)
with followers of all religions, {KA: K144, 159}Astrology,
between people of Bahá, {KA: n82, n95}
Astronomy,{KA: n147}'Atá'u'lláh, Saráj'u'l-Hukamá, Mírzá, {ROB4: illus. 327; 326-8, 459}
curvature of horizon, {SAQ: 187-88}
elements of universe are interconnected, {SAQ: 245-47}
in Qur'án, {SAQ: 23}
Atheist(s),{ROB3: 36, 326}Athím, {KI: 190}
God and, {ROB2: 313-14}
Atom(s),{GL: 16, 177, 192, 267, 300, 324, 325}Atonement, {ROB3: 211}
{SFWAB: 41, 58}
{TOB: 5, 76, 130, 176}
similar to greatest beings of universe, {SAQ: 182}
Attachment,to the next world, {ROB2: 36-9}Attributes, see God, attributes of God and/or Bahá'u'lláh
to the Kingdom of Names, {ROB2: 39-43}
to this world, {ROB3: 10, 48, 180, 193}
Australasia, {ROB4: 233}
{KA: 15, K85, n116}Authority,
Austrian officer witnesses persecution, {GPB: 65, 66}
emperor of, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas'Azím-i-Tafrishí, Áqá,{KA: 13-14}
of 'Abdu'l-Bahá,{KA: 3, 13, K121, K174, n66, n130, n145}of God, {KA: K93, K161, K162, K163, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101, Q83, Q100}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá
of Holy Text, {KA: 4-5, 13, K53, K99, Q10}
of House of Justice,{KA: 3, 4-5, 13, K42, 91, n95}of interpretation,
see also House(s) of Justice
{KA: n130}of Manifestation of God, {KA: 14, K7, K47, K53, K81, K82, K132, K143, K183, n75, n160}
see also Interpretation of Sacred Text
of Shoghi Effendi,{KA: 3, 13-14, n66, n130}those in, injunction not to contend with, {KA: K95, 161}
see also Guardianship; Shoghi Effendi
see also Infallibility{ROB3: 23-4}'Aziz Khan-i-Mukrí; Sardár-i-Kull, his meeting with Hujjat, {DBNN: 556}
{ROB4: 255}
'Azízu'lláh (son of Varqá), {ROB4: 55, 58, 59}
'Azízu'lláh-i-Jadhdháb, Mírzá,{ROB3: 168-73, 179}Azízu'lláh-i-Misbáh, Mírzá, {ROB2: 38-9, 44, 81, 191}
{ROB4: 398}
Báb, The (Siyyid 'Alí-Muhammad, {DBNN: Mírzá 'Alí Muhammad of Shíráz}),{DBNN: 27, 30, 52}Bábá, Hájí, {ROB3: 59}
{GL: 73, 74, 101, 102, 259}
{ROB1: 3, 20, 56, 61, 169, 207, 213, 325, 326}
{ROB2: 86, 119, 202-4, 210-11, 303, 321, 354, 375-6, 382-7 403}
{ROB3: 9, 10, 42, 58, 75, 88, 115, 141, 142, 152, 188n., 196-8, 223, 240, 254, 257, 262, 350, 386n., Appendix I}
{ROB4: 101n., 120, 122, 123, 126, 128, 137, 147, 148, 150, 175, 207-10, 305n., 405, 406, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440}
{SAQ: 25-26, 54}
{SFWAB: 15, 60 and n., 235, 236}
{TOB: 101-3, 233}
Biographical,His Cause,and,'Abdu'l-Bahá,birth of, see Shírázstatements, onAlí Khán (warden of Máh-Kú) impressed with Báb's influence, {GPB: 19}laws of Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB3: 278, 281}
relation of Báb to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB3: 306}
Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB2: 76, 119, 182, 242n., 305, 376-81}governor of Isfahán, guest of, {GPB: 15}
corresponds with the Báb, {GPB: 31}
desire of, to be wiling sacrifice to the Báb, {KI: 252}
focal point for Bábís, {GPB: 127, 128}
identifies Himself with Bábí Faith,{GPB: 67}on
{PM: 308}
House of The Báb, see Shírázprayer for The Báb, {PM: 300}
transfer of the remains of The Báb, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
Writings of The Báb, {ROB4: 47-8, 373}
receives documents of the Báb, {GPB: 69}
recognized, assisted the Báb, {SAQ: 27-28}
refers to the Báb, {KA: K135, K136, K140, K141, K142, K143}
tribute to martyrs of Bábí Faith, {GPB: 79}
King and Beloved of Martyrs, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Manúchihr Khán, the Mu'tamidu'd-Dawlih,{DBNN: 199, 203, 205, 211, 213, 214}Mírzá Yahyá,
The Báb's letter to, {DBNN: 199}
His prediction of the approaching death of Manúchihr Khán, {DBNN: 213}
visit of, to, {GPB: 14, 15}
{ROB2: 242n.,247}Muhammad Shah, letter from, see Persia/Kings
The Báb nominate Mírzá Yahyá as figurehead, {GPB: 28, 29}
see also Báb, The/His Tablets and Writings, Bahá'u'lláh/Mírzá Yahyá
Mu'tamid,foretells death of, {GPB: 16}Siyyid Yahyáy-i-Dárábí, addressed by, see Yahyáy-i-Dárábí
protected by, {GPB: 15}
Vahíd, interviews with, {GPB: 11, 12}
constancy and fearlessness of, {KI: 230}
distinguished people proclaim His Cause, {GPB: 20}
erudition of, {SAQ: 25}
forerunners of, {KI: 65-66}
great effect on multitude, {GPB: 14}
half of ministry remote from followers, {GPB: 127}
His farewell to His guards, {DBNN: 236}
His warning to the Farrásh-Báshí, {DBNN: 508-9, 513}
honors accorded to,{DBNN: 202}influence on people of Isfahán, {GPB: 14}
{GPB: 15}
His family,{ROB1: 153-9 passim, 198-201 passim, 206n., 249, 251}in,
Fátimih-Bagum, mother of, {ROB1: 154-7 passim, 159, 200}
final separation from, {GPB: 14}
Afnáns ('twigs', The Báb's kindred),{ROB1: 134 and n., 155, 158-9, 198-9}reference to His mother and wife, {DBNN: 191}
{ROB4: 50, 73, 119-20, 248, 284-5}
{TOB: 73, 84, 221-3, 231, 232}
{SFWAB: 238}
Áqá Mírzá Áqáy-i-Afnán (Núru'd-Dín), see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá
Áqá Siyyid Ahmad-i-Afnán,{ROB3: 172}Fátimih Khánum-i-Afnán, {ROB1: 159}
{ROB4: 396, 398-9}
Hájí Mírzá Buzurg-i-Afnán, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tarázát
Hájí Mírzá Habíb'u'lláh-i-Afnán,{ROB1: 155}Hájí Mírzá Mahmúd, {ROB1: 199}
{ROB3: 202}
{ROB4: 101, 332-6}
Hájí Mírzá Siyyid 'Alí, Khál-i-A'zam (The Greatest Uncle, the Most Great Uncle), one of The Seven Martyrs of Tihrán,{DBNN: 143, 151, 175, 442, 446}Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Hasan-'Alí (Afnán-i-Kabír, The Great Afnán), uncle of The Báb
{GPB: 11, 13}
{ROB1: 153, 154, 327, 329}
{ROB4: 429}
{ROB1: 156-7, 159}Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Muhammad, uncle of The Báb, see Kitáb-i-Íqán
{ROB3: 257}
{ROB4: illus. 404; 330, 396, 401, 402-6, 334}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's statement on, {ROB4: 405-6}
Siyyid 'Alí, son of (son-in-law of Bahá'u'lláh), see Bahá'u'lláh
Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqíy-i-Afnán (Vakílu'd-Dawlih), son of, see Apostles of Bahá'u'lláhHájí Muhammad 'Alíy-i-Afnán, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Hájí Mírzá Muhammad 'Alí, son of,{ROB1: 198}
{ROB4: 120-2, 394}
Hájí Siyyid Mírzáy-i-Afnán,{ROB3: 101}Hájí Siyyid 'Alíy-i-Afnán, {ROB1: 41}
{ROB4: 107}
Mírzá 'Alí-Akbar, paternal cousin of The Báb,{ROB1: 251-252}Mírzá Muhsin-i-Afnán, {ROB4: 396}
{ROB4: 439}
establish trading company in Istanbul, {ROB4: 394-6}
in India, {ROB4: 178-81}
Tablet to,{GL: 92}take counsel on community affairs, {ROB4: 119n.}
prayer for protection of, {PM: 154}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Siyyid Muhammad-Ridá, father of, {DBNN: 14}
wife of,Khadíjih-Bagum,farewell to His relatives and departure from Shíráz, {DBNN: 198}{ROB1: 155, 206n.}Fátimih, second wife of, {ROB1: 249 and n.}
{ROB2: 382-7}
{ROB4: 329, 331, 404, 405, 429, 430}
marriage, {DBNN: 76}
see also 'Iráq, Genealogy Of The Báb
Búshihr, see Búshihrpersonal relics of,
Chihríq, see Chihríq
Isfahán, see Isfahán
Káshán, see Jání, Hájí Mírzá
Máh-Kú, see Máh-Kú
Mecca, see Mecca
Medina, see Medina
Shíráz, see Shíráz
Tabriz, see Tabríz
{GPB: 347}popularity of, {GPB: 15}
portrait of, {GPB: 347}
Seals of, {ROB2: 147, 164}
Russian poetess produces drama "The Báb", {GPB: 56}
Shrine of, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
steadfastness of, {KI: 233-34}
tributes to, {GPB: 55, 56}
His Station and Titles,claim, public, {GPB: 21, 22}
Covenant of, see Covenant
Declaration of, see Shíráz
disciples of,{ROB3: 88}Dispensation of,
bestows station of Imám on believers, {ROB4: 209}
First Váhid (Unity) of, see Letters of the Living
'Mirrors' of, {ROB2: 376-7}
see also Bábís, Lawh-i-Sayyáh
{KA: 8, n109, n172}laws of,
{ROB1: 23n., 34, 93n., 191 and n., 280, 293, 294}
{ROB3: 28, 192}
{ROB4: 166-7, 305n., 377, 437}
birth of, {GPB: 3-17}
chief historical characters, summarized, {GPB: 4, 5}
duration foretold, {GPB: 92}
early days of {ROB1: 222-3, 327-30}
effect of crises on, {GPB: 61-62}
His Faith,{ROB3: 68, 200, 217, 257}name discarded, {GPB: 299}
Islám and Bábí Faith, {ROB2: 352}
opening scene, {GPB: 5}
protected, {TOB: 102}
significance of, {GPB: 3, 7, 54-60}
six years' ministry, {GPB: 17}
testimonials by observers, {GPB: 55, 56}
{ROB3: 227, 352}ministry, last three years, {GPB: 17, 18, 31}
{TOB: 132}
abolishes old laws, {GPB: 59}
Bábís and, {ROB4: 166-7}
formulated by the Báb, {GPB: 17}
Shoghi Effendi and, {ROB4: 166-7}
see also Bayán
Prophecies concerning,all correspond to one another, {SAQ: 71}Purpose of His mission,
Bahá'u'lláh,{ESW: 141, 142, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 162, 165, 167, 168, 171, 173, 175, 176, 177}date of advent, {SAQ: 41-43, 46, 54, 69-72}
{TOB: 43, 53, 76, 77-8}
Báb's prophecies fulfilled, see Bahá'u'lláh
Bahá'u'lláh is return of, {TOB: 182, 185}
foretells date of Bahá'í Revelation, {GPB: 28, 29}
prophesies an act of the Promised One, {GPB: 138}
prophesies Order of Bahá'u'lláh,{GPB: 25}sufferings of Bahá'u'lláh foreshadowed, {KA: n1}
{KA: n189}
fulfils scriptural prophecies, {GPB: 58}
martyrdom of, {SAQ: 55}
perfect offspring born from Law of Muhammad, {SAQ: 69}
second woe is appearance of, {SAQ: 56}
{GL: 146, 245, 291, 292-294}Revelation of,
{PM: 86, 129}
{ROB2: 14, 378}
Herald of a New Era, {GPB: 57}
Herald of Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh,{GL: 10, 96, 147, 294}inaugurates universal prophetic cycle, see cycle
{PM: 119, 128, 180}
{ROB1: 7-8, 217}
announces station of Bahá'u'lláh,{GPB: 98}begins Bahá'í Dispensation, {ROB4: 155}
{ROB4: 17, 127, 128, 206, 262}
extols Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 295-8, 300, 301-3, 307}
first to adore Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 75}
gives titles to Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 94, 97}
'Him Whom God shall make manifest', see Bahá'u'lláh
His joy at the gift and message from Bahá'u'lláh, {DBNN: 227}
identity with Bahá'u'lláh,{GL: 147, 244, 293}prepares the way for Bahá'u'lláh,
oneness with Bahá'u'lláh, {PM: 85, 119}
{ROB4: 81, 147, 408}proclaimed Bahá'u'lláh, {PM: 40, 85, 276, 285}
prepares disciples for the Promised One, {GPB: 28}
sends documents and seals to Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 51}
mission of, twofold, {GPB: 27, 328}
transmuting influence of, {KI: 234-35}
warnings of,{KA: n180}
to Bábís, {GPB: 29}
{GPB: 4, 6, 7, 10}
{ROB1: 81, 108 and n., 190-4, 329 and n.}
{ROB2: 14, 75, 182}
{ROB4: 166-7, 209, 329}
effect of, on Persia, {ROB4: 166-7}
Hájí Mírzá Áqásí, Anti-Christ of the Báb's Revelation, see Aqásí, Háji Mirza
likened to sign of Aries, {GPB: 99}
significance of, {GPB: 3, 7, 54-60}
His Sufferings,{GPB: 57-60}
{PM: 128, 300}
{ROB1: 214, 223, 294-5, 313}
{ROB4: 207, 210}
Emmanuel, {SFWAB: 60}
extolled by Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 119, 190-93, 214, 272, 294}
proclaims His station at examination, {GPB: 21, 22}
spiritual titles of, {ROB1: 60, 67, 221, 222 and n., 294, 307}
Crier,{SFWAB: 13}Jamál-i-Qidám (Ancient Beauty), {GL: 77}
{TOB: 12, 103, 118}
Hadrat-i-A'lá, Hadrat-i-'Alá, {SAQ: 25n}
Herald, {TOB: 75, 132}
King of the Messengers, {ROB1: 294}
Lord of the Realms of Grace and Bounty, {TOB: 65}
Luminary, {TOB: 102}
Master Hero of Heroic Age, {GPB: 3}
Mouthpiece of God, {GL: 145}
Point,{TOB: 65, 75, 77, 101, 102, 103, 124, 161, 184}Prophet of Shíráz,
Point of the Bayán,{KA: K129, K140, n150, n159}Primal Point,
{ROB4: 206-7, 208}
{KA: Q8, Q29, Q32, Q100}
{PM: 84, 300}
{ROB3: 137}
{SAQ: 69}
{GPB: 56}Qá'im, Twelfth Imám, Hidden Imám,
Martyr Prophet of Shíráz, {GPB: 276}
{ESW: 112, 121, 163}Remembrance, {TOB: 13}
{GL: 12}
{GPB: 33, 57}
{ROB1: 126, 128n., 152 and n., 155, 156, 158, 169n., 180-81, 326, 331}
{ROB2: 68n., 75, 86 and n., 101, 108, 352}
{ROB3: 16, 27, 65, 254, 258, 301n.}
{ROB4: 174}
attributes of, {KI: 240, 245, 254}
dissertation of the Báb about, {GPB: 14}
Mihdí, awaited by the Sunnís,{GL: 114}persecution of followers of, {KI: 245}
{GPB: 58}
{SAQ: 39}
Abú-'Abdi'lláh, describes character of, {KI: 240}
prophecies concerning,in Arba'in, {KI: 242}promise to Shi'ahs, {GPB: 57}
in 'Aválim, {KI: 241, 243}
in Biháru'l-Anvár, {KI: 243, 254}
will excel all Prophets, {KI: 244}
signs of, {GPB: 80}
sovereignty of, {KI: 106-07}
traditions about,{ROB1: 185, 194, 216, 267}word of, {TOB: 258}
Persians would slaughter Qá'im's followers, {KI: 247}
rising of, marks Day of Resurrection,{KI: 144}Tablet of Fátimih, {KI: 245}
see also Terms in Holy Writings
will reveal twenty-five remaining letters of knowledge,{KI: 243-44}
{ROB1: 216}
Return of,Elias (Elijah),through Whom all knowledge revealed, {PM: 84}{GPB: 58, 276}John the Baptist, forerunner of Jesus,
{SAQ: 39, 288}
John the Baptist was return of, {SAQ: 132-34, 288}
{ESW: 157, 158, 171}
{GPB: 58}
{KI: 64-65}
{ROB1: 169}
{SAQ: 91, 93-95}
{SFWAB: 18, 165-6, 228}
Revelation of, {SFWAB: 12}
transcendent power of,{KI: 234}
iron rod of, {SAQ: 70}
His Tablets and Writings,{PM: 40}
{SFWAB: 73, 261-2}
arrested in Shíráz,{GPB: 11, 13}assigned to Máh-Kú (prison), {GPB: 16}
and outbreak of the plague, {DBNN: 196}
release of, {DBNN: 197}
attacks upon, caused by Hájí Mírzá Áqásí, see Aqásí, Háji Mirza
aware of impending trials, {GPB: 14}
Banishment,{TOB: 65}bastinadoed, {GPB: 22}
for three years to Ádhirbáyján, {GPB: 17-34}
proves to be prophetic fulfilment, {GPB: 18}
captivity proves fruitful, {GPB: 91}
death warrant issued by 'ulamas of Isfáhán, {DBNN: 209, 211, 212, 510}
denounced and condemned to death, {GPB: 52}
effects of the Mázindarán disaster on Him, {DBNN: 430}
enemies of, {GPB: 81-85}
examination of, in Tabriz, see Tabríz
His confinement in the barracks, {DBNN: 507}
imprisonment in Máh-Kú, {GPB: 17-19}
indignities inflicted upon Him, {DBNN: 319}
Martyrdom of, see Tabríz
multitude gathers at prison to hear His teachings, {GPB: 20}
opponents, {KA: K166, K170, n178, n182}
parallel of His life to Christ's, {GPB: 56, 57}
persecution of, by divines and dignitaries, {KI: 234}
prophesies His own martyrdom,{GPB: 51}sorrow at persecution of disciples, {GPB: 49}
{KI: 231-32}
woes, {GPB: 49-51}
{ESW: 169}
{GPB: 6, 14, 23-28}
{ROB1: 23 and n., 34, 48, 54, 55, 60, 68, 102, 116-17, 207, 251-2, 255-6, 280, 294-303, 307}
{ROB3: 88, 98, 135, 254, 258, 305-7, 429}
{ROB4: 47, 128, 329, 373, 408}
Bahá'í Prayers,index of prayers revealed by The BábBayán,
{ESW: 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162, 165, 171, 172, 174, 176}Dalá'il-i-Sab'ih (Seven Proofs), {GPB: 26}
{GL: 10, 44, 46, 101, 102, 244, 270, 292}
{PM: 39, 44, 86, 181, 275, 276, 284, 285, 308}
{ROB1: 23, 68, 85, 93n., 190, 280}
{ROB3: 30, 308}
{ROB4: 47, 127, 166, 220, 305, 330}
{TOB: 12, 51, 52, 76, 78, 190}
admonition to people of, {KI: 92-93, 248, 249-50}
announces Bahá'í Faith, {GPB: 59}
as Word of God, {KI: 199}
Báb's statements about, {GPB: 30}
Bahá'u'lláh completes text of, {GPB: 138}
description,{KA: K179, n108, n129, n158, n186, 252}effect on defenders of Fort of Shaykh-Tabarsí, {GPB: 24}
Arabic and Persian, {KA: 252}
outline of contents of, {GPB: 23}
heaven of, {TOB: 245}'lawful is it', {TOB: 75}laws and teachings of,{GPB: 25}'Letters' of, {ROB1: 308}
{KA: 2, 8, K142, n109, n158}
{ROB3: 278}
abrogated by Bahá'u'lláh,{KA: 8}confirmed, amplified or modified by Bahá'u'lláh,
Destruction of books, see Book(s)
fine for causing sadness to another, see Sadness
Him Whom God will make manifest,offering priceless gifts to, see Bahá'u'lláhmarriage with a non-believer {KA: K139, n158}
prohibition of asking questions, see Bahá'u'lláh
restrictions on travel, {KA: K131, n153}
{KA: 8}reason for severity, {KA: n109, n158}
burial,{KA: n11, n149, n151}burial ring, inscription on, {KA: K129}
see also Burial
calendar,{KA: n26, n139, n147-n148}carrying of arms, {KA: n173}
see also Calendar, Bahá'í, Holy Days
dowry, amount of, {KA: n95}
fasting, see Fasting
gold and silver vessels, use of, {KA: n72}
hair and bones do not invalidate prayer, {KA: n12}
Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
inheritance, see Inheritance
marriage, consent for, {KA: K65}
mithqál, weight of, see Gold
Nineteen Day Feast, see Bahá'í Faith
Obligatory prayer, see Prayer(s)
pilgrimage, {KA: n55}
prostration, {KA: n15}
pulpits, prohibition of, {KA: 14, K154, 157, n168}
Qiblih,{KA: K137, 145, n7}renewing furnishings of home, {KA: n166}
see also Qiblih
wearing of silk, see Clothes
Mother Book of Bábí Dispensation, {ROB1: 296}
must not become a barrier to acceptance of Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K179}
people of, see Bábí(s)
Persian,{ROB2: 68, 70, 120, 379}'Point' of, {ROB1: 298, 307}
reference to journey of Báb to Mecca and Medina in, {DBNN: 130}
purpose of,{GL: 147, 149}quotations from, {KA: K135, K137, K139, n7, n48, n156, n157, n158, n179, n189}
{ROB1: 296}
relationship to Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {KA: 2, 7-8, K142, n108, n109, n189}
summary of, {GPB: 24-26}
tabernacle of God raised in, {KI: 3}
understanding of, {KA: K180}
'Váhid' of, {ROB1: 298-300 passim}
'Witnesses' to, {ROB1: 93n.}
'year nine', {ROB1: 298-300}
see also Bahá'u'lláh/'Him Whom God shall make manifest'
Kitáb-i-Asmá' (The Book of Names)
Qayyúmu'l-Asmá', Qayyúm-i-Asmá,{GL: 284}commentary on Súrih of Va'l-'Asr, see Qur'án
{KA: n1, n115, 253-254}
{KI: 231}
{GPB: 6, 11, 12, 24, 51, 59, 67, 74, 82, 151, 157, 206, 253, 316, 376, 396}
{ROB1: 280, 293, 302 and n.; quoted, 302}
{ROB2: 179, 303}
{ROB4: 361, 437}
{TOB: 120}
prophesies martyrdom of the Báb, {KI: 231}
summary of, {GPB: 23}
see also Qur'án
quotations from, {GPB: 4, 6, 7, 8, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 49, 50, 52, 53, 57, 84, 97, 98, 151, 253, 324, 325, 376, 396}
Remover of Difficulties,Bahá'u'lláh asks people to recite, {GPB: 119}{GPB: 119}
Selections from the Writings of the Báb, {KA: n185, n186}
Tablet addressed to Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K175, K176, n185, n186}
Tablet to Nineteenth Letter of the Living (The Báb Himself), {DBNN: xxi}
and destruction of religious books, see Book(s)
astonishes people by His Writings, {GPB: 14}
confiscation of His books, {GPB: 13}
corresponds with Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 31}
disposal of His documents, {DBNN: 504}
His epistles,to the believers, {DBNN: 269}manuscripts in hands of Mirza Yahyá, {GPB: 167}
to divines, {KI: 229}
most monumental work of, {GPB: 22, 24-26}
on power of God, {ROB4: 324-5}
state of His Writings after martyrdom, {GPB: 90}
Statements and injunctions, {ROB3: 3, 380}
words of, {GL: 292-294}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Letters of the Living/Siyyid Husayn-i-Yazdí, Prophecies
Bábá'í, Áqá Mullá, {ROB2: 99-l00}
Babel, {GL: 173}
Bábí(s), People Of The Bayán, Followers of the Bayán,Backbiting, Gossip, 'unseemly talk',{KA: K137, K140, K176, n178, n179, n185, n187}
{ROB1: 39n., 56, 84, 92, 101-2, 142, 169n., 191n., 194, 202}
{ROB3: 76, 88, 109, 140 and n., 168, 176, 186, 188, 200, 201, 254-7, 262, 267, 269, 306-7, 415}
{ROB4: 53, 64, 147-8, 174, 206-7, 219-20, 412, 401, 421}
agonies unsurpassed, {GPB: 44}
and Bahá'ís, see Bahá'í(s)
and Covenant-breaking, {ROB4: 81, 150, 174-5}
and laws of The Báb, see Báb, The
and Mírzá Yahyá, see Bahá'u'lláh/Mírzá Yahyá
attempt on the life of the Sháh, see To The Kings and Rulers
Bahá'u'lláh,addresses 'People of The Bayán',community{KA: K137-K143, K176-K180}call to, {GL: 102, 106}
{ROB1: 109, 194-5, 245, 286}
{ROB4: 147-8, 174, 206-7, 219-20, 412}
{TOB: 41-3, 190}
blindness of, see Terms in Holy Writings
disbelievers among, {TOB: 74, 79, 185, 190, 236}
forbidden contact, {TOB: 43}
should accept Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 74-5, 103-5}
unsheathed swords of, {TOB: 85}
see also Súriy-i-Sabr, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
conduct of, {GL: 244, 273, 274, 293, 294}
declares His mission to,{ROB1: 261-2}focuses message on, {ROB4: 81}
{ROB4: 329}
on Bábí Faith (Dispensation of Bayán), {TOB: 182}
rebukes, {ROB4: 219-20}
Bábís were heedless of Revelation of, {ROB4: 81, 148}
disintegration of, {GPB: 89-91, 112-115}Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar meets, see Hands of the Cause of God
divided, {ROB1: 68, 248-51}
in 'Iráq, see 'Iráq
in Persia, see Persia
in Adrianople, see Adrianople
joyous gatherings of, {GPB: 135, 137}
regeneration of, {GPB: 132-134}
march towards Mázindarán, see Mázindarán
Mullás, list of, who recognized the Báb, {KI: 223}
persecutions and martyrs,{GPB: 35-38, 46-48, 63-66, 71-85, 89-91, 180}steadfastness of, {ROB4: 140-1}
{KI: 235-36}
{ROB1: 7, 11, 138, 264-8, 278-9}
{ROB2: 46-51, 340-6, 357}
{ROB4: 6}
{SAQ: 25, 28}
condition of, after persecutions, {GPB: 113}
see also Mázindarán, Nayríz, Zanján
turn to Quddús, see Letters of the Living
use of force by,{ROB2: 258, 351-5}see also Báb, The, Bayán
{ROB4: 377-8}
allowed to defend themselves, {ROB4: 377-8}
Badakhshán, {ROB4: 183}{GL: 265}
{HW: A26, A27}
{KA: 15, K19, 158, n37}
{ROB1: 79, 187}
{ROB3: 281}
{SFWAB: 231}
{TOB: 219-20}
Calumny, {KA: 14, K19, 158, n37}
Faultfinding,{SFWAB: 169, 230-1}quenches light of heart and life of soul, {KI: 193}
close eyes to deficiencies, {SFWAB: 203, 257}
Slander,{KA: n37}see also Bahá'ís/Character and conduct
{TOB: 220}
Badasht (Hamlet of), Conference of,Badí'u'lláh (son of Varqá), {ROB4: 59}
Badru'd-Dín-i/Al-Ghazzí, Shaykh{ROB3: 436}Baghdád,
{ROB4: 151}
Bahá'í Faith, Cause of God,{DBNN: 271, 650}
{ESW: 166, 167, 176}
{GL: 229, 230}
{KA: Q29, n54, n107, n138, n154}
{PM: 23, 105, 176}
{ROB1: 17, 25, 62, 104, 105, 108, 119, 125, 137, 148, 149, 215, 219, 244, 246, 255, 280, 287, 288}
{ROB2: 215, 240, 274, 332-4}
{ROB3: 15, 23, 25, 28, 38, 50n., 54, 61-2, 64-5, 73, 88, 177-8, 204-5, 222, 250-51, 266, 270, 415}
{ROB4: 4, 108, 115, 244, 247, 305}
{TOB: 240}
'Abdu'l-Bahá in,{ROB1: 13, 16, 25}as "Abode of Peace," {KI: 22, 174}
at Garden of Ridván, see Ridván
Bahá'u'lláh in,{GL: 119}Bahá'í Community of, {ROB3: 54, 62, 64-5, 178}
{ROB1: 16, 53-5, 85, 92-5, 210, 225-9, 259, 273}
{ROB3: 28, 88, 108-10, 205, 250, 257, 273}
{ROB4: 245-6, 295}
{TOB: 40, 131, 143, 240}
absents Himself, {ROB1: 55, 57}
at Garden of Ridván, see Ridván
"days of tests", {GPB: 115}
His sojourn, exile in,{GPB: 104-155}His House, Baghdád House, Bayt-i-A'zam (Most Great House)
{ROB1: 16, 165, 258-9}
Russian official accompanies Bahá'u'lláh to, {GPB: 108}
{GL: 111}immortalizes, {GPB: 110}
{KA: K32, K133, Q25, Q29, Q32, n54, n154}
{PM: 176}
{ROB1: 94, 211-12, 259, 260}
{ROB3: 178, 250}
{ROB4: 165}
humble abode charms prince, {GPB: 134, 135}
humiliation of, predicted,{GL: 114, 115}Shrine, future,
seizure of, {GPB: 356-360}
{GL: 115}see also Súrihs of Hajj
pilgrimage to,{GPB: 177, 300}restoration of, {GPB: 307}
blessing of, {GL: 114}
Tablet of Visitation to, {GL: 111-114}
Station of, {GL: 112, 113, 114}
release and banishment to Baghdad, {DBNN: 650}
returns from Kurdistán,{GPB: 125-133}visitors to,
{ROB1: 25, 41, 63, 67-9 passim, 84, 96}
see also Kurdistán
{ROB1: 39 and n., 56, 68, 84, 85, 91-2, 97, 102, 128, 141, 150, 151, 153, 156-7, 198, 202, 206, 269 and n., 284, 289}departs,
Muhammad-Ridá, {ROB3: 65}
pilgrims meet Bahá'u'lláh in, {ROB4: 51, 53, 74, 80, 88, 245-6, 301, 439}
{GPB: 147-149}
{ROB1: 16, 55, 57, 97, 203, 225-7, 243-4, 260-62, 281-2}
disciples mourn His departure, {GPB: 148}
events in, {ROB1: 142-7, 206-10, 219-20, 225-7, 228-9}
its authorities and leaders,Buzurg Khán, Mírzá, Persian consul-general in,Mírzá Yahyá's actions,{ROB1: 143, 146-7, 225, 226}Governors,
{ROB2: 323-4, 332, 333}
fate of, {GPB: 232}
{ROB3: 64}
assures Bahá'u'lláh protection en route to Constantinople, {GPB: 149}
Námiq Páshá,{GPB: 131, 149}
{ROB1: 226, 229, 244, 285}
regards Bahá'u'lláh in high esteem, {GPB: 131}
{ROB1: 54-5, 247-54}see also 'Iráq
see also Yahyá, Mírzá
{ROB2: 20-1, 53, 98, 127, 186, 191, 262-5, 268, 286, 289, 320-1}
{PM: 66, 67, 69, 97, 104, 115, 128, 253, 284, 307}
{ROB3: 40, 42, 77, 135-6, 152-4, 164, 200, 212, 239, 263, 310-1}
{SFWAB: 2-3, 65-6, 305, 315}
{TOB: 119, 168, 249}
Ages,Badí' Calendar, of the Bahá'í Dispensation,1. Apostolic (1844-1921),{GPB: xiii}2. Transitional (1921- ),
Heroic (1844-1921),{GPB: xiii, 46, 50, 55, 157, 158, 256}drawn to a close, {GPB: 309, 324}
{ROB3: 48, 325}
{ROB4: 119, 123, 182, 233, 366}
Bahá'ís in, {ROB3: 325}
ended, {GPB: 223, 256, 309}
Primitive (1844-1921), {GPB: xiii}
{GPB: xiii, 325}3. Golden (future),
Formative (1921- ),{GPB: xiii, xv, 26, 158, 252, 324, 329, 330, 388}Iron (1921- ), {GPB: xiii, 324}
{ROB3: 48, 285}
{ROB4: 182, 286, 367}
see also Shoghi Effendi
{GPB: 26, 60, 158, 324, 411}Century, first,
{ROB3: 125}
{ROB4: 366}
{GPB: 106, 223, 378, 379, 402}Periods,
chain of events in, {GPB: xvi-xviii}
mightiest, {SFWAB: 125}
most dramatic and tragic event in, {GPB: 55}
one of the most brilliant achievements of, {GPB: 300}
retrospect and prospect, {GPB: 402-412}
thirty-four independent nations hear of Faith, {GPB: 378}
turning point of, {GPB: 127}
first period (1844-1853), {GPB: xiv, 3-85}
second period (1853-1892), {GPB: xiv, 89-253}
third period (1892-1921), {GPB: xv, 237-320}
fourth period (1921-1944), {GPB: xv, 323-412}
Bahá'í{KA: 14, n26, n27, n147, n148, 156, 157}
{ROB1: 116-17, 228n.}
{ROB3: 352n.}
Covenant Library Bahá'í Dates Calendar
Based on solar year,Ayyám-i-Há (Intercalary days),Day,{KA: 14, K16, 148, n27, n29, n147}Leap Year, {KA: n27, n147}
position in calendar, {KA: K16, n25, n27}
see also Prayer(s)
length of, {KA: n27, n62, n147}
of patience see Divorce
of waiting see Lost Property
period of, {KA: n26}Holy Days, Anniversaries, Festivals, Celebrations,
prayer at dawn,Morning,{KA: K33}time for Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)
in the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, {KA: K115, Q15, n142}
times for Fast, see Fasting
determining time, {KA: Q64}Noon, Midday,
recitation of verses,{KA: K149, Q68, n165}time for Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)
see also Recitation of sacred Writings and verses
times of the Fast, see Fasting
time for Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)Sunset, Sundown,
see also Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
determining date of Naw-Rúz, {KA: Q35}Evening,
time for Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)
times for Fast, see Fasting
prayer, {KA: K33}Night,
recitation of verses, {KA: K149, Q68, n165}
time for Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)
times of the fast, see Fasting
see also Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
determining of time for prayer and fasting, {KA: K10}Clocks, Watches, {KA: K10, Q64, Q103, 147, n17}
recitation of Verses,{KA: K149, Q68, n165}times of the Fast, see Fasting
see also Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
{KA: K110, K112, Q1-Q2, 156, n138, n139, n140}Months,
Naw-Rúz, (Bahá'í New Year), March 20/21,{KA: K16, K111, Q35, n26, n139, n147, 148}Ridván, Most Great Festival,
{ROB1: 228 and n., 259 and n.}
{ROB2: 112, 211}
{ROB3: 431, 432}
{ROB4: 182, 359, 414, 417}
Aries, sign of, {KA: Q35, n26}
Day of God, {KA: n26}
feast of, {DBNN: 191, 219, 256, 466}
immediately follows Fast, {KA: K16, 148, n25, n26}
method of determining date,{KA: Q35, n26}Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox,
Tihrán selected as the standard
{KA: n26, n147}timing of, {KA: Q35, n26, n147}
{SAQ: 73-74, 78, 145, 242}
see also Prayer(s)First day, April 20/21 2 hours before sunset (Standard Time), see RidvánDeclaration of the Báb, May 23/24 2 hours after sunset on preceding day, see Shíráz
Ninth day, April 28/29, see Ridván
Twelfth day, May 1/2, see Ridván
Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, May 28/29 3 a.m. (Standard Time), see 'Akká
Martyrdom of the Báb, July 9/10 12 noon, see Tabríz
Twin Holy Birthdays,{KA: K110, Q2, n138}Day of the Covenant, November 25/26,
Birth of the Báb,{KA: Q2}Birth of Bahá'u'lláh,
Celebrated on the 1st day after the 8th new moon after Naw-Rúz (mid-October to mid-November), see Shíráz
see also UHJ Message July 2014
{KA: Q2}during the Fast, {KA: Q36, n138}
Celebrated on the 2nd day after the 8th new moon after Naw-Rúz (mid-October to mid-November), see Tihrán
see also UHJ Message July 2014
Muharram, {KA: Q2, n138}
Universal House of Justice to decide whether to celebrate on solar or lunar basis,{KA: n138}
see also UHJ Message July 2014
{KA: n139}Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, November 27/28 1 a.m. (Standard Time), see Haifa
see also UHJ Message July 2014
two Most Great Festivals, {KA: K110, n138}
names,Nineteen Day Feast,{KA: K127, n139, n148}number of, in a year, {KA: K127, n27, n147}
'Alá', month of Fast,{KA: Q71, n25, n26, n27}Bahá,
see also Fasting
{KA: K111, K127}see also Covenant Library Bahá'í Dates Calendar
{ROB1: 116-117}
number of days in, {KA: n27, n147}
{ROB3: 281}North, South, extreme, {KA: K10, n17, n26}
{SFWAB: 89-94}
attendance, {SFWAB: 205}
Kitáb-i-Aqdas on,{GPB: 214, 342}Meetings, Firesides, Gatherings,
{KA: 14, K57, n82, Q48}
{ROB3: 352}
Consultation at, {KA: n82}
Meetings, Bahá'í, {KA: n19, n168}
{SFWAB: 38, 93, 95}purpose of, {SFWAB: 90-1}
filled with peace and joy, {SFWAB: 93}
singing at, {SFWAB: 112}
see also Spiritual Assemblies
Ridván letter from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {SFWAB: 111-12}
spiritual and material, {SFWAB: 90-1}
Unity Feast
see also Prayers
Universal House of Justice to fill in details, {KA: n26, n138}
Week, {KA: n147}
Bahá'í(s), Believers, followers of Bahá'u'lláh, Loved Ones, People of God, Servants of God,Cemetery, {GPB: 369}Cause of God,
Center, Hazíratu'l-Quds,{GPB: 261}Civilization,
importance of, {GPB: 339}
in America, {GPB: 338}
in Australia, {GPB: 338}
in Egypt, {GPB: 338}
in India, {GPB: 338}
in 'Iraq, {GPB: 338}
in Tihrán, {GPB: 338}
{ROB4: 138, 233, 366, 413, 423}Courts, to be established, {GPB: 411}
{SFWAB: 282-95, 303-4;
Endowments, national and local,{GPB: 337-339}Literature,
{KA: K42, n66-n67}
Bahá'í Bulletin, {GPB: 260}schools, see Schools
Bahá'í News, {GPB: 260}
Bahá'í World, a biennial international record,{GPB: 382}banned in Persia, {GPB: 345}
{KA: n27, n139, n143, n147}
in many libraries, {GPB: 385, 386}
publications, {GPB: 380-384}
Star of the West, {GPB: 260}
to royalty, {GPB: 384}
translated into English and many languages, {GPB: 260, 380-382}
wide circulation of, {GPB: 384}
{ESW: 62, 102-103, 104, 105, 114, 121, 134, 144, 147, 152, 153, 157, 158, 162}Institutions of,
{TOB: 51, 54, 60, 84, 104, 119, 212, 222, 246, 249, 255, 260, 264}
"Crimson Ark" refers to, Terms in Holy Writings
not to be taken lightly, {GPB: 115}
see also Kingdom of God
Opposition to, Attacks on,{ROB3: 50-51, 124, 310-21, 344, 379}
Administrative Order,{GPB: 268, 323-353, 411}attacks on, {GPB: 354-363}
{KA: 3-4, 12-13, n52, n82, n114, n189}
{ROB3: 49-51, 138, 241, 316-21}
{ROB4: 233, 276-7, 286, 423}
{SFWAB: 106}
elections for see Elections, Bahá'í
enemies failed, {GPB: 327}
nature of, {GPB: 326, 327}
not yet completed, {GPB: 411}
outlined by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 268}
source of, {GPB: 324-326}
unique in government, {GPB: 326}
unique in religious systems of past, {GPB: 326}
see also Guardianship Hands of the Cause, House(s) of Justice, Huqúq'u'lláh, Marriage, Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Bahá'í International Bureau, at Geneva, {GPB: 342, 380}
Bahá'í Publishing Committee, {GPB: 334}
Bahá'í Publishing Company, {GPB: 382}
Funds, Financial Support,Bahá'í Fund,Head of see 'Abdu'l-Bahá, House(s) of Justice, Shoghi Effendi{KA: n125, n161, n169}Huqúq'u'lláh, Huqúqu'lláh, Right of God,
{ROB3: 79-80, 82}
{ROB4: 248, 253, 256, 259, 263}
International, {ROB4: 256}
see also Prayer(s){GPB: 214}see also Zakát
{KA: 14, K97, 156, n125}
{ROB3: 73n., 74, 82, 84, 86, 281}
{ROB4: 59, 248-56}
{SFWAB: 26 and n.}
and Hands of the Cause of God, {ROB4: 253-4}
Bahá'u'lláh,Bayán, laws of, confirmed, amplified or modified by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: Q8}Shoghi Effendi, statement on, {ROB4: 252}
Instituted in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas by, {ROB4: 248-56}
on payment of Huqúq'u'lláh,conditions for payment, {KA: Q8, Q44-Q45, Q89-Q90, n125}statements on, {ROB3: 372}
estate of deceased, {KA: K28, Q9, Q69, Q80, n47}
exemptions, {KA: Q8, Q42, Q95}
Property, Real estate,{KA: Q8, Q42}Universal House Of Justice receives, {KA: n125}
real estate yielding no income, {KA: Q102}
Wealth, {KA: Q90}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Trustee(s) of Huqúq'u'lláh, Trustee(s) of Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB3: 57, 73ff., 91, 327}see also Lost property
{TOB: 83 n.}
Shoghi Effendi appoints, {ROB3: 86}
see also Sháh-Muhammad-i-Manshádí, Hájí (Amínu'l-Bayán), Hájí Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikání (Amín-i-Ilahí), Valíyy'u'lláh Varqá
Holy Places see Holy Places and Historical Sites
House(s) of Justice, Seat of Justice, Baytu'l-Adl, "Rulers",{GPB: 218, 219, 331, 332}Ordained by Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {KA: 3-4, 12-14, K30, K42, 145, n49, n66, n67}
{KA: 3-6, 13, n183}
{ROB2: 122, 272}
{ROB3: 91, 316, 319, 320, 327, 375}
{ROB4: 38, 321}
{TOB: 26-7, 68, 69-70, 93, 125, 128-9, 130, 134}
Assemblies, Spiritual,{GPB: 331, 332, 333, 336}membership
{ROB3: 51, 285, 316-21, 366}
'Abdu'l-Bahá,aids Spiritual Assemblies, {SFWAB: 80, 89, 102}aid to,
establishes first elected Assembly of Tihrán, {ROB4: 290}
Statements on,{ROB3: 50, 319}
{ROB4: 290}
{SAQ: 172, 172n, 173}
{SFWAB: 77-89, 202}
Spiritual Assemblies are lights of Knowledge and wisdom, {SFWAB: 80}
{SFWAB: 80, 82, 85}can influence earth, {SFWAB: 81}
from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {SFWAB: 80, 89, 102}
must ask for, {SFWAB: 88}
chairman of, {SFWAB: 164-5}
consultation, {SFWAB: 87, 88}
education of children, {SFWAB: 126}
education of mothers, {SFWAB: 138}
first in America, {GPB: 260}
handmaids should found, {SFWAB: 80}
incorporated under United States government, {GPB: 335, 336}
League of Covenant, {SFWAB: 85}
Local Spiritual Assemblies, LSAs, Local Houses of Justice,{KA: 3-4, n183}National Spiritual Assemblies, NSAs, National Houses of Justice (Secondary),
{ROB4: 193-4, 275, 276, 290-1}
duties, powers, characteristics of,{GPB: 331, 332}instituted in Persia,
{KA: n51}
administers divorces, {KA: Q98, 152, n100}
financial assistance to the poor, see Poverty
inheritances from missing heirs, see Inheritance
{ROB4: 276}of Bahá'í Women, {ROB4: 312}
of Tihrán,{ROB4: illus. 292; 290-3, 311-12}
'Abdu'l-Bahá establishes first elected Assembly, see Assemblies/'Abdu'l-Bahá
Hands of the Cause of God establish first elected assembly in Tihrán, {ROB4: 290, 311}
{GPB: 332-336}ordained by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K30, n49}
{KA: n49-n51, n80, n183}
{ROB4: 193-4, 275, 276, 290}
archives, {GPB: 342}
Bahá'í Temple Unity Board, {GPB: 262}
{SFWAB: 123}communications of, to governments and rulers, etc., {GPB: 343, 344}
'Abdu'l-Bahá addresses, {GPB: 288}
became National Assembly, {GPB: 333}
committees, {GPB: 333, 334}
constitutions of,{GPB: 335-6}Convention, National Convention,
Declaration of Trust, {GPB: 335}
{SFWAB: 123}in eight countries, {GPB: 333}
annual, {GPB: 342}
delegates to, {GPB: 333}
first American,{GPB: 262, 276}
{ROB3: 431}
of Persia,{GPB: 333}
{ROB4: 314}
powers and duties of, {KA: n51, n100, n162}
see also Prayer(s){SFWAB: 87}ordained in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, see ordained by Bahá'u'lláh
composition, men and women eligible, {KA: n80}
number, {KA: n50}
referred to as Deputies, {KA: 13, K147, n56, n162}
referred to as Trustees, {KA: 91, Q50, Q98}
powers and duties,{KA: n51}qualities of, {SFWAB: 80, 85-6, 164}
assures education of children,{KA: K48}charged with affairs of the people, {KA: 91}
{TOB: 90, 128}
choose one language, {TOB: 127}
legislates on marriage between relatives, {KA: Q50, 150, n133}
matters of state to be referred to, {KA: 91}
promote Lesser Peace, {TOB: 89}
shelter for poor, see Poverty
treasury,{KA: Q72, n42}
receives fines for sexual offenses, {KA: K49, Q11, n77}
receives one-third of all fines, {KA: K52}
receives two-thirds of treasure trove, {KA: Q101}
seeds will become trees, {SFWAB: 82-3}
source of progress of man, {SFWAB: 80}
term used non-specifically by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: n42}
unity,among members, {SFWAB: 86-8}Universal House of Justice, International, Baytu'l-Adl-i-'Azam,
between Assemblies, {SFWAB: 83-4}
{GPB: 326, 335}unlike those of previous cycles, {SFWAB: 82}
{ROB1: 201 and n., 241}
{ROB2: 122n., 265, 269}
{ROB3: 50, 139-40, 215, 268, 282, 319, 372-3, 375}
{ROB4: 38, 87, 159, 164, 215}
{SFWAB: 68, 132, 215}
and institution of the Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
and the Ark, see Terms in Holy Writings
and World Administrative Center, Bahá'í World Centre,{KA: n114}Boards of Counsellors, Counselors,
{ROB3: 153, 214-15}
{ROB4: illus. 364; 351-67}
Bahá'í International Archives,{GPB: 347}development of, {ROB4: 362-7}
{ROB1: 19, 159}
{ROB4: illus. 364; 248, 362}
institutions to be erected on slope of Mt. Carmel, {GPB: 315}
International Teaching Centre, International Teaching Centre, {KA: n183}
Seat of the Universal House of Justice,{ROB4: illus. 364; 362}
Seat of Justice, {KA: K23}
{ROB4: 276, 288-9}Constitution, {KA: n51}
Continental Board of Counsellors, Learned Ones in Bahá,{KA: n183}professional, {KA: n58}
Auxiliary Board,{KA: n183}
Members, {ROB4: 277}
Election method, {KA: 4, n49}
Establishment, {KA: K42, n66-n67}
Infallibility of, see Infallibility
International Bahá'í Council
confined to men,Powers and duties,{KA: n80}number, {KA: n50}
{SFWAB: 80}
{KA: n51}Quoted, {ROB3: 283-4}
{ROB4: 162}
administers endowments, {KA: K42, n66-n67}
education of children, {SFWAB: 128}
future legislation,
application of penalties for murder and arson, {KA: n86-n87}legislative functions defined, {KA: 6-7}
application of penalties for sexual offences, {KA: Q49, n36, n77-n78, n134}
degrees of, and application of penalties for theft, {KA: Q49, n70-n71}
manner of applying various laws of Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: n31, n69, n81, n84, n95, n161, n169}
other matters requiring legislation, {KA: n56, n138, n169}
receives Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
repeals own legislation, {KA: 5}
Sacred Text, may not abrogate, {KA: 5}
to promote the Lesser Peace,{ROB4: 341-2}
see also Peace
see also Government(s)/Supreme Tribunal
see also Guardianship, Interpretation of Sacred Text
Teaching of, promotion of, propagation, promulgation,{KA: K73, K135, K164, Q57, n109, n177, n182, n190, n192}
{ROB1: 142-7, 242}
{ROB3: 32, 59, 89-90, 166-7, 174, 176, 178, 199, 201-2, 263}
{ROB4: 320, 335}
{SFWAB: 229, 233, 313-5}
And disbelief, {ROB2: 81}
Blessings of tribulations of,{GPB: 62}Defence of, {ROB3: 89-90}
help spread Cause, {SFWAB: 234-6}
Tribulations assist Cause, {GL: 42, 72, 270, 333 }
Upheavals, meaning of to growth of Faith, {GPB: 61}
Enemies of,to be pitied, {ROB4: 93}Eventual triumph of, victory of,
fate of,{GPB: 81-85, 317-320}those who rise up against, {ROB4: 318, 340}
{ROB2: 148-50}
{GL: 43, 248, 287, 306, 332, 334, 341}If denied, what else worthy, {TOB: 131}
{ROB2: 356, 415-16, 418}
{TOB: 57, 197-8, 222}
through aid of believers, {KA: K42, K94, K164, K178}
through aid of Laws, {KA: K4}
Is irresistible, {ROB1: 105-6, 148-9, 192, 201}
None can protest what befalls, {TOB: 212}
Predicted, {KA: K37, 163}
Protection of,{KA: n183}see also Egypt, Germany, Persia, Russia
{ROB4: 278, 287, 290, 320, 321}
{SFWAB: 10, 233}
by Bahá'u'lláh, {SFWAB: 237-8}
Teachings of,{GPB: 376-379, 386-387}
{KA: 159, n183}
{ROB1: 161, 278-9}
{ROB2: 25, 91-106, 238, 267}
{ROB3: 94, 138, 331ff., 360, 379-81}
{ROB4: 120, 123, 124, 214, 319-20}
{SFWAB: 3, 10, 18, 30, 77, 85, 101, 160, 173, 175, 190-1, 210, 215, 223, 237, 245, 264-73, 295}
{TOB: 13, 16, 27, 35-6, 44, 129, 142, 143, 151, 156, 172, 190, 196-201, 237, 242, 255, 266-7}
'Abdu'l-Bahá promulgates Faith, {SFWAB: 315}
Afnán must arise, {TOB: 84}
and station of martyrdom, {ROB4: 57}
assistance in,{SFWAB: 18, 209}assisting God, {TOB: 196}
by God, {TOB: 34, 49, 59}
Bahá'ís enjoined to teach, {ROB4: 274-7}
by Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
teaching tours of Ibn-i-Asdaq, see Hands of the Cause of Godchant melodies and raise banner, {SFWAB: 11}
deeds, influence of, {TOB: 57}
duty of, {ROB3: 10, 115, 331}
enjoined, {GL: 38, 196, 197, 205, 276, 278, 280, 281, 296, 303, 314, 330, 335 }
Esperantists, see Esperantists
exhortations to arise,to all, {KA: 14, K38, K53}exhortation to assist teachers, {KA: K117, 160}
to kings, {KA: K84}
to "learned," {KA: K173}
to religious leaders, {KA: K169}
see also Service
friendship as means of, {SFWAB: 265}
ignite candle, {SFWAB: 199}
importance, of, {ROB4: 237, 305, 317}
in America and Hawaii, {SFWAB: 107}
in Paris, {SFWAB: 102-3}
in Persia, {ROB4: 115}
in the past, {ROB3: 40, 59, 62, 94ff., 137-8}
Indians, {GPB: 380}
international expansion of, {GPB: 379-381}
invite receptive souls, {TOB: 236-7}
learning languages, for purpose of, {KA: K118, 161}
meaning of, {ROB4: 317}
memorization of verses, {TOB: 200}
methods of,{GPB: 379}minority groups, {GPB: 380}
{ROB4: 237, 262-3}
Bahá'u'lláh counsels Bahá'ís on,{ROB4: 192}pre-requisites for,
Force, Violence, prohibited in teaching, {GL: 278, 303, 330}
Persuasion, {GL: 278, 279, 303, 329}
{ROB4: 48-9, 161-2, 237}Rúhu'lláh's method of, {ROB4: 58-60}
detachment important for success in, see Detachment
success in, {ROB4: 258, 261-2, 317}
through words, not violence, {GL: 278, 303, 330 }
training of, {GPB: 340}
travel teaching, {ROB4: 197-89, 237, 257-8, 260-2, 302, 303}
with kindness, {GL: 8, 279, 289 }
with wisdom,{ROB2: 97-8}
{ROB4: 67, 305, 319-20}
wisdom used in, {SFWAB: 268-9}
moderation in, {TOB: 143, 172, 198-9}
of Sulaymán Khán, {ROB4: 177-89}
power of the tongue, {KA: K73, K160}
praiseworthy, {TOB: 198}
promise of divine assistance, {KA: K38, K53, K74}
promotion of, {ROB3: 80, 82, 138, 140, 157, 219, 331-2, 376}
release captives from chains, {TOB: 84}
scatter scents of universal love, {SFWAB: 20}
spirit chilled by expositions, {TOB: 142}
Tablets of the Divine Plan, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
to children,{KA: K150, 160}unselfishness in, {SFWAB: 71-2}
see also Children
women encouraged to teach, {ROB4: 202}
words (utterances), importance of, {TOB: 57, 85, 172-3, 197}
see also Bahá'í(s), Prayer(s), Root, Martha
misc topics{ROB3: 158, 374-6}
{ROB4: 114, 146, 168, 172, 184, 212, 238, 257, 316-17, 388, 433}
Bahá'u'lláh's presentation of, {ROB4: 374-7}
carrying out, {ROB4: 142, 158}
designed to spiritualize human race, {ROB4: 35, 38}
explained to Náyibu's-Saltanih, {ROB4: 379}
exposition of, see Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
for rulers and ministers of the world, {ROB4: 154}
laws of, {ROB4: 116}
listed, {ROB4: 159-60, 161-7, 214-15, 341, 375-7}
oncreation, see CreationPrinciples of,
living the life, {ROB4: 69, 83}
reconstruction of human society, {ROB4: 341}
worship, {ROB4: 36}
{GPB: 216-219, 281, 282}understanding of, {ROB4: 212-13}
{ROB4: 114, 146, 287, 320, 375-6, 423}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's "Twelve Points" {GPB: ix},1. Unfettered search after truth,forbidding contention and strife, see Contention{ROB4: 141-2, 197, 294}2. The oneness of mankind.
condition for, {GL: 264, 323, 326}
Independent investigation of truth,{SFWAB: 29, 109, 248, 298}see also True Seeker
{TOB: 130, 157, 188, 236}
'let him who wisheth turn...', {TOB: 211}
3. Religion a cause of love and harmony.
4. Religion hand in hand with science, {ROB4: 156}
5. Universal peace.
6. An international language, see Language
7. Education for all.
8. Equal opportunities for both sexes, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
9. Justice for all.
10. Work for all.
11. Abolition of extremes of poverty and wealth.
12. The Holy Spirit to be the prime motive power in life.
revolve around principle of love and unity, {ROB4: 161, 190, 365, 388-9}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
unity of see Unity
a religion in its pure form, {ROB4: 156}
a universal religion, {ROB3: 138, 140}
acceptance, {KA: K1, K132, K166, K182, n179}
Afnán should serve, {TOB: 232}
all must aid, {TOB: 23}
allegiance to, {ROB4: 335}
Bahá'u'lláh's vision of, {ROB4: 169}
birth of, {GPB: 89-100, 127, 128}
Centre of the Cause, see Covenant
Commonwealth,Bahá'í,Community,{ROB4: 362}World,
future seat of, {GPB: 315, 316}
{KA: n173, n183, n189, n194}
{ROB3: 124 and n., 126, 347}
see also New World Order of Bahá'u'lláh
of Most Great Name,conversion to, {ROB4: 184}{ROB1: 242, 281}World, {ROB1: 279}
{ROB3: 108, 109, 312, 400}
{ROB4: 172, 237, 239, 257, 361}
denial, {KA: K140, K167, K169, K170, K179, n171, n180}
direction of affairs of,{KA: n67, n183}dissimulation (recantation) forbidden in, see Dissimulation
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá, House(s) of Justice, Shoghi Effendi
emancipation of, {GPB: 364-375}
features of,{ROB1: 129, 133, 137}former religions and, {GPB: 100}
{ROB3: 200}
fostering of, {ROB4: 320}
fundamental laws enunciated, {GPB: 214, 223}
future of, {ROB4: 72, 335}
future tasks, {GPB: 410, 411}
greatness of, {ROB4: 297}
growth of, {ROB4: 140-1, 177, 233, 250-1, 257, 320, 423, 431}
history of,{GPB: 402-411}independence of,
{ROB3: 192}
{GPB: 17, GPB: 365}its establishment, {ROB2: 20, 30, 92, 124-5, 251}
{ROB4: 184}
its world mission, {ROB1: 217, 272-3}
love within the, {ROB4: 194}
Mankind encompassed by, {ROB4: 257}
name adopted, {GPB: 300}
Pattern of growth (reverses and victories), {GPB: xiii, 61, 62, 409, 410}
Potency of, {TOB: 264}
Prestige of,{GPB: 242}Primacy of, {KA: K167}
{ROB4: 239}
Progress of, {ROB3: 380}
Purpose of,{TOB: 123, 168, 220}Recognition of Bahá'í Faith,
see also Bahá'u'lláh
as state religion, {KA: n49}Relationship to Faith of the Báb, {KA: 8, K129, K136, K139, K140, K179, K180}
by Office of Price Administration, {GPB: 374}
by United States government, {GPB: 373}
civil recognition, {GPB: 364-374}
Resplendent as sun, {TOB: 40, 79}
Retrospect and prospect, {GPB: 402-412}
Sacrifice for, {ROB3: 79}
Service to,{KA: 14-15, K35, K74, K184, 91, n2}shielded by Most Great Infallibility, see Infallibility
{ROB3: 83, 395-6}
attracts divine assistance, {KA: K38, K53, K74}
see also Assistance, Service
spread of,{ROB4: 70, 171-2, 177, 233, 250-1}steadfastness in, {ROB3: 26, 360}
{SFWAB: 214, 234-6, 314}
souls will be raised, {SFWAB: 250-52}
victory, {SFWAB: 231, 238, 264, 275, 310}
will encompass earth, {SFWAB: 43, 82, 311}
tabernacle of, {TOB: 84}
True believers,{ROB1: 237-9, 243}universal adoption of, {ROB4: 56}
{ROB2: 286}
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Bishárát
universal faith needed, {TOB: 69}
Bahá'u'lláh (Mírzá Husayn-'Alí), Founder of the Bahá'i Faith,{ROB1: 22, 88, 90}
{ROB2: 89, 142, 243-4}
{ROB3: 75, 77-8, 79-80, 128, 135, 181, 201-2, 226, 228, 229, 259, 279, 320, 323, 325, 360, 372n., 376-81, 382-3, 385n.}
{ROB4: 114, 119n., 186, 416}
{SFWAB: 18-19, 57, 70, 176, 272}
{TOB: 76-7, 121, 138-9, 190-1, 207-10, 220, 238-43, 257, 262-3, 266}
and'Abdu'l-Bahá,are (must be) candles, roses, stars, etc. of God, {SFWAB: 25, 35, 95, 104, 242, 257, 266, 274-5, 312-13}associates with souls of friends, {SFWAB: 102}Bábís,
believers refer problems to, for solutions, {SFWAB: 195}
believers remembered, loved by, {SFWAB: 182, 259-60}
praise of Bahá'ís, by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Company on high, {SFWAB: 208, 317-18}
{ROB4: 379}Bahá'u'lláh,
become Bahá'ís, {GPB: 299, 300}
growth from Bábí community, {ROB2: 73-7, 179}
{ROB1: 109-10, 113, 203, 244}Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
{ROB3: 25, 55, 67, 68, 174-5, 390}
addresses in Tablet of Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
aid to Bahá'ís, beseeched, {TOB: 92, 94, 108, 117, 120, 130, 132, 233-4}
Bahá'ís love of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 190, 278-84}
Bahá'u'lláh loves Bahá'ís, love of Bahá'u'lláh for,{PM: 61}Bahá'u'lláh remembers, {TOB: 49, 246, 254, 261, 264}
{TOB: 148}
call to, {GL: 94, 96, 97, 148, 183, 288, 319, 325}
counsels to,{ROB4: 159-60, 192, 338-42}exhortations to, {ROB4: 173, 212-13, 237, 317, 375-7}
counselled to be wise, {ROB4: 322}
turn to 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {KA: K121, n145}
laws, {ROB4: 287}
prayer for, see Prayers
recognition of Bahá'u'lláh by Bahá'ís, see Bahá'u'lláh
Tablets to,{ROB4: 323-4}
compared to bird, {GL: 327}
compared to wind, {GL: 339}
duty to know and obey God, {GL: 5, 289, 290, 330-331}
duty to proclaim Cause, {GL: 14, 201, 205, 276, 278, 280, 289, 296, 303, 312, 314, 316, 320, 330, 333, 338, 339}
first, faith of, {GL: 179, 180}
knowledge of, {GL: 70, 84, 170, 263, 267-269, 314, 331}
power of, {GL: 93, 96, 137, 183, 287, 319, 330}
to refute attacks against Cause, {GL: 329, 330}
tribulations of, {GL: 72, 116, 129, 305, 308, 313, 329}
unfaithful, {GL: 100, 118, 244, 308-310}
who clamorously assert their faith, {GL: 343}
who dissemble belief, {GL: 343}
armies and warriors, spiritual, {SFWAB: 260, 264}
at banquet, see God, banquet of
Blessings of,{PM: 52, 54, 117, 183, 190, 195, 205, 274, 287, 296, 311}Calendar, see Bahá'í Faith
{SFWAB: 34}
Cemetery, {ROB3: 273}
chosen by God, {SFWAB: 35}
Community,{ROB3: 24, 49ff., 132, 138, 139-40, 227, 273-4, 285-6, 312-13, 317, 346-7, 365}Companions of the Crimson Ark, see Terms in Holy Writings
development of, {ROB4: 289}
integration of, {ROB4: 291}
races represented, {GPB: 380}
Conduct and life,{GL: 7, 94, 240, 243, 271, 272, 275, 277, 278, 287, 296, 305, 307, 315, 316, 343}diversity of, {SAQ: 65}
{ROB3: 322, 365-6}
{ROB4: 380}
{TOB: 27, 35, 57, 64, 71, 85, 86-9, 91, 94, 129, 134, 138-9}
acquisition of saintly attributes, {ROB4: 173}
allegiance of, {ROB4: 335}
and non-Bahá'ís, {KA: K29, K75, K144, Q33, Q34, Q84, n38}
behaviour of,{ROB4: 317}business dealings among, {ROB4: 26-7}
see Qualities
Character and Conduct of,{ROB4: 214}characteristics of, {GL: 7, 8, 13, 87, 100, 118, 242, 264, 268, 271, 272, 279, 285, 287, 289, 290, 296, 297, 298, 299, 304, 305, 307, 315, 323, 338}
{SFWAB: 1-3, 10, 11-12, 26-7, 28, 71, 90, 92-3, 172-3, 203, 256-7, 258, 294, 309, 318-19}
attain perfections (be godlike), {SFWAB: 129, 143, 206, 232}
children must learn good, {SFWAB: 124, 127, 134, 135, 137, 142, 143}
cleanliness and purity, {SFWAB: 146-50, 203}
excellence of, {SFWAB: 150}
exercise great care, {SFWAB: 233}
faultfinding, see {SFWAB: Faultfinding}
friendship and love to all, {SFWAB: 1-2, 21-2, 24, 26, 34, 72, 73, 84, 257, 258, 280}
good, must be taught, {SFWAB: 136-7}
graves of sensual desires, {SFWAB: 37}
happiness depends on, see Happiness
kindness,{SFWAB: 3, 244-5}like Paul, {SFWAB: 223}
cannot be shown to liars, thieves, {SFWAB: 158}
to animals, {SFWAB: 158-60}
Morality,{SFWAB: 10}rectification of, {SFWAB: 10, 108}
and civilization, {SFWAB: 283-5}
degeneration of, {SFWAB: 127}
implications of violating laws of, {KA: n77}
see also Chastity, Immorality
spiritual character of, {ROB4: 382}
traits emphasized by Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 132-134}
see also Deeds, Detachment; Love; Materialism; Spirituality; Steadfastness; Thoughts; Unity
concern of, {ROB4: 392}
conduct and character enjoined on, {KA: 14-15, 160-161}
conform to God's Will, {TOB: 116}
consultation, see Consultation
deeds of, {ROB4: 214, 317}
education,{GL: 190}elections, {ROB3: 316-17, 319}
see also Education
enjoined, exhorted, {KA: 14-15, 159-161}
forbidden various acts, {KA: 157-158}
gatherings of,{ROB4: 316}goal of, {PM: 89, 102, 258, 267, 270}
festivals and Holy Days, {ROB3: 115, 223, 281}
intercede for enemies, {TOB: 91}
intermarriage of, {ROB4: 291}
loyalty to Government, {TOB: 22-3, 87}
love,among,misdeeds of,{ROB4: 194, 317}of humanity, {GL: 7, 95, 250, 260, 288, 316, 334}
{SFWAB: 65-6, 246}
{ROB4: 225-6, 391}obey God's laws, {TOB: 50, 62, 71, 72, 93, 108, 130, 132, 196, 197, 267, 268}
discord among, {SFWAB: 229-31}
see also Covenant, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih, Lawh-i-Hikmat
of Jewish descent, {ROB4: illus. 292; 12-13, 254, 271, 423}
of Muslim background, {ROB4: 291}
Persian, are trustworthy, {SFWAB: 293-4}
politics shunned by, {SFWAB: 92}
prejudices of, {ROB4: 291}
protect stations of men, {TOB: 38}
Qualities enjoined on Bahá'ís,see Association, Charity, Chastity, Civility, Cleanliness, Constancy, Contentment, Courtesy, Detachment, Fairness, Faithfulness, Fear of God, Fellowship, Fidelity, Forbearance, Forgiveness, Godliness, Hospitality, Humility, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Love, Obedience, Parents, Patience, Perseverance, Piety, Propriety, Purity, Reason, Refinement, Remembrance of God, Respect, Service, Sincerity, Steadfastness, Tact, Tenacity, Tenderness, Trustworthiness, Truthfulness, Understanding, Unity, Uprightness, Virtue, Vision, Wisdomschools built by, {ROB4: 122n.}
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
shining examples, {TOB: 138}
spiritual character of, see Character
spiritual gardeners of world, {SFWAB: 282}
spiritual obligations of, duties,{KA: 145-162}spirituality of
{ROB3: 74, 285-6, 379}
daily,ablutions, see Prayer(s)enjoined to teach, see Bahá'í Faith/teaching of
Obligatory Prayers, see Prayer(s)
repetition of "Alláh-u-Abhá" 95 times, see Bahá'u'lláh/Greatest Name
Recite the verses of God,{KA: K149, Q68, n165}
twice a day, {ROB3: 323}
need to recite, {ROB4: 66}
writings should be read by Bahá'ís, {SFWAB: 35, 61, 190-1}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Fasting, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Fund, see Bahá'í Faith
Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
Implore forgiveness for parents, see Parents
must arise, strive, teach, {SFWAB: 20, 36, 72, 103, 104, 232, 236-7, 245-6, 263, 266-7, 310, 318}
must not be barriers, {SFWAB: 263-4}
obey teachings, observance of laws,{KA: 15, K1}recognition of Manifestation of God {KA: 15, K1}
{SFWAB: 11, 35, 100}
see also Pilgrimage
brilliant, {TOB: 88}spiritual physicians, see Physicians
burn brightly, {TOB: 58}
eye to mankind, {TOB: 208}
happy, {TOB: 15, 52, 62, 235, 253, 257}
hear doves of Paradise, see Terms in Holy Writings/Hearing
jewel among men, {TOB: 13}
mirror radiance of Bahá, {TOB: 198}
one soul, {TOB: 264}
pass beyond sea of names, {TOB: 58}
sea moving by God's desire, {TOB: 34}
throbbing artery, {TOB: 143}
standards,{ROB3: 125, 364-5}steadfastness of, {ROB4: 140-1}
of Bahá'u'lláh for, {ROB4: 82-3}
of detachment, see Detachment
trustworthiness, {TOB: 37-8, 122}
two kinds,{ROB2: 255-6}understanding of,
true, {ROB4: 161, 296}
teachings, {ROB4: 212-13}unity of, unity of community of,
the Testaments, {ROB4: 267}
{KA: 16, K57-K58, K65, K70, 161, n82, n95}view of,
{ROB1: 303}
{ROB2: 87, 191, 193}
{ROB4: 190-6, 317, 365}
{SFWAB: 65-6, 70, 76, 84, 92, 103, 203, 209, 215, 229-31, 246, 260-1, 277}
as single soul, {SFWAB: 19, 76}
fellowship among Bahá'ís, {KA: K57, n82}
life, {ROB3: 296}virtues, {ROB3: 106}
world problems, {ROB3: 125-6}
well-being of, {ROB4: 289}
well-wishers of mankind, {SFWAB: 29}
youth,{ROB3: 365}see also Deeds, Qualities
activities of, {GPB: 341, 342}
work of, {GPB: 341-342}
dissimulation of, see Dissimulation
in Heroic age, see Age(s)
of'Akká, see 'Akká'People of Bahá',
America, see America
Baghdád, see Baghdád
Cyprus, see Cyprus
India, see India
'Ishqábád, see 'Ishqábád
Mandalay, see Mandalay
Persia, see Persia
Darakhsh, see DarakhshRangoon, see Rangoon
Mashhad, see Mashhad
Qazvín, see Qazvín
Yazd, see Yazd
{GL: 16, 32, 35, 46, 94, 100, 111, 117, 118, 169, 170, 212, 278, 288, 289, 304, 305, 333}persecution of, tribulations of,
{ROB1: 47, 94, 238-9, 275, 280}
{ROB2: 179}
{ROB3: 81, 97-8, 112, 115, 130, 159, 356, 364, 366, 372, 439}
Learned Ones in Bahá, Learned among people of Bahá,{KA: K173, 163, n183}leaves, {TOB: 254-5, 256}
{ROB3: 27}
{TOB: 138, 221}
duties, {KA: n183}
see also Hands of the Cause of God, Continental Board of Counsellors, Auxiliary Board, Rulers
may become people of Sun of Reality, {SAQ: 222}
mission unspeakably glorious, {GPB: 254}
prominent, {ROB4: 286}
{GPB: 178, 197-203, 296-299}pilgrims, {ROB3: 17, 55, 57, 67-8}
{PM: 23, 61, 145, 166, 167, 189, 197, 216, 234, 271}
{ROB1: 268, 279}
{ROB2: 53, 332-6, 358}
{SAQ: 35}
{SFWAB: 9-10, 39-40, 238}
{TOB: 17, 42, 215, 246}
accusations against, {ROB4: 306, 393-402}
attitude of Persian Muslims to, {ROB3: 59}
Bahá'í men, in great danger, {ROB4: 119}
beset by enemies, {TOB: 243}
cursing of, {ROB4: 93}
held in teeth of wolves, {TOB: 106}
identification as Bahá'ís, {ROB4: 271n.}
imprisoned in Tihrán, see Tihrán
in Persia, {ROB4: 115, 349-50}
in Turkey, {SFWAB: 74}
lamented and moaned, {TOB: 177}
positions seized by traitors, {TOB: 125}
protection of, Assistance to,{ROB4: 323}reveal station of believers, {PM: 155}
{SFWAB: 18, 23, 43, 71, 104-5, 186-7, 237-8, 260, 270}
by God, {TOB: 35, 62, 88, 96}
gnat into an eagle, {SFWAB: 23, 103}
victorious, {TOB: 57, 247}scatter opposition, {TOB: 85}see also Prayers
unstoppable, {TOB: 44}
sacrifice, {ROB4: 190}
tests,{ROB3: 47-51, 192-4}uprisings against, {ROB4: 123-4}
Tests and trials inevitable for Bahá'ís, {SFWAB: 39-40, 238}
see also Martyrs
pioneering, see Pioneering
politics, {ROB2: 88-91}
power of, {PM: 191}
promotion of peace, {ROB4: 341-2}
relationship to Universal House of Justice, {ROB3: 50}
Station of,{GL: 6, 9, 10, 34, 87, 107, 108, 110, 149, 159, 167, 190, 196, 197, 214, 246, 288, 317, 323-324, 327, 330, 331, 340}souls who will arise, {SFWAB: 250-2}
{PM: 62, 155, 209, 269, 298}
{ROB4: 92-3, 285}
{SFWAB: 13, 100, 184, 261}
{TOB: 58, 92, 96, 148, 259, 263, 268}
after death, {GL: 141, 153, 169-171, 329, 345, 346}
companions of Crimson Ark,, see Terms in Holy Writings
gaze of God toward, {TOB: 237}
glory on, {TOB: 44, 54, 80, 97, 132, 191, 198, 235, 240, 243, 247, 259, 264}
immortality of, {GL: 33, 74, 107, 141, 148, 157, 181, 213, 269, 282, 345}
memories immortalized, {TOB: 266}
names mentioned (recorded), {TOB: 5, 13, 262, 266}
peace of God upon, {TOB: 134}
reward of,{GL: 36, 94, 117, 167, 219, 339}
{TOB: 86}
Teachers, Muballigh (Teacher-proclaimer),
{ROB1: 86, 107, 162, 203, 279, 283}Zillu's-Sultán offers to assist, see Mas'úd Mírzá
{ROB3: 27-8, 94, 96-7, 120, 161-2, 234, 331-6, 433ff.}
{ROB4: 257-8, 274-7}
{SFWAB: 135}
{TOB: 198-9}
ablaze with fire, {TOB: 34}
assistance of,{GL: 280, 314 }Bahá'í travelling, traveling,
by Kingdom of God, {SFWAB: 109}
{GL: 334 }Bahá'í, took counsel on community affairs, {ROB4: 107n.}
{ROB4: 177, 274-5, 423}
Bahá'u'lláh's advice to, {ROB4: 237, 296}
character of, {GL: 201, 277, 278, 335}
deeds of, {SFWAB: 175}
difficult to succeed as, {SFWAB: 133-4}
exhorted to teach, {GPB: 376, 377}
gardeners of heaven, {SFWAB: 180}
in Persia, {ROB4: 254, 274-5}
influence of, {GL: 277, 334-335}
Manifestations are, {SFWAB: 128}
notable, {ROB4: 257-73}
of all on earth, {SFWAB: 19}
of children,{ROB3: 90, 330-31}preparation of,
and spiritual education of child, {KA: n40}
{GL: 210, 277, 334, 335, 339 }qualifications of, {TOB: 58}
training,{GPB: 340}
for youth, {ROB4: 313}
institutes for women, {ROB4: 304}
meetings for, {SFWAB: 123-4}
qualities of, {SFWAB: 30, 160, 270}
serried lines of, {SFWAB: 260}
souls will arise, {SFWAB: 250-2}
spiritual doctors, {SFWAB: 130}
success due to Word of God, {GL: 277}
station of,{KA: K117}visiting graves of, {ROB4: 165}
{SFWAB: 100}
with understanding, {ROB4: 257, 275}
who ruin Cause, {TOB: 58}
who depart from the Writings, {KA: K117, 160}
see also Bahá'í Faith/teaching of
see also Women, Bahá'í Faith{DBNN: 12, 32, 103, 118, 120, 269, 284, 286, 292, 297}Bákú, Bahá'í pilgrims visit, {GPB: 302}
{ROB1: 33, 83, 158}
{ROB3: 22, 148, 180, 208, 348}
{ROB4: 122, 177, 178, 182, 363}
{SAQ: 27-35}
{TOB: 62, 74, 76, 103, 104, 107, 108}
Biographical,His Person,Achievements of, {ROB4: 421-4}
andAbu'l-Qásim, see Ridvánand aqueduct, {ROB3: 24-5}
Áqá Mírzá Áqá, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá
'Azim, meeting with, {DBNN: 599}
The Báb, see Báb, The
Badí', see Tablet to Badí'
E. G. Browne, see Browne, Edward Granville
Hájí Jalíl-i-Khu'í, see Ishráqát
Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí', see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih
Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Muhammad, see Kitáb-i-Íqán
Hájí Muhammad-Ridá, see Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, Hájí
Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí describes, see Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí, Hájí
Hájí Yahúdá, see Yahúdá, Hájí,
Ibn-i-Asdaq, see Hands of the Cause of God
King and Beloved of Martyrs, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Mullá 'Alí-Akbar, see Hands of the Cause of God
Mullá Husayn, see Letters of the Living
Nabíl-i-Akbar, dear to, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat
Nabíl's poetry about, see Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam
Siyyid Asadu'lláh, see Asadu'lláh, Siyyid
Sulaymán Khán, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Ustád 'Alí-Akbar, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
Varqá, see Hands of the Cause of GodRúhu'lláh, see Rúhu'lláh
and gifts,{ROB4: 246-8}Ascension, see 'Akká
accepted gifts as token of grace to giver, {GL: 116, 201}
Birth of, see Tihrán
Companions of,{ROB1: 27, 40, 95, 96-7, 206-9, 218}describes Himself, {KA: n1, n160}
{ROB2: 5-6, 7, 14, 16, 18, 19-20, 24, 372, 410}
{ROB3: 11, 12, 17, 34, 36, 52-4, 205, 208-9, 401-4}
death of three, {ROB3: 20, 34}
in Khán-i-'Avámíd, {ROB3: 222}
interrogation of, {ROB2: 328-32}
sickness in barracks, {ROB3: 19-21}
those exiled with Him to Baghdad, {GPB: 108}
dream of, {GPB: 101}
educated thousands, {SAQ: 35}
forsakes His wealth, {GPB: 67}
four stages of His life, {GPB: 107}
guest of Grand Vizir, {GPB: 71}
His Family, Holy Family,{GPB: 240}in Tihrán, see Tihrán
{ROB1: 8-16 passim, 122-3, 130, 284, 305}
{ROB2: 205n., 260-1}
{ROB3: 55, 68, 80, 83-4, 153, 204, 207-8, 211, 214, 216-18, 243, 400, Appendix III}
{ROB4: 254, 419}
Ásíyih Khánum (Navváb, Most Exalted Leaf), wife of,{GPB: 108, 348}Brothers of,
{ROB1: 12, 15, 19}
{ROB2: 6}
{ROB3: 204, 210, 442-8}
{ROB4: 1, 106, 362, 366}
resting-place, in 'Akká, {ROB4: 1, 106}
Shoghi Effendi on transfer of remains of Purest Branch and Navváb to Mount Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
{ROB1: 10, 11, 15, 16}Children of,
Mírzá Muhammad-Hasan, faithful half-brother of,{ROB1: 11, 16}Mírzá Muhammad-Qulí, faithful half-brother of,
Abú-Tálib Khan, Mírzá, brother-in-law of, {DBNN: 639}
Shahr-bánú, daughter of, {ROB4: 438-9}
{ROB1: 15-16, 284}Mírzá Músá, (Áqáy-i-Kalím, Jináb-i-Kalím), most faithful brother, and Apostle of Bahá'u'lláh,
{ROB2: 199, 332, 402}
{ROB4: 242}
{DBNN: 183, 255, 286, 288, 397, 432, 441, 582}Mírzá Ridá-Qulí, half-brother of,
{ROB1: 15-16, 53, 67n., 131, 144, 205, 228, 247, 284, 316n.}
{ROB2: 58, 67, 154, 160, 163, 164, 200, 211, 247n., 332, 402, 405}
{ROB3: 23, 181, 225n., 361, 424-5}
{ROB4: 242, 420n., 438}
Mírzá Majdi'd-Dín (Majdu'd-Din), son of, Breaker of the Covenant,{ROB1: 316}
{ROB4: 420}
{ROB1: 12}Mírzá Yahyá (Subh-i-Azal), half-brother, Breaker of the Covenant,
{ROB3: 218-19}
{ROB4: 438}
Maryam, cousin of Bahá'u'lláh, wife of, see Alwáh-i-Maryam
{ESW: 157, 161, 167, 168, 169, 171}
{GPB: 112, 155, 163-170, 233}
{KA: 15, K184, K190, n177, n190-n192}
{PM: 132, 180, 286}
{ROB1: 40-41, 53-6, 133, 136, 246-56, 257, 284, 291}
{ROB2: 39, 66-75 passim, 161-70, 181-2, 241, 242n., 247, 262-3, 268, 269, 284, ch. 14, 326, 331, 376, 402}
{ROB3: 23, 88-9, 109, 141, 176, 225n., 359, 373-4}
{ROB4: 53, 81, 86, 115, 174, 211, 257, 399, 400, 401, 408n., 412, 421, 438, 439, 440}
{TOB: 43, 75, 111 and n.}
and The Báb,Mírzá Yahyá claimed to be successor to, {GPB: 114}and Bábís,
nominated Mírzá Yahyá, {KA: n190}
{ROB2: 165-6, 181-2, 226}and Bahá'u'lláh:
role of, {ROB4: 305}
see also Báb, Theannounces His mission to Mirza Yahyá,Azalís,{GPB: 166-167}assurance of forgiveness should he repent, {KA: K184, 163}
{KA: n190}
Bahá'u'lláh addresses,{ROB4: 220-1}Bahá'u'lláh's allusions to, {ROB1: 195-6, 218, 241-2, 244, 272}
in Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {ROB3: 373-4}
establishes ascendency over Mírzá Yahyá, {GPB: 168, 169}
division of possessions with Mirza Yahyá, {GPB: 167}
Mirza Yahyá's opposition to,{GPB: 163-165}refuses to meet with Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 168, 169}
{ROB1: 16, 37, 54-5, 107, 120, 130, 133, 136, 195-6, 218, 241-2, 246-56}
{ROB2: 1, 152-5, ch. 14}
actions in Baghdád, see Baghdád
attempts on Bahá'u'lláh's life,{ROB2: 152-5, 158-61}clandestine opposition of, {GPB: 117}
plots to kill Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 166}
Bahá'u'lláh poisoned by, {GPB: 165, 166}
directs campaign against Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 124, 125}
rebellion of, {GPB: 163, 164, 165, 168}
rebellion stimulates Faith, {GPB: 204}
separation from Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB2: 161-70}
stigmatized by Bahá'u'lláh as'Most Great Idol',{GPB: 170}'source of Perversion',
{ROB2: 298}
{ROB3: 109}
{GPB: 170}
{KA: K184, n190}
{ROB2: 298}
{KA: K164, n177, n190}Badrí-Ján, wife of, {ROB3: 23, 225, 235, 251}
{ROB1: 10, 50, 68, 203}
{ROB3: 24, 44-6, 56, 98, 224-5, 227, 400}
{ROB4: 81-2, 174, 176, 191, 219-20, 225-6, 305, 314, 399, 401, 403, 412}
and Nabíl ibn-i-Nabíl, see Muhammad-'Alí, Hájí Shaykh
in 'Akká, see 'Akká
murder of, see 'Akkáin Constantinople, machinations of, see Constantinople
remnant of, {GPB: 246}
see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
claims himself a Prophet, claim to Revelation,{GPB: 167}fate of, {GPB: 233}
{KA: n190, n192}
his Cyprus exile, see Cyprus
lives in disguise, {GPB: 114, 115}
recognizes transformation in Mírzá Áqá Ján, {GPB: 116}
Mustayqiz (Sleeper Awakened), {ROB1: 250}
see also Muhammad-i-Isfahání, Siyyid
{ROB4: 5-6, 283}Cousins of,
Aghsán (Branches),{KA: 3, K42, K61, 161, n66, n67, n85}Bahá'íyyih Khánum (Varaqiy-i-'Ulyá, the Greatest Holy Leaf, {DBNN: Bahíyyih Khánum}), daughter of,
{ROB1: 134 and n.}
{ROB3: 372-3}
{ROB4: 10, 333}
{TOB: 221-2}
'Abdu'l-Bahá (Most Great Branch), son of, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Ásíyih Khánum, mother of, see Bahá'u'lláh, wife ofMírzá Badí'u'lláh, son of, Breaker of the Covenant,
Statements, on Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB3: 399, 415, 416-17, 418, 419}
'Abdu'l-Bahá pays tribute to, {ROB1: 308}
Ascension of, {ROB4: 414-24}
imprisonment of, {ROB4: 242}
in the Garden of Junaynih, see 'Akká
laws of Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB3: 278, 281}
relation of Báb to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB3: 306}
{ROB1: 131-2}Mírzá Díyá'u'lláh, son of, Breaker of the Covenant,
{ROB3: 230}
{ROB4: 59, 377, 435}
{ROB1: 131-2}Mírzá Mihdí (The Purest Branch), son of,
{ROB4: 58}
{GPB: 188-189, 348}Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí, Greater Branch, son of; Centre of Sedition; Arch-Breaker of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant,
{PM: 34, 35}
{ROB1: 19, 261}
{ROB2: 266 and n.}
{ROB3: 7, 204-16, 221}
{ROB4: 362, 366, 421}
As Bahá'u'lláh's amanuensis, {ROB3: 205}
Ásíyih Khánum, mother of, see Bahá'u'lláh, wife of
death of,{GPB: 188}resting-place, in 'Akká,
{ROB3: ch. 10, Appendix III}
{ROB3: 214-15, Appendix III}Shoghi Effendi on,
Nabí Sálih, cemetery of, {ROB3: 209}
{ROB3: 211, 214-15}see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Prayer(s)
transfer of remains of Purest Branch and Navváb to Mount Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
{GPB: 246-249}Shoghi Effendi, great grandson of, see Shoghi Effendi
{KA: n1, n9}
{ROB1: 131-3, 136, 261, 315, 316n., 319}
{ROB2: 260 and n., 267, 273, 276, 289}
{ROB3: 90, 122}
{ROB4: 5, 59, 145, 236, 420}
{SFWAB: 216–19} {TOB: 222}
Bahá'u'lláh's statements about, {GPB: 251}
caused 'Abdu'l-Bahá to be imprisoned, {GPB: 263, 264}
false claims of, {GPB: 248, 249}
falsified Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 249}
fate of, {GPB: 319, 320}
jealousy of, {GPB: 247}
rebellion of, {GPB: 245-251}
rebellion, results of, {GPB: 252}
{GPB: 347, 350}Fúrúghíyyih Khánum, daughter of, Breaker of the Covenant,
{ROB1: 12, 14-15, 19}
{ROB3: 17, 207-8, 210, 443, 445, 448}
{ROB4: 1, 59-60, 106, 311, 337, 362, 366}
Ásíyih Khánum, mother of, see Bahá'u'lláh, wife of
her resting-place, {ROB3: 210, 214, 442, 446-7}
see also {DBNN: Dedication page}
{ROB1: 41}
{ROB1: 387 and n.}
{ROB4: 405}
Siyyid 'Ali, husband of,{ROB4: 405}
son of Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Hasan-'Alí, uncle of The Báb, see Afnáns
Havvá, {ROB1: 122, 124-5}Parents of,
Maryam, see Alwáh-i-Maryam
Mírzá Muhammad-i-Vazír, see Hurúfát-i-'Állín
see also Mírzá Hasan-i-Mázindarání
Khadíjih Khánum, mother ofSisters of,
Mírzá 'Abbás-i-Núrí (Mírzá 'Abbás of Núr), Mírzá Buzurg-i-Núrí, Mírzá Buzurg-i-Vazír, Mírzá Buzurg the Vizier, father of,{DBNN: 11, 109, 234}
{ROB1: 7, 19, 305}
{TOB: 65 n.}
Mullá Mírzá Zaynu'l-'Ábidín, brother of (uncle of Bahá'u'lláh),{ROB3: 68, 217}
Mírzá Hasan-i-Mázindarání (Muhammad Hasan), son of,{ROB1: 50 and n.}
{ROB3: 68, 209n., 216-17}
{ROB4: 438}
{ROB1: 49-51}Uncles of,
Khánum Buzurg (Sháh Sultán Khánum), Breaker of the Covenant,{ESW: 169-171}Sakínih Khánum (Tallán Khánum), faithful half-sister of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 50}
{ROB1: 50-51}
{ROB4: 438}
Sárih Khánum, faithful sister of Bahá'u'lláh,{GL: 109}
{ROB1: 49-50}
'Aziz, {DBNN: 113}Covenant-breakers,
see also Mullá Mírzá Zaynu'l-'Ábidín
{ROB4: 5-6, 283}
Mírzá Mahmúd, nephew of, {ROB1: 9, 10}
incident in Níyálá as related by, {DBNN: 299, 301, 324}
journey to Karbilá, see Karbilá
replies to divines of Manshád, {ROB3: 44-6}
simplicity of life, {ROB2: 169-70}
stories attributed to, {ROB4: 170}
visit to Fort of Shaykh Tabarsí, see Tabarsí
warns Grand Vazír, {ROB3: 36-7}
Zillu's-Sultán's letter to, see Mas'úd Mírzá
His Cause,{ROB3: 133-5}
{ROB4: 134-6}
authority of, {TOB: 48, 75, 108, 131}
being of,inner, {TOB: 72}confirmations of, {ROB3: 193-4, 377}
outer, {TOB: 72}
contrast between inward and outward circumstances, {ROB3: 1, 4, 13-14, 26, 248}
dream about, {SFWAB: 179-80}
Hisclaim,followers consumed by love for Him, {GPB: 136, 137}{ROB3: 239-40, 263}courage, {ESW: 85, 87}
proofs of, {SAQ: 36-43}
detachment,{ESW: 36, 37, 41, 44, 59}effect on people, effect of presence of,
{ROB4: 246-8, 255}
{ROB2: 7-13, 63, 66, 153, 195, 254, 277n.}false prophets supplicate His forgiveness, {GPB: 131}
{ROB1: 94, 101-3, 145, 198, 206-9, 220, 257-9}
{ROB3: 58, 60, 67, 69, 75, 109, 160-61, 179-82, 238, 248-9, 300, 303, 304, 402}
{SAQ: 34, 36}
admirers of, diversified, {GPB: 128-132}
British official offers Him protection, {GPB: 131}
bystanders attest to His greatness, {GPB: 135}
government officials seek Him out, {GPB: 129}
governor assures protection enroute to Constantinople, {GPB: 149, 150}
mujtahid protects Him, {GPB: 143}
overwhelms conspirators and would-be murderer, {GPB: 142}
princes of royal blood seek Him out, {GPB: 129}
religious leaders seek Him out, {GPB: 123, 128-130}
respect of officials for, {ROB3: 218-19}
reverence shown Him by officials at 'Akká, {GPB: 192}
Russian minister offers assistance, {GPB: 104, 106}
sought by Shaykh in Sulaymáníyyih to interpret dream, {GPB: 121}
Sultán 'Abdu'l-Majíd protects Him, {GPB: 132}
human aspects, {ROB3: 2-3, 56, 349-50, 402-3, 414-17}
humour, {ROB4: 243-5, 256}
innate knowledge,{GL: 58 , 122, 131, 199}Justice of,
{ROB2: 57, 346}
{ROB3: 137, 389-90}
educated by God, {TOB: 148-50}
education, {ROB1: 18-19, 20, 22, 62-3}
erudition of, {SAQ: 28-29}
learned impressed with His knowledge, {GPB: 122-124}
knowledge of, beyond human knowledge, {KA: K39, K97, K175, K176, K177}
mastery of Arabic,{KA: 9}theology, lack instruction in, {KA: K104}
{SAQ: 34}
'ulamá could not reply to epistle of, {SAQ: 33}
"unlettered One,"{GL: 98, 199}
{KA: K104}
unschooled, {ESW: 11, 129}
{GL: 175}leadership, {GPB: 67-70, 194, 195}
example, {GPB: 133}
life, {ROB3: 239}
love of nature, {ROB3: 414-16}
magnanimity, {ROB4: 241-8}
majesty,{ROB1: 148, 257-9, 282}power,
{ROB2: 8-10}
{ROB3: 1, 4, 12, 52, 58, 111, 116, 133, 156, 248ff., 397-8}
{GPB: 141}presence with martyrs, {ROB3: 193-6}
{ROB3: 1-2, 13, 60, 134, 141, 193, 195, 333, 377-9}
{SAQ: 35}
radiance, {ROB3: 13}
resignation, {ESW: 76, 79, 85, 95}
sovereignty, {ROB3: 134, 311, 315}
vision of, {KA: 1, 2, 11, K101}
wrath, {ROB3: 235-6}
love of, {ROB4: 190, 194, 211, 234, 275, 283-4}
perfection of, {SAQ: 150}
personal relics of,{GPB: 347}relationship to his followers, {ROB3: 201-2}
clothes of,{ROB4: 247, 248}portrait of, {GPB: 347}
slippers of, {ROB4: 248}
purchases property associated with Jesus Christ, {GPB: 194}
Seals of,{ROB1: illus. 78, 25 and n.}
{ROB2: 5 and n.}
Tablets embellished with, {KA: K117, n143}
tests of being close to, {ROB2: 7}
tobacco, use of, {SFWAB: 148}
His Station,advent, dawn of,{KA: K82, K85, K88, K165, K177, n33, n108, n153, n158, n160, n172}appointment of Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
{SFWAB: 1, 7-8, 12-17, 31, 33, 38-9, 111, 252, 285}
{TOB: 4, 13, 15, 89, 101-4, 115-16, 182, 215, 231, 244-5, 247-8, 258-60}
came from heaven of eternity, {TOB: 9}
like thief, {SFWAB: 198-9}
unconcealed (unveiled), {TOB: 40, 96, 123}
Apostles of, see Apostle(s) of Bahá'u'lláh
beauty of Bahá'u'lláh, endures forever, {SFWAB: 204}
belief in, {ROB4: 194}
Covenant, see Covenant
Declaration of, see Ridván
effect on believer, {KA: K38, K55}
His laws and ordinances, commandments, teachings,{ROB2: 354}His Mission,
{ROB3: 115, 124, 139, 276-86}
{SFWAB: 23, 107-8, 109, 248-9, 293, 298-307}
are remedy, {SFWAB: 59, 61}
are staff of gold, {SFWAB: 166-7}
call to humanity{GL: 38, 99, 104, 115, 127, 130, 163, 168, 171, 183, 205, 213, 217, 299, 316, 319-322, 322, 332, 342, 345}command
to serve Cause, {GL: 14, 37, 43, 84, 92, 137, 184, 196, 246, 281, 296, 308, 310}
against sedition,demands high conduct of His followers, {GPB: 133}{GL: 335}against use of force,
{ROB2: 86-91, 188, 190}
{KA: n170, n173}to teach,
{ROB2: 86, 258n., 351}
{GPB: 376, 377}
{ROB2: 91-106, 238}
love, {SFWAB: 66}
orders land to be purchased in 'Ishqábád, {ROB4: 120}
violence condemned by, {GPB: 134}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas{GL: 85, 100, 108, 115, 130, 212, 217, 228, 238, 256, 286, 299}His Revelation, Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh ,
{PM: 25, 74, 80, 103, 107, 137, 147, 153, 181, 185, 197, 202, 208, 301, 334}
divine origin of, {GPB: 102}
made known to Him, revealed to Him by God,{ESW: 11, 12, 22}
{GL: 90, 99, 103}
{PM: 21, 121, 306}
{ESW: 14, 26, 38, 56, 60, 83, 87, 95, 96, 103, 104, 105, 107, 111, 114, 115, 120, 126, 127, 128, 140, 141-142, 143, 147, 151, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 171, 172, 173}infallibility of, see Infallibility
{KA: K184, Q57}
{ROB3: 104-5, 110, 147-8, 205, 219, 371, 377}
{ROB4: 6, 53, 65-6, 95, 137, 138, 167, 172, 193, 198, 209, 300, 352, 357, 358, 372, 413, 423, 438}
{SFWAB: 7-8, 22}
{TOB: 3-5, 12, 41, 53, 72, 77, 78, 85, 91, 102, 103, 107, 182, 186-7, 214, 223, 233, 239, 244-5, 251, 261, 263}
after martyrdoms in Yazd, {ROB4: 347}
all may choose to believe, {TOB: 41}
and break-up of society, {ROB2: 417-21}
and The Báb,foretold by Báb, {GL: 10, 96, 146, 147, 294}and the West, {ROB4: 232-3}
receives Tablet from the Báb, {KA: K175, K176, n185, n186}
relationship to the Báb, {KA: K20, K110, K175, K179, n108, n109}
"School of Transcendent Oneness",{KA: K175, K176, K177, n185}see also Báb, The
{ROB3: 306}
Announcement, {TOB: 36, 61, 84, 103, 115, 116, 121, 181, 246, 248, 260}
Anti-Christ of, see Bahá'u'lláh/His Sufferings
anticipated, {ESW: 42}
attacks to be refuted, {GL: 329, 330}
awakened by breezes of All-Glorious, {SAQ: 85}
Bábís who were heedless of, see Bábí(s)
Bahá'u'lláh's apologia for, {ROB2: 370}
basis of unity of mankind, {GL: 97, 215, 286, 316, 333}
benefits of, {TOB: 132}
birth of, aee Tihrán/Síyáh-Chál
breathed new life into human frame, {TOB: 84}
brings tests,{ROB1: 129}Call to humanity,
{ROB2: 214}
{PM: 36, 74, 97, 104, 106, 107, 188, 197, 200, 207, 268, 295, 302}canalized through the Administrative Order, {ROB4: 233}
{TOB: 61, 64, 78, 105, 122, 238, 241, 250, 261, 265}
Centre of the Cause, see Covenant
chalice,{TOB: 196}compared to an ocean, {GL: 326-327}
of loving-kindness, {TOB: 220}
consequences of rejection, {ROB2: 309-11}
Dawn,{TOB: 41, 51, 75}Day of God, see Terms in Holy Writings
Morning, {SFWAB: 7-8, 22, 33, 43, 228}
His Dispensation, Dispensation of Bahá,{KA: 1, 7, 12, 14, K142, K148, Q8, Q42, n19, n44, n126, n129, n160, n172}distinguishing features of,
{ROB1: 216-18, 279, 309-14}
{ROB3: 147, 192, 211, 317, 373}
{ROB4: 155}
all things made new, {SFWAB: 12, 253}
culmination of past revelations,{ROB3: 3-4, 119}Holy Dispensation, {TOB: 125}
Bahá'í Cycle,{SFWAB: 67}Bahá'í Era,
duration of 5000 centuries (500,000 years),{GPB: 55, 100}Cycle of Glory, {SFWAB: 13}
{ROB4: 209, 366, 424}
duration of at least 10 centuries (1,000 years),consummation of all Dispensations, {GL: 244, 340}{KA: 1, 12, 14, K37, 156, n62}
{ROB1: 309-11}
{ROB3: 154, 167}
{SFWAB: 295}
most perfect expression of peoples of old, {TOB: 87}
perfections to be made manifest in, {SFWAB: 71}
present age, {SFWAB: 13, 17, 34, 67-8, 71, 111-12, 191, 232, 310}
{ROB4: 340, 365}divine origin of, {ROB3: 114, 196}
{TOB: 94}
Faith of God, {GL: 136, 217, 255, 293, 312, 319, 333}
fragrance of, {TOB: 13, 14, 15}
fruits of, {ROB3: 127}
glory of, {ROB4: 320, 353}
greatness of,{GL: 10, 13, 37, 75, 77, 95, 99, 105, 106, 163, 245, 255, 319, 320, 325, 326, 328}Hádí should recognize, {TOB: 43}
{PM: 43}
{ROB1: 18, 23, 64-7, 121-2, 213, 218, 236-7, 245, 301-2, 307-8, 311-14}
{ROB2: 16, 76, 151, 416}
{ROB4: 66, 108, 125, 127-9, 133, 150, 216, 218, 313, 318, 320, 335}
{TOB: 64, 237, 258-9}
hid in souls of Prophets, {TOB: 103}
history of, {ROB4: 115-6}
His description of, {ROB2: 143-4, 239}
His initial experience, {ROB1: 10, 12, 20, 21}
His language, {ROB3: 109, 111, 156, 270, 275-6, 349-50}
Hour, {TOB: 11, 107, 117, 131, 237, 244}
how received, {PM: 129, 180, 200, 276}
incomparable, {TOB: 3, 28, 80}
influence of, {ROB4: 353}
instrument for education, {TOB: 87, 130}
interpretation forbidden, see Interpretation of Sacred Text
its significance, {GPB: 91-103}
joyful tidings of, {TOB: 239, 242}
light of, {TOB: 13, 236, 244}
Maid of Heaven, see Term in Holy Writings
make mention of, {TOB: 142}
mankind will gather beneath tabernacle, {TOB: 84}
metaphor of "Hidden Treasure,"{KA: K15, n23}moment of, {ROB3: 160, 171}
{TOB: 77}
Most Great Infallibility disclosed, see Infallibility
Most Great Revelation, {ROB4: 141}
nature of,{ROB1: 21}none can protest what befalls, {TOB: 212}
{ROB4: 129, 150, 388}
ocean, {TOB: 33, 196}
oneness of, {PM: 274}
power of,{PM: 126, 144, 170, 277, 295, 296, 304, 308}principle of progressive revelation, {KA: K98, K183, n89, n126, n180}
{TOB: 200}
proclamation of His Message,{KA: K75, K80, K103, K118, K132, K134, K143, K163, K168, n158}profusion and power of,
{ROB3: 30, 109, 110ff., 138, 147, 156, 163-4, 167, 168, 174, 199-200, 239, 331-2, 364}
open proclamation of, {ROB2: 30, 64, 85}
{GL: 93, 96, 136, 140, 141, 189, 190, 197, 219, 286, 292, 319, 328, 332}Prophecies concerning, see Promised One of All Ages
{ROB2: 34, 84-5, 192-3, 251-4, 269, 274, 286, 298-300, 348n.}
Prophecies of, Prophecies by,{SFWAB: 16, 67, 248, 314}promotion by force forbidden, {GL: 278, 303, 330}
Napoleon III, {SFWAB: 16 and n.}
next Manifestation, see Manifestations of God
war, {SFWAB: 248}
proofs of,{GL: 49, 105, 179, 220, 259}purpose of, objectives of,
{KA: K136, K165, K167, K183}
{ROB4: 262-3}
{TOB: 74}
{ESW: 24, 33, 34, 36, 39, 40, 45, 46, 88, 161, 163, 166}quotes from previously revealed Tablets, {ROB4: 372-4}
{GL: 43, 85, 95, 144, 206, 215}
{KA: K172}
{ROB2: 30, 140, 150, 192-3, 304}
{ROB3: 214}
{ROB4: 158, 196, 365, 388}
{SFWAB: 1, 10-11, 31, 256, 257-8}
{TOB: 21, 44, 72, 92, 96, 166, 168, 174, 219, 220, 223, 260}
unstoppable, {TOB: 14, 15, 44, 115, 123, 210, 233, 243}
reminder to people, {TOB: 137}
tyranny of world doesn't hinder, {TOB: 125}
unity, oneness, {SFWAB: 21, 229-30, 261-3, 278}
recognition of,{KA: n48}recognition of God comes only through, {ROB4: 139-40}
{ROB1: 56, 68, 84, 91, 95}
{ROB3: 65, 77, 88, 103, 105, 127, 130, 132, 148-9, 161, 163-4, 272, 291-2, 315, 36, 377}
{ROB4: 142, 193, 198, 206-7, 212, 216, 305}
{SFWAB: 8-9, 22, 29, 33-4, 280}
by child, {SFWAB: 142}
by handmaids, {SFWAB: 23-4}
enjoined, {KA: 15, K1, K85-K86, K134, n1, n155}
redefines customs and concepts of past, {KA: 1, K138, n2, n93}
refused, {GL: 11, 39, 42, 58, 72, 90, 179, 221, 246, 256, 294, 324}
relationship to Administrative Order, {ROB3: 50}
released spiritual energies, {ROB1: 4-5, 18, 23, 45}
renews material world, {SFWAB: 52}
resplendent, {TOB: 40, 74, 79, 89}
reveals hidden mysteries, {TOB: 4, 5, 47, 241}
'Revelation Writing', see Áqá Ján, Mírzá
revolutionized mankind, {GL: 136, 139, 196}
shall endure, {TOB: 232}
signs of,{SFWAB: 15-16}speaking as the Manifestation, {ROB4: 319}
{TOB: 13, 58, 75, 79, 118, 214}
speaks not of His own volition,{ESW: 11, 12, 39, 40}Spring,
{GL: 90, 99, 103, 108, 126}
{SFWAB: 8, 22, 58, 253-4, 255}suffices all mankind, {TOB: 142}
Springtime, {TOB: 86, 257}
symbolism of letter "vav," {KA: n172}
thanks for, inadequate, {TOB: 28}
theme of, pales all others, {TOB: 62}
throne of, {TOB: 50, 52}
to priests, bishops and monks, see Clergy
transcends others, {TOB: 74-5, 248, 259}
transforming power of, {ROB3: 140}
tribulations, value of {GL: 42, 72, 270, 333}
truth in, {ROB4: 141, 152, 339}
universality of,{GL: 92, 96, 189, 256-259, 273, 282}veils to recognizing, {ROB4: 138}
{TOB: 89}
victory of, foreordained, {GL: 248, 272, 287, 306, 319, 332, 341}
Way, {TOB: 266}
Word,{TOB: 11, 21, 34, 50, 89, 178, 184, 256, 258}world depends on, {ROB4: 319}
Most Sublime, {TOB: 264}
of God, {TOB: 73, 91, 93-4, 123, 237, 242}
world immersed in ocean of, {ROB4: 70}
world-vivifying, {ROB3: 213}
zenith,{ROB2: 1}see also Rashh-i-'Amá, His effect on people, Bahá'í Faith, Bahá'u'lláh, His Tablets and Writings, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Heaven; Jerusalem; Paradise; Word of God
{ROB4: 114}
institutions ordained by, {ROB3: 214-15}
ministry,{ROB3: 10, 14, 80, 84, 110, 137, 143, 234, 241, 273, 400}sends travel teachers, {ROB4: 275-6}
inauguration of, {GPB: 106-108}
first phase, {GPB: 109, 111}
forty-year ministry, {GPB: 183}
last phase of, {GPB: 183-185}
teachings and principles,{ROB3: 78, 124-5, 126, 130, 131, 139, 158, 230-31, 298-9, 322, 339; also 153}
presentation of His teachings, {ROB4: 374-7}
see also Bahá'í Faith
His Sufferings,{ESW: 2, 41, 43, 47, 48, 155}
{GL: 33, 36, 99, 101, 102, 228, 244}
{GPB: 93-100}
{KA: K47, K142, K143, 162, n160}
{PM: 20, 46, 121, 128, 131, 139, 231, 233, 238, 275, 286, 294, 297, 306}
{ROB1: 10, 66-7, 295, 304-9, 313}
{ROB2: 77-86, 183-4, 185, 213, 301, 302-3 (revealing of), 346-9}
{ROB3: 132-4, 144-5, 231, 241, 264, 276, 336, 378, 397}
{ROB4: 66, 94, 108, 125-39, 141, 223, 320}
{SFWAB: 13, 56-7, 170}
alludes to His own station,{ROB1: 119, 142, 194-6, 210, 213, 218, 245, 273, 307-8}authority of,
{ROB3: 305}
{GL: 55-56, 171, 176, 202}bears trust of God, {TOB: 12}
{PM: 286}
Books of God mention, {TOB: 47, 50, 107, 231, 248}
conceals His station for ten years, {GPB: 103}
dependent only upon God, {GL: 37, 38}
disciples perceive His station, {GPB: 103}
discloses His station to Mírzá Áqá Ján, {GPB: 115}
encompasses previous Manifestations, {SFWAB: 62-3, 64}
ever-present, {GL: 137, 139, 316}
grateful for Station as Revelator, {PM: 20, 46, 238}
Kingdom of God embodied in, {TOB: 12}
man's relationship to, {ROB1: 73-4, 79-80}
never hidden, {GL: 286, 344}
new attire of Best Beloved, {TOB: 87}
one of claims to greatness, {GPB: 138}
other Announcements bow to, {TOB: 248}
power of,{GL: 40, 72, 93, 137, 214, 219, 322}pre-eminent, {TOB: 259}
{SFWAB: 237, 255}
{TOB: 107}
Prophethood, proof of,{GL: 11, 49, 105, 179, 220, 259, 302}relationship to God,
{TOB: 74, 75, 117, 181, 245}
miracle(s) of,
{SFWAB: 16}
are not decisive proofs, {SAQ: 37}
attributed to, {SAQ: 34, 37}
offers to perform, {SAQ: 29-30, 35}
accused of identifying Himself with God, {ROB4: 125-6, 406-7}relationship to other Manifestations,
Bahá'u'lláh identifies with God, {KA: K39, K86, K88, K132, K134, K143, K163, K168, n160}
'HE is I', {TOB: 258}
His will is God's will, {PM: 108, 182, 193}
represents Godhead, {KA: K1, K86, K132, K143, K172}
{ROB1: 64-6, 308-9}reveals God's glory, {TOB: 197}
Báb's laws may be changed by, {TOB: 132}
Bahá'u'lláh is Supreme Manifestation of God, see His Titles and Names
difference between, and other Manifestations, {SAQ: 150}
identity with Báb, see The Báb
oneness with all Prophets, {GL: 88-89, 101-102}
supreme Manifestation for Adamic cycle,{SAQ: 161}Universal Manifestation,
see also Supreme{ROB4: 135}
{SAQ: 58}
source of grace and gifts, {TOB: 245}
sovereignty,{KA: K69, K82, K134, K167, n181}transcends past and future, {TOB: 74-5}
over hearts of men, {KA: 13, K83}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, His Titles and Names
His Tablets and Writings, Sacred Text, Words of Bahá'u'lláh,{ESW: 17, 20, 23, 34, 35, 37, 52, 53, 63, 72, 78, 85, 94-95, 122, 125, 157}
{GL: 37, 42, 58, 85, 88-89, 90, 98-100, 115, 116, 119, 120, 124, 129, 130, 148, 203, 219, 224-226, 229, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244, 247, 270, 274, 286, 296, 298, 307, 313, 342, 344}
{KA: 8, 12, 15, K86, K141, K158, K184, n1, n190, n192}
{ROB1: 10, 12-13, 51-2, 57, 61, 63, 148-9, 195-6, 249}
{ROB2: 209-10, 239-40, 244, 284, 355-7}
{ROB3: 141, 226-34, 420-21}
{ROB4: 6, 38, 148, 171, 388-90, 391-2, 402-5}
{SFWAB: 16, 73, 257, 262-3,281}
{TOB: 11, 15, 44, 75, 104, 122-3, 151}
are for sake of world,{TOB: 10, 12}as Joseph,
sacrifice of, for mankind, {GL: 88, 99, 101, 307, 315}
{KI: 212, 254}attempt on His life,
{ROB2: 179, 269}
{ROB4: 81}
true Joseph,{GPB: 23}
{KA: n1}
{KA: n190}banishment from Persia,
{ROB2: 107, 153-4}
{ROB3: 66-7}
{KA: n33}bastinadoed, {GPB: 68}
{ROB1: 11, 13, 16-17, 51-2, 224}
{SAQ: 30-32}
assisted Cause, {SAQ: 31, 36}
effects of, {SAQ: 13}
exile fulfilled prophecies, {GPB: 107}
famine in Persia, {ROB4: 299}
method of travel, {ROB2: 6}
refuses foreign protection, {ROB2: 406}
testimonies of His innocence of attack on Sháh, {GPB: 105, 106}
to,Adrianople, see Adrianople
'Akká, see 'Akká
Alexandria, see Alexandria
Baghdád, see Baghdád
Constantinople (Istanbul), see Constantinople
Haifa, see Haifa
Kurdistán, see Kurdistán
battered by stones of idle fancy, {TOB: 139}
captivity, {KA: n192}
conspiracies against Him, {GPB: 142, 143, 146, 150, 159, 160}
cursing of, {ROB4: 92-3, 175}
faces mob of five hundred, {GPB: 68}
flight parallels others in religious history, {GPB: 107}
foretells His trials, {GPB: 147}
His submission to suffering, {ROB3: 1-2, 4, 52-3, 232-4, 243}
imprisonment,{ESW: 20-22, 52, 56, 57, 63, 77}maligned by writers of press, {SFWAB: 39}
{ROB4: 241-2}
{TOB: 10, 41, 49, 104, 151, 259, 260}
condemned to life imprisonment, {ROB3: 4, 18-19}
see also 'Akká, Tihrán
marks of sword on Tree, {TOB: 209}
martyrdom sought, {TOB: 14, 15}
Persecution, of Cause of God,{ROB3: 14, 27, 56-7, 166, 224-5, 234-7, 243, 251}possessions plundered in Mázindarán, {DBNN: 637}
{ROB4: 335}
{TOB: 15, 33}
adversaries, enemies,{GPB: 142, 143, 146, 150, 159, 160, 224-233}Attacks on Cause to be refuted, {GL: 329, 330}
Bahá'u'lláh's statements about, {GPB: 224}
calls for wrath of God upon enemies, {PM: 121, 141, 301, 305}
confounded by His love, {GPB: 135-136}
enemies powerless, {PM: 74, 105}
of the Faith, two most powerful, {GPB: 17}
opposed by mother of the Sháh, {GPB: 70}
Mír Muhammad-Husayn (Imám-Jum'ih of Isfahán, 'Raqshá'- She-Serpent),{DBNN: 201, 202}Shaykh Muhammad-Báqir, of Isfahán ("Dhi'b" - Wolf),
{ROB4: 75-6, 79-80, 91, 96-7, 100, 297}
{TOB: 203, 214-16}
fate of, {GPB: 232}
see also Muhammad, Mír Siyyidsee Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-BurhánSiyyid Muhammad-i-Isfahání, Anti-Christ of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation,
see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf{GPB: 112, 164, 189}
{KA: K184, 164, n190, n192}
{ROB1: 27 and n., 54-5, 68, 107, 220, 223 and n., 224, 246-9, 254-5, 291}
{ROB2: 61, 66-75 passim, 118, 152-5, 165, 170, 242n., 291, 293, 325-8, 371, 375, 397, 402}
{ROB3: 24, 56, 178, 224-5, 234-7, 374}
{ROB4: 226, 412, 434, 435}
murder of, {KA: n192}
see also Yahyá, Mírzá
fate of His opposers, {GPB: 231-233}
warning to opposers, {GPB: 251}
refuge, sole, {GL: 203}
rejection of, opposition to,{GL: 58, 246, 256, 273}restrictions relaxed on, {GPB: 195}
{KA: K35, K41, K85, K139, K140, K141, K166}
{PM: 107, 152, 204}
{ROB2: 137, 413-14}
{SFWAB: 8-9, 33-4}
{TOB: 33, 61, 96, 107, 120, 131, 188, 207, 232, 235, 240-2, 248, 250-1, 261}
Bábís, {TOB: 79, 185, 190}
because of fear, {TOB: 61}
clergy, {TOB: 10, 110, 254, 259}
denies former Manifestations, {TOB: 248, 249}
few receive grace of God, {SFWAB: 277}
kings and queens, {TOB: 252}
learned, {TOB: 256}
like rejection of Christ, {SFWAB: 40-1}
Muhammadans (people of Qur'án), {TOB: 15, 103-4}
people of tyranny, {TOB: 49, 54, 107, 255}
Persians, {TOB: 62, 84}
Shí'ih divines, {TOB: 79}
see also Non-believers
source of His sorrow,{ESW: 22, 33}Tribulations,
{GL: 100, 117, 153, 244, 308-310}
because of Covenant-breakers, {TOB: 58-60, 70, 121}
misdeeds of Bahá'ís, see Bahá'í(s)
sorrowed by grievances, {TOB: 139}
weeps, {TOB: 189}{ESW: 17, 29, 35, 53, 75, 85, 95, 123, 147}urges followers not to grieve for His sufferings, {ROB3: 26, 32}
{PM: 8, 17, 21, 25, 39, 40, 101, 139, 151, 181, 197, 204, 242, 285}
powerless, {PM: 36, 74, 104, 151, 153, 170, 187, 200, 208, 214, 219}
purpose of, {PM: 44, 71, 147, 162, 198, 230}
thanksgiving for, {PM: 146, 154, 230, 309}
welcomed, {PM: 18, 104, 108, 111, 140, 187, 192, 205, 213}
victory assured,{ESW: 21}
protected, {TOB: 102}
His Titles and Names,{ESW: 11, 13, 17, 22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 39, 45-56, 56-59, 59-64, 78, 79, 97, 124, 127, 136, 166}
{KA: 8-9, n189, n193, n194}
{ROB1: xv, 22}
{ROB2: 218}
{ROB3: 139-40, 263, 299, 323-6, 429 n.}
{ROB4: 125, 168, 396, 423}
{TOB: 120, 143, 210, 216, 245, 261}
quotations from,{GPB: xii, x, xi, 3, 7, 22, 23, 28, 49, 57, 71, 72, 79, 80, 82, 92, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 125, 126, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 161, 163, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 232, 233, 239, 240, 242, 243, 250, 251, 253, 254, 277, 278, 325, 331, 347, 348, 357, 360, 376, 377, 390, 395, 396}
Arabic, use of, {KA: 9-10}
authority and integrity, {KA: K53, K117, 160, n143}
cause souls to soar, {TOB: 119}
cheer eyes, {TOB: 9}
collected by non-believers, {TOB: 131}
composition of, {ROB4: 23n.}
counsels of, {TOB: 70, 86}
copious writings in two years, {GPB: 137, 138}
deviation from, {KA: K117, 160}
disparities between Tablets, {KA: Q57}
ended but theme unexhausted, {TOB: 119}
first fruits of His Divine Pen, {GPB: 121}
fragrance of, {TOB: 15, 220, 261}
gives knowledge of God, {TOB: 39, 50, 156, 195-6}
importance of reading, {SFWAB: 35, 61, 190-1}
in which locations and cities are addressed, {ROB4: 352}
melodies of, would create havoc, {TOB: 106-7}
memorization of, {TOB: 200}
misrepresented, {ROB4: 150}
Odes and Tablets, {GPB: 120}
reading from pulpits prohibited,{KA: n168}reference to, in resolving differences, {KA: K53, 160}
see also Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
repeats subjects in, {ROB4: 125}
revealed with rapidity, {SFWAB: 15}
sends unaddressed Tablets, {ROB4: 323-5}
study of,{KA: 7, K149, K182, 160}survey of, {ROB4: 227-38}
{ROB4: 17, 212}
teachers well-versed in, {ROB4: 275}
transcription, dissemination, publication of,{GPB: 380-383}unfolds wings of broken bird, {TOB: 169}
{KA: vii-viii}
{ROB1: 25-6, 27, 160}
{ROB2: 200, 269, 279, 283, 373}
{TOB: 133 n.}
compilations of, {ROB4: 259n.}
delivery of, {ROB4: 323-8}
In His own hand, {ROB1: 34-5, 37}
printing of,{ROB4: 321-2}translation of His Writings,
first Bahá'í, {ROB4: 178}
not in printed form, {ROB4: 259n.}
{GPB: 260, 261}see also Áqá Ján, Mírzá
{KA: 9-11}
{SFWAB: 66, 79, 191}
warnings of,{KA: 162-164}Word of God, as revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, Words of God,
{TOB: 190}
to Constantinople, {KA: K89, n120}
to ecclesiastical leaders,{KA: 13}to followers, {KA: 14}
see also Clergy
to kings of the earth, {KA: K82}
about falsely claiming revelation from God, {KA: K37}
about opposition to the Faith, {KA: K37, 163, n63}
to William I, {KA: 15, K86}
{ESW: 42, 76, 105, 110, 130}written in Persian, {TOB: 49, 122 and n.}
{ROB1: 18, 21, 42-3, 46}
{ROB2: 120, 121, 289}
{ROB3: 99-100, 103, 114, 130, 156, 264, 276, 325, 349, 375-6}
{ROB4: 193}
are water, {TOB: 257}
Book of Bahá'u'lláh, {GL: 69, 123, 127, 183, 198, 221, 270, 286, 306}
could render Cause victorious, {TOB: 197}
creativeness,{ROB1: 30-31}manner of revelation,
source of Creation, {ROB4: 42, 278-83}
{ROB1: 22-5, 28-9, 34-7, 40-42, 55, 64}pronounced by Qá'im, {TOB: 258}
{ROB4: 219-19, 372-3}
style and classes of,{ROB1: 21-5, 40, 60, 62-3, 96, 147, 160, 213, 218-19}power of,
{ROB2: 19, 29}
nine different styles or categories, see To The Kings and Rulers/Súriy-i-Haykal
Writings in 'Akká,{GPB: 216, 219, 220}
three classifications of, {GPB: 205, 206}
{ROB1: 29, 30-31, 62-3, 83, 102, 210}rapidity of revelation, {ROB1: 23, 29, 35-6, 62, 158}
{ROB4: 237-8, 388}
{TOB: 88}
and influence, {KA: K3, K54, K129, K136, K167, K169}
gives new power to words, {GL: 93}
potency of, {TOB: 200}
reciting, see Bahá'í(s)
sheltering shadow of, {TOB: 257}
sweetness, {KA: K3, K4, K54, K179}
vastness of Revelation,{ROB1: 23-4, 25, 69}verses, {TOB: 74, 87, 89, 110, 114, 117, 119, 147, 183}
{ROB3: 108, 134}
wine of, {TOB: 105, 108, 110, 208, 239, 241, 249}
see also Interpretation of Sacred Text, Bahá'u'lláh, His Tablets and Writings
yield spirit of life, {TOB: 147}
see also Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Index, Part I)see also Apostle(s) of Bahá'u'lláh, Persia{GPB: 94}
{KA: K18, K60, K110, 95, n23, n147, n160}
{PM: 286}
{ROB1: 8, 12, 42, 66, 77, 83, 109, 134, 148, 236, 304-9 passim, 313}
{ROB2: 29, 186-7, 249}
{ROB3: 264, 393}
{ROB4: 139-40, 207, 369}
{SFWAB: 38-9}
{TOB: 101, 105, 182, 185, 231}
attributes of God and/or Bahá'u'lláh,as veil, {TOB: 9-10}All-
benevolence, {KA: 97}
detachment, {PM: 108, 182, 184}
fearlessness, {PM: 71, 188, 309}
grandeur, {KA: K88, K177}
humility, {PM: 193}
justice, {KA: K170}
love, {PM: 61}
loving providence, {KA: 6, K3, K29, K75, K117}
mercy,{KA: 16, K59, K136, K140, 92, 94, 95, 99, 101}might, {KA: K42, K82, K129, K177, 93, 94, 101}
Concealer of sins (His mercy),{GL: 271, 309}
{ROB2: 24, 116-18, 153, 201, 273}
patience, {PM: 108, 308}
potency, {KA: K129, K175}
righteousness, {KA: K83, K136, K141}
sovereignty, {KA: K20, K78, K103, K115, K167, K178}
strength, {KA: K44}
strengthens, {TOB: 79}
terrible in punishing, {KA: K37}
wisdom, {KA: 16, K44, K68, K98, K101, K177, K180, n86}
wrath, {KA: K170}
see also God/Essence and Attributes ofCompelling, {KA: K40}Almighty,
Gracious, {KA: K21, K34, K86, K97, K106}
Informed, {KA: K40, K60, K97, K130, K143, K164, K189, Q101}
Knowing, {KA: K9, K39, K40, K52, K53, K56, K88, K89, K93, K123, K124, K130, K168, K189, 98}
Merciful,{KA: 16, K2, K3, K7, K21, K29, K30, K35, K40, K73, K74, K86, K101, K107, K110, K116, K129, K133, K136, K137, K138, K139, K150, K158, K165, K173, K175, K178, K184, 92, 99, n51, n107, n149, n170}Perceiving, {KA: K151}
Possessing, {KA: K2, K22, K94, K170, 99}
Praised, {KA: K40, K49, K115, K134}
Subduing, {KA: K132}
Wise, {KA: K12, K37, K39, K40, K88, K120, K132, K138, K146, K160, K163}
{KA: 16, K6, K16, K37, K38, K40, K49, K80, K101, K163, K175, K176, K177, 95, 98, n86, n144, n170}Ancient of Days,
{GL: 210, 241, 302, 306}Ancient Root, {KA: K121, n145}
{KA: K80, K86, K97, Q96, Q105}
Answerer, {KA: K129}
Avenger, {KA: K153}
Bahá, Abhá,{PM: 16, 44, 84, 109, 169, 205}Balance, {PM: 100}
Abhá Beauty, {SFWAB: 26, 59, 184, 246, 257, 262}
All-Glorious, {KA: K9, K36, K50, K55, K73, K94, K137, 92, 95, n11, n23, n33, n137, n144}
attribute and name of God, {ROB1: 48, 116, 117}
Bahá'u'lláh,{GPB: 32}Greatest Name, 'Alláh-u-Abhá, Yá Bahá'u'l-Abhá,
{ROB3: 238}
{GL: 28, 121, 189, 190, 203, 242, 246, 316, 333}Most Great Name,
{KA: K127, n33, n137, n148}
{ROB1: 28, 48, 117, 274}
{ROB2: 179}
{ROB3: 116, 368, 431}
{ROB4: 135, 139, 230, 376, 411n.}
{SAQ: 35, 149-50}
{TOB: 33}
numerical equivalent, {KA: K29, n48, n50}
power of, {GL: 28, 34, 121, 189, 242, 286, 333}
repetition of "Alláh-u-Abhá" 95 times a day, {KA: K18, Q77, 157, n33-n34}
significance, {KA: K29, K51, n33, n48}
{PM: 5, 12, 14, 21, 32, 38, 44, 68, 70, 100, 106, 113, 118, 125, 169, 171, 192, 219, 246, 276}Jináb-i-Bahá (His Honour Bahá), {ROB1: 8 and n., 158, 224}
{TOB: 38, 50, 101, 142, 182 n.}
number of, {KA: K30, n50}
three hundred sixty derivatives of the word, {GPB: 69}
see also Pen, Abhá
Beauty, {KA: K13, K38, 92, 96, 97, n20, n160}
Beloved,{KA: 92, n3, n23}Beneficent, {KA: K97}
Best-Beloved, {KA: K4, K80, K129, K141}
Bestower, {KA: K97}
Blessed Perfection, {ROB3: 304}
Book of God, {GL: 13, 104, 159, 225, 226, 227, 237, 247, 290, 294, 297, 341}
Bounteous (All-, Ever-),{KA: K34, K36, K151, K184}Bountiful (All-, Most-), {KA: K42, K46, K86, K97, K114, K163, K189, 95, 100}
Bounty and grace of Bahá'u'lláh,{SFWAB: 22, 179}
could prove barren, {SFWAB: 11}
Branch,Divine Branch, {SAQ: 65}Comforter, (terminology of the New Testament), {ROB3: 30}
Incomparable Branch, {SAQ: 65}
Counselor, {KA: K52}
Creator see Creation
Darvísh Muhammad, see Kurdistán
Dawning-place,{KA: K74, K113, K143, K149, K186, n23}Dayspring of, Day-Spring of,
of all signs, {KA: K169}
of Beauty, {KA: K68}
of God's Cause, {KA: K47, n75}
of Revelation, {KA: K42, K60}
of Splendor, {KA: K15}
of Utterance, {KA: K29}
{KA: K3, K4, K102, K143, K186}Daystar,
Divine Unity, {KA: K175}
God's Light,{KA: K85, n116}Grandeur, {KA: K88}
{ROB3: 150}
His Most Excellent Titles, {KA: K143, K173}
Names, {KA: K88}
Revelation, {KA: 15, K1, K80, K86, K109, K148, 99}
the Signs of God, God's Signs,{KA: K35, 97}
{ROB4: 130}
{KA: K92, K120}Desire of the World, {KA: K1, K157, 92, 96}
of Utterance, {KA: K16}
Establisher of the Kingdom, {GPB: 318, 324}
Establisher of the Most Great Peace, {GPB: 93}
Eternal Truth,{GL: 60}Ever-Abiding, {KA: K14, K88, K104}
{KA: K54, K125, n23}
Everlasting, {KA: K41, K86, Q105, n160}
Exalted, {KA: K30, K56, K80, K94, K132, 92, 95, n144}
Expounder, {KA: K10, Q96}
Faithful, {KA: K109}
Fashioner, {KA: K97, K167}
Father, {ROB4: 228, 229, 413}
Forgiving (All-, Ever-), {KA: K10, K14, K49, K74, K75, K88, K151, K163, K169, K184, 100, 101}
Fountain of God's Laws, {KA: K1, K50}
Great Announcement,{GL: 40, 116, 308}Greatest Luminary, {SAQ: 124, 125}
Most Great Announcement, {KA: K167, n180}
Há (letter), a symbol of God, {KA: n28}
He Who causeth the dawn to appear, {KA: K117, n143}
Help in Peril, {KA: K82, K149, K168, K175, K180, 100, 101}
Hidden Mystery, {KA: 96}
Inaccessible, {KA: n144}
Incomparable, {KA: K18, K50, K53, K74, K76, K106, K143}
Jamál-i-Mubárak (the Blessed Beauty),{ROB1: 12 and n., 77, 90, 200, 205, 230}Jamál-i-Qidám (the Preexistent, or Ancient Beauty),
{ROB3: 32, 65, 122, 160, 203, 301, 303, 373, 403, 408, 411, 416-17, 418}
{SAQ: 27n}
{GL: 99, 111, 119, 296, 298, 309}Judge, {GPB: 93}
{KA: Q100}
{ROB3: 206, 218, 420}
{SAQ: 27n}
{TOB: 258}
Keeper of His pledge, {KA: K56}
King of Glory, {ROB3: 15}
King of Kings,{GL: 211}King of the seen and unseen, {KA: 97}
{KA: 13, K82}
{ROB3: 148}
see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Lamp of God, {PM: 32, 150, 153}
Lawgiver,{GPB: 93}Light,
{KA: 13}
Light of God, {PM: 12, 267}Living Book, {KA: K134, K168, n155}
Light of Reality, {SAQ: 36}
Light of the world, {SFWAB: 33}
Lord of
Mankind, {KA: K8, K16, K26, K154}Beginning and end, {KA: K16, K28}
Men, {KA: 99}
Names, {KA: K49, K132, 92, 95}
Nations, {KA: 94}
Religions, {KA: K31, K36}
worlds, {KA: K10, K44, K85, K98, K138}
Being, {KA: K139, 96, 97}
Creation, {KA: K11}
Grace, {KA: K14}
Hosts,{GPB: 94}Judgement, {KA: K18, K56}
{ROB3: 15, 109, 169, 172, 264, 267, 393, 445}
{SAQ: 39, 56}
To be manifested in Holy Land,{GPB: 183, 184}
{SAQ: 32}
Majesty, {KA: K14, K158, 94, Q106}
Power, {KA: 16}
Seen and Unseen, {KA: K11, K98, 97, n18}
Splendor, {KA: K13, n20}
Throne on high and earth below, {KA: K86, 96, 97}
Utterance, {KA: K88}
{PM: 181, 291}Maker of the Heavens, {KA: K18, 92}
see also Sadratu'l-Muntahá
Man-Yuzhiruh'lláh (Him Whom God shall make manifest, Him Who will be made manifest),{GL: 270}Mighty, {KA: K8, K39, K42, K56, K115, K132, K134, K183, K184, 98}
{KA: K135, K137, K139, n7, n48, n108, n141, n146, n155, n157, n158, n185, n186}
{ROB1: 38, 56, 84, 93n., 105, 152, 194n., 249-93, ch. 18}
{ROB2: 84, 85, 114, 116, 146, 152, 161, 182, 237, 371, 376, 377-81}
{ROB3: 73-4 and n., 257, 278, 306}
{ROB4: 53, 147, 166, 174, 220, 330, 437-8}
The Báb,commands to offer priceless gifts to, offering priceless gifts to, {KA: K114, 159, n141}false claimants, {ROB1: 68, 202, 300}
exhorts Bábís to recognize, {GPB: 30}
forbids followers to ask Him questions, prohibition on questioning,{KA: K126, 159, n146}His prophecies fulfilled, {ROB1: 207, 217, 249, 251, 280-81}
{ROB1: 301}
His Tablet to the Twentieth Letter of the Living, {DBNN: xxi}
identifies Qiblih with, {KA: K137, 145}
laws of Bayán subject to His sanction, {KA: 8, n109}
Promised One of the Bayán,{KA: n153, n185}references to {KA: 163, n189}
{ROB3: 88}
refers to as "Living Book", {KA: n155}
restrictions on travel, {KA: K131, 159, n153}
Tablet to Him, {KA: K175, K176, n185, n186}
titles given Bahá'u'lláh by, see Báb, The/announces station of Bahá'u'lláh
tribute to Him, {KA: K135, K136, n156}
see also Báb, The: Biographical, Purpose of His mission
Mighty Stock, {KA: K174, n184}
Mirror, {SFWAB: 42}
Monarch of names of God, {GL: 258}
MostCompassionate, {KA: K14, K24, K31, K45, K75, K129, K150, K179, 92, n23, n149}Mouthpiece of God, {GL: 108}
Excellent, {KA: K134}
Generous, {KA: K10, K16, K32, K75, K97, K114, K142, K169, 101}
Great Beauty
Great Ocean, {ROB3: 8}
High, {KA: K2, K16, K22, K24, K30, K86, K136, K137, K142, K170, K175, Q100, n24}
Mighty Ocean, {KA: K96}
Mighty Sign, {TOB: 47, 209}
see also Supreme
Munificent, {KA: K25, K142, Q102}
Mystic Dove, {KA: K174}
Nightingale, {KA: K139}
Nobleman of Núr, {GPB: 402}
Omnipotent, {KA: K6, K24, K100, K132, K184}
Omniscient, {KA: K6, K43, K60, K97, K110, K132, K138, K143, K146, K151, K159, K160, K164, K175, K179, Q96, Q101}
Ordainer (Supreme), {KA: K6, K12, K24, K56, K81, K88, K110, K128, K129, K137, K159, 95, Q96, Q101, Q105}
Pardoner, {KA: K8, K21, K34}
Peerless, {KA: K86, n144}
Pen,{KA: K54, K55, K158}Possessor, {KA: K64, K167, 96, 99}
{ROB2: 187, 289}
{TOB: 3, 39, 61, 106, 149, 198, 199, 209, 213}
Abhá Pen, Pen of the Most Glorious, Pen of the Most High,{KA: K2, K16, K24, K86, K136, K142, K175}Exalted Pen,
{ROB1: 34-5, 94, 128 and n., 252}
{ROB3: 1, 110, 133, 149, 160, 204, 215, 230, 275, 359}
reveals Knowledge, {TOB: 39}
{ROB1: 34, 35n., 81}of the Eternal King, {KA: Q105}
Most Exalted Pen, {KA: K17, K41, K179, Q106, n24}
of Glory,{KA: 91}of God, {PM: 55, 63, 65, 92, 108, 149, 175, 179, 194, 197, 218, 242, 249, 265, 280, 281, 282, 289, 309}
see also Trumpet
of His Behest, {KA: K67}
of His Command, {KA: K68}
of Justice, {KA: K72}
of Revelation, {KA: K5, K58, K63}
of the Unseen, {ROB3: 389}
'Shrill Voice' of, {ROB1: 35 and n.}
Supreme Pen,{KA: n24}
{ROB1: 45, 133}
{SAQ: 289}
Powerful (All-, Most-), {KA: K40, K103, K120, K132, 98}
Prince of Peace,{ROB4: 268}Prisoner (of 'Akká), {ROB3: 152, 153, 175, 271}
{SFWAB: 246}
Promised One of All Ages, Promised One of All Religions, Promised One awaited by all,{GL: 6, 9, 10, 12, 98, 102, 320}Proof of God, {PM: 100}
{KA: K35, K88, n108, n153, n158, n160, n171, n185, n190}
{ROB3: 100, 169, 173, 263, 304}
{SAQ: 109}
{SFWAB: 101}
{TOB: 182}
Bahá'u'lláh is return of The Báb, {TOB: 182, 185}
Bahá'u'lláh promised by God, {TOB: 115}
Inaugurator of long-awaited millennium, {GPB: 93}
prophecies alluding to, concerning,{ROB2: 2}References,
{ROB3: 15-16, 21, 65}
{ROB4: 156-7, 193, 225}
date of advent, {SAQ: 43-44}
fulfillment,{GL: 58}Holy Books of previous Manifestations, mention Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 47, 50, 107, 115, 231, 242, 248, 258}
{KA: K35, K80, n160}
{PM: 129, 179, 275}
{SFWAB: 13-14, 172, 182, 235}
{TOB: 9-15, 78, 117-19, 182}
fifth Buddha, {GPB: 94}
God pledged to send, {TOB: 115}
of scriptural prophecies, {GPB: 94-97}
of Christian prophecy,{GPB: 210}of promises, {KA: K156}
Christ prophesies, {SFWAB: 170}
Christ's return in, {SFWAB: 60, 167-8, 198-9}
of Gospel, {ESW: 60}
prophecy of the Báb, {GPB: 138}
prophecy in Holy Land, {GPB: 183, 184}
reincarnation of Krishna, {GPB: 94}
see also Bahá'u'lláh/Lord of Hosts, Religion(s), Progressive Revelation
Lord of Hosts manifested in Holy Land, see Bahá'u'lláh/Lord of Hosts
of Daniel, see Daniel
of Jeremiah see Bible
of Joel, {ESW: 143}
of Isaiah,{ESW: 144, 146}of St. John, see St. John
{GL: 13}
{GPB: 94, 210, 348}
{KA: 12}
{ROB1: 305}
{ROB3: 15, 120, 445}
{ROB4: 43, 228, 267-8, 355, 359, 361, 408, 413}
previous Manifestations foretell coming of Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB4: 228, 407, 413}rod out of stem of Jesse, {SAQ: 62-63}
Báb prophesies, {TOB: 43, 53, 76-8, 89}
Christ glorified by, {TOB: 11, 12, 14}
Christ testified of, {TOB: 11, 103}
Christ's return, {TOB: 9-11}
Moses testified of, {TOB: 103}
Muhammad testified of, {TOB: 103, 214}
promises of former Dispensations fulfilled, {KA: K80, K142, n156, n158, n160, n185}
prophesied in Scriptures, {GL: 5, 11, 13, 16, 22, 39, 40, 43, 98, 102, 118, 163, 211, 244, 314, 344}
see also Bahá'u'lláh/His Revelation/The Báb
Sinai glorifies, {TOB: 15}
third woe is appearance of, {SAQ: 56}
will establish unity, {SAQ: 63-66}
in Apocalypse to,{GPB: 95}in Bayán to, {GPB: 67}
{KA: 12}
in Bhagavad-Gita to, {GPB: 95}
of Buddha to, {GPB: 95}
of Daniel to,{GPB: 95}of David to,
{ROB4: 154, 433}
prophecy of"Abomination of desolation," {GPB: 110, 151}
message of salvation, {GPB: 110}
{GPB: 95}of Ezekiel to,
{ROB3: 15, 16}
{TOB: 145}
King David,{KA: n114}Throne of, {GPB: 230}
{KI: 51}
{SAQ: 164}
{GPB: 95}of Haggai to, {GPB: 95}
{SAQ: 164}
{ROB3: 16}
see also Bible
of Jesus to, {GPB: 95}
of Muhammad to, {GPB: 96}
of St. John the Divine to,prophesied two Manifestations / revelations, {GPB: 92}of St. Paul, refers to advent of Bahá'u'lláh,
revelation fulfilled, {GPB: 53}
see also Bible{GPB: 96}of St. Peter, see Peter, St.
{SAQ: 93}
of Zachariah to,{GPB: 95}of Zoroaster to, {GPB: 95}
{ROB3: 133}
Protector, {KA: K39, K78, K84, K100, K109, K167, K172, K184, 92}
Reckoner, {KA: K123}
Redeemer of Mankind,{GPB: 93}Revealer of verses, {KA: K8, K36, K146}
{KA: 13}
Revealer of Signs, {KA: K42}
Self-Subsisting, {KA: K41, K78, K82, K100, K149, K168, K175, K180, 92, 100, 101}
Self-Sufficient, {KA: K61, K182}
Shaykh Muhammad, {ROB3: 65}
Source of
Command, {KA: K6}Sovereign of Eternity, {KA: K96}
Divine inspiration, {KA: K1}
Revelation, {KA: K82}
Summoner, {KA: n158}
Sun,{PM: 154}Supreme,
Sun of Truth{KA: K6, n8}
{SFWAB: 1, 29, 35, 246}
and Utterance, {KA: K6}
{KA: K81, K109, K128, K129, K137, K180, n24}Tongue of Grandeur,
Supreme Manifestation of God,{ROB1: 10, 95, 117, 125, 295-6, 301}Supreme Mediator, praise of as {ROB4: 369}
{ROB3: 48, 59, 87, 108, 128, 144, 227, 304, 373, 387, 404}
{ROB4: 135, 136-9, 147, 268, 374, 406-9}
Bahá'u'lláh's station transcends Manifestations of God,{TOB: 74-5, 248}Most Great Manifestation, {PM: 128, 275}
see also 'B' and 'H'
Supreme Ruler, invocation, {KA: K132, Q101, Q102}
{ROB1: 42}Treasured Symbol, {KA: 96}
{ROB3: 71, 110, 160, 229, 276}
Tree of Life, {SFWAB: 57}
True One, {KA: K33, K36, K71, K73, K80, K120, K166, K168, K176, Q94, Q106, n160}
Trumpet, Bugle,{GL: 31, 40, 43, 44}Unconstrained, {KA: K54, K131, K166}
{SFWAB: 13}
Blasts,{GPB: 33}is Pen of Glory, symbolic meaning of, {KI: 116}
{ROB1: 45, 109 and n.}
{TOB: 3, 61, 104, 118, 131, 244}
{TOB: 3, 61}mankind swoons before, {TOB: 61, 104}
see also Pen
Unifier, {KA: 13}
Universal Educator, {SFWAB: 195}
Universal Manifestation, {SFWAB: 67-8, 295}
Fashioner of, {KA: K167}Unrestrained, {KA: K6, K18}
Ruler of, {KA: n23}
Unseen, {KA: K30}
Vicegerent of God, {KA: K167, n181}
Word of Truth, {GL: 316}
Wronged One (of the World), {ROB3: 112, 220, 221, 231}
Bálá-Sarí, explanation of the term, {DBNN: 84}
Balál, {GL: 83}
Balance,{GL: 40, 136, 198, 236, 281, 292}Balfour, Lord, orders protection of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 306}
{TOB: 118, 237, 255}
Bali, {ROB4: 183}
Balkh, {ROB4: 183}
Balúchistán, Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 336}
Bandar-i-Abbás, {ROB3: 384-5}
Báqir, Mullá; the imám of the Chinár-Súkhtih, {DBNN: 476}
Barber, {ROB3: 19}
Bárfurúsh,{DBNN: 183, 261, 336, 339, 408}Barq, the donkey, {ROB4: 105}
Sa'idu'l-'Ulamá; the chief divine of Bárfurúsh, {DBNN: 265, 266, 358}
Basír-i-Hindí, Siyyid, {DBNN: 588 (note 6)}
Bastinado,{ROB3: 68, 189 and n.}Battles, spiritual, {ROB3: 51}
{ROB4: 6, 148, 307-8, 389}
Bavánát, {ROB4: 326}
Beecher, Mother, {SFWAB: 75}
Beirut, 'Land of Bá',Belief,{ROB3: 35-6}Bentwitch, Prof. Norman, testifies to power of the Faith, {GPB: 375}
see also Recognition, Disbelief
Berlin,Bernhardt, Sarah, {GPB: 56, 76}
Bethlehem, {TOB: 14}
Bey, Nikolaki, {ROB4: 4}
Bíbí Sáhib, {ROB1: 39-40}
Bíbí Tuba (sister of Varqá), {ROB4: 55}
Bible,Bírúní, {ROB4: 3}{KA: n2}
{ROB3: 10, 28, 42}
Bahá'ís understanding of the Testaments, see Bahá'í(s)
clergy did not understand, {SAQ: 104-05}
Old Testament,{KA: n1}New Testament (Gospels),
{ROB1: 152, 161}
{ROB3: 15-16, 133, 168, 169, 172, 263-4, 277}
{ROB4: 47, 267-8, 425}
Promised One of, {ROB3: 172, 267}
Prophecies of, {ROB3: 15-16, 172}
Torah (Pentateuch),{GL: 270, 294}
{ROB3: 120}
{ROB4: 46}
{SFWAB: 45, 162, 179, 305, 306}
as Word of God, {KI: 199}
perversion of, {KI: 84-87}
see also Moses{GL: 270, 294}Symbolism in, {SAQ: 85}
{KA: 13}
{ROB1: 151, 190}
{ROB3: 30, 41, 155}
{ROB4: 13, 43, 46, 70, 127, 152, 229, 267-8, 425}
Clergy referred to in the Gospels as 'stars', see Terms in Holy Writings
as Word of God, {KI: 199}
contains prophecies of future Manifestation, {KI: 22, 24-25, 27}
misunderstood by Christian divines, {KI: 26, 213}
quoted and explained by Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 165-9, 184}
Verses, Books,
Numbered,see also Manifestation(s) of God/Christ, Manifestation(s) of God/Moses, Holy Books, Prophecies, Terms in Holy WritingsUnnumbered,Acts,15:20, {SAQ: 93}Amos,
4:12, {ESW: xvii}Chronicles (1)
4:13, {ESW: xvii}, {ROB2: 2}
Chronicles (2)ColossiansCorinthians (1),15:22, {SAQ: 118-21}Corinthians (2)
Daniel,{SAQ: 36}Deuteronomy (Pentateuch),
12:8, {ROB4: 154}
12:9, {ROB1: 161}, {ROB4: 154}
8:13-14, 17, {SAQ: 41-42}
9:24, 25, {SAQ: 40, 41}
12:6-7, 11-12, {SAQ: 43}
3:26, {SAQ: 169}Ecclesiastes
5:8-9, {SAQ: 165}
EphesiansEstherExodus (Pentateuch),20:4-5, {SAQ: 165}Ezekiel,
4:6, {SAQ: 46}Ezra
30:1-3, {SAQ: 56}
see also Bahá'u'lláhGalatiansGenesis (Pentateuch),1:26, {SAQ: 8, 9, 194}, {SFWAB: 140}Habakkuk
2:7, {SAQ: 89}
2:16-17, {SAQ: 122}
3:5, 11-15, 22, {SAQ: 122}
9:25, {SAQ: 213}
HaggaiHebrewsHoseaIsaiah,{SAQ: 111, 164}James
2:2-4, {ROB4: 361}
11:1-10, {SAQ: 62-66}
33:21, {ROB4: 13}
35:1, {ROB4: 355}
35:2, {ROB2: 17}, {ROB4: 355}
35:4, {ROB2: 17}
40:5, {ROB2: 17}
43:1, {SAQ: 169}
48:12, {SAQ: 168-69}
60:2, {ROB2: 17}
65:25, {KI: 113}, {ROB1: 183}
see also Bahá'u'lláhJeremiah,{SAQ: 164}Job
prophecies alluding to Promised One of All Ages (Bahá'u'lláh), {ESW: 144}
JoelJohn (1)John (2)John (3)John (Gospel),1:1, {SAQ: 153, 156, 163, 206}Jonah
1:12-13, {SAQ: 89}
1:13, {SAQ: 224}
1:19-21, {SAQ: 132-33}
3:5, {SAQ: 223}, {KI: 118}, {ROB1: 184}, {SFWAB: 146}
3:6, {SAQ: 101}, {KI: 118}, {ROB1: 184}
3:7, {KI: 118}, {ROB1: 184}
3:13, {SAQ: 103, 110}, {SFWAB: 168}
6:26, 33, 35, {SAQ: 97-98}
6:38, Christ coming in clouds, {SAQ: 103}, {SFWAB: 168}
6:41, {SAQ: 121}
6:42, {SAQ: 16, 97-98, 103}
6:50, {SAQ: 97, 121}
6:51, living bread, {SAQ: 97, 125}, {SFWAB: 57}
6:58, living bread, {SAQ: 121}, {SFWAB: 57}
6:63, {SAQ: 98}
12, {SAQ: 67}
12:40-41, {SAQ: 102}
12:49, {ROB2: 183}
14:10, {SFWAB: 42}
14:11, Father is in Son, {SAQ: 153, 207}, {SFWAB: 42}
15:26, many things to tell you, {SFWAB: 59}
16:12-13, many things to tell you, {SAQ: 109}, {SFWAB: 59}
17:5, {SAQ: 116-17}
17:21, {SAQ: 153, 207}
18:11, {SFWAB: 247}
JoshuaJudeJudgesKings (1)Kings (2)LamentationsLeviticus (Pentateuch)Luke (Gospel),5:18-26, {KI: 134}Malachi
9:28-36, {SFWAB: 162}
9:60, {KI: 119}, {ROB1: 184}
11:2, {SAQ: 156}
21:24, {GPB: v}
21:33, {KI: 27}
21:35, {GPB: v}
Mark (Gospel)9:2-9, {SFWAB: 162}Matthew (Gospel),
10:25, camel through eye of needle, {SFWAB: 195}
2:2, {KI: 64}, {ROB1: 169}Micah,
3:1-2, {KI: 64}
3:13-15, {SAQ: 91}
5:5, {ROB2: 20}
5:39, {SAQ: 270}
6:9, {SAQ: 156}
8:22, {SAQ: 101, 126, 279}
12:31-32, {SAQ: 127-28}
13:14, {SAQ: 102}
16:14-18, {SAQ: 135}
16:27, {ROB2: 183}
17:1-19, {SFWAB: 162}
17:20, {ROB2: 259}
19:16-17, {SAQ: 170}
19:24, camel through eye of needle, {SFWAB: 195}
22:14, many are called, {SAQ: 129-31}, {SFWAB: 9}
24:3, {SAQ: 42}
24:12, {GPB: v}
24:27, {GPB: v}
24:29, {SAQ: 110}, {KI: 25}, {ROB1: 165}, {ROB2: 270}
24:30, {SAQ: 110}, {KI: 25}, {ROB1: 165}
24:31, {KI: 25}, {ROB1: 165}
24:38, {GPB: v}
24:43, {GPB: v}
24:48, {GPB: v}
25:33, {GPB: v}
26:26, {SAQ: 99}
7:12, {ROB2: 2}Nahum
NehemiahNumbers (Pentateuch),14:34, {SAQ: 40}Obadiah
20:13, {SAQ: 169}
20:23-24, Aaron, {SAQ: 169}
Peter (1)Peter (2),3:10, {SAQ: 111}Philemon
PhilippiansProverbsPsalms,46:4-5, {ROB4: 13}Revelation, of St. John the Divine,
59:9, {TOB: 258}
108:10, {TOB: 258}
{SFWAB: 12}Romans,
11, {SAQ: 45-61}
11:3, {SAQ: 48}
11:4, {SAQ: 49}
11:5, {SAQ: 49}
11:6, {SAQ: 50}
11:7, {SAQ: 51}
11:8-9, {SAQ: 52}
11:10, {SAQ: 53}
11:11, {SAQ: 54}
11:12-13, {SAQ: 55}
11:14-15, {SAQ: 56}
11:16-17, {SAQ: 57}
11:18, {SAQ: 58-9}
11:19, {SAQ: 59-60}
12, {SAQ: 67}
12:1, woman in wilderness, {SAQ: 68}, {SFWAB: 172}
12:2-6, {SAQ: 68-72}
21:1-2, {SAQ: 67-68}
21:3, {SAQ: 67-68}, {ROB2: 17}
21:4, {ROB2: 17}
21:10-17, {SFWAB: 165}
22:3-4, {ROB2: 17}
22:13, {SAQ: 219}
see also Bahá'u'lláh9:21, {SAQ: 249}Ruth
14:14, {SAQ: 94}
Samuel (1)Samuel (2)Song of Solomon / Song of Songs{SAQ: 164}Thessalonians (1),
5:2, {SAQ: 111}Thessalonians (2),
2:3,4,8, {ROB2: 298}Timothy (1)
Timothy (2)Titus,1:15, {SAQ: 94}Zechariah
ZephaniahManifestation comes as thief, {SFWAB: 198-9}
Tree of life, {SFWAB: 57}
Bismarck, {ROB3: 118}
Black Sea, {ROB3: 111}
Blasphemy, {PM: 91, 133}
Blessedness,{TOB: 16-17, 48, 76, 105, 107, 116, 143, 147, 208-9, 211, 216, 236, 254, 257, 259, 264}Blomfield, Lady, {GPB: 286}
of hearing ear, see Terms in Holy Writings/Hearing
of seeker, {TOB: 235}
of spot, {TOB: 197}
of steadfast, {TOB: 123}
Blood-letting, {ROB3: 363n.}
Bombay,{ROB3: 385}Book(s),
{ROB4: 107, 178, 181, 330, 385}
pilgrims visit, {ROB4: 178}
Bread,{KA: K186, n184}
{ROB4: 373}
{TOB: 117, 119, 237}
Destruction of,{KA: K77, 159, n109}Holy, see Religion(s)
And the Báb,destruction of religious books, {ROB4: 165-7}Burning of, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá
law of the Bayán, abrogated by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K77, n109}
Ended, {TOB: 25, 28, 91}
see also Báb, The
Living, {KA: K134, K168, n155}
Most Great, {TOB: 47}
Of creation, {KA: n23}
Of God, see God
Of Life, {KA: K138}
Of Names, see Names
Of the Covenant, {KA: n37, n66, n145, n183}
Printing of, see Bahá'u'lláh
Revered because of words, {SFWAB: 177}
{GL: 195}Breakwell, Thomas,
{ROB3: 17-18}
{GPB: 259}Britain, British Isles, England,
{SFWAB: 187-9}
Browne, Edward Granville,Bruce, Revd Dr Robert, {ROB4: 263-9}
Buddhist(s),{ROB3: 43, 264}Bukhárá,
{ROB4: 181, 184, 267, 423}
become Bahá'ís, {GPB: 195, 302}
will oppose the Faith, {GPB: 315}
{ROB1: 95}Burma (Myanmar),
{ROB3: 56}
{ROB4: 262}
establishment of Faith in, {GPB: 195}
{ROB4: 181, 182, 183, 189, 304, 423}Búshihr (Bushire),
Bahá'í activity in, {GPB: 302}
National Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 336}
{DBNN: 51, 142, 671}Bushrú'íyyih, {ROB3: 59, 62}
{ROB1: 154, 156, 200, 221}
The Báb, in,{DBNN: 77}
{ROB1: 154, 200, 221, 223}
Butler, Dr. Nicholas Murray, {GPB: 388}
Caiaphas, {GL: 83}
Cairo, Egypt,{ROB3: 5, 436}Calamity,
{ROB4: 24, 124, 151, 418}
Hasan Khán-i-Khu'í, Mírzá, Persian Consul in,{ROB2: 332, 440}
{ROB3: 5}
{ROB4: 225, 235}Campbell, Prof. Lewis, {GPB: 391}
{TOB: 166}
prophesied, {GL: 39, 40-42, 119, 169, 209, 216, 218, 319, 340}
Canaan,{GL: 84}Capacity,
{SAQ: 213}
Carnegie, Andrew, {SFWAB: 114-15}
Carpenter, Dr. Estlin of Oxford, pays tribute to Faith, {GPB: 317}
Catafago, Louis, {ROB3: 114n.}
Caucasus, the,{GPB: 195, 261, 360, 361}Celebes (Sulawesi), {ROB4: 183}
{ROB4: 85, 310}
Century of Progress Exhibition, {GPB: 342}
Certitude,Ceylon (Sri Lanka), {ROB4: 181, 183}{ROB4: 35-6}
City of Certitude, see Terms in Holy Writings
Kitáb-i-Íqán (The Book of Certitude), see Kitáb-i-Íqán
'Left unto right', {TOB: 42}
Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl on, {ROB4: 36}
plains of, {SFWAB: 266}
Qur'án on, {ROB4: 36}
teach to children, {SFWAB: 125}
Character,Charity,{ESW: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 54, 74, 76, 93, 124, 135, 136}
{ROB3: 219, 230, 331, 367}
{TOB: 36, 57, 68, 86, 88, 120, 126, 220, 222, 256, 257}
base natures, {TOB: 96-7}
differences in, {SAQ: 212-16}
evil passions, {TOB: 70}
good attributes in, {SAQ: 79-80}
innate and acquired, {SAQ: 212-16}
Kitáb-i-Aqdas on saintly life and, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
human, see Lawh-i-Ahbáb, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Ishráqát, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
of Bahá'ís, see Bahá'ís
Perfect Man like reed, {SAQ: 45}
qualities of man, {SAQ: 236}
virtues appear through power of God, {SAQ: 80}
see also Man
Chastisement,{GL: 278, 285}
{TOB: 71, 94, 156}
Endowments dedicated to, {KA: K42}
Poverty, The Poor,{ESW: 55}Works of, {KA: K16, Q69, n29}
{GL: 235, 323}
{PM: 326}
{ROB2: 280-2}
{SFWAB: 3, 27}
assistance to,{KA: K16, n53, n56, n161, n162}dowry payment by, {KA: n95}
care of, {SAQ: 277}
in educating children, {KA: K48}
entry into kingdom, {SFWAB: 195}
elimination of Poverty, {KA: K147}
financial assistance to the poor, {KA: K147, n56, n161-2}
Homelessness, {SFWAB: 280-1}
regard for, {GL: 202, 236, 253, 278, 285, 314}
Relief of poor or suffering, {KA: n53, n161}
service to, {SFWAB: 115-16}
sharing of wealth with, {SFWAB: 115, 302}
shelter for poor, House of Justice is, {TOB: 128}
steadfast, blessings of, {GL: 202}
spiritual, {TOB: 95, 156}
True Poverty, see Seven Valleys, The
the trust of God, {GL: 236, 251}
see also Wealth
Zakát, Tithes, Alms tax, {KA: K146, Q107, 157, n161}
{GL: 209, 214, 252, 297, 325, 339, 346}Chastity,
divine, {ROB3: 37, 156}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{GL: 117, 118, 297}Cheyne, Dr. T. K.,
{KA: 14, n170}
{ROB3: 364-5}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Adultery, Homosexual relations
pays tribute to Faith, {GPB: 317}Chihríq, Castle of,
entertained 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 284}
writes of Táhirih, {GPB: 76}
Children,{GPB: 14, 19, 20, 338}
{ROB4: 439}
The Báb,attitude of people toward the Báb, {DBNN: 302, 303}
Báb's transference to, {DBNN: 259, 301}
believers dismissed from, {DBNN: 306}
incarceration at the castle of Chihríq, {DBNN: 302, 303}
return to Chihríq and His epistle to Hájí Mírzá Áqásí, see Aqásí, Háji MirzaChina,{ROB3: 90, 282, 326-31, 344}
{ROB4: 215}
{SFWAB: 124-44}
{TOB: 61}
and parents,Children must implore forgiveness for parents, {SAQ: 231}Adoption,
parents must counsel children, {SFWAB: 134}
respect for parents, {KA: Q104, Q106, 159, n92}
responsibility of parents towards, {ROB3: 326-7, 366}
{TOB: 128}Bahá'í, should excel, {SFWAB: 141}
Orphans,{KA: K21}
{SFWAB: 3, 138}
character and conduct of, {SFWAB: 124, 134, 135, 142}
death of, {SAQ: 240}
education of,{GPB: 214}financial support,
{KA: 14, K48, Q105, 157}
{ROB3: 91, 326-7, 344}
daughters take precedence,{KA: n76}spiritual, {KA: K150, n40}
girls, education of, {SFWAB: 124}
in divorce, {KA: n100}Girl(s),
and inheritance laws see Inheritance
betrothal, {KA: Q43}green branches, {SFWAB: 136, 137}
education, {KA: n76}
see also Daughter(s)
humans are as, {SFWAB: 21}
importance of, {SFWAB: 120}
maturity of judgement of, {SFWAB: 142}
mothers of, see Women
nightingales endowed with speech, {SFWAB: 134}
of men, {TOB: 58, 87, 125, 127, 164}
of world, {TOB: 139}
potentially light or darkness of world, {SFWAB: 130}
punishment of, {SFWAB: 125}
son, real, {SFWAB: 140}
spiritual training of, {SFWAB: 125, 127, 129, 130, 133-4, 139, 142, 143}
suffering of, {ROB4: 93}
Sunday school, {SFWAB: 143-4}
will become trees, {SFWAB: 138-9}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Education, Persia/Schools, Teachers
{SFWAB: 72, 101}Chirol, Sir Valentine, writes of the Faith, {GPB: 76, 317}
Bahá'í teachers travel to, {GPB: 303}
Martha Root visits, {GPB: 387}
Christian Faith, Christianity,Christians,{KA: 13, n160, n180}
{ROB1: 214}
{ROB3: 14, 15, 41, 44, 98, 114n., 117, 132, 154, 166, 264, 277, 375, 380}
{ROB4: 152, 155, 164, 227-35, 264}
administration of, {ROB4: 365}
Baptism,{SAQ: 91-96}Bishop of Constantinople, see Constantinople
of Christ, {SAQ: 91-92}
of infants, {SAQ: 95}
Catholics,{KA: n58}churches,
{ROB3: 117-18, 141}
ordeals of, {GPB: 229, 230}
{KA: Q94}community: of 'Akká, see 'Akká
{ROB4: 229, 230, 264, 265}
Chapels, {KA: Q94}
church of God founded on rock of belief, {SAQ: 135}
converts to, {ROB4: 264n.}
decay of, {SAQ: 165-66}
divines, see Clergy
enmity between Islám and, {SAQ: 22}
Eucharist, Communion, {SAQ: 97-8}
missionary in Yazd, see Yazd
monks, see Clergy
nations, {ROB3: 154}
of England, see Britain
of Haifa, see Haifa
of Isfahán, see Isfahán
of Nazareth, see Nazareth
of Persia, see Persia
of the West, see West, The
Pentecost, {SAQ: 106-7}
spread of, {SFWAB: 65, 311}
Trinity, meaning of, see Terms in Holy Writings
tradition, {ROB3: 277}
true Christians, {SFWAB: 29-30}
weep over plight of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 179, 181}
worship, {ROB3: 118}Cities{ROB4: 263, 265-7, 350, 351-2, 418}
call to, {GL: 101}
Christian Commonwealth, address to, {SFWAB: 275-6}
church affiliation, severance of, {GPB: 374}
followers of Son, {TOB: 9}
followers of Spirit, {TOB: 24}
greatness of, attested to by Galen, {SAQ: 303}
Muhammad protected, {SAQ: 21}
reject Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 9}
Tablet to, see Lawh-i-Aqdas
see also Christ, Messiah
development of, {KA: K160, 161}City-dweller
establishment of House of Justice in, {KA: K30, n49}
establishment of Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in, {KA: K115}
see also 'Ishqábád, Baghdád, Constantinople, Holy City, Kirmán, Tihrán
amount of dowry payable by, {KA: K66, Q87, 150, n93, n94, n95}Civil law, {KA: 6}
definition, {KA: Q88}
Cleanliness, Hygiene,Clergy, Clerics, Divines, Ecclesiastics, Priesthood, Priests,{KA: 161}
{ROB3: 294, 363, 437n., 438-9}
{SFWAB: 146-50}
and Refinement,{KA: K74, K151, n74, n104, n166, n167}Dirt, Dust, Defilement, {KA: K36, K74, K76, K148, K150, n8, n105}
definition of Arabic word, {KA: n74}
effect of, {KA: n104}
immaculate standard inculcated, {KA: 14, K74, n167}
influence on spirit of man, {KA: K76, n104}
of clothing, enjoined, {KA: K74, K76, 162, n167}
Praying, cleanliness enjoined when, {KA: K76}
Prostrations, for Obligatory Prayer, on clean surface, {KA: K10, n15}
to perfume oneself, {KA: K76, 162}
to renew furnishings of one's house, {KA: K151, n166}
Ritual Uncleanness,Impurity, concept of, abolished as bounty of God, {KA: K75, 159, n12, n20, n103, n106}Washing,
concept of uncleanness of womena in their courses abolished, {KA: n20}
{KA: K74, K76, 162, n34}see also Water(s)
Bath(s), pools,{KA: K106, n131-n132}of face see Ablutions
Persian public, {KA: K106, 158, n131}
of feet, {KA: K152, Q97, n167}
of hands see Ablutions
oneself, {KA: K106, n131-n132}
of soiled things, {KA: K74, K76, n105}
{ESW: 15, 16, 41, 85, 91, 100, 104, 120, 126, 127, 128, 129, 137, 163}Clock, Dr. Sarah, {GPB: 261}
{KA: 5, 13, 14, K9, n158}
{ROB1: 18-20, 39 and n., 78, 92, 144-5, 155n., 163-4, 185-6, 194, 301}
{ROB2: 66, 184, 259, 319, 338, 349-50}
{ROB3: 2, 38, 65, 98, 156, 162-6, 260ff., 291, 355, 395}
{ROB4: 98-9, 163, 173, 186, 193, 229-30, 271-3, 288-9, 348}
and Bahá'u'lláh,as misleaders of people,addressed, {KA: K41, K99-K104, K165-K172, 162}
challenge to, {ROB4: 217-18}
condemns ecclesiastics for failures, {GPB: 231}
divines submit questions to, {GPB: 144}
encounters with, {ROB1: 20, 144-6}
offers to perform miracle, divines unable to agree on,{GL: 131, 132}prophesies downfall of, {GPB: 231}
{GPB: 144}
'ulamá could not reply to Bahá'u'lláh, {SAQ: 33}
Should recognize Bahá'u'lláh,{TOB: 12, 13, 14, 244}
acceptance of this Dispensation by, {KI: 222}
of Christianity,{KI: 15-16, 82, 164-65, 210}
as "veils of glory," {KI: 164}
enmeshed by veils of learning, {KI: 214}
Divines are veils, {TOB: 238}
interpret holy books according to own desires and limited understanding, {KI: 82-83, 182}
Sádiq's prophecy concerning wickedness of, see Imám Ja'far-i-Sádiq
Teach superstitions, {TOB: 42}
of Islám (Mullás, 'Ulamá),{GPB: 209, 210}
{ROB3: 116ff.}
Archbishops, {ROB4: 229}
As 'stars' referred to in the Gospels, see Terms in Holy Writings
fall of, see Terms in Holy WritingsBishops,
{ROB4: 229-30}Catholic Church, Popes of, {SAQ: 135-37, 166}
{TOB: 14}
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, to priests, bishops and monks, {ROB4: 229-30}
see also Constantinople
confession to, prohibited, {KA: n58}
misunderstanding of Gospel by Christian, {KI: 26, 213}
Monasticism, Monks,{ESW: 49}oppose Faith, {GPB: 318}
{GPB: 214}
{KA: 14, K36, 157, n61}
{ROB3: 281, 352-3}
{ROB4: 229, 352}
Bishárát on, {ROB4: 162-3}
could inherit kingdom, {TOB: 14}
rejection of Muhammad by Christian, {KI: 81}
waning authority of, {GPB: 229, 230}
see also Christian Faithopposition by,{ROB3: 260-62, 266, 273, 367}
{ROB4: 97-9, 173, 150, 167, 174, 193, 201-2, 214, 219, 245, 318, 382, 387, 389, 431>, 433}
censure Faith, {GPB: 406}
during Muharram, {ROB4: 322}
Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl's dialogues with, see Abu'l-Fadl, Mírzá
mujtahids, {ROB1: 25-6, 91 and n., 144}
of 'Akká, see 'Akká
Shí'ah,{ESW: 119, 126, 163, 164, 173}Sunni,
{ROB3: 38, 59, 162, 163, 166, 191, 260-61}
{ROB4: 344}
and cursing, {ROB4: 341n.}
downfall of, {GPB: 228, 229}
Imáms,{ESW: 90, 111, 112, 113, 121}
{GL: 51}
{ROB1: 60, 71, 126-8, 156n., 185, 335}
{ROB2: 75, 182, 287}
{ROB3: 301 and n.}
{SFWAB: 172}
{TOB: 124 and n.}
1. Imám 'Alí, 'Ali ibn Abí Tálib, Commander of the Faithful, Lion of God, Lord of Saintship,{GL: 51}2. Imám Hasan, {ROB1: 71}
{KI: 166 }
{ROB1: 11, 34, 71, 126-8, 294n., 305}
{ROB4: 209, 436}
{SAQ: 48, 49}
as Commander of Faithful, {KI: 119, 164}
explanations and commentaries of, saying of,{SAQ: 50}power of, like Joshua, {SAQ: 50}
on heaven, hell, judgment, and resurrection, {KI: 119}
refers to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 306}
3. Imám Husayn, Prince of Martyrs,{GL: 12, 76, 225}4. Imám 'Alí
{KA: n160}
{KI: 126, 167}
{ROB1: 56, 71, 127, 156n., 182, 305}
{ROB3: 202n., 211, 254, 255, 264, 302}
{ROB4: 201, 322, 349}
as "Prince of Martyrs," {KI: 225}
martyrdom and sainthood of,{KI: 128-29}On Bahá'u'lláh's mission, {ROB1: 306}
{ROB4: 201, 322}
5. Imám Muhammad-Báqir
6. Imám Ja'far-i-Sádiq, Ábí-'Abdi'lláh, Jaafar Sádiq, Ja'far-i-Sádiq,{KI: 79, 255}7. Imám Músá-Kázim
{ROB4: 436}
discusses true wealth, {KI: 131-32}
prophesieswickedness of divines, {KI: 247-48}
"year sixty," {KI: 253-54}
8. Imám Ridá, 'Alí-ibn-i-Músá, {ROB4: 187n.}
9. Imám Muhammad-Taqí
10. Imám 'Alí Naqí
11. Imám Hasan 'Askarí
12. Imám Muhammad, see Qá'imsymbolized by twelve stars, {SAQ: 68}
The Báb bestows station of Imám on believers, see Báb, The
traditions by, {ROB1: 48n., 193-4, 327, 332}
Caliphs, Caliphate,Tablet to, {GPB: 210, 211}{KA: K89, n120}Sultanate, {ROB3: 152, 154}
{ROB1: 127, 128, 215}
{ROB3: 152, 154}
{ROB4: 365}
abolished, {GPB: 228}
Abú-Bakr, {ROB1: 127}
divested of authority, {GPB: 228, 407}
downfall and decay of, {GPB: 228, 229}
opposes Bábí Faith, {GPB: 59}
'Uthmán, House of, {ROB3: 152, 154}
'Umar,{ROB1: 127}Yazíd I, {ROB3: 202 and n.}
usurped successorship of Muhammad, {GPB: 249}
see also Islám{KA: K164, n109}Misc. Topics,
Oppose the Faith in America, Palestine, Persia, {GPB: 318}
Opposition to Manifestation(s) of God, see Manifestation(s) of God
Reject Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 10, 110, 254, 259}
scorn of, for followers of Manifestation, {KI: 222}
Abolition of Priesthood,{GPB: 214}Celibacy and seclusion of,
{ROB3: 281}
practices prohibited or abolished, {KA: n61, n135, n175}
{KA: n91}Commotion among, {TOB: 106}
{TOB: 24, 60, 71}
Marriage of, {TOB: 24}
Fate of, {GPB: 224}
few, can bear allegiance to Manifestation, {KI: 228-29}
Influence of, {GL: 18, 19, 22, 26, 81, 128, 179, 180, 215}
of Judaism, {ROB3: 172}
of Manshád, see Manshád
of Sulaymáníyyih, see Sulaymáníyyih
Put to flight, {TOB: 258}
Revered 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 291}
Should fear God, {TOB: 61-2, 245}
Should reform society, {TOB: 168}
Tablet to,{GPB: 171, 172, 209}
Epistles of the Báb addressed to, {KI: 229}
Clothes, Clothing, Dress, Apparel,Colby Ives, Howard, {ROB3: 337-42}
Communications, {ROB3: 137-8, 167}
Compassion,{TOB: 73, 126, 134, 168, 242}Conferences,
beware lest causes neglect in carrying out laws, {KA: K45}
Conference of Living Religions, {GPB: 342}Confucius, {SAQ: 165-66}
public, {GPB: 342, 343}
Conscience, {ESW: 27}
Consecration, {GL: 338}
Constantinople (Istanbul),Consultation,{ESW: 106, 108, 123, 125, 137}
{GL: 122, 219, 235}
{GPB: 148, 149, 157}
{KA: 15, K89, 164, n107, n119-n120, n178}
{ROB2: ch. 1 passim, 317-18, 327}
{ROB3: 15, 25, 147, 151-2, 155, 172, 219, 414}
{ROB4: 435, 436}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, on journey to, {ROB2: 6}
Ar-Rúm, {KA: n119}
Bahá'í center established in, {GPB: 303}
Bahá'ís in, {ROB1: 27, 28, 287-9}
Bahá'u'lláh,{GL: 122, 126}Byzantium, {KA: n119}
and Turkish authorities, {ROB2: 4-5, 55-9, 168, 170, 397-8, 414}
edict of Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz, see To The Kings and Rulers/Tablet to Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz
His exile to,{GPB: 146-157}His life in,
{ROB4: 108, 232}
His departure for, journey and arrival,{ROB1: 16, 97, 203, 227, 243-4, 259, 281-2, ch. 17}reception accorded Him enroute from Baghdad to Constantinople, {GPB: 156, 157}
{ROB2: 2, 6, 222}
{ROB1: 17, 292}Tablet to, see Súriy-i-Mulúk
{ROB2: ch. 1 passim}
{ROB4: 393}
houses lived in,house of Shamsí Big, {ROB2: 2, 3, 58}
house of Vísí Páshá, {ROB2: 3}
its authorities and leaders,Bishop of, {ROB3: 244}machinations of Azalís in, {ROB4: 225, 391-412}
Hájí Mírzá Husayn Khán (Mushíru'd-Dawlih),{GPB: 146, 159)}Persian Embassy in, {ROB4: 393, 434, 436}
{ROB1: 225, 226}
{ROB2: 1, 55-9, 278, 320-1, 325-8, 332, 370, 398-401}
{ROB3: 218-19}
{ROB4: 434}
Contentment,{GPB: 218}
{KA: 160}
{ROB3: 317-18}
{ROB4: 119, 236, 291, 318, 321}
{TOB: 126, 168, 242}
and House of Justice,{KA: K30, 91}at Nineteen Day Feast, see Bahá'í Faith
see also House(s) of Justice
Decision-making, Guidance in, {KA: Q99, n52}
method of, {KA: Q99, n52}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Hands of the Cause of God, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{KA: K63, K66, Q26, Q38, n89}Controversy, {KA: n130}
{ROB3: 358}
three aspects of, {ROB1: 108}
see also Kitáb-i-Íqán, Seven Valleys, The
Copernicus, {SAQ: 23n}
Corruption, {TOB: 39, 69, 171, 237}
Courage, {TOB: 156}
Costa Rica, Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 336}
Courtesy,{ESW: 50}Covenant,
{GL: 305}
{KA: K120, 160, n74}
{TOB: 88}
Civility, {KA: n74}
Covenant-breakers, Covenant-breaking, Violators of the Covenant,{ROB3: 216, 315, 361, 376-80}
{ROB4: 146, 172, 304, 311}
{SFWAB: 102-3, 207-228, 255, 258, 309}
Centre of the Covenant, Centre of the Cause,{ROB4: 142-3, 146, 249, 252, 311, 420}of the Báb,
Bahá'u'lláh,{GPB: 237-245, 323}'Abdu'l-Bahá,
{ROB4: 143}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
{GPB: 242, 243, 244, 245}Shoghi Effendi,
{KA: n66, n125}
{ROB1: 14, 24, 80, 130, 135, 240, 241}
{ROB2: 237, 389, 395}
{ROB3: 48, 82, 153, 371, 377, 406}
{ROB4: 143, 311, 420}
{SFWAB: 209, 213-16}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá/His Station and Titles, Will and Testament, Lawh-i-Hizár Baytí
{ROB3: 81, 373, and Covenant, 377}Universal House of Justice,
{ROB4: 143}
see also Shoghi Effendi
{ROB4: 143, 256}
see also Bahá'í Faith
{GL: 147}of Bahá'u'lláh,
{GPB: 27-31}
{ROB2: 237}
{ROB3: 109, 140-41, 227, 373}
Greater and Lesser
Greater Covenant, {GPB: 27}
Lesser Covenant, {GPB: 27}
{GPB: 237-244, 249, 323}of God,
{KA: 3, K37, K121, K174, n37, n66, n145, n181, n183}
{ROB1: 24, 29, 79, 80-2, 229-30, 242, 315}
{ROB3: 371ff.}
all beneath banner of, {SFWAB: 19}
'ark', see Terms in Holy Writings
authenticity of, {ROB4: 146}
Book of the Covenant, see Kitáb-i-'Ahdí
Candle of, {SFWAB: 9}
divinely instituted, {GPB: 295}
establishment of, {ROB4: 423}
Eternal, {SFWAB: 8}
firmness (faithfulness) in, {SFWAB: 25, 26, 71, 211-12, 219-20, 238, 250}
forces of universe serve, {SFWAB: 228}
'Herald of the Covenant', {ROB3: 361n.}
Ibn-i-Asdaq's writings on, see Hands of the Cause of God
institution of, {GPB: 237-240}
intoxicating cup of, {SFWAB: 235}
"Irrefutable Testament", {GPB: 239}
League of, {SFWAB: 85}
pivot of the oneness of mankind, {GPB: 238}
power of,{ROB2: 119, 273, 287-90}purpose of, {GPB: 252}
{SFWAB: 208-9, 223}
energizing, {GPB: 295}
refuge in Cave of, {SFWAB: 85}
steadfastness in, {ROB4: 143, 146, 206, 234, 300}
successor, {KA: 3, 13}
Tests and Trials,crisis in, {GPB: 246, 247}unique in religious history, {GPB: 238}
tests believers, {ROB1: 137, 238}
tests to and breakers of, see Covenant-breakers
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Hidden Words, The, 'Abdu'l-Bahá
{GL: 57, 128, 328, 331}
{KA: K2, K149}
{PM: 36, 40, 84, 86, 106, 129, 174, 180, 275, 284, 306}
{ROB1: 72, 79, 242}
{ROB3: 167, 288-90}
{TOB: 181, 262}
Manifestations of God, covenants of, {SFWAB: 207}
see also Hidden Words, The
Creation, Existence,{GPB: 246, 247, 248, 259, 263-266, 270, 273, 275, 279, 305, 314, 317-320, 327-328, 355, 356, 360}
{KA: K37, n190}
{ROB1: 10, 16, 24, 27, 29, 41, 130-33 passim, 137, 230, 240-42, Appendix I}
{ROB2: 118, 138-9, 179, 236-8, 267, 272-3, 289-90, 374, 375, 376}
{ROB3: 90, 234, 235, 404n., 406-8, 445}
{ROB4: 5-6, 59, 81-2, 86, 145-6, 172, 188, 246-7, 304, 370-1, 419-20}
{SFWAB: 210-12, 224}
{TOB: 58-60, 70, 79, 103, 112, 114, 121, 181}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, on,{ROB1: 132-3, 315-19}Ahmad-i-Kirmání, Mírzá, {KA: n177}
{ROB2: 119, 261, 267}
{ROB4: 82}
Tablet to, {ROB4: 146}
Ahmad-i-Rúhí, Shaykh, {KA: n177}
and Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
Arch-breaker of, see Muhammad-'Alí
attackers ruined, {SFWAB: 258-9}
relatives of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh, Mírzá Yahyá
Ja'far, Mullá, {KA: n177}
Jalíl-i-Khu'í, Hájí, see Ishráqát
Jamál-i-Burújirdí,{ROB2: 88, 91, 118-19, 264-7 passim, 290, 402-3}Kirmání, Mírzá Áqá Khán, {KA: n177}
{ROB3: 64, 234 and n., 280, 425-6}
{ROB4: 145, 188, 254, 287n., 321}
Mírzá Áqá Jan's downfall, see Áqá Ján, Mírzá
Mírzá Hádí Dawlat-Ábádí, see Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
selfish motives of violators, {SFWAB: 215-16}
see also Azalís, Mírzá Yahyá, 'Akká
Crime(s), Offenses, and their Fines, Indemnity,{ROB1: 1-3, 98-9, 101, 114, 122, 123, 269}
{ROB2: 185}
{ROB3: 135-6, 145-6, 158, 286, 331}
{ROB4: 188-9, 203-4, 206, 216-17, 318}
{SAQ: 5-6}
{SFWAB: 289-90}
{TOB: 101-2, 140-3}
a new, anew, new,{ESW: 152}all things,
{GL: 29, 62, 93}
{PM: 171, 295}
{ROB3: 9, 73, 104, 109, 176, 179-82, 199}
goodness of, {SFWAB: 190}and God,
interdependency of, {SFWAB: 49, 157-8, 160}
made new, {SFWAB: 12, 14}
purified, {KA: K75, n106}
reveal God, {SFWAB: 41-2, 47, 58}
{ROB4: 39-43}all encompassed by Ocean, {TOB: 196}
all is God's, {TOB: 53, 117}
attributes of God require, {SAQ: 281}
called into being {KA: n23, n188}
creation dependent upon Will of, {PM: 90}
creation evidences attributes of, {PM: 272, 324, 325}
creation manifests attributes of, {GL: 61-63, 65, 140, 160, 166, 177, 178, 184, 187, 189, 190, 262, 283}
creation praises, {PM: 41, 330}
creation purpose and knowledge of, {KA: n23}
creation reveals signs of, {TOB: 60}
Creator always had creation, {SAQ: 281}
God created all, {TOB: 110}
Lord of, {KA: K11}
manifested in all creation, {PM: 272, 324, 325}
Word of, source of Creation, see Bahá'u'lláh
see also God
Bahá'í teachings on, {ROB4: 39-45}
contingent world, {SFWAB: 8, 47}
Existence,Book of,Incomprehensible,{KA: n23}Causes of, {SAQ: 280}
{TOB: 60}
Conditions and degrees of,{SAQ: 129-31, 235-36, 249}Goal of, {TOB: 173}
Are limited to servitude, prophethood, and Deity, {SAQ: 230}
Man cannot progress beyond own state of, {SAQ: 235-37}
Goodness of all degrees of being, {SFWAB: 190}
Illusion and reality of, {SAQ: 278}
levels of, {SFWAB: 46-51, 61-2}
Material, is relative nonexistence, {SAQ: 241-42, 243, 278, 280-81}
Movement (progress and decline) necessary to, {SAQ: 233-34}
Nonexistence cannot become, {SAQ: 180, 204, 281}
Perfections of, unlimited, {SAQ: 230}
Preexistence,{SAQ: 116-17, 148-49, 203, 280-81}Reality,
Preexistent Power, {SAQ: 218}
Preexistent Reality, {SAQ: 221}
{KA: n75}Repetition impossible in, {SAQ: 283-84}
{SFWAB: 38, 46, 59, 178, 232}
Elementary, {TOB: 61}
inner, {SFWAB: 33, 130}
of man, {SFWAB: 10, 194}
pre-existent, {SFWAB: 50, 54}
universal, is man, {SFWAB: 42}
School of, {TOB: 66}
Signs of, cannot appear from nonexistence, {SAQ: 225}
tablet of, {SFWAB: 58}
Worlds of,Have not been without man, {SAQ: 196-97}
World (realm) of, {TOB: 75, 137, 140, 195, 262}{GL: 62}Kingdom of,
man cannot create, {SAQ: 182}
mysteries of, {TOB: 147}
origin of,{GL: 61, 65, 77, 150, 193, 318, 325}unending, {GL: 61, 150, 162, 174}
{PM: 130, 138, 251, 303, 311}
{ROB4: 39-46, 283}
beginning (called into being), {TOB: 66, 75, 101, 116, 140, 161-2}
Firstness, {TOB: 140}
in beginning matter was one, {SAQ: 181}
{KA: K47, K94, K109}Law of,
{ROB3: 179-80}
{TOB: 38, 122}
Realm,being, world (realm) of, {TOB: 69, 142, 173, 195, 221}
countless realms, {TOB: 91, 187}
of creation, {TOB: 47, 105, 137}
Realm on High, {TOB: 108}
{ROB3: 3}Life, see Man
{ROB4: 142}
love is supreme force, {SFWAB: 27}
Perfection of,{SAQ: 177-78}principles of,
goodness of, {SAQ: 215-16, 264}
trustworthiness, {TOB: 38, 122}
world shines through heavenly grace, {TOB: 49}
{ROB3: 63-4}purpose of,
{ROB4: 37, 278}
{ESW: 3, 4, 7, 13, 84}quickened by Tongue, {TOB: 195}
{GL: 65, 141, 144, 318}
{KI: 29}
{PM: 6, 49, 326}
{ROB4: 133, 413}
{TOB: 268}
love prime cause of, {ROB4: 199}
man's,{GL: 65, 70, 144, 149, 215, 231, 260, 314, 334}
{PM: 228}
{ROB1: 73, 240}
world of creation requires appearance of human spirit, {SAQ: 200-01}
see also Man
Resurrection,{SAQ: 74, 103-05}Revelation,
and return,{TOB: 183}
Return, meaning of, {SAQ: 132-34, 288-89}
Creation affected by Manifestation, {GL: 6, 15, 16, 30, 32, 68, 77, 85, 93, 142, 190, 263, 292, 308, 324, 325, 328}Transient,
Creation responds to Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 353-4}
Creation shaken by,{PM: 126, 144, 170, 189, 277, 295, 296, 304, 308}Creation should respond to Revelation, {TOB: 21}
shook to foundations, {TOB: 3}
stones and trees shout, {TOB: 13}
{GL: 29, 328}World,
compared to mirage, {GL: 328}
{ESW: 54, 55, 56}Universe
{GL: 162} {ROB2: 184}
{ROB3: 26, 48-9, 81, 110, 112, 125-30, 133, 136, 138, 148, 160, 309-12, 315, 328, 380, 421}
animating power of, {GL: 93, 157 }
attachment to, see Attachment
Planets, Celestial spheres,{GL: 162, 163}the spirit, {TOB: 64}
composition and decomposition of, {SAQ:180-81}
Earth,all areas interdependent, {SFWAB: 32}Moons, {TOB: 107}
blessedness of, {GL: 30}
Civilization, Society,{GL: 215, 216, 342, 343}community, {GPB: 354}
{KA: 1, 2, 13, K181, K189}
{ROB4: 196-9, 203, 324, 341}
Bahá'í, see Bahá'í Faith
chaos and crises of, sad state of,{SFWAB: 103-4, 206, 271-2, 273, 318}Charter of, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
{TOB: 90, 94, 137-8, 163-4, 166, 170, 171, 176-7, 243, 267}
arena for wild beasts, {SFWAB: 70}
countries are arsenals, {SFWAB: 284}
darkened by tyranny, {TOB: 84}
day when treasures of no use, {TOB: 232}
everything visible shall perish, {TOB: 231-2}
smoke of corruption, {TOB: 39} world is at war, {SFWAB: 2}
see also Earth, descriptions of; Materialism
condition, {KA: 11, K39, K40, K124, n170}
depends on educators, {SAQ: 7}
Divine Law,{PM: 14, 27, 66, 80, 106, 143, 197, 299}effect of Divine Revelation, {KA: 1, K54, K75, K79, K110, K181, n93, n106, n109}
in response to conditions of, {KA: 2, 5, 6, 91, n89}
role of divine law, {KA: 1-3, 4-5, 12, 13, K3, K29, K99, K186, 91, n92}
foundation, {KA: n134}
future,{SFWAB: 255-6, 282}Divine, {ROB1: 120-21, 217-18, 278}
{ROB3: 49, 285-6, 315, 344ff.}
future state, {KA: 1-2, 6, 12, 14, K189, n56, n173, n189, n194}
Garden of Eden, {SFWAB: 69, 275}
see also Earth, transformation of
function of wealth, {KA: n38}
institutions vital to, {KA: 91, n53, n82, n134}
interdependency of world, {SFWAB: 32}
material, versus divine, {SFWAB: 133, 303-4}
moderation in, {TOB: 69}
of present day, {ROB3: 49, 129, 281, 285, 291}
pillars of (reward and punishment), see Justice
role of
to promote industriousness, {KA: n56}role of individual, {KA: K120, K144, K173, Q71, n56, n61, n76, n110}
to promote justice, {KA: n86, n173}
Supreme Tribunal, see Government(s)
transformation of,advancement, {TOB: 86}true, established by love, {SFWAB: 27}
fear of God necessary, {TOB: 63, 93, 121}
freed from false gods, {TOB: 86}
fused by love, ruined by hatred, {TOB: 88}
God's laws (religion) necessary for, {TOB: 50, 67, 69, 125, 130, 166-7}
one aim and faith, {TOB: 69}
peace, see Peace
regeneration, {TOB: 84, 130, 141, 223, 244}
rehabilitation, {TOB: 174}
Remedy, for world's ills,{ESW: 62}trustworthiness necessary, {TOB: 38, 122}
{GL: 40, 183, 200, 213, 255}
{TOB: 73, 168}
Western, {TOB: 69}
World, Charter of, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
see also Commonwealth, Order
compared with body of man, {GL: 81, 254, 255 }
compared with mirage, {GL: 328 }
condition of,{ESW: 62}contamination of atmosphere, {TOB: 69}
today, {GL: 97, 118, 136, 200, 213, 218, 255 }
contingent world is source of imperfections, {SAQ: 5-6}
curvature of, {SAQ: 187-88}
darkened by tyranny, {TOB: 84}
Day when treasures laid bare, {TOB: 107}
Descriptions of,diseased human being, {SFWAB: 244}Earthquakes, {TOB: 117}
gaol-house of hatred, {SFWAB: 221}
grown dark, {SFWAB: 252}
like body of man, {SFWAB: 192}
mirage, {SFWAB: 186}
mud hut, {SFWAB: 72}
narrow place of shadows, {SFWAB: 36}
nether world (realm), {SFWAB: 12, 31, 81}
prison of treachery, {SFWAB: 221}
rubbish-heap, {SFWAB: 3}
shadow of Kingdom, {SFWAB: 178}
world of non-existence, {SFWAB: 72}
equilibrium upset, {KA: K181, n189}
evanescent, {TOB: 258}
Evolution,of Earth, {SAQ: 151, 182-83, 196-97, 199}Fairs, {GPB: 342}
see also Evolution
Fellowship of Faiths, {GPB: 342}
fragrance of, {SFWAB: 84}
freed from false gods, {TOB: 86}
fruit of, is man, {SFWAB: 120}
illuminated, {TOB: 89, 119}
impermanence of, {PM: 116}
International Counsel enjoined, {GL: 216, 249, 254}
' is in travail', {GL: 118 }
kingdoms of earth and heaven, {TOB: 76}
materialist's theory of formation of, {SAQ: 88}
maturity of,{KA: n194}Nasút, realm of, {ROB1: 59}
{ROB3: 157}
Nature,{ROB3: 39, 286-8, 310, 324, 378}'no hollows or hills', {TOB: 162}
{SAQ: 3-4}
{SFWAB: 51, 303-4}
{TOB: 142, 144, 168}
Animal(s),{GL: 265, 335}Bahá'u'lláh
{KA: K9, K123, n12}
{SFWAB: 153, 155, 286-7}
animal nature of humans, see Man
Birds, see Terms in Holy Writings
cannot perceive intellectual realities, {SAQ: 187-88}
Carrion, {KA: K60, Q24, n83}
cruelty to, prohibited, {KA: 14, K187}
Earthworms, {SFWAB: 175}
Gazelle, {SFWAB: 9}
Hunting,{KA: K60, Q24, 157, n83-n84, n173}kindness to,
{SFWAB: 157}
{ROB1: 188}kingdom of, world of,
{SFWAB: 158-60}
{ROB1: 2, 3, 5, 8}power of selectivity of food by, {SFWAB: 155}
{ROB4: 198-9}
{SAQ: 78-79, SAQ: 143, 208, 235}
{SFWAB: 10, 61, 46–7, 157, 195-4, 206}
Spirit of, {SAQ: 143}
His description of, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-HikmatDiversity in, {TOB: 142}
His love of, see Bahá'u'lláh
human,{ROB4: 142-3}God rules, {SAQ: 4}
man can resist, {SAQ: 189}
man's body is captive of, {SAQ: 119}
men captives of, {SFWAB: 116, 206, 281}
see also Man
laws of,{ROB3: 39, 287, 288, 310}Material World,
{ROB4: 255-6}
{SFWAB: 106, 177–8}Mineral kingdom, Mineral world,
cycles of, {SAQ: 73-74}
see also Materialism
{ROB4: 198-9}observation of, {ROB4: 198, 255}
{SFWAB: 61, 157}
Spirit of, {SAQ: 78, 235}
of God,'Abdu'l-Bahá on, see 'Abdu'l-Baháspiritual, {ROB4: 143}
and His Manifestations, see To The Kings and Rulers, Manifestation(s) of God
see also God
those who cling to, {TOB: 144}
union of male and female, {SAQ: 87}
Vegetable kingdom, vegetable world,{ROB4: 198-9, 255-6}Will of, {SAQ: 3-4}
{SAQ: 78, 143, 208, 235}
{SFWAB: 47, 61, 157-8}
Spirit of, {SAQ: 143, 208}
One,{GL: 334 }Order,
one city, {TOB: 68}
one country, {TOB: 22, 127, 167, 172}
one homeland, {TOB: 67}
unification of, {KA: 1, 2}
unity necessary for, {SFWAB: 31}
New, see Orderoverwhelmed with sorrow, {TOB: 243}
'rolled up',{GL: 313}
"Soon will the present day order be rolled up," {GL: 7}
peoples of, {ROB3: 126-7, 138, 167, 199, 214, 290, 293, 380, 396}
perfection of, is to be fertile, {SAQ: 78}
ponder conflicts and changes of, {TOB: 267}
quickened, {TOB: 131}
response to Bahá'u'lláh, {SFWAB: 8}
revolutionary changes since birth of Faith, {GPB: xi, xii, 316}
spiritual worlds of God, see God
strange things exist in, {TOB: 69}
submissiveness of, {GL: 7-8, 322}
Transformation of,{SFWAB: 3, 12, 70, 106, 221}World's equilibrium upset, {GL: 136 }
Abhá Paradise, {SFWAB: 36, 245}
envy of heaven, {SFWAB: 8}
Garden of Eden, {SFWAB: 69, 275}
in this cycle, {SAQ: 63-66}
mirror, {SFWAB: 11-12, 70, 128, 221}
palace of delights, {SFWAB: 280}
renewed, {SFWAB: 52}
worthlessness of, {ROB4: 249}
see also Detachment, God/Worlds of, Man, Universal Language
visible world, {SFWAB: 8}
{SFWAB: 48-9}see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, God/Worlds of
elements of,are interconnected, {SAQ: 245-47}forces of, serve Covenant, {SFWAB: 228}
atom(s),{TOB: 5, 130, 176}mingling of, {SFWAB: 31}
annihilation of matter not possible, {SAQ: 203-04}
has no beginning, {SAQ: 180}
other worlds and creatures, {TOB: 188}
perfection of,{SAQ: 177}school of, {SFWAB: 41, 58}
requires existence of man, {SAQ: 195-97}
requires numberless forms of existence, {SAQ: 129-30}
scrolls of, {TOB: 60}
Cursing,{KA: K49,, K52, K148, Q23, n77-n78, n163}
{TOB: 70, 93}
cause of, is ignorance, {SAQ: 272}
Criminals,kindness to, {SFWAB: 158}education necessary to prevent,
penalties for, {TOB: 93, 164}
prisoners, {SFWAB: 116-17}
{SAQ: 268, 271-72}Manslaughter, {KA: K188, 157, n35}
{SFWAB: 132-3, 136}
Murder and arson,{GPB: 214}Punishment(s), Penalties,
{KA: 14, K19, K62, K73, 158, n35, n86, n87}
{SAQ: 266-67}
{SFWAB: 179}
Arson, Fire,{GPB: 214}Imprisonment, penalty for, {KA: K62, n86, n87}
{KA: 14, K62, 158, n86, n87}
Suicide, {SFWAB: 200}
{GL: 76, 158, 219, 226, 339, 346}Sexual Acts, unlawful
{KA: 14, n86}
{ROB3: 294-7, 319}
{ROB4: 157, 159, 211, 236}
{SFWAB: 302-3}
Capital punishment, {KA: K62, n86-n87}
community responsible for, {SAQ: 267, 268-71}
Justice upheld by reward and punishment, see Justice
Punishment is to be veiled from God, {SAQ: 224-25}
purpose of, {SAQ: 267, 268-69}
Whoso layeth claim to a Revelation direct from God, {KA: K37}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Adultery,Theft, Stealing,{KA: K19, K49, Q23, Q49, 158, n36, n77, n90}consequences, {KA: K49, n36, n77, n134}
forbidden, {KA: K19, 158}
Fornication, {KA: n36, n77, n89}
punishment for,{GPB: 214}Ziná, {KA: n36}
{KA: 14, K49, Q49, n77}
fine levied for each offense, {KA: Q23}
having sexual intercourse during year of patience, {KA: Q11}
homosexuality, Homosexual relations,{KA: K107, 158, n134}Rape, {KA: n36}
Paederasty, {KA: K107, n134}
Sodomy, {KA: K107, Q49, n134}
{KA: 158, n70}Using opium, see Opium
punishments specified,{KA: 14, K45, Q49, n70}
Exile, punishment for thief, {KA: K45, n70}
Imprisonment, {KA: K45, n70}
mark on brow of thief, {KA: K45, n71}
vengeance blameworthy, {SAQ: 267, 268-69, 271}
Wounding or striking a person,{KA: K148, 158}
penalties for, {KA: K56, n81}
{KA: 91}Curzon, Lord, of Kedleston, {GPB: 305}
{ROB4: 158, 341}
{TOB: 27, 38, 92, 129, 219-20}
see also Islám, Clergy, Bahá'í(s), Bahá'u'lláh, Calumny
defends Bábís in his writings, {GPB: 204}Cyprus,
refers to persecutions, {GPB: 203}
testimony of, {GPB: 76, 80}
Damascus,{ROB4: 418}Darakhsh, Bahá'ís of, {ROB3: 57}
{TOB: 159, 175}
Darmsteter, Prof., testimony to the Faith, {GPB: 80}
Dáru'l-Funún, {ROB4: 312}
Dávúdí, Siyyid, {SAQ: 34}
Dealy, Paul K., {GPB: 257}
Deeds, Acts, Actions, Behaviour, Conduct, Fruit, Works,Deepening, {ROB3: 322-6}{KA: 14, K73, K159, 159-161, n192}
{ROB3: 347, 351-2, 355-6, 395-6}
{ROB4: 237, 250, 262, 288, 317, 339, 370, 376, 382}
{SFWAB: 10, 175, 203, 267}
{TOB: 27, 57, 60, 68, 78, 85, 86-9, 91, 94, 120, 126, 131-2, 138, 155-6, 178, 198, 219-21, 222, 238, 252, 256}
Act of arising, {ROB3: 382}
and words, {TOB: 57, 91}
as snares, {KA: K36}
Bahá'ís perform, {TOB: 57, 62, 131-2, 138}
condemnation of wicked, {ROB4: 371}
Criminal, penalties for, see Punishment(s)
Day of, {TOB: 232}
Evil Deeds, see Evil Fairness,{KA: 14, K4, K40, K187, 160}fruitful lives, {TOB: 62}
in dealings, {TOB: 36, 38, 62, 85, 130, 134, 170}
fruits of human existence, {TOB: 132, 257}
fruits of life, {SFWAB: 24, 227}
fruits of Lote-Tree, {TOB: 78}
God independent of man's, {KA: K59}
Good,{KA: 14-15, K1, K70, K73, 160-161}ingratiating behaviour, {TOB: 94-5}
acceptance dependent on good-pleasure of God, {KA: K36, K73, K157, K167, 163}
alone are not sufficient, {SAQ: 238, 300, 302-04}
charitable, may be cause of pardon, {SAQ: 231}
recognition, {KA: K1, K161}
known by God, {GL: 45, 123, 204, 210}
Mischief,{KA: K64, K123, 161}of Afnán, {TOB: 84, 222}
flee from, {TOB: 94}
of former times, {TOB: 41}
of martyrs, {GL: 180-182}
recompense for, {TOB: 189, 235, 255, 260}
rendered vain,{KA: K46}reward of,
{TOB: 182}
{SFWAB: 185}righteous,
own reward, {TOB: 189}
{SAQ: 302}service,
power of, {GL: 94, 96, 241, 272, 287, 299, 305, 334}
everlasting life through service, {SFWAB: 116}shame of nations, {TOB: 61}
is greatest of all, {ROB4: 302}
service to God, {TOB: 234}
unity of, {ROB4: 192}
value known after death, {GL: 171}
when acceptable, {GL: 9, 39, 86, 105, 123, 206, 241, 250, 272, 278, 290, 293, 315, 331}
which create turmoil, {TOB: 197}
Deluge, {GL: 174}
Deputization, {ROB4: 259}
Dervish,{ROB3: 384}Detachment, Severance,
{ROB4: 51n, 178}
see Súfí
Dhabíh,{GL: 34, 40, 84, 100, 118, 139, 149, 157, 161, 180, 202, 205, 241, 242, 257, 264, 272, 275, 276, 294, 304, 306, 314, 316, 319, 325, 326, 334, 339}
{KA: K54, K83, K84, K129, K178, n149}
{KI: 3, 192}
{ROB1: 75-80 passim, 99-100, 108, 162, 187, 212-13, 239}
{ROB2: 23, 26-7, 34-43 passim, 128, 214-16, 232, 264, 316}
{ROB3: 10, 51, 77, 78-84, 95-6, 104-5, 107, 135, 148, 193-4, 212, 287, 353, 396-7}
{SFWAB: 6}
{TOB: 57, 58, 59, 74, 116, 155, 182, 253, 255}
abandon things, {TOB: 78, 232, 266}
and wealth, {ROB2: 280-2}
angels sever ties with world, {SFWAB: 81}
example of Job, see Job
important for success in teaching, {ROB4: 258, 261, 270, 317}
Non-existence, long for non-existence, {SFWAB: 76-7}
oblivious of world, {SFWAB: 192}
of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 246-8}
of soul of man from this world, {ROB3: 78-9}
need for, {ROB4: 68-9, 249-51, 254, 288, 317}
severance, {SFWAB: 100}
stay clear of world's concerns, {SFWAB: 12}
see also Hidden Words, The, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Materialism, Prayers, Self
see Ismá'íl, Siyyid, of ZavárihDiet, {ROB3: 358}
see also Súriy-i-Ra'ís
Disciples of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Heralds of the Covenant',Disguise, {ROB3: 56 and n., 74, 179, 384-5}1. Dr. John Ebenezer Esslemont, see Hands of the Cause of God
2. Thornton Chase, the first American Bahá'í, see America
3. Howard MacNutt, {GPB: 257}
4. Sarah Farmer, founder of Green Acre, {GPB: 261}
5. Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney,first Frenchman to become Bahá'í, {GPB: 259}6. Lillian F. Kappes, noted teacher of the Tarbíyat School in Tihrán,
Laura Dreyfus-Barney, wife of, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá/Some Answered Questions{GPB: 257, 261}7. Robert Turner, first Black Bahá'í in America, see America
buried in Tihrán, {GPB: 400}
8. Dr Arthur Brauns, pioneer worker for the Faith in Germany
9. W. H. Randall, eloquent upholder of the Bahá'í Cause in America
10. Lua (Louisa) A. Moore Getsinger{GPB: 257}11. Joseph Hannan, indefatigable servant of the Cause
{SFWAB: 152}
buried in Egypt, {GPB: 400}
Getsinger, Dr. Edward, husband of, {GPB: 257}
12. Chester I. Thatcher, zealous Bahá'í worker
13. Charles Greenleaf, firm supporter of the Faith
14. Isabella D. Brittingham, {GPB: 257}
15. Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper, a pioneer of the Faith in England,in London, {GPB: 260}16. Helen S. Goodall,
{GPB: 257}17. Arthur P. Dodge, {GPB: 257}
{SFWAB: 191}
18. William H. Hoar, prominent Bahá'í teacher
19. Dr. J. G. Augur, pioneer of the Faith in the Pacific Islands
Dishonesty, {TOB: 57}
Dispensation,Dissimulation (recantation),allowed in Islám, {ROB4: 92}Disunity, {ROB4: 195, 196, 197}
forbidden in Bahá'í Faith, {ROB4: 92-3, 175, 271n.}
of Faith, {ROB2: 111 and n.}
Divorce,Díyá, Hájí Mírzá, {ROB4: 333}censured,{GPB: 214}infidelity, K70
{KA: 14, K70, Q98, n100}
recovery of dowry, {KA: Q12, Q47}
Reconciliation, {KA: Q98, n100}
{KA: K68, n101-n102}separation, {KA: K68, K70, Q19, Q98}
due to death of spouse, {KA: K67, Q27, 151, n97, n99}
due to prolonged absence, {KA: K67, Q4, 151, n96, n97-n98}
with former spouse, {KA: K68, Q31, 152, 153, 159, n101-n102}
due to absence of spouse, {KA: K67, Q4, n96-n99}Year Of Patience, {KA: K69, Q4, Q12, n100}
maintenance of wife and children, {KA: K70, n100}see also Marriage, Remarriage
record of, {KA: Q98}
and renewal of affection, {KA: K68, Q11, Q19, Q38, Q40}
witnesses to, {KA: Q73, Q98, n100}
Díyár-Bakr, {ROB4: 84, 85}
Doctors, {TOB: 110}
Dolgorouki, Prince, Russian minister,intervenes in behalf of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 104}Duality, {GL: 166, 187, 192, 336-337}
offers to protect Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 106}
Duties see Bahá'ís, House(s) of Justice, Learned among people of Bahá
East, the, Orient,Education,Egypt, Egyptians,{GL: 9, 95, 189, 190, 259, 260, 312, 333}
{ROB3: 326-31}
{ROB4: 158, 235}
{SAQ: 7-9}
{SFWAB: 109, 124-45}
{TOB: 73, 161-2}
Arts, Sciences,{ESW: 19, 26, 27, 32, 97, 111, 128}Bahá'u'lláh,
{KA: K77, 160}
{ROB3: 128, 137ff.}
{ROB4: 118n., 138, 144, 162, 173, 212, 278, 354, 406, 433}
{SFWAB: 134, 144-6}
{TOB: 26, 38-9, 96, 211}
and Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, {KA: n53}
Arts,{SFWAB: 17, 111}Science(s),
as worship, {SFWAB: 144-5}
source of,{GL: 85, 142, 144, 157, 161}study of,
{TOB: 72}
{SFWAB: 110, 134-5}of reading and writing see Reading, Writing, instruction in
{TOB: 26, 51, 168}
study of such as benefit mankind, {KA: 160, n110}
{SFWAB: 17}
{TOB: 96, 211}
and religion,{SAQ: 137}as worship, {SFWAB: 144-5}
{SFWAB: 107, 109, 299}
dangers of, without spirituality, {SFWAB: 283-5, 303}
discoveries of, {SAQ: 144}
on sciences which begin and end in words, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
progress of, {SAQ: 64}
purpose, {KA: K77, 160, n110}
reins held by God, {TOB: 147}
scientists, {TOB: 52}
source of, {TOB: 72}
study of,{SFWAB: 110, 134}see also Divine Philosophy
{TOB: 26, 51-2, 168}
is Universal Educator, {SFWAB: 195}elevated by teachings of God, {TOB: 130}
His Revelation is effective instrument for, {TOB: 87}
goal of, is service, {SFWAB: 141}
human,{SAQ: 8}influence of, {SAQ: 214}
intelligence levels innate, {SFWAB: 131-2}
Mandatory, Obligatory,{SFWAB: 126-8, 304}of children,
{TOB: 39, 51}
{KA: 14, K48, K150, 157, Q105, n40}of humanity through Divine Revelation, {KA: K45, Q106}
{ROB4: 159, 341}
Bahá'í children should excel, {SFWAB: 141}
of girls; daughters take precedence,{KA: n76}of orphans, {SFWAB: 138}
{SFWAB: 124}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Children
of the human race, {ROB4: 340}
of women, {ROB4: 201, 312}
of youth,Bahá'í, {ROB4: 313-14}parents,
character training difficult after puberty, {SFWAB: 137}
duty of father,role of Manifestations in man's, {SAQ: 8-11, 236-37}{SFWAB: 127}mothers important as educators, {SFWAB: 124, 125, 126, 138, 139}
{TOB: 128}
must counsel children, {SFWAB: 134}
of mothers, {SFWAB: 138}
to prevent crime, crime prevented by,{SAQ: 271-72}Writing, instruction in, {KA: K48, n76}
{SFWAB: 132-3, 136}
material, {SAQ: 8}
money for (Taxation), {TOB: 90}
Persia,{ROB1: 18-19}Religious,
Ministry of, {ROB4: 314}
{TOB: 68}Spiritual,
harmony of religion and science, see Bahá'í Faith
{SAQ: 8-9}Spiritual Assemblies responsible for, {SFWAB: 126}
{SFWAB: 110, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133-4, 137, 139, 142, 143}
{TOB: 170}
Divine, {SAQ: 8}
morals and conduct, {SFWAB: 135-6}
Teachers, see Teachers
true, {TOB: 27, 35, 129}
useful, {TOB: 52, 168-9}
see also Knowledge, School(s), Bahá'í(s)
Elected representatives, {ROB3: 127}{GPB: 364-368}
{ROB1: 28, 203, 204}
{ROB2: 202, Appendix III passim}
{ROB3: 4, 106, 435-7}
{ROB4: 177, 240, 328, 418}
'Abdu'l-Bahá travels to, 279-283
Bahá'í Faith,attacked in, {GPB: 364, 365}denial of Muhammad caused destruction of, {SAQ: 50}
Bahá'í students and teachers in, {GPB: 302}
emancipation of, {GPB: 366-368}
Hazíratu'l-Quds (Bahá'í center) in, {GPB: 195, 302, 338} letter to King of, {GPB: 344}
letter to Prime Minister of, {GPB: 345}
National Assembly in, {GPB: 333, 336}
Prince Muhammad Ali of Egypt, pays tribute to the Faith, {GPB: 317}
recognition of Faith in, {GPB: 366-373}
see also Alexandria, Cairo, Port Sa'íd, Pharaoh, Sinai
Elections,Elias (Elijah),cave of, see Lawh-i-KarmilEmanation,
meeting with Moses and Christ, see Christ
return of, see Báb, The{ROB4: 44}Empedocles, {TOB: 145}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Empire(s),{ROB3: 14, 113, 150, 154, 166}Equality,
dissolution of, {GPB: 227}
Turkish, see Lawh-i-Fu'ád, Lawh-i-Ra'ís, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Ottoman
of men and women, see 'Abdu'l-BaháEquity,
musávát, Lawh-i-Ittihád
{ESW: 13, 111, 131}Esslingen, Bahá'í Home in, {GPB: 338}
{GL: 92, 203, 204, 236}
{TOB: 39, 42, 43, 57, 78, 84, 93, 125, 170}
Esterábád, {ROB3: 121}
Europe,{ROB3: 82, 113, 260}Evil, Wickedness,
{ROB4: 233, 304}
{SFWAB: 255}
stirred by martyrdoms, {GPB: 56}
Fact, {ROB3: 39-40}character, {SFWAB: 136}
Deeds,{GL: 240, 243, 244, 275, 297}Evil One,
{KA: K2, K37, K39, K41, K59, K164}
{TOB: 69, 123, 138, 156, 178}
designs of enemies, {TOB: 88}
man can choose to do, {SAQ: 248-50}
retribution for, {TOB: 177}
source of, {GL: 149, 342}
unbelief is recompense for, {TOB: 235, 260}{GL: 41, 94, 118, 126, 146, 168, 275, 284}Nonexistence of, {SAQ: 215, 263-64}
{SFWAB: 88}
{TOB: 87, 156}
Satan,{SFWAB: 275}
{TOB: 177}
satanic qualities, {SAQ: 235-36}
satanic wickedness, {SFWAB: 31}
promptings of human heart, {SFWAB: 256}
Tree, see Terms in Holy Writings
Faith:Fá'izih Khánum, {ROB4: 311}{ESW: 13, 29, 38, 62, 80, 116, 130, 162}
{GL: 141, 170, 171, 180, 205, 217, 293, 338}
{TOB: 119}
acquiring of, {ROB2: 216-21}
and intellect, {ROB2: 216, 217-19, 220}
crises in, {GPB: xiii, 61, 62, 409, 410}
dissimulation of, see Dissimulation
Faithfulness,{GL: 91, 161, 333}is life eternal, {SAQ: 130}
{KA: 14, K7, K97, K120, K149, 160}
cup of, {SFWAB: 2}
musk of, {SFWAB: 9}
Nightingale of, {SFWAB: 9}
see also Steadfastness
of a believer, {ROB1: 238, 243}
one common, {GL: 136, 217, 255, 319, 333}
personal, {ROB4: 36, 143, 158, 213, 217, 275}
'Abdu'1-Baha's words on, see 'Abdu'l-Bahápower of, {ROB2: 126-8, 255-9}
a relative term, {ROB4: 55, 66}
individual responsibility, {GL: 81, 105, 143, 262, 328}
spirit of,{ROB1: 73-4}steadfastness in, {ROB2: 46, 127-8, 259}
{ROB3: 8-10, 35-6, 48, 85, 104, 192-4, 287, 300-301, 322, 324, 336, 377}
tests of, {ROB2: ch. 12}
Unfaithfulness, Faithlessness, see Non-believers
Famagusta, {ROB1: 288}
Famine,{ROB4: 263}Fárán (Tún),
in Persia, see Persia
{ROB3: 62, 159, 160}Faríd, Dr, {ROB3: 427n.}
{ROB4: 254}
Fáris Effendi (Syrian physician),{ROB1: 204}Farmán Farmá, {ROB4: 439}
{ROB3: 5-11, 334}
{ROB4: 227}
Fárs, province of,{ROB3: 73}Fátimih 'the Immaculate',
{ROB4: 325n.}
{ROB4: 187n.}Fátimih-Bagum, sister of Áqá Muhammad-'Alí of Gázur, {ROB2: 105-6}
shrine of, {ROB4: 187}
Fear,{TOB: 84}Feasts, {ROB4: 8-10, 14}
cause for rejecting Truth, {TOB: 61}
elimination of {ESW: 32}
see also God, Fear of
Feisal, King, visits 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 306}
Fírúz, Mírzá, Prince; the Nusratu'd-Dawlih, of Nayríz, {DBNN: 482}
Fisher, Dr. K. E., {GPB: 261}
Florence, Mrs. {SFWAB: 174}
Food see Carrion, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Fasting
Ford, Miss, {SFWAB: 173}
Ford, Rev. George A., {GPB: 256}
Forel, Dr. Auguste,'Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet to, {ROB4: 132}Forgiveness,
becomes Bahá'í, {GPB: 307}
pays tribute to the Faith, {GPB: 316}
statement of his belief, {GPB: 375}
Fortitude, {ROB3: 86, 192-6, 255-6}
France, French,{ROB3: 113-14, 172}Gabriel,
see also To The Kings and Rulers/Tablet to Napoleon III, Nice, Paris
{GL: 103}Galilee,
{KI: 50, 109}
{ROB1: 71}
{ROB4: 91}
{TOB: 206}
Hills of, {ROB4: 1}Galileo, {SAQ: 24n}
Sea of, {GPB: 242}
Gallipoli,{ROB1: 27, 287}Geddes, Prof. Patrick, {GPB: 285}
{ROB2: 408, 410, 412}
{ROB3: 34, 37}
{ROB4: 353}
Generosity,{GL: 278, 285, 297}Germans,
{TOB: 138, 177}
{ROB4: 70, 351, 352}Germany,
see also HaifaGhulám-Ridá Khán, {ROB1: 88}
Ghulám-Ridá, Hájí (Amín-i-Amín), {ROB3: 86}
Ghulám-Ridá-i-Yazdí, {DBNN: 474, 486}
Ghulam-Ridáy-i-Kúchik, {DBNN: 474}
Gifts,charity, {KA: n162}Gobineau, Comte de, testimony of, {GPB: 76, 81, 203, 204}
at Intercalary Days, {KA: K16, n29}
offered to Manifestation of God, {KA: K114, 159, n141}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Dowry
God, Divinity, Mystery of Mysteries, Unknowable Essence,{ROB2: 81}Gold,
{ROB3: 133, 135, 353}
{ROB4: 168-9, 197, 354}
{SAQ: 146-49, 171, 230, 281}
{SFWAB: 46-51, 53-4, 186-7}
{TOB: 42-4, 62, 95, 101, 102, 109-11, 114, 139, 140, 155-7, 169, 176, 181}
Book of,Bounty and Grace, Bounties of,{ESW: 128, 129, 145, 152, 174}
{GL: 13, 159, 221, 225, 226, 227, 237, 247, 290, 294, 297, 341}
{KA: 13, K6, K47, K99, K127, K148, K165, K168, n155}
{ROB3: 133, 163, 164, 240, 315}
{ROB4: 212}
{TOB: 78, 79, 96, 97, 105, 108, 109, 117, 190, 200, 231, 245, 249}
Scriptures, Scrolls, Tablets, {TOB: 111, 120}
Essence and attributes of,{KA: 6, K111, K112}
{ROB2: 35, 82}
{ROB3: 63}
{ROB4: 116, 216, 233, 317}
{SAQ: 232}
{SFWAB: 7, 12, 77, 25, 146, 205}
{TOB: 21, 260}
abolition of uncleanness as, see Cleanliness
answers prayer,{PM: 60, 160, 247, 250, 254, 325}admonishment by God as, {KA: K169}
hears prayers, {PM: 135}
bestowals of Heaven, {SFWAB: 22}
bounteousness of, {PM: 24, 31, 42, 96, 137, 205, 239, 246, 250}
clouds of, {SFWAB: 5, 38}
evidenced by lifting of former restrictions, {KA: K159}
evidenced by provisions of inheritance, see Inheritance
exemptions as, {KA: K10}
favour of, {TOB: 195}
few share in, {SFWAB: 277}
gifts of, {SFWAB: 38}
God's love, {SFWAB: 19, 21, 28, 33, 71, 181}
Guidance of,{ROB4: 325}jewel of, {SFWAB: 2}
{SFWAB: 9, 44, 101-2}
Divine Guidance,{GL: 18, 28, 39, 50, 67, 68, 96, 179, 258, 268, 325, 328, 338, 339, 342}flower-garden of, {SFWAB: 313}
{KA: 3, K143, n130}
{SFWAB: 3, 28, 264}
lamps of, are out, {SFWAB: 273}
stars of, {SFWAB: 38}
non-believers share, {SFWAB: 257}
protection by, {SFWAB: 7, 10}
shaped by vessel, {SFWAB: 161}
turns sorrow into gladness, {TOB: 4}
Justice of,{ESW: 1}
{GL: 290}
{KA: n160}
{ROB1: 1-3, 30-1, 44, 46, 59, 73, 99, 114, 116-18, 119, 122, 125, 152, 176-8, 180-1}
{ROB2: 39-40, 184-5}
{ROB3: 63}
{ROB4: 17, 44, 95, 129-33, 131-3, 135-6, 157, 193, 198-9, 204, 217, 244, 409}
Absolute existence of, {GL: 157}
All-knowing,{GL: 9, 29, 45, 59, 104, 105, 129, 150, 186, 204, 207, 319}All-sufficient, {PM: 59, 102, 117}
{PM: 6, 19, 23, 58, 92, 120, 186, 257, 280, 335}
Bahá'u'lláh describes, see Gleanings/Tablet of Madínatu't-Tawhíd
Celestial Preserver, {SFWAB: 314}
Concealer,{GL: 36, 204, 309, 310}Co-ordinator, {SFWAB: 48}
{PM: 63, 246}
Creator,{GL: 64, 65, 105, 150, 151, 162, 193, 220, 318, 330, 337, 339}Director, {SFWAB: 48}
{ROB3: 130, 179}
and creation, see Creation
Educator, {GL: 189, 243}
Essence of Essences, Invisible of Invisibles, Most Secret of Secrets, {SFWAB: 54}
Everlasting, {GL: 151, 162, 192, 261, 318}
evidenced by all things, {KI: 100-02}
Exalted{TOB: 60, 61}existence of,
above creation, {GL: 166, 184, 185, 192}
above description, {GL: 3, 151, 193, 220, 318}
above praise,{GL: 3, 4, 5, 47, 60, 174, 262}
{PM: 125, 130, 149, 172, 193, 204, 214, 222, 229, 245, 273, 297, 302}
{SFWAB: 61}Fashioner, {PM: 6, 47, 50, 125, 138, 159, 201, 231, 301, 303}
proofs and signs of, {SFWAB: 13, 36, 41, 46-51, 54, 58}
Fire of, {PM: 12, 14, 32, 52, 67, 76, 150, 161, 182, 187, 212, 214, 269, 283}
Firstness, {PM: 229, 294}
fragrance (savours) of, {TOB: 111, 116, 195, 211, 214, 249, 261, 263, 268}
Gentle, {SFWAB: 22}
Glory of, {ROB3: 33}
Grace of,{GL: 6, 8, 33, 34, 37, 62, 65, 67, 68, 76, 84, 104, 105, 107, 130, 185, 190, 295, 297, 301, 303, 308, 312, 320, 323, 325, 326, 328, 332, 343}Greatness of, {ROB4: 261}
{TOB: 252, 260}
Humorist, {ROB4: 244}
Independent of all, {GL: 85, 140, 148, 166, 192, 193, 260, 261}
Inacessible, {PM: 86, 88, 91, 128, 133, 227, 274, 297}
Incomparable, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Indescribable, {PM: 91, 123, 130, 149, 193, 229, 245, 280, 328}
Infallibility of, see Infallibility
Judge,{GL: 227}Lastness, {PM: 229, 294}
Judgment, {PM: 285, 309, 311}
light of, {TOB: 102, 253}
man enabled to manifest, {KA: n23}
Manifestations bear God's,{GL: 30, 47-50, 53, 54, 59, 70, 74, 140, 167, 179, 290}Manifested in all kingdoms of God, {ROB4: 198-9}
{ROB4: 132, 133}
melodies of, {TOB: 106-7, 240}
Names of,{GL: 258, 274, 293, 319}Originator, {SFWAB: 61}
{PM: 94}
{TOB: 246, 252}
months of year named for, {KA: n147}
potency of, power of,{PM: 38, 63, 94, 122, 125, 126, 138, 169, 171, 208, 209, 213, 235, 236, 237, 240, 252, 255, 268, 288}use, {KA: K18, K60, n33, n83}
{TOB: 5, 231, 236, 247, 261}
Peerless (no partner),{GL: 12, 36, 64, 70, 98, 151, 166, 187, 192, 193, 273, 336, 338}perfections of,
{PM: 32, 38, 51, 57, 73, 91, 112, 131, 133, 137, 194, 297, 305, 309}
{SAQ: 196}preexistence of, {SAQ: 203}
{SFWAB: 60}
imperfections impossible in, {SAQ: 148}
manifested in the Reality of Christ, {SAQ: 206-07}
shine forth from the reality of man, {SAQ: 196}
Quickener, {PM: 54, 104, 176, 201, 252, 258, 259}
Refuge, {PM: 82, 255, 262, 267, 305}
Self-Subsistent, {PM: 172, 220}
Singleness of, {PM: 51, 57, 86, 91, 112, 128, 130, 194, 221, 329}
Source ofall, {PM: 60, 74}Supreme, {PM: 4, 74, 87, 88, 134, 157, 190, 295, 306, 327}
all attributes, {PM: 94, 326}
authority, {PM: 87, 101}
man's knowledge, {PM: 92, 149, 222}
throne of, {TOB: 113, 182, 263}
Transcendence of, {ROB3: 199}
Unknowable,{ESW: 118}wealth of, {TOB: 75, 96}
{GL: 3, 4, 5, 29, 46, 47, 49, 60-64, 150, 165, 174, 193, 220, 242, 261, 318, 336}
{KI: 3, 98-99}
{PM: 6, 55, 92, 99, 130, 133, 149, 173, 194, 222, 273, 280, 303, 328}
{ROB1: 1, 46, 114-15, 152, 175-6}
{ROB2: 17, 26, 145}
{ROB3: 145}
Inaccessible, {GL: 63, 64, 66, 193, 261, 318}
Incomprehensible, {SFWAB: 4, 10, 47, 53-4, 61}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, Prayer(s)
Knowledge of,{KA: K97, K157, K170}
{PM: 31, 55, 134, 136, 137, 141, 179, 205, 252, 262, 301, 303, 333}
{ROB3: 202}
{SAQ: 232}
compensates for injustice, {KA: n86}
Divine Justice,{GL: 17, 98, 100, 117, 130}God's forgiveness outweighs His, {ROB4: 85}
standard revealed by Manifestation, {GL: 175}
terrible in punishing, {KA: K37}
Laws of, Command of,Love of,{ROB4: 361}
{TOB: 109, 141, 206}
animating power for advancement, {GL: 93-97, 287, 289, 291, 331}
Commandments of, not limited to one group, {SFWAB: 21}
disobedience to, {GL: 87, 123, 124, 149, 254}
divided in two parts, {SAQ: 47-48}
ignorance of, pardonable, {SAQ: 267}
is New Jerusalem, see Jerusalem
Manifestation gives Holy, {SAQ: 158-59}
means of,liberty, {GL: 336}Most Great, {GL: 13, 211}
victory of Cause, {GL: 287, 332}
world order, see New World Order of Bahá'u'lláh
obedience to,{GL: 5, 87, 123, 129, 240, 289, 290, 307, 330-333, 336, 337}Observance of,
{KA: K2, K7, K29, K148}
{SAQ: 174}
{ROB3: 285, 288-90, 292}
{KA: K1-K2, K17, K45, K62, K71, K97, K134, K138, K147, K171}ordinances, {GL: 175, 217, 289, 337}
love for God as motive for, {KA: K4, 163}
source of justice, {GL: 117, 175}
standards laid down by, {KA: K17}
woman as symbol of, see Terms in Holy Writings
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Mercy of,{ESW: 122, 131}
{GL: 261, 288, 304, 325}
{ROB3: 26, 332, 358, 366}
{ROB4: 35, 296}
{SAQ: 300-01}
{SFWAB: 178, 202-3, 205}
{TOB: 210, 263, 265}
army of, {SFWAB: 256}
brings unity, {SAQ: 301, 304-05}
deprivation of, results in imperfection, {SAQ: 302-03}
fire is symbol of, {SAQ: 92}
is fruit of human existence, {SAQ: 300-01}
love for, as motive for obedience to laws, {KA: K4, 163}
Power of, Potency of,Praise and thanks to,{ESW: 9, 10, 19, 91, 102, 104-105, 121}
{GL: 34, 61, 63, 73, 160, 184, 220, 224, 242, 243, 312, 341}
{PM: 16, 17, 19, 24, 28, 32, 41, 44, 45, 58, 73, 82, 87, 90, 92, 95, 119, 130, 138, 150, 163, 172, 227, 249, 251, 252, 281, 324, 339}
{ROB1: 31-2, 181-3}
{ROB3: 94, 141, 180}
{ROB4: 237, 324-5, 373, 431}
{TOB: 34, 61, 62, 70, 83, 114, 117, 176, 183, 200}
all affairs in His grasp, {TOB: 59}
Authority of,{TOB: 58, 132, 133, 142, 249}can dispense with all, {TOB: 41}
Questioning, {KA: K7, K49, K162}
to choose rests with, {ROB3: 86}
does what pleases,{SFWAB: 51}dominion of,
{TOB: 15, 51, 95, 96, 105, 132, 233, 266}
{KA: K11, K126, K129, K172, n18}gives and withholds, {TOB: 266}
{TOB: 139, 227, 259}
God of strength, {SFWAB: 75}
'He doeth whatsoever He willeth', {KA: K47, K131}
'He shall not be asked of His doings', {KA: K161-K162, 163}
holds destiny of all, {TOB: 155}
Sovereignty of,{GL: 35, 42, 45, 61, 64, 73, 87, 166, 184, 235, 261, 295, 324}
{PM: 56, 58, 74, 90, 130, 211, 252, 295, 306}
{TOB: 83, 109, 114, 144, 207, 216, 266}
{SFWAB: 9, 93, 94-5, 176, 178, 179, 253-5}Presence of,
inadequate, {SFWAB: 105}
prayers of, see Prayers
Purpose of,{ESW: 115, 116, 117, 118, 153, 172}
{GL: 32, 33, 63, 64, 70, 71, 137, 145, 155, 157, 179, 180, 186, 236, 276, 313, 323}
{ROB1: 185, 299}
{ROB4: 409, 436}
nearness to, {SFWAB: 4, 182}
Omnipresent, {GL: 63, 186, 318, 326}
past, present and future all same to, {SFWAB: 207}
see also Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
Relationship of, with Manifestations,Retribution of, Divine,{ROB2: 79-80, 183, 375}
{ROB1: 58-9, 63-4, 114-16, 117-18, 142, 161, 175-6, 179-80}
{ROB3: 39, 227-8}
{ROB4: 129-36}
known through Manifestations,{KI: 99-100, 103-04}manifests Himself,
{PM: 71, 294, 311}
{KA: n23, n160}Oneness with Manifestations, {PM: 71}
manifestation of,{SAQ: 206-07}see also Manifestation(s) of God
in creatures is impossible, {SAQ: 202-03, 295-96}
Tested by God, {ROB3: 47}
Unity manifested by Manifestation, {GL: 21, 231}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Unity of,Will of,{ESW: 13, 37, 41, 43, 98, 113, 135-136}
{GL: 21, 59, 64, 143, 162, 167, 189-193, 231, 261, 336, 340, 344 }
{PM: 24, 28, 54, 56, 57, 80, 91, 115, 130, 149, 172, 194, 221, 222, 250, 275, 295, 329, 334}
Oneness of,{KA: 2, Q106}
{PM: 24, 28, 33, 54, 57, 80, 87, 112, 115, 130, 172, 221, 222, 250, 274, 275, 282, 295, 324, 329, 334}
{ROB1: 113-15}
{ROB4: 287, 397, 407}
{SFWAB: 58, 263}
{TOB: 43, 47, 50, 59, 105, 111, 114, 137, 143, 148, 163, 178, 212, 236, 244, 261}
and concept of the Trinity, see Terms in Holy Writings
divine system is one, {SAQ: 199}
Essence of Unity, {SAQ: 180, 221}
established by Abraham, declared by Abraham and Socrates,{SAQ: 13}Fruits of oneness, {SFWAB: 263}
{SFWAB: 55}
singleness of, {GL: 166, 190, 192, 193}
Word of,{GL: 5, 61, 65, 167, 209, 211, 318, 324, 329, 338}
{KA: K47, K81, K97, K131, K157}
{PM: 18, 54, 68, 90, 108, 163, 182, 193, 239}
{ROB3: 377}
{ROB4: 44, 324}
{TOB: 59, 67, 78, 109, 116, 142, 246, 254}
{SFWAB: 26, 51, 79}
Contentment with, {SFWAB: 26}
Obedience to Will of God, {ESW: 75, 76, 77, 78}
Reference to, in marriage verses, {KA: Q3}
Surrendering one's will to the will of God, Submission to,{GL: 336-338 }Will, Divine,
{SFWAB: 51, 79}
Statement by 'Abdu'l-Bahá on, {ROB3: 405}
{GL: 5, 61, 65, 209, 211, 217, 318, 324, 329, 338 }
known through Manifestations, {GL: 59, 167 }
Worlds of, Realms, Kingdom,{KA: K54, K55, K167, K169, n180}
{PM: 27, 42, 54, 101, 113, 191, 219, 265, 295, 296}
{ROB3: 29, 126, 130, 135, 136, 164-5, 324-5, 328, 343, 348, 374}
{ROB4: 140, 208, 212, 213, 228, 262, 317, 398, 410, 433}
{SAQ: 116-17, 124, 152-53}
{SFWAB: 234, 283, 291, 292, 293, 295}
{TOB: 91, 140-1, 161-2, 172-3, 184, 186}
At time of its revelation, {ROB4: 219}
compared to tree, {GL: 97 }
division caused by Word of, {KI: 111-12}
everlasting, {GL: 175 }
Glorification of, {ROB4: 371}
has no beginning or end, {SAQ: 152-53}
Independent of learning,{ROB1: 20, 23}Infinite meanings, {ROB1: 32-4, 57}
see also God/And Man
injunction to recite, {KA: K149, Q68}
is cause of all life, {SAQ: 163}
Manifestations reveal,{KA: n75, n143, n155, n165, n180}Outpouring of, {ROB4: 334}
{ROB1: 3, 20-22, 30-32, 36-7}
{ROB4: 46}
as revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh, Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Index, Part I)
Book of each Manifestation, {GL: 13, 21, 74, 173, 290}
known only by Manifestations, {GL: 158, 175 }
Power of,{GL: 29, 35, 76, 86, 87, 104, 141, 142, 175, 200, 270, 277, 286, 316, 325 }Progressive nature, see Religion(s)
{PM: 27, 42, 54, 101, 113, 191, 219, 265, 295, 296, 324}
{SFWAB: 20, 37, 53}
binding power of Word of, {KI: 112}
power from reciting, {GL: 295 }
Proofs of,{PM: 100, 133}Recognition of, and commandments, {KA: K3-K4, K7}
{TOB: 33, 34, 107}
existence of God, {SAQ: 5-6}
Proof of Prophethood, {ROB1: 106, 189-90}
Revelation of, {ROB4: 4}
Sheltering shade of, {SFWAB: 19, 85}
Source ofcreation, see Bahá'u'lláhSpirit and form, {ROB1: 21-2}
heat, {ROB4: 278-83}
knowledge,{GL: 5, 84, 176, 177, 199, 204, 312, 314}of unity of people, {ROB4: 194, 196}
{ROB1: 33-4, 44}
see also Qur'án, Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses, Bahá'í Faith
Misc. Topics,{GL: 151, 158, 160, 161 }
{ROB1: 57-9, 64}
{ROB3: 35, 366-7}
{ROB4: 205-6}
{SFWAB: 185}
{TOB: 187-9}
beyond this,{GL: 157, 158, 161, 329 }Concourse, Terms in Holy Writings
next, {TOB: 105, 251, 262}
contingent, {TOB: 142}
countless, innumerable,{GL: 104, 151, 152}invisible, {SFWAB: 6, 35}
{TOB: 91, 187}
Kingdom of God,{ROB1: 5, 59, 82, 121, 314}Lord of the worlds, {TOB: 44}
{SAQ: 58, 241-43}
{SFWAB: 33, 192, 204, 206, 310, 311}
{TOB: 253}
Bahá'u'lláh embodies, {TOB: 12}
earth and heaven,{TOB: 5, 76}ecstasy at recognition of, {SFWAB: 58}
earth is shadow of Kingdom of God, {SFWAB: 178}
on earth, {ROB3: 126}
entry into, {SFWAB: 18}
gates open,{SFWAB: 57}hidden from neglectful, {SFWAB: 185}
{TOB: 11}
is real world, {SFWAB: 178}
Kingdom of Bahá, {SFWAB: 57}
Kingdom of Splendours, {SFWAB: 53}
monks can inherit, {TOB: 14}
service to, see Service
see also Concourse, Heaven, Paradise
material,{SFWAB: 106, 177-8}of being, {TOB: 69, 142, 173, 195, 221}
made new, {SFWAB: 52}
of eternity, {TOB: 182}
of existence, see Creation
of glory, {TOB: 112, 137, 181, 219}
of the spirit, {TOB: 64}
on high, {TOB: 108}
Paradise, see Ridván
Pavilion of Glory, {SFWAB: 18}
Realm of the limitless, {SFWAB: 18}
Realms hidden from sight, {SFWAB: 8}
Spiritual Worlds of God,{KA: K79, K166, K177}tabernacle of grandeur, {TOB: 208}
{ROB1: 64, 72-5 passim}
{ROB2: 144, 285}
{ROB4: 255}
Greater and Lesser, {KA: K55, n23}
Háhút, {ROB1: 58}
Láhút, {ROB1: 58}
Jabarút, {ROB1: 58}
Malakút, {ROB1: 59}
see also World/Nasút, Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Súriy-i-Vafá
see also Abhá; Creation; Dreams; Heaven, Immortality
acts of, {KA: K11, n18}
all illumined by, {TOB: 263}
all things are of, {TOB: 53, 110, 222}
and 'Return', see Terms in Holy Writings
appeared as pillar of fire, {SAQ: 85}
atoms vibrate at mention of, {TOB: 5}
banquet of, {SFWAB: 9, 57, 78, 186, 195, 255}
blessings of, {SFWAB: 3, 205}
breaths of, {SFWAB: 183}
breezes of,{SFWAB: 19}call of, {PM: 33, 47, 62, 113, 189}
{TOB: 137, 177, 215}
City of, Terms in Holy Writings
countenance of, {TOB: 253, 254, 261}
court of, {TOB: 266}
Covenant of, see Covenant
Creator has always had a creation,{SAQ: 281}Day of, see Terms in Holy Writings
see also Creation
emanation from, {SAQ: 202-07, 294-96}
Faith of, changeless, {KA: 1, K182}
future, knowledge of, does not cause its occurrence, {SAQ: 138-39}
gardens of, see Gardens
"God was alone," {GL: 150, 151, 192}
hem of, {SFWAB: 9-10}
hosts of, {TOB: 77, 108, 256}
'I am Best-Beloved', {TOB: 173}
Nature of, {ROB4: 40-1, 43-5, 128-36, 266-8}
Nature ruled by, see Nature
No 'time' in sight of, see Time
'Partners with God',{ESW: 3, 82-83, 98, 101, 132}Plan of, {ROB3: 129, 137, 312, 315}
{GL: 12, 36, 69, 100, 151, 166, 187, 191, 192, 193, 197, 273, 281}
partners of, {TOB: 185, 207, 212, 214, 215}
Pledges Himself, {ROB1: 272-3}
Progressive Revelation of, see Religion(s)
Recognition of, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
Revelation of,{ROB4: 17}Right of see Huqúq'u'lláh
Revelation of see Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
School of,{KA: K176-K177, n185}Signs of, {ESW: 116, 132, 145, 151, 172, 173}
{ROB3: 306-7}
song of, will stir world, {SFWAB: 93}
speaks truth, {TOB: 147}
Spirit of,{ROB3: 37, 43} {SAQ: 109, 241}station of, {TOB: 140}
{TOB: 248}
sun as metaphor for, see Terms in Holy Writings
tears of, {TOB: 59}
trust in, {SFWAB: 51}
verses of, {TOB: 147}
wine of, {TOB: 110, 116}
see also Covenant, Terms in Holy Writings, Manifestation(s) of God, Súratu'lláh, ManGolden Gate International Exposition, {GPB: 343}
Golden Rule,{ROB4: 196}Government(s),
restated, {KA: K148, 159}
Governor(s),{ROB4: 159, 162, 191, 214, 235-6, 267-8, 346}
{SFWAB: 92, 283, 284}
{TOB: 125, 126, 127}
'Abdu'l-Bahá,political conferences not attended by, {SFWAB: 295-6}advancement of, {GL: 94-95, 216}
well-wisher of all governments, {SFWAB: 294}
Bahá'ís intercede with, {ROB4: 346}
British, {ROB4: 263}
Communism; Left, Movement of, {SFWAB: 250}
Constitutional, {ROB4: 341}
God beseeched to aid, {TOB: 29, 39, 65, 127}
International Tribunal, Supreme Tribunal,{GPB: 305}just, {TOB: 87, 93}
{SFWAB: 249, 306-7}
{TOB: 165}
kingship plus republic (i.e. constitutional monarchy), see To The Kings and Rulers
loyalty to,{SFWAB: 293-4, 319}obedience to,
{TOB: 22-3, 221}
{ESW: 23, 25, 54, 69, 71, 89, 97, 122, 124, 137}of Persia, see Persia
{GL: 207, 229, 240, 241}
{GPB: 214, 219, 328}
{KA: 14, K95, 161}
Parliament(s),{ROB3: 124-5}presidential system, see America
enjoined to adopt universal language and script, {KA: 15, K189, 162, n193}
Republican, {ROB3: 157}
should enforce laws of God, {TOB: 29, 90}
should uphold religion, {TOB: 63, 130}
systems of, political systems,{ROB3: 124, 126, 129, 156-8, 309, 311, 314-15, 319-20}see also Institutions
{ROB4: 138, 304}
Politics,{SFWAB: 92, 247, 301, 319}
Movement of the Left, {SFWAB: 250}
political unity, {SFWAB: 32}
Grand Vizir,'Abdu'r-Rahmán Páshá, {ROB3: 410-12}
Asa'd Effendi, {ROB3: 413-14}
Ibráhím Páshá, {ROB3: 414}
Mustafá Díyá Páshá, {ROB3: 414}
of Adrianople, see Adrianople
of 'Akká (Mutasarrif), see 'Akká
of Baghdád, see Baghdád
of Khurásán, see Khurásán
of Tihrán, see Tihrán
of Yazd, see Yazd
Sálih Páshá, {ROB3: 251}
interrogates Bahá'u'lláh after release from Síyáh-Chál, {GPB: 105}Graves,
supports opposition, {GPB: 141}
{ROB4: 164-5}Greece, Greek,
visiting, {TOB: 27-8}
{ROB1: 214}Green Island, {TOB: 37, 122}
{ROB4: 33, 42, 46}
{SFWAB: 55}
{TOB: 149-50}
see also Manifestation(s) of God
Grief, Sorrow, {ROB3: 358}
Gulistán, Treaty of, {ROB4: 433}
Gurgin Khán; successor to Manúchihr Khán,{DBNN: 213}Habíb Mu'ayyad, Dr.,
his communication to Muhammad Sháh, {DBNN: 214, 215}
{ROB2: 45}Habíb-i-Marághih'í, Mírzá, {ROB2: 65}
{ROB4: 170}
and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 31}
Hadhramaut, {ROB4: 426}
Hádí, {DBNN: 572}
Hádí Sabzivárí, Hájí Mullá; sage of Sabzivár, {TOB: 61}
Hádí, Mírzá, {ROB4: 16, 73}
Hádí, Mírzá, of Isfahán, {ROB2: 202-4}
Hádí, Mírzá; brother of Prince Mírzá Muhammad 'Alí, {DBNN: 159, 161, 461}
Hadiqatu'r-Rahmán, {ROB4: 328}
Hádíy-i-Sabzavárí, Hájí Mullá, philosophy of, {ROB4: 221}
Hádíy-i-Shírází, Áqá Mírzá ('Abdu'l-Ahad),{ROB2: 298}Hagar, {SAQ: 13}
{ROB3: 54, 179}
Haifa,Hájibu'd-Dawlih, {ROB4: 64}{ROB1: 29, 41, 131, 201n., 288}
{ROB2: 411}
{ROB3: 6n., 11 and n., 28, 30, 54, 183-4, 202, 386, 389, 418, 431}
{ROB4: 70n., 171, 332-3, 337, 347, 351}
'Abdu'l-Bahá in,Ascension of,Bahá'u'lláh at Mount Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil{GPB: 309-320}
{KA: n139}
{ROB4: 233}
burial on Mt. Carmel, see Lawh-i-Karmil/Mt. Carmel
dreams of His passing, {GPB: 310}
House of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
last day of His earthly life, {GPB: 311}
memorial feast for, {GPB: 313}
messages of consolation at His passing,{GPB: 311}speaks to gardener of His passing, {GPB: 310}
Winston Churchill telegraphs England's sympathy, {GPB: 312}
Tablet of Visitation,{ROB3: 407}see also Bahá'í Faith/Holy Days
{SFWAB: 319}
Electric lights at, {GPB: 346}
Shrine of the Báb, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
Templers, Templars,{GPB: 346}
anticipated "coming of the Lord," {GPB: 277}
German Christian colony of, {ROB3: 28, 31}
'Der Herr ist Nahe', {ROB3: 28}
come to Holy Land, {ROB4: 70, 351-2}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Hakím, Lutfu'lláh, Dr, {ROB3: 268}
Halabí-Sáz, Hájí Mírzá Áqáy-i-, of Yazd,{ROB2: 358}Hamadán,
{ROB3: 194-6}
{ROB3: 268}Hámid, Mullá, of Sulaymáníyyih, {ROB1: 62}
{ROB4: 12, 259}
Hands of the Cause of God, "Learned Ones in Bahá",{KA: n67, n183}Happiness,
{ROB1: 36, 241 and n.}
{ROB2: 402}
{ROB3: 85, 86, 91, 200n., 257n., 259, 373}
{ROB4: illus. 279-82, 292; ch. 19}
{TOB: 83 and n.}
Appointed by Bahá'u'lláh,Appointed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá,{GPB: 195}
{ROB4: ch. 20}
Áqá Siyyid Áqá (eldest son of Áqá Mírzá Áqá, Núru'd-Dín),
{ROB4: 284, 330-32}Hájí Mírzá Hasan-i-Adíb (Adíb, Adíbu'l-'Ulamá),
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{ROB4: illus. 282, 292; 277-8, 312-14}Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqí (Ibn-i-Abhar),
Adíbu'l-'Ulamá (Literary man of the Ulama), {ROB4: 311}
{ROB4: illus. 280, 309; 26, 123-4, 277, 289, 290, 338}Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar-i-Sháhmírzádí (Hájí Ákhúnd),
'Abdu'l-Bahá, Tablets to, {ROB4: 26-7, 307, 310}
letters of, {ROB4: 307-10}
life of, {ROB4: 304-12}
marries Munírih Khánum, daughter of Hand of the Cause, Hájí Ákhúnd, see Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar-i-Sháhmírzádí
persecution of, {ROB4: 305-10}
residence of, in Tihrán, {ROB4: 306}
travels around Persia, {ROB4: 306-12}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{ROB2: 402}Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Khurásání (Ibn-i-Asdaq),
{ROB3: 85-6, 200, 425-7}
{ROB4: illus. 279, 292, 381; 14, 185, 255, 275, 277}
{TOB: 83 and n.}
'Abdu'l-Bahá describes, {ROB4: 294-5, 296, 298-9, 300-301}
and Násiri'd-Dín Sháh, {ROB4: 380}
Fátimih Khánum, wife of, {ROB4: 297, 312}
imprisonment of, {ROB4: 297-9, 306, 337, 338, 348, 380, 436}
life of, {ROB4: 294-301}
meets with,Bábís, {ROB4: 295}Munírih Khánum, daughter of, marries Hand of the Cause, Ibn-i-Abhar {ROB4: 311-12}
Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 300}
persecution of, {ROB4: 296-7}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{ROB3: 257n., 266-7}
{ROB4: illus. 281, 292; 277-8, 286}
Bahá'u'lláh,addressed him as "Shahíd-ibn-i-Shahíd" (martyr, son of the martyr), {ROB4: 303}Covenant, writings on, {ROB4: 304}
son of Hand of the Cause, Ismu'lláhu'l-Asdaq,meets with, {ROB4: 301}{ROB3: 266}
see Lawh-i-Ahbáb
reveals prayer for, see Prayer(s)
life of, {ROB4: 301-4}
teaching tours of, {ROB4: 302-4}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Appointed by Shoghi Effendi,in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Will, {GPB: 328}
Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Varqá, Apostle of Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB1: 41 and n., 331}Mullá Áqá Muhammad-i-Qá'iní (Nabíl-i-Akbar), see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat
{ROB4: illus. 61, 62; 17, ch. 4, 266, 268, 269, 286}
Bahá'u'lláh and, {ROB4: 53-64}
Rúhu'lláh, son of,{ROB4: illus. 62; 55-6, 58-64}see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Bihjatu's-Sudúr, Valíyy'u'lláh Varqá
Bahá'u'lláh meets, {ROB4: 58-64}
refuses to recant, {GPB: 296}
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih, Bahá'í Faith
Mullá Muhammad-Sádiq-i-Khurásání (Mullá Sádiq, Muqaddas, Ismu'lláhu'l-Asdaq), see Lawh-i-Ahbáb
Shaykh-Ridáy-i-Yazdí, (Mullá Muhammad-i-Ridáy-i-Muhammad-Ábádí),{ROB1: 84-91}
{ROB3: 192, 194}
{ROB4: 286, 379}
Misc. Topics,{KA: n183}
{ROB3: 86, 91}
{ROB4: 59, 230-1, 276, 285-6}
Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum
Amelia Collins
Dhikru'lláh Khadem, {ROB4: 54}
George Townshend, Canon of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and Archdeacon of Clonfert,{ROB4: 230-2}Hájí Mullá Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikání (Ardakání, Abu'l-Hasan-i-Amín, Hájí Amín, Amín-i-Ilahí, Trustee of Huqúq'u'lláh, Apostle of Bahá'u'lláh),
poem to 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 231-2}
quoted, {ROB1: 214-16}
{ROB3: 57, 73, 74-5, 76-86, 91, 178}Dr John Ebenezer Esslemont,
{ROB4: 16n., 185, 252, 255, 256, 258, 278, 284, 298, 299, 306, 337 and n., 338, 348, 396, 398, 436}
{TOB: 73, 83 and n.}
soup of Hájí Amín, {ROB3: 84}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{SFWAB: 96}Martha Root, Leading Ambassadress of Bahá'í Faith,
author of Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era, {GPB: 383, 387, 390, 394}
translation and distribution of his book, {GPB: 382}
{GPB: 344, 386-388}Mírzá Tarázu'lláh-i-Samandarí,
historic journeys of, {GPB: 308}
letters to Pres. Von Hindenburg, {GPB: 345}
Prince Paul interviews, see Yugoslavia
Princess Olga pays her tribute, see Yugoslavia
title of, {GPB: 386}
visits Queen Marie, see Rumania
work of, {GPB: 386-389}
{ROB1: 36-7}Siyyid Mustafáy-i-Rúmí, {ROB4: illus. 180; 181-3}
{ROB3: 91}
Valíyy'u'lláh Varqá, Trustee of the Huqúq'u'lláh, son of Hand of the Cause Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Varqá,{ROB4: 54, 59, 448}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad-i-Varqá
see also Learned Ones in Bahá'Abdu'l-Bahá,Statements on, {ROB4: 49, 278, 285-6, 287, 288, 290}administrative seat of, {ROB4: 366}
Tablets to,{ROB4: 285, 315}
Ibn-i-Abhar, see Muhammad-Taqí, Hájí Mírzá
and Bahá'í Community, {ROB4: 278}
and covenant-breakers, {ROB4: 300}
and Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
and Universal House of Justice, {ROB4: 276, 288-9}
appointment of, {ROB4: 182, 285, 294-314, 315-28, 337n., 423}
development of institution of, {ROB4: 276-7}
establish first elected assembly in Tihrán, see Bahá'í Faith
function of, {ROB4: 278-83, 287-9}
in Persia, {ROB4: 122, 257-8}
Justice of, {ROB4: 285}
lives of, {ROB4: 294-314}
prayers for, see Prayer(s)
role of, {ROB4: 274-93}
service of, {ROB4: 277-8, 300}
Tablets to, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
teachers of the Cause, {ROB4: 257-8, 319}
the 'learned', {ROB4: 37-8}
urged toconsult, {ROB4: 289-90}
to move about and deepen Bahá'ís, {ROB4: 300}
Hardegg, Georg David, Revd, {ROB3: 28-30}
Harmony, {TOB: 68, 72, 73, 164}
Harris, Hooper, {ROB4: 310}
Hasan 'Amú, Mullá, {SAQ: 29-30}
Hasan, 'Aka, Siyyid, of Yazd; brother of Siyyid Husayn-i-Yazdí, {DBNN: 227, 245, 257}
Hasan, Mírzá (brother of Varqá), {ROB4: 51, 53}
Hasan-i-'Ammú, Hájí Mullá, {ROB1: 144-5}
Hasan-i-Safá, Hájí Mírzá,{ROB2: 56-8, 398}Hasan-i-Vazír, Mírzá, {ROB3: 426}
{ROB4: 434}
Hasan-i-Zunúzí, Shaykh,{DBNN: 25, 30, 212, 245, 307, 593}Háshim Khán, {ROB2: 33-4}
{ROB1: 205, 207-8}
{ROB2: 212 and n., 333}
{ROB3: 196}
Haydar-Alíy-i-Ardistání, Mírzá, {ROB3: 101}
Hawaiian Islands,Honolulu, {GPB: 303, 343}Health see Body, Illness
Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 336}
Hearst, Mrs. Phoebe, {GPB: 257}
describes her visit with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 258}Helen (mother of Constantine), {SFWAB: 311}
Hermes, {TOB: 148 and n.}
Hermits, {TOB: 71}
Híjáz,{KI: 19}Hindus,
{PM: 50}
{KA: n160}Hisamu's-Saltanih, {ROB4: 439}
{ROB4: 184, 267}
become Bahá'ís, {GPB: 302}
Brahma, {SAQ: 100}
contribute to the Temple, {GPB: 350}
History,{ROB3: 29, 80, 104, 130, 152, 192, 239ff.}Holy Family, see Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB4: 46-7, 66, 108}
Each century has central theme, {SFWAB: 114}
Jewish histories, {SFWAB: 55}
Honesty,{ESW: 23, 124}Honor, {GL: 202, 235, 305, 306}
{GL: 297-299}
{TOB: 57, 78}
Hope,{SFWAB: 23}Hosea, {ROB3: 16}
{TOB: 112}
House,of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád, see BaghdádHumiliation, {GL: 305}
of Justice, see Bahá'í Faith
of The Báb, see Shíráz
of Worship, see Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Humility,Humour,{ROB4: 243-5}Husayn 'Alíy-i-Isfahání, Mírzá, {ROB3: 428-30}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
Husayn Khán, {GPB: 11, 13}
Husayn Khán-i-Írvání, Ájúdán Báshí,{DBNN: 145, 146}Husayn, Mírzá (brother of Varqá), {ROB4: 50-3}
Báb's meeting with, {DBNN: 151, 195, 196}
Husayn, Mírzá (relative of Sulaymán Khán), {ROB4: 181}
Husayn-i-Áshchí, cook,{ROB2: 169, 404}Husayn-i-Káshání, Áqá Siyyid, {ROB2: 59}
{ROB3: 13, 18, 56, 235, 410}
{ROB4: 244-5}
memoirs of, {ROB3: 18, 25, 69-72, 206-7, 209, 410-12}
Husayn-i-Milání, {ROB3: 424}
Husayn-i-Naráqí, Áqá, {ROB2: 59}
Husayn-i-Rúhí Effendi, {ROB3: 437}
Husayn-i-Shírází, {ROB4: 25}
Husayn-i-Zanjání, Mírzá, quoted, {ROB1: 89-91}
Hypocrisy,{ROB3: 355-6}Ibn-i-Fárid, poet,
{KA: K36, 161}
{TOB: 57, 102}
words versus deeds, {TOB: 61}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
{ROB4: 433}Ibn-i-Súríyá, {KI: 84-86}
Qasídiy-i-Tá'íyyih, poem of,{ROB1: 62}
{ROB4: 389}
Ibn-Nawfal, Varaqat-, {SAQ: 44}
Ibnu'l-'Arabi, Shaykh, author of Futúhát-i-Makkíyyih, {ROB3: 16}
Ibráhím, Mírzá, {ROB4: 73-4}
Ibráhím, Siyyid, {ROB1: 250}
Ibráhím-i-Abharí, Mírzá, {ROB4: 305}
Ibráhím-i-Káshání, Mírzá Siyyid (Khalíl){ROB3: 54-5, 386}Idleness,
{ROB4: 439-40}
{ROB4: 162-4}Idols, gods, {TOB: 86, 146}
{TOB: 138}
prohibited, {KA: 14, K33, 158, n56}
see also Work
Idrís, {TOB: 148 n.}
Ignorant, Ignorance,{KA: K62, K122-K123, K144, K159}Illness, Sickness,
{SAQ: 137}
{TOB: 53, 150, 170, 258}
symbolized by darkness, {SAQ: 84}
'Imádu'd-Dín Abu'l-Fidá, {TOB: 144 n.}{SAQ: 257-59}
consult physician, {KA: K113, 161}
Healing,cures without medicines in, {SAQ: 254-56}diseases
spiritual, {SAQ: 255-56}
Through diet, Nutrition, Food,{SAQ: 257-59}see also Prayers/Healing
{SFWAB: 152-6}
are contagious, {SAQ: 214, 254}exemptions during
causes of, {SAQ: 257}
disequilibrium of elements causes, {SFWAB: 153-6}
hard to bear, {SFWAB: 151}
Medicine, Medical Treatments For, Medical Remedies,{SAQ: 94, 158-59}prayers help, {SFWAB: 161-2}
{SFWAB: 152}
sin can cause, {SFWAB: 152-3}
Spiritual Illness, Psychology, {SFWAB: 152}
fasting, see Fastingterror may cause sickness, {SAQ: 255}
Obligatory Prayer, see Prayer(s)
see also Physicians
Imagination, {SAQ: 210-11, 251-53}
Imám-Zádih Ma'súm, Shrine of, {ROB3: 424-5}
Imám-Zádih Zayd, Shrine of, {ROB3: 427}
Immature, {TOB: 80}
Immorality,{KA: n134}Imperfections,
see also Adultery, Chastity, Homosexual relations, Sexual acts
are torments, {SAQ: 265}Imposture, {TOB: 57}
blameworthy, {SAQ: 130-31}
equivalent of death, {SAQ: 120}
when reach perfection, become eternal, {SAQ: 152}
see also Perfection
Illiteracy, {GL: 312}
Ímán, Hájí, {ROB2: 224, 225}
Impostor, {GL: 346}
Income see House(s) of Justice, Huqúq'u'lláh
Index, of Bahá'í Holy Writings, {ROB3: 139}
India,Inevitable, {TOB: 117}{KA: K36, n61}
{ROB3: 138}
{ROB4: 177-86, 189, 304, 310, 314, 330, 385, 418, 423}
{SFWAB: 235}
Bahá'í activity in, {GPB: 302}
Bahá'ís of, {ROB4: 177-81}
conferences in, {GPB: 343}
Hazíratu'l-Quds in, {GPB: 338}
Indians, {ROB4: 178}
Punch, {ROB4: 183}
National Assembly in, {GPB: 333, 336}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Afnáns, Hindus, Bombay, Madras, Punjab
Infallibility,Innocent III, Pope, {ROB3: 118}{KA: 14}
{ROB4: 143, 145, 149-53}
Ishráqát on, {ROB4: 149-50}
Logic, fallibility of, {SAQ: 297-98}
many meanings of, {TOB: 108}
Most Great Infallibility, 'Ismat-i-Kubrá,{ROB1: 133}of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 149}
{ROB2: 262}
{ROB3: 300}
{TOB: 105, 106, 108-9, 116, 123}
doctrine of, {GPB: 214, 219}
of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 149-50}
of God, {TOB: 110}
of Manifestation of God,{ESW: 67}of Word of God, {KA: K148, K183}
{KA: K47, n75}
{ROB3: 300}
{TOB: 108-9}
shields Bahá'í Faith, {TOB: 105}
of Shoghi Effendi, {ROB4: 149}
of Universal House of Justice,{ROB4: 149, 325}two kinds of, {SAQ: 171-74}
{SAQ: 172, 172n, 173}
as Centre of Covenant, see Covenant
can enact new laws, {ROB4: 216}
divinely guided, authority conferred by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: 3}
see also Interpretation of Sacred Text
Insight, {GL: 36, 144, 267-269, 298, 331}
Institutions,{ROB3: 49, 124-5, 157-9, 162, 166, 319-20}Instruction, {ROB3: 326-7}
{ROB4: 193-4}
see also Bahá'í Faith, Governments
Intercession,{GL: 315}Interpretation,
{ROB4: 346}
{SAQ: 231}
Life after Death, spiritual progress through prayers, intercession, charity of others in, {SAQ: 231, 240}
Intestacy, {ROB3: 330}{ROB3: 121-2, 374-6}
'Abdu'l-Bahá,by, see 'Abdu'l-BaháHoly Books (of former religions), see Manifestation(s) of God, Kitáb-i-Íqán
Ishráqát, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Ishráqát
of Hidden Words, see Hidden Words
of Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
of Sacred Text,{KA: K105, K167-K168, n180}see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil, Tafsír-i-Hurúfát-i-Muqatta'ih
authoritative, {KA: 3, 10, 13, 145, n130, n184}
individual, forbidden, {KA: 5, K37, K105, 157, n130}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Guardianship
'Iráq,Isaac, {SAQ: 213}{GL: 37, 118, 124, 131, 132, 228, 229, 230, 240, 339}
{KA: K37, n63}
{PM: 52, 331}
{ROB2: 66, 67, 138, 258, 274, 303, 336}
{ROB3: 265}
{ROB4: 6, 421}
{TOB: 131, 240}
attacks on institutions in, {GPB: 356, 357}
Báb's family in, {ROB1: 154-7}
Bábís in, {ROB1: 53-5 , 61, 67-70, 144, 195, 202, 206-10, 225-6, 248, 258-62 passim}
Bahá'í centers in, {GPB: 195, 303}
Bahá'u'lláh's exile to and sojourn in,{ROB1: 13, 16, 51, 53-5, 67-70, 146-7, 211, 228-9, 243-4, 246, 248, 253-4}Hazíratu'l-Quds in, {GPB: 338}
dissemination of Writings from, {ROB1: 28, 110}
see also Baghdád, Karbilá, Kurdistán
messages to the king of, {GPB: 344}
Muslim Shrines in, see Muslim(s)
National Assembly in, {GPB: 333}
see also Mosul, Najaf, Tigris
Isfahán,Ishmael,{DBNN: 671}
{KA: n179}
{ROB1: 26, 28, 249n., 287}
{ROB2: 340}
{ROB3: 27, 254, 304, 391-2, 434-5}
{ROB4: 58, 100, 119, 174, 175, 263-5, 266, 314, 343, 345}
The Báb, in,{DBNN: 199}Christians of, {ROB3: 27}
{GPB: 14}
{ROB1: 102}
{ROB4: 74, 75}
governor of Isfahán, honors the Báb, {GPB: 15, 16}
influence of the Báb on the people of, {GPB: 15}
martyrdoms of King and Beloved of Martyrs at, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
prison at, {ROB4: 55}
upheavals at, {ROB4: 368}
visit of Mullá Husayn to, {DBNN: 97}
{ESW: 101}'Ishqábád, Ashkabad, Ashkhabad,
{SAQ: 13, 213}
{TOB: 215 and n.}
Sacrifice of, {GL: 75}
Islám,{ESW: 78}
{KA: n124}
{ROB1: 95, 199, 200}
{ROB2: 107, 226}
{ROB3: 303-4}
{ROB4: 30, 343, 388, 423}
Bahá'ís of,{GPB: 195}Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in, first,
{ROB1: 199}
persecution, upheavals in,{GPB: 202}
{ROB4: 343-6}
{GPB: 195, 268, 296, 300, 307, 314}Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 301}
{ROB4: 120-3, 423}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, on, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
A'zam, owner of land in, {ROB4: 120, 122}
Bahá'u'lláh orders land to be purchased in, see Bahá'u'lláh
description of, {GPB: 300, 301}
seized, {GPB: 360-1}
Shoghi Effendi describes importance of, see Shoghi Effendi
Ustád 'Alí-Akbar in, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
two schools for boys and girls in, {GPB: 301}
Ismá'íl, Mírzá (brother of King and Beloved of Martyrs), {ROB4: 76}{ESW: 100}
{KA: 5, n113, n120, n128, n129, n138, n160, n180}
{ROB1: 23, 30, 43, 116, 126-8, 214-6, 333 and n.}
{ROB2: 107, 288}
{ROB3: 42, 46, 103n., 152-4, 166-7, 168, 262n., 270n., 380}
{ROB4: 43, 88, 91n., 151-2, 184}
{TOB: 163}
abrogation of laws of, {ROB4: 184}
administration of, {ROB4: 365}
and Bábí Faith, see Báb, The
and Christian Faith,converts to Christianity from Islám, {ROB4: 264n.}and cursing, {ROB4: 93}
enmity between Christianity and, {SAQ: 22}
call to, {GL: 101}
decline of,and Súfism, {ROB2: 27}dissimulation allowed in, see Dissimulation
rise and fall of, {SAQ: 48-54}
divisions within, {ROB1: 128}
downfall of, {ROB4: 98}
former Faith, {TOB: 96, 124}
Hadíth, Tradition(s),{KA: n23, n33, n72, n129}Imáms, see Clergy
{ROB1: 32n., 34, 46, 48n., 59, 63, 83n., 117, 119n., 130, 152, 162, 180, 193-4, 216, 266-7, 294n.}
{ROB3: 93 and n.}
{ROB4: 39-40, 66-7, 138, 210n., 213, 387, 436}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's Interpretation of a, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
about 'Akká, see 'Akká
about The Qá'im, see Báb, The/Qá'im
by Imáms, see Clergy
Jábir, tradition of, {KI: 245}
practices and traditions, {KA: n19, n23, n33, n65, n72, n79, n85, n90, n103, n111, n174, n175}
Shí'ah,{ROB3: 93 and n.}Sirát, see Sirát('road')
Káfí, {KI: 245, 246}
Yanbú', {KI: 243}
spurious traditions, {SAQ: 22}
Islamic Writings, {KA: n113}
knowledge of Islámic subjects, {ROB4: 374}
laws of,{KA: n6, n15, n18, n89, n101, n161}misconceptions about, {ROB2: 21-3}
{ROB1: 19, 26, 57}
{ROB3: 209, 277-8}
abolished by the Báb, {GPB: 59}
Sharí'ah, {ROB3: 154}
negation stands above affirmation in, {ROB4: 172}
overcome by Umayyads, {SAQ: 51-53, 69-70}
prayer of, see Prayer(s)
sects of,{TOB: 60}trials of early days of, {KI: 217-18}
Druze,{GPB: 222}Nusayris, {SAQ: 288}
{ROB3: 72}
{ROB4: 418}
{SAQ: 287}
Shaykhís,{ROB1: 169n., 221, 222, 247, 332, 333}Shí'ah, Shí'ih,
{ROB2: 202}
{ROB3: 253, 254}
{ROB4: 295, 439}
{GL: 69}Súfís,
{KA: n109, n160, n178}
{ROB1: 46, 71, 116, 128 and n., 193-4, 222n., 304}
{ROB3: 14, 38, 97-8, 260, 264, 301n., 302n., 355n.}
{ROB4: 175-6, 184, 209, 322, 341, 344, 418}
{TOB: 79, 92}
clergy, see Clergy
condition of {GL: 69}
orthodoxy undermined, {ROB4: 166}
Pillars, of,{ROB1: 33, and n.}practices, {KA: n85, n90, n103, n175}
Rukn-i-Rábi' (Fourth Pillar), {ROB1: 333}
traditions, see Traditions
see also Báb, The{ROB1: 96 and n.}Sunní,
{ROB2: 24-8, 57, 108, 109, 211, 296, 433n.}
{SAQ: 290-96}
al-Ghazzálí, {SVFV: xii}
Baktásh, Súfí order, {ROB2: 24}
Farídu'd-Dín-i-'Attár,{ROB1: 96}Jalálu'd-Dín Rúmí, {SVFV: xii}
{SVFV: xii}
Mawlavís,{ROB2: 296-7, 433 and n.}Mystics,
{ROB4: 438}
{GL: 317}
{ROB4: 215, 294}
{TOB: 60}
{ROB1: 128, 193}
{ROB3: 98, 152, 264}
{ROB4: 184, 418}
clergy, see Clergy
see also Báb, The
women in, {ROB4: 200, 201-2}
see Manifestation(s) of God, Qur'án, Muslim(s), Prophecies
Ismá'íl, Shaykh, of Sulaymáníyyih, {ROB1: 61}
Ismá'íl, Siyyid, of Zavárih (Dhabíh),{DBNN: 168}Ismá'íl, Ustád, {ROB3: 55-6, 58}
{ROB1: 101-3, 205}
{ROB2: 112, 415}
{ROB4: 386, 435}
the 'King and Beloved of Martyrs', {ROB1: 103}
Ismá'íl-i-Azghandí, Hájí Siyyid, {ROB1: 111-12}
Ismá'ílís, {ROB4: 183, 184}
Ismá'íl-i-Vazír, Mírzá, {ROB1: 15}
Israel, Holy Land, 'Land of Desire', Palestine (Seir),Italy,{GL: 13, 14, 20, 117, 173, 199, 211, 344}
{KA: K103, n114, n116, n183}
{ROB3: }
{ROB3: 1, 15-6, 29, 31, 56, 152, 154, 164, 172, 214-15, 217, 223, 447-8}
{ROB4: 9, 25, 115, 254-5, 304, 359, 394, 408, 418, 421}
{SFWAB: 96, 171, 220}
agitation in, {ROB4: 146}
Children of, {ROB4: 47, 211, 268}
Civilization of, {SAQ: 14}
Faith attacked in, {GPB: 355, 356}
four faiths in Palestine, {GPB: 375}
Jews will assemble in, {SAQ: 65-66}
Israelites, {SAQ: 14, 16}
liberated from Turkish yoke, {GPB: 304, 306}
pilgrims arriving in, without permission, {ROB4: 83-4, 86-7}
prestige of Faith in, {ROB4: 239-41}
prophecies about,{GPB: 183, 184}Prophets of, see Manifestation(s) of God
fulfilled, {SFWAB: 235}
reason for chastisement of, 18-19, 137-38, 139
Templers come to, see Haifa
to many religions, {GPB: 183}
see also 'Akká, Galilee, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Jew(s)
{ROB3: 118}Jacob,
King of, see Victor Emmanuel I
see also Rome, Vatican
{KA: n1}Jaddih (Jidda), {ROB4: 25, 446}
{ROB4: 389}
{SAQ: 13, 168-69}
Jáf, tribe of, {ROB3: 64}
Ja'far, Mírzá, {ROB4: 1n.}
Ja'far, Mullá, of Naráq, {ROB1: 56}
Ja'far Gandum-Pák-Kun, Mullá Muhammad (the Sifter of Wheat),{DBNN: 99, 421}Ja'far-i-Kirmání, Mullá, {ROB4: 399}
{ESW: 19}
{KA: K166, 164, n179}
{ROB4: 433}
Ja'far-i-Tabrízí, Hájí,{ROB2: 406-7, 415}Ja'far-i-Yazdí, Mírzá,
{ROB3: 36n.}
{ROB1: 289-91, 331}Ja'far-i-Yazdí, Siyyid, {ROB1: 137-42, 331}
{ROB4: 244-6}
Ja'far-Qulí Khán-i-Námdár, {DBNN: 254, 279, 391, 394}
Jamálu'd-Din-i-Afghání, Siyyid (founder of Pan-Islámic movement),{ROB4: 341, 401-2}Jamshíd-i-Gurjí, {ROB2: 328, 409}
{TOB: 94-5}
Jání, Hájí Mírzá, of Káshán, Hájí Mírzá Jáníy-i-Káshání, Parpá,{DBNN: 217, 368, 436}Japan,
{ROB2: 110 and n., 137}
The Báb's three days at the home of, in Káshán, {DBNN: 219}
{GPB: 286, 303, 388}Java, {ROB4: 183}
{SFWAB: 101}
Javád-i-Kirmaní, Hájí, Siyyid, {DBNN: 180, 593}
Javáhirí, Mr, {ROB4: illus. 292; 291}
Javán-Mard, Ustád (Shír-Mard), {ROB3: 272}
Jealousy, Covetousness, Envy,{GL: 169, 323}Jessup, Dr. Henry H., makes public mention of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 256}
{ROB3: 358}
{SFWAB: 163}
{TOB: 71}
see also Materialism
Jew(s), Jewish Faith, Judaism, Hebrew(s),Job,{GL: 22, 23, 57, 173}
{GPB: 228, 230}
{KA: n1, n65, n111, n180}
{PM: 217}
{ROB1: 57, 107, 182, 214}
{ROB3: 15, 41, 43, 98, 155, 167-72, 242, 252, 260, 262-8, 273, 277, 375}
{ROB4: 46, 155, 254. 263, 264n., 267, 418}
and martyrs of Yazd, {ROB4: 347-8}
at time of Christ,{ROB4: 56-7, 97, 228, 325}Bahá'ís of Jewish descent, see Bahá'í(s)
condemned Jesus, {TOB: 206, 214}
opposition of, to Jesus, {KI: 18}
become Bahá'ís, {GPB: 195}
belief of, that Hand of God chained up, {KI: 136}
call to, {GL: 101}
Christ rejected by, rejection of Christ,{SAQ: 111, 117}contribute to Temple, {GPB: 350}
{SFWAB: 44-6, 173}
because turned to horizon of Moses, {SAQ: 77}
forgot Covenant, {SFWAB: 207}
deterioration of, {GPB: 230}
follow law, not reason, {SAQ: 266}
Jewish history not all-inclusive, {SFWAB: 55}
Messiah,{ROB3: 28, 31}Muhammad protected, {SAQ: 21}
Jews still expecting, {GL: 20}
mourn death of Bahá'u'lláh and of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 222, 313}
opposition of, to Muhammad, {KI: 135-38}
persecution of,{TOB: 170}return to Palestine predicted, {GPB: 305, 315}
'Abdu'l-Bahá predicts their persecution, {GPB: 282}
Sabbath, penalty for breaking, {SAQ: 96}
will assemble in Israel, see Isreal
see also Moses, Prophecies, Torah
{ROB1: 267}Jordan, Dr. David Starr, {GPB: 289, 316}
{SFWAB: 171-2}
example of detachment, {ROB1: 270-71}
New and Old Testaments, {SFWAB: 223}
story of suffering of, {ROB1: 270-71}
see also Súriy-i-Sabr
Jordan,{GL: 173}Josephus,
{TOB: 11}
Jordan River, {GPB: 242}
prophecies about, {GL: 117}
{ROB4: 265}Jowett, Prof., pays tribute to the Faith, {GPB: 316, 391}
{SFWAB: 55}
Judas Iscariot, {SFWAB: 163, 212}
Júk, {GL: 174}
Julfá, {ROB3: 27}
Justice,Kaaba (Ka'bih),{ESW: 9, 10, 11, 13, 28, 30, 32, 36, 37, 40, 53, 54, 60, 61-62, 65, 70, 79, 81-82, 84, 93, 104, 111, 120, 131, 135, 139, 148, 152, 153, 161, 174}
{GL: 81, 92, 98, 124, 128, 175, 204, 218, 219, 222, 230, 232-237, 242, 247, 250, 251, 254, 278, 285, 305, 306, 342}
{ROB2: ch. 15 passim, 340}
{ROB3: 156, 158, 184, 220, 264, 296-7, 311, 319}
{ROB4: 34, 97, 155, 173, 175, 199, 216, 222, 226, 229, 268, 350, 370, 375, 383, 389, 410}
{SAQ: 232, 266}
{SFWAB: 158, 287, 304}
{TOB: 42, 43, 57, 65, 78, 84, 120, 130, 132, 134, 157, 164-5, 166, 170, 215-16}
'Abdu'l-Bahá helps people receive, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
appearance on earth, {KA: K158}
army of, {TOB: 139}
best beloved thing, {TOB: 36-7, 43}
cord of inviolable, {TOB: 62}
Day of, {SFWAB: 179}
exhortations to observe, {KA: K26, K52, K60, K88, K134, K167, K187}
For murderers of a Bahá'í, {ROB4: 344}
God's forgiveness outweighs His, see God
House of Justice, see Bahá'í Faith
Importance of, {GPB: 218}
in Bahá'í laws, {KA: K56, K63, K70, K72, n86, n89}
Injustice,{ESW: 102, 106, 108, 169}judge fairly, {TOB: 76}
{GL: 125, 130, 204, 216, 221, 230, 250, 251, 342}
light of, {TOB: 124, 164, 170, 257}
Man's need for, {ROB4: 318}
No one can be a human being without, {ROB4: 318}
noble fruit, {TOB: 67}
Of Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
purpose of, {TOB: 67}
rulers who administer, {TOB: 139}
soiled with dust, {TOB: 137}
tormented by injustice, {TOB: 39}
traineth world, {TOB: 27, 128-9}
Upheld by reward and punishment,{KA: 91}see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Maqsúd, House(s) of Justice
{ROB4: 159}
{TOB: 27, 66, 126, 129, 164}
see also Punishment(s)
{GL: 16}Ka'b-ibn-i-Ashraf, {GL: 25}
{ROB4: 357, 358, 360, 380, 411, 433}
{TOB: 4}
Kabrí, springs of, {ROB3: 23, 25}
Kamál Páshá,{ROB2: 3, 56}Kangávar, arrival of the believers and their meeting with Mullá Husayn, {DBNN: 159}
{ROB4: 434, 437}
visits Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 159}
Karbilá,Karbilá'í 'Abdul-Bagí, death of his five sons, {DBNN: 561}
Káshán,{DBNN: 8, 101, 217, 223}Kashmir, {ROB4: 183}
{ROB1: 24, 56, 283}
{ROB2: 33, 109, 137}
{ROB3: 268, 269}
{ROB4: 247, 439}
Kasrá, {ROB3: 72}
Katurah,{GPB: 94}Kay-Khusraw-i-Khudádád, {ROB3: 269, 272}
{ROB1: 7}
Kázim Khán-i-Qarachih-Dághí, {ROB3: 188-191}
Kázim, Mullá, {ROB4: 384-6}
Kázim, Ustád, of Yazd,{ROB3: 303}Kázimayn, {ROB1: 94, 156n.}
{ROB4: 245}
Kázim-i-Rashtí, Siyyid,Kazim-i-Zanjání, Siyyid, accompanies Báb to Isfahán, {GPB: 13}
Kemball, Col. Sir Arnold Burrows
corresponds with Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 131}Kent, Duchess of, {GPB: 344, 388}
offers Bahá'u'lláh protection, {GPB: 131}
Khájih, fort of, {ROB1: 264, 265, 268}
Khálidíyyih Order, {GPB: 122, 129}
Khalíl-i-Tabrízí, Áqá, {ROB4: 266, 268}
Khán-i-Mahallátí, Áqá, {ROB4: 183}
Khartúm, {ROB4: 23, 24, 25}
Khávar, Hájí, {ROB4: 336}
Khayrulláh (Kheiralla), Dr. Ibráhím George
ambition of, {GPB: 259}Khayyát-Báshíy-í-Káshání, {ROB2: 59}
becomes Covenant-breaker, {GPB: 259, 260, 319}
receives tablet from Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 256}
teaches the Faith, {GPB: 256, 257}
titles by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 275}
Khedive, receives 'Abdu'l-Bahá in palace, {GPB: 292}
Khudábakhsh, Master, {ROB3: 273}
Khurásán, province of, 'Land of Khá',Khusraw-i-Qádí-Kalá'í; a notorious scoundrel, {DBNN: 339, 342}{DBNN: 10, 254, 267, 268, 286, 296, 671}
{KA: 15, K94, 164, n124}
{ROB2: 129, 388}
{ROB3: 27, 57, 58n., 62n., 121, 159, 177, 184, 252, 266}
{ROB4: 100, 209, 210n., 254, 294, 343}
first believers of, {DBNN: 125}
governor of,{ROB3: 266}Shahmírzád, {ROB4: 294}
Muhammad-Taqí Mírzá, Prince (The Ruknid-Dawlih), {ROB2: 131}
Khuy, {ROB4: 439}
Kinár-Gird, Fortress of, {DBNN: 225}
Kindness, Kindliness,Kingdom(s),Kirmán, 'Land of Káf and Rá',{KA: K1, K79, K83, K84}
language of, {KA: K177}
ofexistence, {ROB1: 1-3, 58}see also God/essence and attributes, God/Kingdom of, Abhá Kingdom, Revelation, Creation, Animal(s), Mineral kingdom, Vegetable kingdom
Names, see Terms in Holy Writings
{KA: 15, K164, 164, n176, n177}Kirmánsháh,
{ROB1: 92, 332, 333}
{ROB3: 384}
{ROB4: 399, 400}
{DBNN: 13, 272, 587, 671}Knoblock, Alma, {GPB: 261}
{ROB1: 226, 246-7}
{ROB4: 259}
Knowledge, Comprehension, Intelligence, Learning,Komaroff, General, {ROB4: 344}{ESW: 3, 26, 27, 32, 37, 48, 71, 80, 83, 98, 107, 111, 119, 129, 131, 140, 141, 150, 175}
{GPB: 218}
{KA: K138, n130, n194, 163, 164}
{ROB1: 20, 31, 43, 60, 126, 216-18}
{ROB2: 33, 145, 264-5}
{ROB3: 94-7, 137, 146, 163-4, 171, 325, 327, 333, 336, 434}
{ROB4: 212, 213, 236, 274-5, 342, 434}
{SAQ: 3-4, 9, 108, 137, 236}
{SFWAB: 58, 108}
{TOB: 39, 67, 68, 78, 96, 144-52, 212, 256}
acme of, {KI: 146}
acquisition of,{KA: K48, K77, n76, n110}antidote, {TOB: 256}
see also Education
armour of, {TOB: 139}
as divine bestowal, {KI: 46, 184}
as most grievous of veils, {KI: 187-88, 214}
as one point, {KI: 184}
Bahá'u'lláh's,{ROB1: 18, 20}barrier to recognition of Manifestation of God, {KA: K41, K102, K166-K168, K170, n64, n171, n182}
receives from God, {TOB: 148-9}
beginning of, {TOB: 151}
chalice of, {TOB: 34, 79}
cities of, {TOB: 115}
difference of condition is obstacle to, {SAQ: 221}
Divine,{KA: K99, K101, K176-K177, K180, n128}Esoteric knowledge, {KA: K36, 164, n60}
{TOB: 23, 43, 47, 110}
human and divine, {KI: 145-46}
everyone must acquire, {TOB: 39, 51}
fear of God is essence of, {TOB: 155}
four methods of acquiring, {SAQ: 297-99}
gift, {TOB: 39, 66}
glory lies in, {TOB: 68}
God is essence of, {TOB: 245}
greatest blessing, {TOB: 66}
Greece was Seat of, {TOB: 149}
Hidden knowledge, {KA: K29, n48}
hosts of, {TOB: 59, 76-7}
inner, {SFWAB: 122}
Invention, Discoveries,human mind has power of, {SFWAB: 194}justice gives, {TOB: 37}
of various ages, {TOB: 150}
power of, {SAQ: 144, 186}
spirit unravels secrets, {SFWAB: 169-70}
love of God essential to, {SFWAB: 181}
luminary of, in every land, {TOB: 150}
men of (learned), {TOB: 10, 62, 96-7, 138, 144, 150, 171, 172, 221, 235-6}
Mind,{KA: K122, n144, n170}not confined to words, {TOB: 62}
'First Mind', First Will, Primal Will,{ROB4: 44}has no outward existence, {SAQ: 263}
{SAQ: 203}
is power of human spirit, {SAQ: 209}
limitation of, {GL: 4, 62, 77, 151, 164, 165, 317, 318}
Rational faculty, {GL: 164, 165, 194}
Reason,fallibility of, {SAQ: 297-98}
power of, {KA: K119, n130, n144, n170}
Object of, {GL: 5, 84, 85, 177, 199, 204, 264, 291}
ocean of, {TOB: 47, 53, 106, 169, 207, 245, 252}
of believers, {GL: 70, 84, 170, 263, 267-269, 314, 331}
of God, see God
of Past, {TOB: 102, 149}
of self,{GL: 178, 186, 205, 287, 326-327}preparation for, {GL: 262, 264-269, 326}
see also Self
Prophets source of, {TOB: 144-5}
purpose, {KA: K102, 163}
robe of, rent asunder, {TOB: 137}
rose garden of, {TOB: 106}
sea of, {TOB: 34}
self-Knowledge, {TOB: 35, 72, 156}
seventy meanings of, {KI: 255}
shallow, {TOB: 75}
showers of, {TOB: 85}
Source of,{GL: 5, 84, 85, 142, 144, 157, 161, 176, 177, 199, 204, 217, 262-264, 312, 314, 331}Spiritual Assemblies are lights of, see House of Justice
{TOB: 129, 156}
standard of, {TOB: 50}
stream of, {TOB: 176}
treasure, {TOB: 52}
tree of, {TOB: 127, 174}
true knowledge,{ROB1: 43-4, 98-9, 172-3, 186, 217-18}true learning, {ESW: 83, 119, 129}
{TOB: 35, 57, 62, 105, 107, 166, 167}
trumpet blast of, {KI: 196}
twenty-seven letters of, {KI: 243-44}
two kinds of,{KI: 46, 69}Understanding,
{SAQ: 83-84, 157-59}
{GL: 132, 194}unfolded from Point, {TOB: 102}
{ROB4: 66, 212-13, 257, 274, 319}
{TOB: 41, 106, 132, 155-6, 166, 170}
and consultation, {KA: n52}
and recognition, {KA: 14, K140, Q106}
of individuals and interpretation, {KA: K167, n130, n180}
the Law(s) of God, {KA: 2}
see also Prayer(s), Bahá'í Faith, Bahá'í(s), Capacity, Man, Manifestation(s) of God, Recognition, Vision
useful, {TOB: 169}
wings to man's life, {TOB: 51}
{ESW: 15, 55, 71, 99, 104}see also Education, Thoughts
{ROB3: 115, 157, 279-80}
{ROB4: 319-23}
Divine, {KA: K45, K53, K68, K97, K182}
in laws and teachings, {KA: K29, K33, n86, n89}
related to coming maturity of mankind, {KA: n194}
required in availing oneself of exemptions, {KA: n20}
required in observing laws of God, {KA: 6}
see also Asl-i-Kullu'l-Khayr, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'í Faith, Manifestation(s) of God
Krupatkin, General, {ROB4: 122}
Kulayn, village of, {DBNN: 226}
Kumayl, tradition of, {GL: 178}
Kurd, {ROB3: 65, 75}
Kurdistán,Laddakh, {ROB4: 183}{ROB1: 25, 67, 84}
{ROB2: 2, 25}
{ROB3: 206}
{ROB4: 6}
Sar-Galú, {ROB1: 60}
Sulaymáníyyih,{ROB1: 61, 67, 96, 104, 293}
{ROB2: 25}
{ROB4: 115}
Bahá'u'lláh's retirement to,{GPB: 112, , 119-127, 120-127, 293}clergy of, {ROB1: 62}
{ROB1: 16, 40, 53, 55, 57, 60-4 passim, 248, 249}
Darvish Muhammad-i-Írání (assumed name of Bahá'u'lláh),{GPB: 120}great sorrow before His withdrawal, {GPB: 117-119}
{ROB1: 67}
magnetized by love of Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 124}
reason for, {KI: 250-51}
see also Baghdád
Lahore, {ROB4: 183}
Lamington, Lord, pays tribute to the Faith,{GPB: 317}Language(s), Tongues,
visits 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 307}
Lateran, Treaty of, {ROB3: 118}{PM: 252}
{ROB3: 3, 171, 283, 349-50}
{ROB4: 194, 354, 374}
{TOB: 22, 68, 89, 127, 166}
Arabic,{GL: 173, 298}diversity of, {GL: 173}
{KA: vii, viii, n28, n172}
{ROB1: 19, 26, 34n., 48, 62, 215}
{ROB3: 8, 10, 18, 30 and n., 47n., 89, 110, 116, 118, 123, 171, 223, 226, 258, 262, 270 and n., 275, 349}
{ROB4: 47, 160, 265, 314n., 349n., 418}
{TOB: 49, 122, 164}
Abjad notation,{KA: n28, n50, n122, n172, 252}and Bahá'u'lláh,
{ROB3: 30 and n.}
His mastery of {KA: 9}Bayán, identified, {KA: 252}
of Kitáb-i-Aqdas,{KA: 9, 10}used by, {ROB1: 22, 60, 62}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Encyclopaedia, Arabic, {ROB4: 401}
translation of specific terms, {KA: n3, n22, n32, n33, n36, n46, n48, n66, n74, n134, n181, n188}
Education, {KA: 161}
Esperanto,{ROB4: 437}Farsi (Persian),
{SFWAB: 308}
Esperantists,addressed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 287}translations into, {GPB: 382, 383}
Teaching (of Cause of God), {SFWAB: 308}
Universal Esperanto Congress, {GPB: 342}
{ROB3: 40}learned for teaching Cause, {KA: K118, 161}
{TOB: 49, 122 and n.}
Pure Persian, {ROB3: 270 and n., 272}
used by Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB1: 22-3, 26, 48, 63, 64}see also Báb, The/Bayán
{ROB3: 349}
of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
of mystery, {ROB3: 30, 135, 223}
Records before Adam, see Adam
Syriac, {GL: 173}
Universal Auxiliary Language, Universal Language, International Auxiliary Language, Common Script,{ESW: 138}
{GL: 249}
{KA: 15, K189, 163, n193-n194}
{ROB2: 3-4}
{ROB3: 157}
{ROB4: 162, 215, 341}
{SFWAB: 32, 301}
{TOB: 22, 68, 89, 127, 165-6}
God would be pleased if Arabic chosen, see Nafahát-i-Quds
see also: Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh - Bishárát, Ishráqát; Bahá'í Faith/House of Justice
Law(s), Decrees, Ordinances,Lebanon,{ROB4: 116-17, 157, 184, 212, 215-16, 257, 287, 421, 423, 433}
{TOB: 28, 94, 132, 206, 262, 267}
application of, {ROB4: 321}
civil, {KA: 6}
divine, {SAQ: 59-60}
human, {GL: 122, 123, 124}
Islám,abrogation of laws of, see Islámobedience to, see Obedience
laws of, Sharí'ah, see Islám
laws of the Qur'án, see Qur'án
of The Báb,'Abdu'l-Bahá, on laws of Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, see Báb, Theof Bahá'í Faith,
see also Báb, The
Most Great, {ROB3: 148}of creation, see Creation
of Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
see also Bahá'u'lláh, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Bahá'í Faith
of God, see God
of nature, physical, see Nature
parallels between spiritual and physical, {ROB3: 286-8, 296, 310, 378}publication of, {ROB4: 299-300}
Religion and, see Religion
{ROB3: 16, 22}Leprosy,
{ROB4: 355}
see also Beirut, Sidon
{GL: 86}Letters of the Living (Hurúf-i-Hayy),
{ROB3: 244}
Locusts, {ROB4: 29-30}{GPB: 5, 7, 8, 38}
{KI: 223}
{ROB1: 60 and n., 93, 128n., 153
{ROB2: 144, 145-6, 171, 182, 245}
{ROB3: 88, 255}
{ROB4: 209-10}
The Báb'scharge to, summarized, {GPB: 8}Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to, see Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
farewell address to, {DBNN: 92}
instruction to, {DBNN: 123}
Tablets to, {DBNN: xxi}
enrollment of, {GPB: 7}
First Váhid (Unity) of the Dispensation of the Bayán, {GPB: 8}
martyred, {GPB: 38, 50}
tributes to, {GPB: 7, 8}
Names of, {DBNN: 80, 82}
1. Mullá Husayn-i-Bushrú'í (Bábu'l-Báb, First Letter of the Living),{DBNN: 47, 48}2. Muhammad Hasan-i-Bushrú'í (Mullá Husayn-i-Bushrú'í's Brother)
{ROB1: 150, 191 and n., 280, 302n.}
{ROB2: 15, 129, 146, 203, 211, 255-6, 386, 388}
{ROB3: 59, 254-5, 257}
{ROB4: 208-10, 437}
{TOB: 184 and n., 185}
and The Báb,directs Mullá Husayn to "Mystery" in Shíráz, {GPB: 28}and Bahá'u'lláh,
directs Mullá Husayn to Tihrán, {GPB: 28}
eulogized by The Báb, {GPB: 50}
effect of The Báb's declaration upon, {GPB: 6}
first interview with The Báb, {GPB: 5}
first to recognize The Báb, {TOB: 184-5}
his letter to The Báb, {DBNN: 126}
interview with The Báb in Shíráz, {DBNN: 52}
Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
The Báb farewell to,{DBNN: 260}The Báb words to, {DBNN: 258}
parting words to, {DBNN: 96, 97, 123}
travels on foot to Máh-Kú to visit The Báb,{GPB: 19}
arrival at Máh-Kú, {DBNN: 256}
{ROB4: 209}arrival at Mashhad, {DBNN: 267}
interviews Mullá Husayn, {GPB: 68}
attack by the people of Bárfurúsh, {DBNN: 329}
dismissal of, {DBNN: 85}
exalted station of, {KI: 223}
First Letter of the Living, {GPB: 38}
death of,{DBNN: 381}departure for Khurásán, {DBNN: 170}
{GPB: 41, 50}
last day of his life, {GPB: 40}
last moments of, {DBNN: 379}
reference to his burial and achievements, {DBNN: 382, 386}
departure for Mashhad and pilgrimage to Máh-Kú, {DBNN: 254}
heroism and physical exploits, {GPB: 40}
hoists Black Standard, prophesied by Muhammad, see Terms in Holy Writings
repulse by, {DBNN: 330, 338, 363, 378}
sincerity of, {GPB: 39}
sword of, {GPB: 347}
visit to Tihrán, {DBNN: 255}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}3. Muhammad-Báqir-i-Bushrú'í (Mullá Husayn-i-Bushrú'í's Nephew)
{DBNN: 287}4. Mullá 'Alíy-i-Bastámí,
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
{KA: n178}5. Mullá Khudá-Bakhsh-i-Quchání (later named Mullá 'Ali)
{ROB1: 222-3}
{ROB4: 209}
arrival with companions in Shíráz, {DBNN: 66, 87}
imprisoned and tortured, {GPB: 10}
suffering of, {DBNN: 89}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}6. Mullá Hasan-i-Bajistání, {ROB2: 145}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}7. Siyyid Husayn-i-Yazdí; 'Azíz,
{DBNN: 192, 193, 212, 219, 227, 243; account of his life and martyrdom, 257, 507, 508, 513; in Tihrán, 629}8. Mírzá Muhammad Rawdih-Khán-i-Yazdí
{ROB3: 196}
{ROB4: 439}
martyrdom of, {GPB: 77}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}9. Shaykh Sa'íd-i-Hindí
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}10. Mullá Mahmúd-i-Khú'í
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}11. Mullá Jalíl-i-Urúmí,
{ROB2: 245}12. Mullá Ahmad-i-Ibdal-i-Marághi'í
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}13. Mullá Báqir-i-Tabrízí (embraced the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh),
{DBNN: 368, 505}14. Mullá Yusif-i-Ardibílí,
{ROB2: 146}
{ROB4: 439}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
{DBNN: 187, 367, 399, 404 (footnote #38), 418, 424}15. Mírzá Hádí-i-Qazvíní, see Tablet to Mírzá Hádí-i-Qazvíní
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
16. Mírzá Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Qazvíní (Muhammad-i 'Alíy-i-Qazvíní)
{DBNN: 273, 290}17. Fátimih Umm-Salamih / Umm-i-Salamih, Táhirih (the Pure One), Qurratu'l-'Ayn (Solace of the Eyes), Zarrín-Táji (Crown of Gold), Zakíyyih (Virtuous)
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
{DBNN: 81}18. Hájí Mullá Muhammad 'Alíy-i-Bárfurúshí, Jináb-i-Quddús, Ismu'llahu'l-Ákhar, Ismu'lláhi'l-Ákhir
{GPB: 7, 32, 240}
{ROB1: 68, 128 and n., 207}
{ROB2: 71, 171-8, 180, 204}
{ROB3: 266, 267}
{ROB4: 16}
activities in Karbilá, {DBNN: 270}
activities in Baghdád, {DBNN: 271}
appears unveiled, {GPB: 32}
conference with deputies of Grand Vizir, {GPB: 74}
confinement in Qazvín, {DBNN: 273}
confounds notables, {GPB: 73}
fame spreads abroad, {GPB: 75, 76}
family,background, {GPB: 72, 73}her attitude to the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, {DBNN: 285, 286, 287}
Hájí-Mullá Salih, father of, {DBNN: 273}
Mullá Muhammad, husband of (son of Mullá Taqí), {DBNN: 113, 116, 117, 273, 275}
Mullá Taqí, uncle of,{DBNN: 273, 276, 277, 278}
'Abdu'lláh-Mullá, a native of Shíráz, recounts the murder of Mullá Taqí, {DBNN: 276}
her deliverance by Bahá'u'lláh, {DBNN: 284}
martyred, {GPB: 66, 75}
name given by Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 32}
regarded as a prodigy, {GPB: 73}
removal to Tihrán, {DBNN: 284}
response to appeal of Báb, {DBNN: 269}
society flocked to her doors, {GPB: 74}
station of, {GPB: 75}
stay in Kirmánsháh, {DBNN: 272}
translated the Bayán, {GPB: 23}
the Súrih of Joseph, {GPB: 74}
tributes to, {GPB: 76}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
the trumpet-blast, the Bugle, {GPB: 33}
{GPB: 31, 40, 68}see also Báb, The
{ROB1: 60, 68, 150, 208}
{ROB2: 71, 180, 211}
{ROB3: 255 and n.}
{SAQ: 54 and n}
arrival in Shíráz, {DBNN: 69}
arrival at Fort of Shaykh Tabarsí, {DBNN: 352, 355}
assists at last moments of Mullá Husayn, {DBNN: 381}
Bábís turn to, {ROB4: 210}
chained and led through the street, {GPB: 42}
companions killed or sold as slaves, {GPB: 41-42}
departure for Mázindarán, {DBNN: 290}
delivers Bab's epistle to Sherif of Mecca, {GPB: 9}
incarceration of, {DBNN: 351}
injury sustained by, {DBNN: 367}
instruction to Mullá Husayn, {DBNN: 265}
last letter enrolled, {GPB: 7, 32}
martyrdom of,{DBNN: 410}meeting with Bahá'u'lláh in Sháh-Rúd, {DBNN: 292}
death more agonizing than Christ's, {GPB: 49}
meeting with Sadiq-i-Khurásání, {DBNN: 145}
promise of the Báb to, {GPB: 28}
publicly tortured, {GPB: 11}
ring of, {GPB: 247}
The Báb's Tablet to, {DBNN: xxi}
titles of, {GPB: 49}
upheaval at Mázindarán, {GPB: 38-42}
visit from Mullá Husayn in Bárfurúsh, {DBNN: 261}
visits Báb's maternal uncle in Shíráz, {DBNN: 143}
visits Kirmán, Tihrán, and Mázindarán, {DBNN: 179, 180, 182, 183}
see also Shikkar-Shikan-Shavand
London,Lot, {SAQ: 12}
Louis XIV, {ROB3: 113}
Love,Luqmán, {ROB4: 436}{KA: K4, K15, K36, K132, n23}
{ROB1: 2, 79, 96-7, 102-3, 187}
{ROB2: 37, 84}
{ROB4: 161, 308, 339, 375}
{SFWAB: 27-8, 66, 69, 197–8, 245}
{TOB: 73, 74, 110, 138, 174}
among believers, among Bahá'ís,{ROB4: 317}and marriage, {KA: K65}
{SFWAB: 65-6, 246}
see also Bahá'í Faith, Bahá'í(s)
doors of, {TOB: 87}
essence of, {TOB: 155}
fire of, {TOB: 88}
is light, {SFWAB: 3, 27}
limpid stream, {TOB: 138}
Loving-kindness, {ROB3: 335}
mirror, {TOB: 173}
of Bahá'u'lláh,His love of nature, see Bahá'u'lláhof country,
see also Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB4: 340}of mankind, human,
{TOB: 87, 138, 167}
{KA: n134}of world, {TOB: 87-8, 127-8, 167}
{TOB: 138}
prime cause of creation, see Creation
principles of Bahá'í Faith revolve around love and unity, see Bahá'í Faith
wine of, {SFWAB: 121}
see also God, Hidden Words, The, Kitáb-i-Íqán, Seven Valleys, The, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Unity, Bahá'í(s)
Lutf-'Alí, Mírzá, {ROB1: 330}
Lying, {SAQ: 265}
is most odious attribute, {SAQ: 215-16}Madras, {ROB4: 181}
see also Physicians
Magnetism, {SFWAB: 198}
Máh-Kú (Mákú), Castle of,Mahmúd, Áqá Mírzá, {ROB1: 288-9}
Mahmúd-i-Káshání, Mírzá,{ROB1: 319}Mahmúd-i-Qamsarí, Mírzá, {DBNN: 8}
{ROB2: 404}
Mahmúd-i-Zarqání, Mírzá,{ROB4: 146, 285, 310}Mahrám, Mírzá, {ROB4: 184}
Badáyi'u'l-Áthár, diaries of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's journeys to the West, {ROB3: 82-4}
Majzub, Nusratu'lláh, {ROB4: 446}
Malaya, {ROB4: 183}
Malice, {ESW: 96}
Man, Mankind, Humanity, Human Race, People, Peoples of the World,{ROB3: 45, 77-8, 124, 125ff., 128-30, 131, 137, 138, 161, 199, 233-4, 264, 273-4, 280, 290, 309-10, 312, 315, 327, 328, 347, 377, 380, 420}Mandalay,
{ROB4: 137-9, 173, 214-15, 235}
{SAQ: 5-6, 235-37}
{SFWAB: 61-2, 69, 191-2}
{TOB: 76, 86, 87, 163-78}
And God,And Manifestations of God,{ROB2: 16, 31, 36, 43-4, 79, 81, 94-6, 186, 217, 219, 233, 310, 418}
{ROB4: 48, 65, 139-40, 150, 157, 287}
acceptance by God, {PM: 67, 76, 123, 125}
and Cause of God, {ROB2: 263}
and laws of God,{KA: 6, 15, 16, K1, K3, K7, K99, K124-K125, K148, K186}assistance (service) to God, {TOB: 113, 196, 234}
obedience to God's laws, {TOB: 89, 109, 130, 166, 167, 188, 189}
atheists, see Atheist
Barrier between God and man, {ROB4: 287}
Belief in God, recognition of,{GL: 86, 105, 141, 143, 148, 200, 324, 338}Capacity to understand God, see Capacity
{ROB4: 27-8, 46}
{TOB: 50, 51, 181-3, 184, 187, 268}
domain is hearts of men, {TOB: 221}
hearts subdued, {TOB: 264}
loved by Believers, {TOB: 172, 176}
mankind summoned to, {TOB: 44, 115, 123}
true lovers, {TOB: 48}
yearning, {TOB: 59}
worship, {TOB: 53}
can potentially reveal all attributes of God, {KI: 101}
Dependence upon God,{ESW: 3, 5, 76, 99, 114}Faces toward God, {TOB: 49, 111, 137, 263-4}
man dependent upon, {SAQ: 248-50}
Fear of God,{ESW: 2, 24, 26, 27, 38, 122}Forgiveness of, by God,
{GL: 38, 98, 104, 126, 128, 272, 275, 277, 291, 314, 323, 346}
{KA: K64, K73, K88, K120, K151, K167, K184}
{PM: 188}
{ROB2: 94-6}
{ROB3: 356}
{ROB4: 214, 237, 262, 288, 376, 382}
{TOB: 63, 93, 120-1, 126, 155, 196, 219, 222, 245}
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih
{KA: K49, Q11, n37, n58}Goal of believers, {PM: 89, 102, 267, 270}
{ROB2: 401}
{ROB3: 201, 229, 353-4}
{ROB4: 85-6}
{TOB: 24-5, 77, 95-6, 176, 208}
Forgiver, {GL: 36, 105, 130, 204}
of Mírzá Yahyá, should he turn to God, see Yahyá, Mírzá
of one who claims Revelation ere one thousand years, should he repent, {KA: K37}
see also Sin
God protects from harm, {GL: 76, 96, 233}
in Day of God, {GL: 263}
knowledge of God, by man
all knowledge is from God, {PM: 92, 149, 222}leaders of man, believed in God, {TOB: 144}
foundation of salvation, {SAQ: 238}
God incomprehensible to, {SAQ: 146-49}
greatest glory of human world, {SAQ: 300}
Knowledge of God not dependent on schooling,{ROB3: 94}only through Manifestations, {SAQ: 147-48, 222}
see also God/Word of
unknowable, {SAQ: 146-49, 220-22}
longing for God, {PM: 70, 102, 243}
manifests attributes of God, {PM: 324, 326}
Man's capacity,to hearken to God's word, {TOB: 52-3, 89}Man is image of, God's image, {SFWAB: 140}
to know God, {GL: 65, 77, 105, 106, 143, 194, 291}
Nearness to God,{PM: 7, 13, 24, 29, 30, 34, 37, 58, 59, 73, 76, 78, 82, 88, 102, 107, 112, 116, 118, 122, 124, 139, 145, 158, 161, 164, 174, 176, 192, 201, 211, 219, 221, 241, 254, 258, 259, 288, 299, 312}need for God, {PM: 73, 183}
{ROB1: 96}
{ROB4: 68-70, 142, 211}
{TOB: 78-9, 114}
attaining Presence of God, {KI: 141-43, 169-70}
is wealth of other world, {SAQ: 231}
nearness to man, {GL: 185, 186}
not through asceticism, {KA: K36}
remoteness from God, separation from God,{KA: K134}through
{TOB: 3, 4, 14, 79, 113-14, 177}
is greatest torment, {SAQ: 265}
fasting, see Fasting
music, see Music
obligatory prayers, see Prayer(s)
reading holy verses, {KA: K149}
work, {KA: n56}
No one can regard himself as, {TOB: 60}
philosophers acknowledge God, {TOB: 144-51}
Praise of God,{KA: K40, K50, K172}reflects attributes of God, {GL: 65, 74, 77, 159, 177, 262, 322}
{TOB: 33-4, 49, 83, 88, 91-2, 110-11, 112, 161, 163, 233, 262, 263, 265}
a duty and bounty, {GL: 4}
by Bálinús, {TOB: 148}
during Ayyám-i-Há, {KA: K16}
inadequate, {TOB: 28, 74, 113}
in Houses of Worship, {KA: K31, K115, n53}
thankfulness to,{KA: K33, K111}
{TOB: 116, 235, 251}
rejection of God, {TOB: 48, 111, 120, 156, 173-4, 245, 251}
Reliance on God, {ROB4: 322-3}
Reproached by God through His Manifestations, {SAQ: 167-70}
Reunion with God, {TOB: 114, 177}
sheep of God, {SFWAB: 36}
submission to God, {TOB: 155}
summoned, {SFWAB: 2}
Tested by God,{ROB3: 47-9}Trust in God,
{ROB4: 27-8, 247, 286-7}
{SAQ: 29}
tests men's faith, {KI: 55-57, 58}
{KA: K33, K153, K160}Turning to God, {ROB4: 318-19}
{KI: 3, 192}
{TOB: 155, 161, 176}
will recognize God, {TOB: 264}
Worship of God, {ROB4: 36, 167}
And society,Bahá'u'lláh,Bahá'u'lláh loves, {TOB: 148, 171}Man dependent upon Manifestations, {GL: 66, 67, 179}
cheered by Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 252}
His counsels to,{ROB1: 78-9}
{ROB4: 159, 338-42}
addressed, {KA: K3, K54-K55, K107, K132, K174, 162, n23, n37}
Man educated by Manifestations, {SAQ: 8-11}
Manifestations represent stages of, {SFWAB: 56}
Body of,Condition of,{SFWAB: 153, 291}
bird of clay, {SFWAB: 47}
Clay clods, {TOB: 260}
Composition of, {SFWAB: 153, 167}
Connection of parts like universe, {SFWAB: 48}
is a veil, see Veil(s)
May be unable to reflect spirit, {SAQ: 229}
Evolution of,{SAQ: 88, 151, 177-84, 191-94, 198-99}Physical senses of, powers,
always a distinct species, {SAQ: 184, 193-94}
animals differ from, distinguished from animals, {SFWAB: 140}
differences between, man and animals, {SAQ: 185-90}
see also Creation
{GL: 164, 194, 195, 340}World of, {SFWAB: 90-1, 192}
Five inner and five outer,{SAQ: 210-11, 297}
Extra-sensory perception,{SFWAB: 198}Hearing, Ears, see Terms in Holy Writings/Hearing
association of souls, {SFWAB: 102}
see also Dreams; Mediums
Sight, see Terms in Holy Writings/Sight
Existence of,{GL: 39-45, 81, 118, 136, 137, 196, 213, 216, 218, 255}
{KA: 6, K39, K54, K64, K72, K122, n104}
{ROB4: 66-72, 150-1, 156-8}
as child, {SFWAB: 21, 34}
cannot create, {SAQ: 182}
changes, {SAQ: 94-96}
dependency of, on God, {SAQ: 248-50}
enveloped by tyranny, {TOB: 84}
fast asleep, {KA: K39}
Instability of human affairs, {KA: 15, K40, 163}
inner quietude of, {SFWAB: 60}
inner reality of, {SFWAB: 130}
is as a tree, {SFWAB: 1}
is end of imperfection, beginning of perfection, {SAQ: 235}
is fruit of world, {SFWAB: 120}
is Universal Reality, {SFWAB: 42}
materialism of, see {SFWAB: Materialism}
perplexed with doubts, {TOB: 243}
prisoners of nature, {SFWAB: 116, 206, 281}
some are ignorant, {SFWAB: 28}
sore vexed, {TOB: 117}
Nature of,Adam caused physical life of, {SAQ: 118-20}
Christ caused spiritual life of, {SAQ: 118-21}
created by God, {SAQ: 5}
Death (physical), Dead,{ROB1: 123-5, 152}is emanation from God, {SAQ: 202-04, 206}
{ROB3: 19, 26, 79, 193-4, 209n., 212, 296-7}
communication with spirits, communication with dead,{SAQ: 251-53}hour of, {GL: 157, 266}
{SFWAB: 160-1}
life after, everlasting life, eternal life, immortality of soul of man,{GL: 34, 116, 141, 145, 153-157, 159, 161, 169-171, 183, 213, 329, 338, 345}mortal blasts, {TOB: 258}
{KA: K140, K150, 95, n40}
{PM: 127, 198}
{ROB1: 72, 79, 123-4}
{ROB4: 41}
{SAQ: 98, 121, 126, 223-29, 239-40, 242-43}
{SFWAB: 1, 3, 12, 52, 55, 65, 184-5, 199-201, 238}
{TOB: 130, 189}
attainable while on earth, {SFWAB: 202}
bird released from cage, {SAQ: 228}
chalice of, {TOB: 4, 113, 226}
companionship of, after death, {GL: 156}
death like transfer of confined shrub, {SFWAB: 199-200}
death of a child, {SFWAB: 201}
deeds, reward of, {SFWAB: 185}
destruction promotes progress, {SFWAB: 157-8}
entry into Kingdom, {SFWAB: 18}
extinction, preserve from, {TOB: 241}
faith is, {SAQ: 130}
for children, {SAQ: 240}
Holy Spirit gives, {SAQ: 242}
Kingdom of God in, {SAQ: 241-43}
"Life to come," meaning of, {GL: 276}
next world,{TOB: 105, 251, 262}of Bahá'u'lláh, {SFWAB: 17-18}
{SFWAB: 170-1, 193-5, 197, 201}
betrothed hastened to, {SFWAB: 180}
eternal gardens of Heaven, {SFWAB: 36}
goodly home, {SFWAB: 29}
hidden from sight, {SFWAB: 8}
in the next life, {ROB4: 371}
invisible realm, {SFWAB: 140}
within this world, {SFWAB: 195}
of Thomas Breakwell, {SFWAB: 187-9}
power of, after death, {GL: 154, 157, 161}
Reincarnation,{SAQ: 282-89}rewards of other world in, {SAQ: 224-25}
{SFWAB: 183-5}
spiritual progress continues in, {SAQ: 231-37, 240}
spiritual progress through prayers, intercession, charity of others in, see Intercession
through faith, {SFWAB: 105, 189}
through service, {SFWAB: 116}
tree of life planted by Christ is, {SAQ: 124}
veiled are separated from God in, {SAQ: 243}
wealth of, is nearness to God, {SAQ: 231}
wellspring of life, {SFWAB: 36}
world is like womb, {SFWAB: 170-1, 177, 185}
see also Soul, Prayers for Departed
of infidels, condition at time of, {GL: 170}
of spouse while on journey, {KA: K67, Q27, n97}
punishment for murder or arson, see Crime(s)
Spiritual Death and sleep,{GL: 44, 139, 169, 176, 213}transportation of the dead, {KA: K130, Q16, n149, n152}
{TOB: 16, 119}
awakening from, {TOB: 13, 17, 42, 169, 172, 258, 262}
die in wrath, {TOB: 103, 131}
extinction, {TOB: 241}
ignorant perish, {TOB: 53}
leave dead to dead, {TOB: 15}
visiting graves, {TOB: 27-8}
see also Hidden Words, The, Terms in Holy Writings, Man, Burial, Inheritance, Prayer for the Dead
Life,{KA: K106}Perfect Manifestation always exists, {SAQ: 196}
Book of Life, {KA: K138}
life of body caused by spirit, {SAQ: 201}
life of man, revolutionized, {KA: K54, K181, n189}
Purpose and Principles of Life,{KA: 2, n91}transient, {GL: 29, 125, 261, 328}
{ROB4: 193, 278}
perfection of, {SAQ: 178-79}
acquired by passage through conditions of existence, {SAQ: 200}provides reason for existence of universe, {SAQ: 195-97}
Spiritualization of,{SFWAB: 1, 303-4}very ancient, {SAQ: 160-61}
must be led to God, {SFWAB: 244}
Needs,{ROB1: 58, 72, 133-4}
{ROB2: 37}
{ROB3: 35, 78, 211-12, 228, 281}
{ROB4: 142-3}
a finite being, {ROB4: 216}
corruption of, {TOB: 39}
differences between good, sinners, and wicked who are veiled, {SAQ: 238}
Free will of,{GL: 71, 81, 149, 164, 335-338}hearts of, may reflect Sun, {SFWAB: 275}
{ROB3: 2-4, 46, 78, 287}
{SAQ: 248-50}
{SFWAB: 198}
Fate, Destiny,{GL: 133}
{PM: 37, 46, 50, 54, 66, 69, 107, 123, 124, 161, 163, 184, 223, 241, 255, 272, 287, 334}
{ROB3: 127}
{SAQ: 138-39, 244}
{SFWAB: 108, 198}
{TOB: 113, 172, 175, 268}
Predestination,{GL: 133}
{SFWAB: 198}
Inherited qualities, {SAQ: 213}
perversity of,{ROB4: 318}powers and virtues of, {SAQ: 79-80, 300-05}
perverse generation, {TOB: 85}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
appear through powers of God, {SAQ: 80}shame, sense of,
can resist Nature, {SAQ: 187}
five inner or spiritual powers, {SAQ: 210-11}
five outer powers, {SAQ: 210-11}
perceives intellectual realities, {SAQ: 186-88, 217-18}
power of invention, {SAQ: 186}
virtues are rewards of this life, {SAQ: 223-24}
{PM: 61}tolerance,
{TOB: 63}
{TOB: 36, 170}waywardness of, {TOB: 171}
and righteousness of, {TOB: 36}
Rejection of Manifestation by,{ROB3: 33, 394}Soul of,
of the Báb, {KA: n178}
of Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K140, K166, K184, n190}
of Him Whom God will make manifest, {KA: n185}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, rejection of
Station of,{ROB1: 72-5, 80, 187}
{ROB2: 40, 94, 144, 417}
{ROB3: 9-10, 35, 134, 287, 323-4, 333, 337, 368-9}
{ROB4: 158, 188, 201, 234, 237, 251}
{SAQ: 143-44, 150, 151, 185-90, 208-09}
{TOB: 86, 92, 111, 199}
and opium, see Opium
anthems of, {SFWAB: 11}
and body,causes life of body, {SAQ: 201}attachment of, to this world, see Attachment
independent of physical body, {GL: 154}
influence of, on body, {SFWAB: 291}
necessity for appearance of, in the body, {SAQ: 200-01}
not affected by bodily vicissitudes, {SAQ: 156, 227-29, 239-40}
compared with fruit of trees, {GL: 155}
compared with sun, {GL: 154, 155}
condition of sanctified, {KA: Q68, n23}
consequences to, of men's actions, {ROB3: 196-9}
continuous progress of, {GL: 155}
described by Socrates, {TOB: 146}
detachment of, from this world, see Detachment
emanates from God, {SAQ: 206}
equal status of, equality of (all born pure),{ROB4: 203-4}freedom of,
{SFWAB: 171, 190}
{ROB4: 193}has always existed, {SAQ: 198-99}
true, {GL: 78}
has capacity to know God, {GL: 65, 77, 105, 106, 143, 194, 291}
hindrances, {KA: K161-K163, n134, n170}
holy souls, {ROB4: 316}
human, needs assistance of Holy Spirit,{SFWAB: 160}immortality of, see Death
attraction of, to Creator, {ROB3: 10}
in tombs of bodies, {TOB: 118}
influence of Divine Revelation, {KA: K54, K55, K148, 94, 95, n23}
journey of, {ROB1: 96-101, 151-2}
life of, is Bahá'í's task, {SFWAB: 92}
limitations of, {TOB: 113}
mind is power of, {SAQ: 209}
not limited by place or time, {SAQ: 241-42}
of world, {SFWAB: 34}
prayers for, see Prayers
purpose for which created, {ROB3: 10}
realm of, {SFWAB: 58}
rescued from impending extinction, {TOB: 241}
return of qualities of, {ROB4: 208, 209-11}
rosebuds of spirit, {SFWAB: 22}
salvation of, {SFWAB: 191-2}
sign of God, {GL: 158, 160}
Spirit is rational soul, {SAQ: 208, 217-18, 239-40}
Spirituality, Faith,{SFWAB: 106-7, 108, 176-7, 178, 199, 202-5}stages of development, {GL: 159, 161}
bodily power is weak compared to spiritual power, {SAQ: 126}
developing spiritual qualities, {ROB1: 74, 80, 96, 107}
ecstasy, {SFWAB: 58}
education and, see {SFWAB: Education}
everlasting life, through faith, {SFWAB: 105, 189}
inner reality, {SFWAB: 33, 130}
lack of, see {SFWAB: Materialism}
lighted candle, {SFWAB: 101}
material realm may absorb rays of world of spirit, {SFWAB: 106}
of Peter and Mary Magdalene, {SFWAB: 105}
perfections and imperfections, {SAQ: 129-31}
Perfect Man like reed, {SAQ: 45}
qualities of, are contagious, {SAQ: 214}
Spiritualization, {ROB4: 35-9, 142-3}
Spiritual capacity and nature in, see Capacity/spiritual
Spiritual growth of, {ROB4: 36-7}
Spiritual influence upon material things, {SAQ: 245-47}
Spiritual union, {SFWAB: 102, 203}
stages of spiritual journey, {ROB1: 96, 151-2, see ch. 8}
virtues of man appear through power of God, {SAQ: 80}
while still on earth, {SFWAB: 202}
will prevail, {SFWAB: 191–2}
see also Character and conduct; Hearing; Hearts; Prayers; Sight
struggle of, between animal and spiritual natures, {ROB3: 35ff., 78}
training of, {SFWAB: 10}
trust of God latent in, {TOB: 161}
Unity of, as one,{ROB4: 298}unravels phenomenal world, {SFWAB: 169-70}
{SFWAB: 76}
all as one, {TOB: 162, 264}
one soul in many bodies, {ROB4: 190}
virtues of, {ROB4: 36}
who will arise, {SFWAB: 250-2}
world of, {SFWAB: 177}
see also The Hidden Words, SpiritUnity of Mankind, of Humanity, of Race,Misc. Topics,{KA: 11, 13, K189, n173, n194}
{ROB4: 157, 159, 161, 194-5, 196-9, 215, 235, 268, 388}
{SFWAB: 32, 36, 59, 107, 109, 112-14, 195, 209, 248, 278-80, 286-92, 298-9}
different colours into one colour, {SFWAB: 106}
drops of one ocean, {SFWAB: 280}
enjoined, {GL: 6, 9, 11, 95, 96, 140, 196, 203, 215, 217, 218, 249, 254, 315, 334}
equality of men and women, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
finally attainable, {SFWAB: 31-2}
flowers of one garden, {SFWAB: 280}
fruits, leaves, of one bough, tree, {SFWAB: 1, 28, 72, 277, 280}
meaning of, {GL: 338}
one-coloured pavilion (tabernacle), {SFWAB: 90, 123, 279}
oneness of,{GL: 81, 95, 140, 214, 217, 250, 255, 260, 288, 334}power of, {GL: 288}
{GPB: 217}
{ROB4: 198, 268}
All races, Blacks, {SFWAB: 113, 114}
see also Prejudice
through Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, {GL: 97, 243, 255, 286, 287-288, 316, 333}
unification, {KA: 2, 11, K58, n194}
Adulthood, Maturity,{GL: 77}aid to, besought, {TOB: 70, 86, 171-2, 174, 178}
{SFWAB: 34, 56, 285}
assimilation by, is honor for animal world, {SAQ: 79}
attributes of, {GL: 165, 215}
coming of age, {KA: 1, 11, K189, 163, n194}
consequences of his actions, {ROB3: 296-7}
duties of,{GL: 4, 5, 8, 14, 94, 105, 261, 289, 290, 330-331}each person unique, {ROB4: 198, 199}
must aid Cause, {TOB: 23}
edification, {KA: K160}
education of, see Education
effort required by, {ROB3: 3, 63, 78-9}
encompassed by Bahá'í Faith, see Bahá'í Faith
exaltation of, {TOB: 86, 120, 121}
forsake evil, {TOB: 138}
fused by love, ruined by hatred, {TOB: 88}
future nobility of, Panj-Kanz, {ROB2: 140-3}
gather beneath tabernacle, {TOB: 84}
good character of, {TOB: 36, 57}
greatest achievement of, {ROB4: 82}
heart of,{ROB3: 94, 131, 148}highest grace bestowed on, {KI: 138}
belongs to God, {GL: 186, 206, 212, 241, 279, 297, 304}
intellect and heart, {ROB2: 216-19}
won by good words, {TOB: 85}
his potentialities,{ROB1: 80, 119, 122}Inequality of, {GL: 149, 187-189}
latent powers of, {GL: 65, 67, 68, 71, 77, 186, 260, 340}
latent treasures of, {TOB: 72, 219}
intelligence of, {SAQ: 3-4}
limitations of,{KA: n128}knowledge of, is of two kinds, {SAQ: 83-84}
{PM: 55, 88, 89, 92, 99, 114, 130, 133, 138, 222, 229, 280, 281, 328}
limits to understanding of, {ROB3: 141, 143-5}
Love of, {GL: 7, 95, 250, 260, 288, 316, 334}
mind, see Knowledge
muvását is noblest quality of, Lawh-i-Ittihád
'Mystery of God', {GL: 177}
new race of men , {ROB3: 4, 127, 135, 141}
new spirit, {ROB2: 252-5}
nothingness of, {TOB: 112}
poverty of, {TOB: 75}
purpose of,{TOB: 35, 103, 111, 113, 246, 268}reality of, {GL: 65, 77, 140, 158, 165, 177, 179, 185, 260, 326, 340}
his creation, see Creation
rebirth of, {TOB: 142}
regeneration of,{ROB4: 67, 235}religion necessary for, {TOB: 63, 64, 87, 125, 129, 130}
by Word of God, {GL: 68, 84-85, 97, 136, 137, 141, 196, 313}
responsible for himself, {GL: 81, 105, 143, 149, 209, 262, 328}
sages are eyes of, {TOB: 171}
service to, {SFWAB: 68-9, 141, 206}
shaken by Revelation,{PM: 129, 170, 189, 277, 296, 304, 308}Submission, {GL: 7, 8, 9, 322}
limbs quake, {TOB: 102}
swoons, {TOB: 61, 104, 118}
suffering and tribulation of, {ROB4: 72, 156-8}
summoned, {TOB: 44, 115, 123, 200}
Talisman,{GL: 259 }that which is veiled from eyes of, {TOB: 232}
Supreme,{ROB4: 235}
{TOB: 161}
treasure of, is utterance, {TOB: 62}
trees of existence, {TOB: 137}
upliftment of, {KA: K51, K149, K161, K163, n25, n79, n104}
victory over selves, {TOB: 86}
wisdom gives gem-like spirit, {TOB: 66}
see also Character, Civilization, Covenant, God, Faith, Knowledge, Love, Non-believers, Pride, Resignation, Sincerity, Suffering
{ROB4: 183, 184}Manifestation(s) of God, Prophets, Divine Messengers, Dawning-Points, Educators,
Bahá'ís of, {ROB4: 183-4}
Muslims in, become Bahá'ís, {ROB4: 183}
{KA: n23, n60, n141, n154, n155, n160. n172, n180, n181, n188}Manshád,
{PM: 39, 106, 286}
{ROB1: 1-5, 28, 36, 58, 63-7 passim, 97, 237}
{ROB2: 82-4, 262, 287, 297}
{ROB3: 15, 43, 47, 119, 134, 169, 193, 304-5 and n.}
{ROB4: 108, 113, 126-7, 132-3, 137, 232, 360, 397, 436}
{SAQ: 85-86, 127-28, 146-50, 162-63, 164-65, 218-19}
{SFWAB: 50, 52, 55-6, 59, 62-5}
{TOB: 21, 89, 161, 205, 212, 248}
Ancient,Abraham (Ibráhím),Adam,{ESW: 104}
{GL: 57, 75, 173}
{GPB: 94}
{KA: n65}
{ROB1: 7}
{ROB3: 15, 211}
{ROB4: 31, 324, 425, 435}
{SAQ: 12-13, 89}
{SFWAB: 55, 281}
as Friend of God, {KI: 10, 62}
as Manifestation following Húd, Noah, Sálih, {KI: 10}
descendants of, {SAQ: 13, 213}
exile of, results of, {SAQ: 12-13}
forerunner of, {KI: 62-63, 66}
see also Nimrod, Qur'ánBáb, see Báb, The{GL: 51, 74, 172, 173, 258}
{ROB4: 135}
{SAQ: 89-90}
{SFWAB: 51, 275}
Adamic Cycle,{GPB: 54}caused man's physical life, {SAQ: 118-20}
consummation of, {GPB: 100}
this cycle began with Adam,{SAQ: 161}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
Eve,{SAQ: 122-26}Garden of Eden, {SAQ: 122-26}
represents soul of Man, {SAQ: 123, 126}
Records before Adam, {GL: 172-174}
Bahá'u'lláh,Bahá'u'lláh's rejectors also reject former Manifestations of God, {TOB: 248, 249}Buddha,
Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation hid in souls of Manifestations of God, {TOB: 103}
see Bahá'u'lláh
{KA: n160}Christ (Jesus, the Spirit of God),
{ROB1: 3}
{SAQ: 165-66}
references to Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 95}
see also Buddhist(s)Húd,{ESW: 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 58, 81, 89, 92, 100, 104, 143, 148, 157, 171, 173}
{GL: 51, 52, 57, 62, 83, 101, 102, 270}
{GPB: 4, 8, 93, 94, 95, 101, 107, 121, 151, 163, 184, 188, 194, 209, 228, 230, 253, 318, 324, 377}
{KA: 13, n89, n171}
{PM: 50, 68, 192, 285}
{ROB1: 3, 20, 58, 64, 67, 174, 178-9, 182, 257, 267}
{ROB2: 21-3, 32, 121, 124, 139, 183, 311}
{ROB3: 8-9, 126, 132, 243-4, 247-8, 262, 277}
{ROB4: 56-7, 63, 72, 97, 108, 126, 127, 130, 163, 171, 184, 215, 229, 232, 317, 350, 324-5, 366, 433}
{SAQ: 16-17, 152-53}
{SFWAB: 63, 66, 167-8, 173-4, 311}
{TOB: 61}
advent of
came from heaven, {SAQ: 110-11}and Bahá'u'lláh,
prophecies concerning, see Prophecies
Word of God existed before its bodily manifestation, {SAQ: 116-17}
refers to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 306}and Law of Qiblih, {KI: 51}
Bahá'u'lláh glorified by, {TOB: 11, 103}
Bahá'u'lláh independent of, {SFWAB: 170}
glorified by Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 11, 12, 14}
return of,{GL: 21, 22, 246}
{ROB3: 28, 116, 264}
{ROB4: 152, 227-8, 351-2}
{TOB: 9-11}
signs of return, {ROB1: 165-9}
see also Terms in Holy Writings
and teeth of dead dog, {SFWAB: 169}
baptism of, {SAQ: 91-92}
birth of, {SAQ: 110-11}
born of Holy Spirit, {SAQ: 16, 87-88, 118-19}Book of, {GL: 21}
greatness due to perfections, not birth, {SAQ: 89-90}
Bread and wine of,{SAQ: 97-99, 121}Cause of,
{SFWAB: 57}
confirmed in Qur'án, {KI: 20-21}descendant of Abraham, {SAQ: 13, 213}
furthered by New and Old Testaments, {SFWAB: 223}
difference between, and other Manifestations, {SAQ: 150}
Disciples of, Apostles,
{SFWAB: 60, 165, 166, 172, 212, 238}dove, symbolism of, {SAQ: 85}
born of God, {SAQ: 223-24}
can never become Christ, {SAQ: 233-34}
descent of Holy Spirit on, {SAQ: 106-10}
effect upon creation, {GL: 76, 85, 86}
events during life, {SFWAB: 55, 175}
forerunner of, {KI: 64, 66}
"Father is in the Son," symbolism of, see Terms in Holy Writings
historicity of, {ROB4: 265}
John the Baptist, as forerunner of Jesus, see Báb,The
Kingdom of, {SAQ: 225}
Last Supper, {SAQ: 99}
Magi, search of, for Jesus, {KI: 64}
martyrdom of,{SAQ: 104, 120-21}Mary, grief of, at birth of Jesus, {KI: 56-57}
crucifixion of, {ROB3: 2, 13-14, 211}
effect of, {SFWAB: 65, 281}
miracles after, {SAQ: 37-38}
Resurrection of, {SAQ: 103-05}
Mosaic Law abrogated by, {SAQ: 16, 93-94}
Moses and Elias (Elijah), meeting with, {SAQ: 253}
miracles of, {ROB3: 41-3, 360}
oneness with Muhammad, {GL: 21}
parallel of His life to that of Báb, see Báb, The
perfection of, {SAQ: 121, 150}
called the Word, {SAQ: 206-07}power and sovereignty of, {KI: 133-34}
God's perfections manifested in, {SAQ: 206-07}
proofs of His authenticity,{ROB3: 42-4}Prophecies concerning,
{SAQ: 101}
Christian misinterpretation of prophecies of, {KI: 26-28}reality of, {ROB4: 152, 267}
date of advent, {SAQ: 40-41}
explanation of prophecies of, {KI: 29, 33}
Return of,{SAQ: 39, 110-12}were allegorical, {SFWAB: 44-6}
{SFWAB: 60, 167-8}
gives signs heralding His return, {KI: 24-25}
like thief, {SFWAB: 198-9}
Promised One to come after Christ, {SAQ: 109}
prophesies His return, {KI: 20, 21, 22}
recognition of, {SFWAB: 18}
rejection of,{TOB: 9-10, 15, 211}riches concealed in abasement of, {KI: 130-31}
{SAQ: 71-72, 77, 111, 116-17}
{SFWAB: 40-1, 44-6, 173}
by Jews, {TOB: 206, 214}
by Pharisees, {SFWAB: 18, 174}
in His own time, {ROB3: 31, 116, 154-5, 242}
opposition of Israel to, {KI: 18}
questioned before Pilate and Caiaphas, {KI: 132-33}
why opposed, {GL: 20}
Sacrifice of,{SAQ: 120-21}signs of, allegorical, {SFWAB: 45}
{GL: 76, 85}
spiritual ascendancy of, {ROB3: 2}
strengthened with Holy Spirit, {KI: 176-77}
teachings of, {ROB4: 152}
Titles ofDayspring, {TOB: 10}transfiguration of, {SFWAB: 162}
Luminary, {TOB: 9}
Son, {TOB: 9, 12, 14}
Rúhu'lláh, Spirit of God,{GL: 101}Spirit, {TOB: 9, 10, 24, 60, 115, 206, 208, 210, 214}
{KA: K80, n113, n160}
{SAQ: 95n}
Word of God,{SAQ: 149}
essence of Word, {SFWAB: 60}
Trinity, meaning of the, see Terms in Holy Writings
Virgin Mary, {GPB: 347}
was not rod out of stem of Jesse, {SAQ: 62-63}
words of, {ROB1: 107, 120, 182, 184}
work of
accomplished, {SAQ: 10, 101}would have acted like Muhammad, {SAQ: 20-21}
causes spiritual life of man, {SAQ: 118-21}
educated eleven men, {SAQ: 35}
enlightened mankind {SAQ: 120-21}
purpose of, {SFWAB: 31}
tree of life planted by, {SAQ: 124}
united diverse peoples, {SAQ: 10, 301-02}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Bible, Christian Faith, Christians, Jew(s), Peter, St.
{KI: 9}Krishna,
{ROB4: 96, Appendix I}
{TOB: 214}
Súrih of, see Qur'án{KA: n160}Moses (He Who Conversed, He Who held converse with God),
{ROB1: 3}
{ROB3: 264}
see also HindusMuhammad,{ESW: 41, 52, 64, 65, 66, 86, 117, 118}
{GL: 20, 23, 51, 57, 62, 88, 221, 270}
{GPB: 93, 101, 107, 121}
{KA: K80, n111-n112}
{PM: 50, 144, 281}
{ROB1: 3, 20, 58, 64, 67, 107, 168, 174, 214, 236, 257, 267}
{ROB2: 121, 295, 411}
{ROB3: 9, 15, 61, 266, 305, 338}
{ROB4: 47, 108, 126, 130, 221, 324, 325}
{SAQ: 14-15}
{SFWAB: 52, 235, 281}
{TOB: 5, 11, 52, 53, 88, 115, 170 and n., 242, 248, 265}
Burning Bush,{ESW: 42, 47, 53, 57, 86, 118}Covenant of, {SFWAB: 207}
{GL: 16, 24, 96, 199, 269, 271}
{KA: K103}
{KI: 54-55}
{PM: 144}
{ROB4: 221, 228, 339, 357}
{TOB: 111, 177}
descendant of Abraham, {SAQ: 13, 213}
flight of, to Midian, {KI: 54}
forerunner of, {KI: 63, 66}
glorifies Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 103, 210}
law of, abrogated by Christ, {SAQ: 16, 93-94}
majesty and power of, {KI: 11}
opposition to,{GL: 19}Pharaoh's kinsman a believer in, {KI: 12}
Pharaoh's, {KI: 11, 55}
prophecies of advent of, {KI: 63}
reproach of, actually meant for Israel, {SAQ: 169}
rod of, and enchanters, {SFWAB: 259 and n.}
Samiri, {KI: 191}
Son of 'Imrán,{KI: 53}staff of wood, {SFWAB: 166}
{TOB: 210 and n.}
see also Qur'án
twelve leaders of tribes, {SFWAB: 165}
whisperings of, {TOB: 61}
see also Jew(s), Pharaoh, Sinai, Torah
Noah,{ESW: 42, 43, 52, 81, 92, 99, 104, 107}
{GL: 51, 67, 69, 76, 77, 83, 101, 102, 270}
{GPB: 4, 8, 93, 96, 101, 107, 121, 163, 183, 184, 250}
{KA: 13, n7, n85, n89, n128, n158}
{PM: 29, 50, 68, 144}
{ROB1: 3, 20, 22, 23, 32n., 48n., 59, 71, 126-7, 148, 156n., 169, 173, 182, 189, 190, 193, 257}
{ROB2: 21-3, 75, 121, 287, 303, 414}
{ROB3: 9, 14, 16, 41-2, 44, 46, 142, 151, 152, 197, 243, 261n., 262, 265, 277, 302, 338}
{ROB4: 46-7, 76, 88, 91, 96, 126, 191n., 208, 209, 265-6, 269, 295, 297, 325, 407}
{SAQ: 18-24, 48-54}
{SFWAB: 98–9, 281}
{TOB: 108-9, 114-15, 123-4}
Abel, sacrifice of, as test of Muhammad's Prophethood, {KI: 148}
ascent of, {KI: 185-86, 187}
achievements of, {TOB: 162-3}
afflictions of, {GL: 24, 25}
allegiance of nations to Faith of, {KI: 110}
Baní-Háshim, {KI: 241, 242}
beginning of prophethood of, was kept secret, {SAQ: 44}
Christians protected by, {SAQ: 21}
Day of Resurrection ushered in by, {KI: 117}
defensive military action of, {SAQ: 18, 20}
descendant of Abraham, {SAQ: 13, 213}
forerunners of, {KI: 65, 66}
Genealogy of,{DBNN: liv}Jews protected by, {SAQ: 21}
'Abdu'lláh, father of,
Hamzih, uncle of, {KI: 121}
Khadíjah (wife of Muhammad), {SAQ: 44}
Law of God descended upon, {SAQ: 68}
laws of,{SAQ: 49}oneness with Christ, {GL: 21}
{TOB: 108-9}
opposition of Christians to, {KI: 81, 135}
opposition of Jews to,{KI: 135-36}Pentateuch and Gospel promulgated by, {SAQ: 22}
why opposed by Jews, {GL: 22, 23, 24, 57}
persecution of, {SAQ: 18-20}
persecution of followers of, {KI: 218}
power of, {SAQ: 50}
Prophecies concerning,{ESW: 178-181}prophethood of, like Moses, {SAQ: 50}
{SAQ: 48-54}
crown of twelve stars, {SAQ: 68}
first woe is appearance of, {SAQ: 56}
Refers to Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB1: 306}return of, {TOB: 184-5}
{TOB: 103, 215
two olive trees, {SAQ: 49}
two witnesses clothed in sackcloth, {SAQ: 48}
woman clothed with sun, {SAQ: 68}
rejection of, {TOB: 206}
reproach of, meant for people, {SAQ: 169-70}
Sacrifice of dates to, {SFWAB: 98-9}
sovereignty of,{KI: 108, 110-11}staff of iron, {SFWAB: 166}
established, {GL: 24, 26}
sufferings of, {KI: 108-110}
Titles,'Apostle of God'twelve points of holiness, {SFWAB: 165}{ROB3: 15}'Arabian Prophet', {ROB3: 161}
{TOB: 213 and n., 214}
'Seal of the Prophets', see Terms in Holy Writings
twin testimonies of, {KI: 201 }
verdict of Last Day passed by, {KI: 114}
words of, {GL: 21, 25, 162}
see also Fátimih, Islám, Muslim(s), Qur'án
Sálih,{ROB4: 97, Appendix I}Zoroaster,
{TOB: 214}
as Manifestation following Noah, {KI: 9-10}
Misc. Topics,advent of, affects all creation, {GL: 6, 15, 16, 30, 32, 62, 68, 77, 85, 93, 142, 190, 263,292, 308, 324, 325, 328}
all else live by operation of will of, {KI: 103}
And God,ascension of, {SAQ: 155}Endowed with divine knowledge, {ROB4: 48}
manifest names and attributes of God, {KI: 100, 103-04, 142, 178}
manifest unity of God, {GL: 21, 59, 69, 167, 231}
mediator between God and man, {GL: 50, 66, 67, 272}
Mouthpiece of God, {GL: 70, 158}
Mystery of God, {PM: 51}
recognition of, is attainment of Presence of God, {KI: 142-43, 169-70}
reveal Will of God, {GL: 59, 167}
Revealers of the Word of God, see Word of God
to know Manifestations is to know God, {PM: 71, 294, 311}
Voice of God, {GL: 50, 55, 66}
Attributes of, and powers,Book of, {GL: 13, 21, 74, 173, 290}{GL: 47, 62, 68, 71}
{KI: 45}
{ROB1: 107, 167, 179-80, 262-3, 271}
{ROB2: 124, 416}
{ROB3: 1-2, 4, 45, 360}
{ROB4: 246}
Authority of,{GL: 55-56, 66, 175-76}bearers of God's attributes, see God
{TOB: 185}
Can see the end in the beginning, {ROB4: 169-70}
destitute of worldly powers,{GL: 71}divine intellectual power, {SAQ: 218}
Desire for worldly goods nonexistent in, {ROB3: 80-81}
divine knowledge not acquired, {SAQ: 157-59}
Divine Physicians,{ESW: 55, 62-63}divine power, {SAQ: 10, 11}
{GL: 40, 80, 81, 200, 213, 255}
{SFWAB: 59}
Hide their glory from eyes of men, {ROB3: 2, 4, 46, 227-8, 300}
Human characteristics of,{ROB3: 2-3, 227-8, 348-9}infallibility, {SAQ: 171-74}
outward appearance of, evanescent, {TOB: 258}
inseparable from Bounty of God, {SAQ: 155}
Knowledge of,{GL: 47, 158, 175, 176-178, 199}Limitations of, {ROB2: 184-5}
source of knowledge, {TOB: 144-5, 156}
Mercy and compassion of, {ROB3: 280}
Mirrors, are mirrors,{GL: 47, 48, 74}Not limited in dealings with things, {ROB3: 215}
{SFWAB: 42, 62}
Peerless, {PM: 57, 194}
perfection of, {SAQ: 8-9, 11, 150-53, 167-70}
Christ and Bahá'u'lláh possess perfections of former Manifestations and more, {SAQ: 150}reflect Sun of Reality, {SAQ: 114, 147-48, 222}
manifest perfections, attributes of God, {SAQ: 147-50, 206-07, 222}
Perfect Man, {SAQ: 114, 174, 196, 222}
signs of greatness from childhood, {SAQ: 155}
Sovereignty of,{GL: 26, 31, 47, 67, 72-73}Stars of guidance, {SFWAB: 38}
{KI: 97, 110-11, 123-25}
{ROB1: 180-3}
Sun of Reality, {ROB3: 338}
Supernatural Powers,{SAQ: 100-02}transforming influence of, {KI: 155-58}
future revealed to, {SAQ: 138}
Infallibility of, see Infallibility
Miracles,{ROB1: 106-7, 145-6, 291n.}visions of, {SAQ: 251-53}
{ROB3: 38-44, 98-9, 360, 418}
{ROB4: 113, 238, 272, 324-5}
are not decisive proofs, {SAQ: 37, 100-02}
attributed to Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
inner significance of, {SAQ: 37-38}
see also Christ
Truth of, {KA: n75, n160}
Bring tests, {ROB2: 145}
Burning Fire, {TOB: 116}
Compared withCovenants of, see Covenant
Days of, unique, {GL: 60, 263}{SAQ: 160-61, 164-66}
Adamic, {SAQ: 161}
divine, {KA: n170, n172, n183}
in material world, {SAQ: 73-74}
new, are renewed by Holy Spirit, {SAQ: 145}
of fulfillment, {GPB: 57, 100}
Prophetic Cycle,{GL: 60, 62, 75}spiritual cycles of the Prophets, {SAQ: 74-77, 145, 160-161, 164-66}
Manifestations of God, of the Prophetic Cycle, {ROB4: 166}
Prophetic Cycle/Era ended,{GL: 60, 75}
{GPB: 57, 100}
The Báb inaugurates universal prophetic cycle, {GPB: 57}
Universal, {SAQ: 160-61}
descendants honored, {GL: 223}
Effect of coming of, {ROB4: 147, 155}
Existence of
has no beginning, no end, {SAQ: 152-53}expected, {PM: 96, 200}
Perfect Man always exists, {SAQ: 196}
False,{GL: 244, 274, 346}Forces released by, {ROB1: 4-5, 31-2, 167, 176, 184, 211, 213-18}
{ROB3: 291}
fictitious, {TOB: 42}
Guidance of, {PM: 50, 113}
'If a liar... if a man of truth', {TOB: 211}
influence of, {SAQ: 9-10, 162-63}
intercession by, {SAQ: 232}
Laws of,{ROB3: 277, 280}Nature of, {ROB2: 347}
{ROB2: 353-4}
Laws of, justice of {GL: 175}
necessity for, {GL: 67, 68, 179}
new attire of, {TOB: 87}
Opposition to, rejection of, Tests and trials of,Prayers granted by, {SFWAB: 161}{GL: 56-58, 81, 88-89, 179, 218, 222}
{ROB2: 120, 413-14}
{SFWAB: 55-6}
afflictions of, {GL: 57, 76, 101, 124, 129}
assists Cause, {GL: 42, 72}
basis of, {GL: 17-27, 57, 71-72, 82-84, 179, 198}
by leaders of religion,{ROB1: 163-4, 171-2}denial of, {KI: 4-6, 12-15, 148-49, 182, 183, 211-12, 215-16}
Clerics, as persecutors of Manifestations, {KI: 165-66}
hardships and persecutions of, {KI: 45}
rejection by man,{ROB1: 163-6}scorn of divines for followers of, {KI: 222}
{ROB3: 31, 32, 34, 156}
{TOB: 163}
submission of to trials, {ROB3: 4, 233-4}
sufferings of, {ROB1: 148-9, 163-4, 182-3, 194-6}
tribulations of {ESW: 64, 92}
Reason for designation as, endowed with constancy, {KI: 220}
Recognition of, by man,Relationship to{ESW: 61, 97}
{ROB1: 107, 123, 152, 161, 208, 238, 240}
{ROB2: 15, 38}
{ROB3: 29, 31, 94, 105, 130, 132, 137, 289, 292}
{ROB4: 141-3}
{SAQ: 127-28}
{TOB: 41}
beyond understanding of men, {ROB3: 145, 240}
faculty for, {TOB: 52-3, 89}
first followers of, {GL: 179, 180}
how received, {PM: 97, 113, 276, 296}
man's capacity to understand, see Capacity
man's first goal, {ROB1: 96}
man's inadequacy to recognize, {ROB1: 303}
Obedience to Manifestations,{SAQ: 173-74}obstacles to,
duty of followers of, {TOB: 108}
necessity for obedience to, {SAQ: 173-74}
{ROB1: 91, 162-6, 171-2, 183-4}prerequisites of, {ROB1: 162-3}
{ROB2: 32-4, 82-4}
rejection of, {SAQ: 127-28}
hatred of Holy Spirit unpardonable, {SAQ: 127-28}tests associated with,
{ROB1: 129-31, 135-7, 173-5}
{ROB3: 38, 45-6, 47ff., 79, 193}
{ROB4: 247, 287, 308}
see Resignation, Suffering
Revelation,each other,{ROB2: 125, 185, 251, 381}God, see God
{ROB1: 64-7, 117-18, 142, 160-61, 177-8, 309-10}
differences between,{SAQ: 150}Dispensations of, see Dispensation
two kinds of Prophets, {SAQ: 164-65}
Distinctiveness of, {ROB1: 119, 178-9, 309-10}
previous Manifestations foretell coming of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
man,{ROB1: 58, 59, 97, 118-19}
{ROB2: 17-18, 26, 31, 82, 197}
revealers of God to man, {ROB4: 47, 131-2, 140}
reproach of, meant for people, {SAQ: 167-70}
Saviour of man, {ROB4: 193}
Servitude of, {KI: 178, 179}{ROB3: 13, 134, 148-9, 167, 374, 380}
{ROB4: 46, 89-90, 133-4, 169, 211, 213, 268, 397, 411}
{TOB: 185-6}
according to capacity of man, {GL: 87, 99, 176, 214}
according to requirements of age, {GL: 79, 80, 85}
act of, {ROB4: 317, 333, 334}
and attainment to Divine Presence, {KI: 139, 141-43}
and scholarship, {ROB3: 239-40}
authenticity of, {ROB4: 60}
compared with moon, {GL: 79}
compared with sun, {GL: 87}
creative power of, {KI: 59-61, 140}
ever-enduring, {GL: 82}
greatest gift to man, {GL: 195}
hour of revelation, {GL: 151}
Impurity, Ritual Uncleanness, concept of, abolished, see Cleanliness
measure of, foreordained,{GL: 74-77, 79, 87, 103, 263}Kingdom of Revelation,
differ in intensity of revelations, {KI: 104}
{KA: K91, K109, 99}Most Great Revelation, see Bahá'u'lláh
{ROB3: 180-81, 349}
nature of, {KA: n23, n129, n160}
new, {ROB4: 166}
of attributes of God, see God
of Tablets, {ROB4: 257}
of the Word of God, see God
oneness of, {GL: 78, 217, 287}
power of, {GL: 183, 189, 197, 200}
Progressive Revelation,{GL: 74, 75, 76, 79, 91, 269}Proofs of,
{KA: 1-2, 8, 12-13}
{ROB1: 32, 65-6, 106, 272, 309-10}
{ROB2: 126}
{ROB3: 27, 131, 134, 346}
{SFWAB: 51-3, 58-9, 311}
{TOB: 89, 114-15, 150, 161, 183-7, 257}
and authority of Manifestation of God, {KA: K129, n75}
and recognition, {KA: K167, n155, n180}
cycles of, {SAQ: 74-77, 160-61, 164-66}
definition of, {GPB: 100}
fulfillment of previous Dispensations, {KA: K80, K142, n108, n109, n156, n158, n160, n185}
future, {KA: K37, n62}
return of, meaning of, {SAQ: 132-34, 288-89}
successive, {GL: 68, 73, 74, 91, 174, 269}
teachings of Manifestations of God
change with changes in man, {SAQ: 94-96}Unity of Manifestations of God,
Law of God given by, {SAQ: 158-59}
material laws altered in each cycle, {SAQ: 48}
necessity of following, {SAQ: 300-05}
{ESW: 42, 43, 58, 80-81}
{KA: K80, K103, K175-K177, n111, n160}
{PM: 50, 51, 57, 230}
{ROB1: 118-19, 161, 176-8}
oneness of,{GL: 5, 26, 47, 50, 59, 74, 78, 88, 89, 94, 101, 104, 145, 174, 217, 224, 281, 287}oneness with God, {GL: 17, 50, 67, 73, 167}
{KI: 152-54, 176, 177}
{PM: 50, 51, 57, 230}
{GL: 17-27, 49, 105, {GL: 179, 259}Purpose of, Mission of,
{ROB1: 106-7, 189-90}
{ROB2: 121-5}
{ROB3: 28, 38-9, 98-9}
{ROB4: 108}
{ESW: 12, 98}Religions of,
{GL: 5, 18, 31, 47, 50, 51, 67, 68, 70, 74, 79, 78-81, 145, 156-158, 174-5, 212, 260}
{KA: Q106}
{PM: 49, 96, 99, 113, 128, 152}
{ROB3: 35, 39, 130, 217}
{SFWAB: 31, 64-5}
as gardeners of world of humanity, {SAQ: 194}
Function of, {ROB2: 192, 269, 375}
to educate mankind, {SAQ: 8-11, 168, 236-37}
to mediate between God and His creatures, {SAQ: 145}
{ROB2: 287-8}Reveal divine realities, {SFWAB: 170}
see also Religion(s)
Scriptures in different languages, {GL: 173}
twin,{GPB: 92}world immersed in ocean of, see Bahá'u'lláh
of The Báb, see Báb, The
of Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh two, are awaited by the world, {SAQ: 39}
Soul of,{KA: n160}Spiritual energies of, {ROB2: 29, 123-5, 251-4}
Manifestations have rational soul, {SAQ: 151-53, 154-55}
Station of,teachers of mankind, {SFWAB: 128}{ESW: 41-44}
{KA: 14, K143, Q106, n160}
{PM: 51, 128}
physical and spiritual, {SFWAB: 55-6}
represent human development, {SFWAB: 56}
stations or conditions of, are three, {SAQ: 151-56, 218-19}
title "Seal of the Prophets" applies to all, see Terms in Holy Writings
two stations of, twofold station of,{GL: 22, 48, 50-55, 66-67}
{KI: 152, 176, 177-78, 181}
{ROB1: 59, 129, 177-80}
Universal, Universal Manifestation, for this age,{ROB1: 309}Words of,
{ROB3: 132}
{ROB4: 135}
{SAQ: 58}
{SFWAB: 67-8, 295}
{ROB2: 121-3}
creative, {ROB3: 44, 130}
Interpretation of Holy Books of former religions, {ROB1: 166-71, 183-5}
twofold language of, {KI: 254-55}
Words and Letters, {SFWAB: 60}
{ROB2: 130}Mardin, reception accorded Bahá'u'lláh in, {GPB: 156}
{ROB3: 44-6, 73}
{ROB4: 30}
Bahá'u'lláh replies to divines of, see Bahá'u'lláh
Clergy of, {ROB3: 44-6}
Marriage, Betrothal, Engagement, Wedlock,Martyr(s), Martyrdom,{KA: 4, 14, 149-152, Q43, 150}
{ROB3: 282, 353, 365-7}
{ROB4: 163, 201, 291, 311}
{SFWAB: 100, 117-122}
absence of spouse,{KA: K67, Q4, n96-n99}Bahá'í, recognized in some states, {GPB: 373, 374}
death during, {KA: K67, Q27}
Bride, virginity, {KA: Q13, Q47}
children important to, {SFWAB: 120}
choice of partner, choice of spouse,{KA: K65, K107, Q30, Q92}companionship in,
{SFWAB: 118}
{SFWAB: 122}consent of parents, {KA: K65, Q13, n92}
union of body and spirit, {SFWAB: 117, 118}
Dowry, payable by bridegroom,{KA: K66, 150-52}Husband,
determining amount, {KA: Q26, Q87-Q88, n94-n95}
promissory note, {KA: Q39, n93}
recovery of, {KA: Q12, Q47}
redefined, {KA: n93}
may be helped by wife, {SFWAB: 81, 122}importance of, {GPB: 214}
prayer for, see Prayers
Monogamous,{GPB: 214}not obligatory, {KA: Q46, n91}
{KA: 14, K63, n89}
Bigamy, {KA: K63, Q30, n89}
Polygamy, Plurality of wives,{KA: n89}
{ROB4: 201}
patience and unity between partners enjoined, {KA: K67, K70, Q4, n98}
purpose, {KA: K63, n88, n133, n134}
with relatives, limits,{KA: 7, K107, Q50, n133}with unbelievers, {KA: K139, Q84}
Step-parent, marriage with forbidden, {KA: 7, K107, 150, n133}
verses, {KA: Q3, Q12}
Wedding must occur within ninety-five days of betrothal, {KA: Q43}
wife may be transformed, {SFWAB: 121}
see also Bahá'í(s), Divorce, Family, Prayer(s), Remarriage, Travel, Virginity
Mary Magdelene, {SFWAB: 105, 123}{ESW: 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 101, 174}
{GL: 109, 121, 135, 180-182}
{GPB: 198-203, 296-299}
{ROB1: 270, 279}
{ROB2: 46-51, 60, 94, 96-7, 106, 128-36, 205, 222-3, 286, 332-4, 358-68, 413}
{ROB3: 9, 48, 59, 175-6, 178, 192-4, 203, 212-13, 241, 302}
{ROB4: 57, 141, 165, 175, 234, 264, 322, 325n., 328, 383-8, 421}
{SFWAB: 33, 73, 207, 220}
{TOB: 17, 24, 42, 79, 178, 209-10, 215, 246}
detachment from self, {SFWAB: 76}
of The Báb, see Tabríz
of Bábís, see Bábí(s)
of Bahá'ísBahá'u'lláh on,of Imám Husayn, see Clergy{ROB4: 383-8}in
Bahá'u'lláh yearns for, {SFWAB: 240}
His presence with martyrs, see Bahá'u'lláh
Persia,of{GPB: 198-203, 296-299}
execution of first in Persia, {DBNN: 280}
more than four thousand slain in one year, {GPB: 197}
Mázindarán, see Mázindarán
Nayríz, see Nayríz
Qazvín, see Qazvín
Tihrán, see Tihrán
Yazd, see Yazd
Zanján, see Zanján
Áqá Najaf-'Alí, {ROB4: 386, 435}Shoghi Effendi on, see Shoghi Effendi
Áqá Najaf-'Alíy-i-Zanjání,{GPB: 178}Badí', see Tablet to Badí'
{ROB2: 222-3}
Hájí Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, see Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, Hájí
King and Beloved of the Martyrs, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Rada'r-Rúh, see Tablet to Rada'r-Rúh
Sulaymán Khán, see Sulaymán Khán, Hájí
Tablet concerning, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
see also Mírzá Mihdí
spiritual significance of,{SFWAB: 73}see also Adversity
{TOB: 14, 15}
Máshá'u'lláh, Mosque of, {ROB3: 425-6}
Mashhad,{DBNN: 12, 267, 288, 324, 671}Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Mashriq'ul-Adhkár, House of Worship, Bahá'í Temple,
{ROB2: 99 and n., 101-3, 105}
{ROB3: 168-9, 177}
{ROB4: 209, 294, 296}
Bahá'ís of, {ROB3: 63}
Mas'úd Mírzá, Prince (Zillu's-Sultán),{GPB: 340}
{KA: 14, K31, K115, 156, n53, 253}
{ROB1: 86 and n., 199}
{ROB2: 180, 358 and n., 431}
{ROB3: 84, 214 and n., 281, 343-8, 431-2}
{ROB4: 171, 316n.}
{SFWAB: 94, 95-100}
Bahá'ís will gather at dawn in,{GPB: 340}children to recite tablets in, {KA: K150, 160}
{KA: K115, Q15, n142}
complementary institutions of, dependencies,{GPB: 339}definition of, {ROB4: 120n., 316n.}
{KA: n53}
believer's hair sacrificed for, {SFWAB: 96-9 passim}
in 'Ishqábád, see 'Ishqábád
in North America, see Chicago
in Tihrán, see Tihrán
on Mount Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
place for, in every hamlet, {SFWAB: 95}
prohibition of pulpits and sermons, {KA: n168}
prophecies concerning, {GPB: 351}
services connected with, {SFWAB: 100}
spiritual effect of, {SFWAB: 95-6}
Welfare, {KA: Q101}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Materialism,Maxwell, May (née May Ellis Bolles),{SFWAB: 103, 206, 239, 281, 282}
{TOB: 17, 144}
abandon things, {TOB: 78, 232, 266}
cord of material means, {TOB: 26}
Covetousness, {TOB: 71}
dangers of, without spirituality, {SFWAB: 283-5, 303-4}
only beauty of True One endures, {SFWAB: 204}
fleeting fame, {SFWAB: 105}
spirituality will defeat, {SFWAB: 191}
transitory things, {TOB: 267}
uselessness of,{SFWAB: 176, 200, 204, 220-1, 234, 271}yearn only for God, {TOB: 58-9}
everything impermanent, {SFWAB: 311}
see also Detachment, Wealth{GPB: 257}Maydán-i-Khán, {ROB4: 347}
{SFWAB: 107}
among first group of pilgrims from West, and account of Garden of Ridván, 'Akká {ROB4: 28-30}
buried in Argentina, {GPB: 400}
established first center in European continent, {GPB: 259}
laid foundation of Cause in Canada, {GPB: 260}
Maydán-i-Sháh, {ROB4: 385}
Mázindarán, 'land of Mím',Mazra'iy-i-Vashshásh, {ROB1: 228}{ROB1: 54, 246, 305}
{ROB4: 6, 148, 177, 378, 382, 383, 387, 389}
{TOB: 104}
Bábís,general massacre, {DBNN: 404}contest of eleven months in, {GPB: 38}
list of martyrs at, {DBNN: 414, 671}
march towards, {ROB4: 209}
persecution, {GPB: 38-42}
upheaval of, {DBNN: 299, 324, 362, 378, 387, 394, 396}
Núr, province of,{ROB1: 7, 8, 10, 11, 50, 122}
Bahá'u'lláh's visit to,{DBNN: 112}
effects of, {DBNN: 118}
Mecca, Bathá,Men,Medina,{ROB4: 215}
Bahá'í, in great danger, see Bahá'í(s)
burial rings, inscription, {KA: K129}
equality between men and women, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
hair, length of, {KA: K44, n69}
Husband see Divorce, Dowry, Inheritance, Marriage, Remarriage
marriage verse, {KA: Q3}
membership of Universal House of Justice confined to, {KA: n80}
pilgrimage enjoined, {KA: Q29}
servants see Maid
wearing of silk,{KA: K159, n174}work, injunction to, {KA: n56}
see also Clothes
see also Divorce, Inheritance, mutatis mutandis, Remarriage
{GL: 83}Mediums, {SFWAB: 160-1}
{DBNN: 18, 140}
the Báb visits, {GPB: 9}
Mendicancy, Begging,Mercy,Micah, {ROB2: 2}
Michael Angelo, {GPB: 353}
Midhát Páshá,{GPB: 317}Mihdí, Dervish, {ROB4: 50-1}
{ROB4: 239}
Mihdí, Hájí Mullá, {ROB1: 56}
Mihdí, Mullá (martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 347}
Mihdí-Qulí, Mírzá, Prince, {DBNN: 332, 363, 368, 389, 393, 399, 583}
Mihdíy-i-Khú'í, Mullá,{DBNN: 25, 227, 349, 423 #147 (also #148)}Mihdy-i-Gulpáygání, Siyyid, {ROB3: 304}
{KI: 223}
Mihríz, {ROB2: 103}
Mír Muhammad Big, Áqá,{ROB3: 159}Míyánduáb, {ROB3: 75}
{ROB4: 254n.}
Moderation, Middle Way,{GL: 216, 235, 251, 342, 343}Modesty, {ROB3: 84}
{GPB: 218}
{ROB4: 67, 192, 215, 236}
{TOB: 69, 169, 172, 198-9}
Montana, Phillsburg, {SFWAB: 206}
Moody, Dr Susan,{GPB: 261}Moscow, {ROB3: 113}
{ROB4: 328}
buried in Tihrán, {GPB: 400}
Mosque(s),Aqsá, see JerusalemMosul,
{KA: Q94, n19}
{ROB1: 26, 254, 285}Motive, {ROB3: 129, 143}
{ROB2: 334-6}
{ROB3: 25-6, 54-5, 178}
{TOB: 175}
Mt. Alburz, endowments on, {GPB: 338}
Muhammad Ja'far-i-Tabrízí (Mansúr), Hájí,{ROB1: 97-8}Muhammad Karím-i-'Attár, {ROB3: 428, 430}
{ROB3: 54}
Muhammad Siyyid,intrigues of, {GPB: 112, 164-169}Muhammad, 'Abduh, Shaykh, {ROB4: 239}
slain, {GPB: 189}
Muhammad, Mír Siyyid, (Imám-Jum'ih of Isfahán, brother of 'Raqshá'){DBNN: 199}Muhammad, Mírzá Siyyid, the Báb's host in Isfahán, {GPB: 14}
{ROB4: 74, 75}
see also Bahá'u'lláh/Mír Muhammad-Husayn
Muhammad, Mírzá (Na'ím), {ROB3: 389-93}
Muhammad, Shaykh (Nabíl), {ROB3: 88}
Muhammad, Siyyid, of Yazd, {ROB1: 39}
Muhammad-'Alí Mírzá (the Crown Prince), {ROB4: 402}
Muhammad-'Alí, Áqá, of Isfahán, {ROB1: 287}
Muhammad-'Alí, Hájí Shaykh (Nabíl ibn-i-Nabíl),{ROB4: illus. 403; 436}Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá; brother of Búyúk-Áqá and a distinguished Siyyid of Khuy, {DBNN: 303}
and Azalís, {ROB4: 394-8}
Muhammad-'Alí, Mullá (Nabíl-i-Qá'iní),{ROB3: 57-8, 209}Muhammad-'Ali-i-Zanjání, Mulla, Mullá Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Zanján, Hujjat, Hujjat-i-Zanjání,
{TOB: 135}
Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Gázur, Áqá, {ROB2: 105}activities prior to conversion, {DBNN: 529}
acceptance of message of Báb,{DBNN: 531, 534}death of his wife and child, {DBNN: 572}
becomes an advocate of the Báb, {GPB: 12}
conversion of, {DBNN: 178}
Fort of 'Ali-Mardán Khán, transferred to, {DBNN: 545, (note 25)}
fortitude in spite of grief, {GPB: 46}
his petition to Násirid-Dín Sháh, {DBNN: 554}
incarceration in Tihrán, {DBNN: 537, 539, 540}
martyred,{GPB: 44, 46, 50}
his death and his interment, {DBNN: 573}
indignities inflicted on his body and fate of his kinsmen, {DBNN: 578}
Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Isfahání, {ROB4: 226, 395-8}
Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Sabbágh, Áqá, of Yazd,{ROB1: 287}Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Salmání, Ustád, {ROB2: 155-61, 265, 329, 330-1, 409}
{ROB2: 59}
Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Sayyáh, Hájí (Jáhil), {ROB4: 101}
Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Tabrízí, {ROB4: 394, 395}
Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Tambákú-Furúsh, Áqá, {ROB2: 18, 69, 200, 370-3, 406}
Muhammad-Báqir (martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 347}
Muhammad-Báqir, {ROB4: 247}
Muhammad-Báqir, Ustád, {ROB3: 20}
Muhammad-Báqir-i-Káshání, Áqá, {ROB2: 59}
Muhammad-Báqir-i-Qahvih-Chí, Áqá, {ROB2: 199, 201n., 329, 330, 402, 408}
Muhammad-Báqir-i-Rashtí, Hájí, Siyyid; known as Hárátí, {DBNN: 19, 97, 264}
Muhammad-Big-i-Cháparchí, {DBNN: 215, 226, 442, 536}
Muhammad-Hádíy-i-Farhádí, {ROB2: 172, 174-8}
Muhammad-Hádiy-i-Sahháf, Mírzá, {ROB3: 402-3}
Muhammad-Hasan (martyr of Yazd), {ROB4: 348}
Muhammad-Hasan-i-Najafí, Shaykh,{DBNN: 90}Muhammad-Hasan-i-Qazvíní, Fatá'l-Qazvíní,
{KA: K166, 164, n178}
{ROB4: 209, 433}
{DBNN: 287}Muhammad-Hasan-i-Sabzavárí, Shaykh,
takes message from Táhirih to Quddús, {DBNN: 294}
{ROB1: 39}Muhammad-Husayn, Shaykh, {ROB4: 205-6}
{ROB2: 103, 105}
{ROB4: 51}
Muhammad-i-'Arab, Shaykh, {ROB1: 283}
Muhammad-Ibráhím, Áqá, {ROB4: 30-1}
Muhammad-Ibráhím-i-Amír, Áqá, {ROB1: 288}
Muhammad-Ibráhím-i-Káshání, Áqá, {ROB1: 131}
Muhammad-i-Furúghí, Mírzá, Mullá,{DBNN: 125, 332, 334, 353, 404, 580}Muhammad-i-Gulpáyigání, Siyyid; pen name was Ta'ir, whom Táhirih styled as Fatá'l-Malíh, {DBNN: 273}
{ROB2: 115}
{ROB3: 27}
Muhammad-i-Mámáqání, Mullá; noted and learned disciple of Shaykh Ahmad-i-Ahsá'í, {DBNN: 11, 314, 509}
Muhammad-i-Manshádí, Mullá, {ROB2: 99-102, 105, 106}
Muhammad-i-Mázindarání, Mírzá, {ROB1: 250-51}
Muhammad-i-Mukárí, Mír, {ROB2: 59, 292-5, 409}
Muhammad-i-Núrí, Mullá, Mu'allim of Núr, his meeting with Mullá Husayn, his message to Bahá'u'lláh, {DBNN: 104}
Muhammad-i-Ridáy-i-Muhammad-'Ábádí, Mullá, {ROB4: 286n.}
Muhammad-Ismá'íl, Ustád, {ROB3: 20}
Muhammad-i-Yazdí, Hájí,{ROB4: illus. 22; 23-6}Muhammad-Khán, the Amír-Túmán, {DBNN: 556}
and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 25-6}
meets Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí, {ROB4: 25-6}
Muhammad-Khán-i-Balúch, Hájí,{ROB3: 384-9}Muhammad-Mihdí, Safihu'l-'Ulama, {DBNN: 205}
{ROB4: 107}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's statement on, {ROB3: 387-8}
Muhammad-Mihdíy-i-Kandí, Mullá; bearer of message from Bahá'u'lláh to the Báb, {DBNN: 227, 440, 424 #152 (also #153)}
Muhammad-Mustafá; an Arab native of Baghdad, {DBNN: 271, 273}
Muhammad-Qulí, Mírzá, {ROB4: 247}
Muhammad-Rahím, Áqá, of Isfahán, {ROB3: 120-23}
Muhammad-Ridá, Áqá, {ROB1: 102, 103, 278}
Muhammad-Ridá, Hájí, of Káshán, {ROB3: 269}
Muhammad-Ridá, Mullá, of Muhammad-Ábád,{ROB1: 84-91}Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, Hájí,
{ROB2: 97-8}
{ROB4: illus. 345; 387-8, 435}Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Tabíb, Áqá Mírzá, {ROB3: 358-9}
martyrdom, {ROB4: 342-6}
Bahá'u'lláh meets, {ROB4: 343}
prayer for, {ROB4: 343}
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá
Muhammad-Sádiq, Áqá, of Isfahán, {ROB1: 287}
Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí, Hájí,Muhammad-Taqí, Mírzá; the leading mujtahid in Sárí, Mázindarán, {DBNN: 300, 346, 351, 357, 407}{ROB2: 10, 11n., 21-3, 99-105 passim, 107 quoted passim}
{ROB3: 334}
{ROB4: 113}
biography, {ROB1: Appendix II}
describes events at Bahjí, see 'Akká
describes Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 9-10}
father of author of The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 37n.}
Fusúl-i-Arba'ih, {ROB1: 322 and n.}
History of the Faith in the Province of Yazd,{ROB1: 321, 326}memoirs,
{ROB2: 46-51, 358}
{ROB4: 23, 50-1, 124, 347}
{ROB1: 111-13, 131-2, 290-91}receives Tablet, {ROB1: 37-40}
{ROB3: 40-44, 194-6, 301-2, 359, 384-6}
{ROB4: 9-10, 243-4, 247}
story about Mírzá Ja'far, {ROB4: 245-6}
writings, {ROB1: 38n., 321-2}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Muhammad-Taqíy-i-Harátí, Mullá, {DBNN: 202, 208}
Muhammad-Taqíy-i-Milání, {DBNN: 239}
Muhammad-Taqíy-i-Núrí, Mírzá; a celebrated mujtahid of Núr,his meeting with Bahá'u'lláh, {DBNN: 111}Muhammad-Valí Khán, {ROB3: 187-91}
two dreams of, {DBNN: 111, 112}
Muharram, {ROB4: 322, 334, 335}
Muhít-i-Kirmání, Mírzá,{ROB2: 54}Mu'ínu's-Saltanih, Hájí, {ROB3: 269}
the declaration of the Báb to, {DBNN: 134, 136, 137, 138}
Mulk-Árá, Prince, {ROB1: 92}
Murtidá, Mírzá, the Sadru'l-'Ulamá, {ROB4: 435}
Murtidáy-i-Ansárí, Shaykh, {ROB1: 91-2, 144}
Mushíru'l-Mulk, {ROB1: 112-13}
Music, Melodies, Singing and Songs, Anthems,Mustafa Big-i-Sanandají, Majdhúb, {DBNN: 118}{KA: K51, 159, n79}
{ROB3: 348, 367-9}
{SFWAB: 11, 147, 200}
'Abdu'l-Bahá on, , {ROB3: 368-9}
and musicians, {SFWAB: 112
anthems of the spirit, {SFWAB: 11}
anthems of unity, {SFWAB: 8, 312}
choir of holiness, {SFWAB: 255}
in praise of Beloved, {SFWAB: 19}
music is food for soul, {SFWAB: 112}
Nearness to God through, {KA: K51}
of Concourse on High, {SFWAB: 22, 35}
past religious practices concerning, {KA: n79}
power of, {SAQ: 246}
Propriety, in relation to, {KA: K51}
Singing,{KA: K51}song of God, {SFWAB: 93}
at gatherings, {SFWAB: 112}
song of Kingdom, {SFWAB: 3, 180}
songsters that carol, {SFWAB: 225}
verses of oneness are being sung, {SFWAB: 228}
Muslim(s), Muhammadans,Mustafá, Mírzá, of Naráq,{ROB3: 43, 59, 76, 154, 168-9, 260-65, 273}
{ROB4: 151, 172, 263, 264, 268, 335n., 343, 417}
and holy war, see War(s)
and prayer, {ROB3: 355n.}
Bahá'ís of Muslim background, see Bahá'í(s)
clergy, see Clergy
in Mandalay become Bahá'ís, see Mandalay
Muslim Cemetery in 'Akká, see 'Akká
pilgrimage, {ROB3: 385-6}
rites of burial, {ROB3: 20, 209n.}
Shrines,{ROB3: 424, 427-8}see also Kitáb-i-Íqán, Bahá'í(s), Islám
in 'Iráq, {ROB1: 156-7}
{ROB2: 60-1}Mysteries, Hidden Meanings,
{ROB4: 386, 435}
Nadr-ibn-i-Hárith, {GL: 25}divine,{SAQ: 123}excluded will understand, {SFWAB: 277, 278}
{SFWAB: 29}
laid bare, {SFWAB: 253}
hidden, may be revealed, {SFWAB: 3}
inner,{SFWAB: 40, 53, 181}man probes, {SAQ: 186}
buds of, {SFWAB: 255}
may be learned by children, {SFWAB: 134}
of being exist in man, {SAQ: 236}
of the Kingdom, {SFWAB: 33}
of universe, {SFWAB: 157-8}
revealed by love, {SFWAB: 27}
see also Mysteries
Najaf,{DBNN: 2, 7, 50}Najaf-Ábád,
{KA: n178}
{ROB1: 156n., 157}
{ROB4: 100}
{ROB1: 25, 248}Name(s),
{ROB4: 385}
Najíb Páshá, {ROB1: 259}{TOB: 21, 244}
as barriers to recognition of Manifestation of God, {KA: K167, n180}
Book of, {TOB: 5, 78}
caused other names to groan, {TOB: 116}
circle of, {TOB: 101}
Creator of, {TOB: 21}
Greatest, see Bahá'u'lláh
holding fast to, {TOB: 58}
kingdom of, see Terms in Holy Writings
Lord of, {TOB: 11, 25, 33, 48, 134, 144, 237, 238, 255}
Most Great, see Bahá'u'lláh
of God, {TOB: 246, 252}
of months see Calendar, Bahá'í
place names referred to by initial letter, {KA: n122}
sea of, {TOB: 58}
shaken, {TOB: 77}
tabernacle of, {TOB: 189}
veil of, {TOB: 9}
Násirí (trademark), {ROB4: 178}
Nasru'lláh, Siyyid, {ROB4: 191}
Nasru'lláh-i-Tafrishí, Mírzá, {ROB3: 23}
Nations, Country,Navváb-i-Radaví; the most prominent of Vahid's adversaries, {DBNN: 467, 471}{ROB3: 126, 128, 148, 153, 168}
{ROB4: 197, 198, 235-6, 238, 361, 382, 423, 432-3}
development of, {KA: K160, 161}
League of Nations,{GPB: 305}luminary in every, {TOB: 150}
{ROB1: 212}
{SFWAB: 306-7}
Bahá'ís appeal to, for restitution of property, {GPB: 357-360}
messages to, {GPB: 344}
religious league of Nations embodied in Temple, {GPB: 353}
Nationalism, {SFWAB: 300-1}
no glory in nationality, {TOB: 68, 87, 127, 167}
prescribed portion for each, {TOB: 149}
unity of, {GL: 95, 249}
well-being of, {TOB: 174}
see also Christian Faith
Náyib, Jináb-i-, {ROB4: 259}
Nayríz,Nazar-'Alíy-i-Hakím-i-Qazvíní, {ROB3: 247-8}{ROB1: 77n., 288, 331}
{ROB4: 205, 328, 378, 380, 435}
Bahá'u'lláh praises believers of, {ROB1: 267-8}
Báqir, Mullá, Imám-Jum'ih of, {ROB4: 205}
upheavals in,{DBNN: 465, 474, 479, 642}
{GPB: 42-43}
{ROB1: 138-9, 263-9}
Martyrs of,{ROB1: 265-8}Zaynu'l-'Ábidín Khán, Prince (the Fakhru'd-Dawlih), Governor of,
names of (at Fort of Khajíh), {DBNN: 487}
{DBNN: 476, 481, 490}see also Súriy-i-Sabr
{ROB1: 138-41 passim, 144, 145, 264-5, 268}
wife of, {ROB1: 141}
Nazareth,{ROB3: 58, 209}New Zealand, National Spiritual Assembly in, {GPB: 335, 336}
{ROB4: 239}
Christians of, {ROB3: 58}
Newspapers, Journalists (writers of press),{GPB: 219}Nice (France), {ROB3: 86}
{ROB4: 173, 349-50, 396, 401}
{SFWAB: 39}
{TOB: 39-40}
News, {KA: n82}
see also Akhtar, 'Urvatu'l-Vuthqá, Tablet to The Times
Nimrod,{GL: 88}Níshápúr, {ROB3: 176-7}
{KA: K41, n65}
{ROB4: 324}
dream of, {KI: 62}
see also Manifestation(s) of God
Níyávarán, {ROB1: 8}
Níyáz, Hájí, {ROB4: 415}
Níyáz-i-Baghdádí, Hájí, incident related by, {DBNN: 138}
Non-believers, Deniers, Disbelievers, Faithless, Froward, Heedless, Ignorant, Unbelief, Unbelievers, Wayward, Enemies of Cause,Núru'd-Dín-i-Zayn, {ROB4: 105}{ESW: 159}
{TOB: 49, 60, 73, 74, 91, 102-3, 104-9 passim, 110-12, 114, 117, 119, 120, 123, 131, 137, 141, 143-4, 147, 151, 156, 174, 175, 185, 205-16 passim, 235, 240-2, 244-5, 248, 252}
'Abdu'l-Bahá hopes unmindful may perceive sweet savours, {SFWAB: 22}
afflictions of, {GL: 169, 209, 214, 339}
aid to, besought, {TOB: 108, 187}
astray but perceive it not, {TOB: 107}
Bábís, {TOB: 79, 185, 190}
Bahá'u'lláh's Writings collected by, {TOB: 131}
bartered away blessings, gifts, {TOB: 102, 106}
birds of darkness, see Terms in Holy Writings
blind, see Terms in Holy Writings
Book unaffected by, {TOB: 78}
captive in chains, {TOB: 84}
character of, {GL: 169, 181, 183, 232, 233}
clay clods, {TOB: 260}
condition of{GL: 71, 87, 136, 145-148, 168, 190, 191, 284, 293, 331}contemptible, {TOB: 54}
{PM: 198, 296, 311}
craftiness of, {TOB: 260}
deniers drink from sea of God's bestowals, {SFWAB: 257}
die in wrath, {TOB: 103, 131}
difference between good, sinners, and wicked who are veiled, {SAQ: 238}
dried leaves, {TOB: 257-8}
drunkenness of, drunken stupor of,{SFWAB: 13}embodiments of delusion, {TOB: 244}
{TOB: 237}
epilepsy of, {TOB: 241}
evil designs of, {TOB: 88}
Evil One, {TOB: 87}
faculty for recognizing Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 52-3}
faithless, {SFWAB: 314-15}
fate of those who turn away from Divine Love, {SFWAB: 28}
few servants truly thankful, {TOB: 58}
follow empty words, {TOB: 241}
foolish ones, {TOB: 220}
grace of God can cure, {TOB: 252}
Heathen, {GL: 338}
hypocrisy of, {TOB: 51}
ignorant, {TOB: 53, 151, 170, 258}
immature ones, {TOB: 80}
Kingdom hidden from the proud, {SFWAB: 185}
last trace of sunlight, {TOB: 212}
laws of God a fire to, {TOB: 50}
leave deniers to their cavillings, {SFWAB: 43}
lost in strange doubt, {TOB: 120}
lowliest of servants, {TOB: 186}
lying in ambush, {TOB: 62}
may be pardoned after death, {SAQ: 232}
must be helped, {SFWAB: 28}
acceptable as witnesses, {KA: Q79, n99}object to what they comprehend, {TOB: 141}
and law of inheritance, see Inheritance
marriage with, permitted, {KA: K139}
parents, consent to marriage, {KA: n92}
Opposition to Faith, Opponents of Faith,attacks further Cause, {SFWAB: 234-6}people of tyranny, {TOB: 49, 54, 107, 255}
ruined, {SFWAB: 258-9}
perverse generation, {TOB: 85}
Pharisees, {SFWAB: 39, 40}
prefer sea of delusion, {TOB: 58}
rushed with swords of malice, {TOB: 123}
sons of earth, {SFWAB: 175-6}
station of, {TOB: 267}
tyrants, {SFWAB: 313}
unbelief of, is recompense for deeds, {TOB: 235}
Unfaithfulness, Faithlessness,{KA: K97, K149}untrustworthy, 232, 233
{ROB1: 243}
woe betide, {TOB: 48, 53, 62, 64, 85, 107, 170, 176, 213, 253}
wolves, {TOB: 106, 212}
Obedience,Ober, Harlan, {ROB4: 310}
Oliphant, Laurence, {ROB3: 242-3}
Open of Hand, {SFWAB: 121}
Order,Pan-Islámic movement, {ROB4: 401}in society, {KA: 16, K2, K64}
Old, disintegration of, {ROB3: 109, 312, 313-14}
New World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, Most Great Order,{GPB: 26, 324-327}
{ROB1: 120-21, 217}
{ROB2: 41, 88}
{ROB3: 108, 124, 126, 129, 138, 214-15, 281, 309ff., 314-16, 336, 344}
{ROB4: 114, 139, 216, 360, 423}
Kitáb-i-Aqdas,{GL: 7, 136, 219, 313, 331, 333}see also Shoghi Effendi, Civilization, Administrative Order, House(s) of Justice
{GPB: 79, 223, 324, 325, 329-351}
{KA: 1, 12-14, K181, 163, n173, n189}
{ROB3: ch. 14}
Architect of, {GPB: 245}
birth of, {GPB: 244}
influence of, {GPB: xi}
Laws of God means of world order, {GL: 93, 97, 331}
laws of World Order revealed in 'Akká, {GPB: 323}
Relation to World Order, {ROB3: 281, 294, 308}
Pantheism, {SAQ: 290-96}
Parents,Paris,{ROB3: 203, 326, 328-9, 354, 366}
children, duties of towards parents,children must implore forgiveness for, {SAQ: 231}consent to marriage, {KA: K65, Q13, n92}
see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
duty to educate children, {KA: K48, K150, Q105, 157, n76}
of Bahá'ís, forgiveness for, {ROB2: 401}
respect and kindness to, {KA: Q104, Q106, 159, n92}
responsibility of parents towards children, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
and inheritance see Inheritance
Patchin, William J., {ROB4: illus. 327; 236-8, 459}
Patience,patriotism,{GPB: 217}Peace,
true, {GL: 95}
universal, {GL: 250}
Pearson, Miss, niece of Mrs. Hearst, {GPB: 257}{ESW: 24, 25, 28, 33, 34, 38, 54, 76, 123, 135, 149}
{GL: 6, 97, 219, 253, 260, 286}
{ROB3: 125, 131, 155}
{ROB4: 388}
{SFWAB: 11, 36, 82, 107, 246, 253}
{TOB: 125, 162, 169, 171, 219, 246}
ark of, {SFWAB: 26}
Bahá'ís must offer selves in path of, {SFWAB: 273}
Central Organization for a Durable Peace, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
ensured through Manifestation, {GL: 80}
establishment of, {SAQ: 58, 62-66}
Kingdom of, {SFWAB: 73}
Lesser Peace,{ESW: 30-31}Most Great Peace,
{GL: 254}
{ROB3: 125ff., 314-15.}
{ROB4: 159, 162, 198, 366}
{TOB: 23, 69, 89}
Universal House of Justice to promote, see Bahá'í Faith
{GL: 249, 254}of God, {TOB: 134}
{GPB: 224}
{ROB3: 125, 126, 264, 315}
{ROB4: 158, 198, 235, 366}
{TOB: 126, 165}
Ensign of, {GPB: 245}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
Peacekeeping, international force for, {KA: n173}
prerequisites of {GL: 249, 250}
Prince of, see Bahá'u'lláh
promotion of, see Bahá'í(s)
search for peace of mind, {ROB4: 71}
teachings conducive to, {ROB4: 154-5}
tranquility, {TOB: 39, 257}
unity, peace unattainable without, see Unity
Universal,{SFWAB: 60, 174, 258, 295-307}world,
dawn of, {SFWAB: 311-12}
principles for establishing, {SFWAB: 248-50, 298-307}
Supreme Tribunal, see Government(s)
Word of God necessary for, {SFWAB: 296}
{ROB4: 196-8, 235, 341-2}see also League of Nations, War
The Promise of World Peace (Universal House of Justice), {ROB4: 342}
Persecution,of all creation, {SAQ: 177-78}
all things created perfect from the first, {SAQ: 199}
of Christ, 121 each degree of existence requires, {SAQ: 129-31}
imperfections and, {SAQ: 129-31, 151-52}
limitless, {SAQ: 230-32, 237}
of Manifestations of God, {SAQ: 8-9, 11, 114, 114n, 174}
of man's spirit, {SAQ: 144}
Perfect Man, {SAQ: 114, 114n, 174, 196, 222}
see also ImperfectionsPersia, Persians, Iran,{ROB3: 32, 48, 85-6, 88, 120, 153, 174, 192-3, 194-6, 255-6, 260-63, 266-7, 268-9, 273, 391-2, 429, 435}
{ROB4: 87, 264}
of Bábís, see Bábí(s)
of Bahá'ís, see Bahá'í(s)
of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
of Cause of God, see Bahá'u'lláh
of Hájí Ákhúnd, see Hands of the Cause of God
of Hájí Yahúdá, see Yahúdá, Hájí,
of Ibn-i-Abhar, see Hands of the Cause of God
of Mírzá Hádí, {ROB4: 16}
Peter, St., disciple of Jesus, Simon, Cephas,{GL: 196, 224, 230}
{KA: n44, n122, n124, n126, n131-n132, n176}
{ROB2: 92, 98, 194, 336}
{ROB3: 11, 12, 14, 40, 54, 55, 61, 66, 75, 77, 80, 162, 174, 185, 199-200, 210, 212-13, 219}
{ROB4: 92, 101, 115, 250-1, 341, 344, 349, 359, 368, 380, 402, 418, 421, 431, 433}
{SFWAB: 101, 221-2, 289}
{TOB: 49, 57, 84, 90, 91, 92-3, 212}
adoption of surnames in, {ROB4: 293}
Báb enlightened,{SAQ: 26}Bábí community in,
effect of The Báb's Revelation on, see Báb, The
{ROB1: 84, 253, 286}Bahá'u'lláh enlightened, {SAQ: 31-32, 304-05}
and Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB2: 59, 65-77 passim, 84, 113, 119, 152, 194, 236, 248, 298, 373}
Bahá'í community in,{ROB1: 160, 217, 279}Christians in, {ROB3: 260, 265}
{ROB3: 54, 59, 77, 80, 84, 176, 235, 262-5, 266, 280, 407-8}
{ROB4: 306}
attacked on, {GPB: 362, 363}
Bahá'ís are only group obedient and loyal to government, {SFWAB: 293-4}
schools in,{GPB: 299}Bahá'u'lláh's contact with,
{ROB3: 327, 328, 330}
{ROB4: 122n.}
closed, {GPB: 363}
letters to Shah about closing schools, {GPB: 345}
Tarbíyat Schools for boys and girls, {ROB4: 313-14}
{ROB1: 28, 110-13 passim, 203, 284, 286}Childrens Savings Bank, {GPB: 342}
Obligatory Prayers sent to, see Prayer(s)
efforts to establish independence of Faith, {GPB: 369-372}
endowments in, {GPB: 337-339}
fate of opposers in, {GPB: 317-320}
intermarriage of Bahá'ís of, see Bahá'í(s)
National Spiritual Assembly of, see Bahá'í Faith
organized teaching work, {GPB: 300}
site of future Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in, {GPB: 338}
well-being of Bahá'ís in, {ROB4: 289}
see also Martyrs
cradle of the Faith, {ROB4: 233}
divines of, {ROB4: 98}
education, see Education
emissaries from, {TOB: 260}
famine in, {ROB4: 299}
government of,{ROB1: 16, 146, 225-7}hope for future of, {SFWAB: 256}
{ROB4: 222, 306, 314, 335, 338, 382, 401}
officials, {ROB1: 18-20}
Kings, Sháh,downfall of, {GPB: 228}
Qájár,{ROB3: 162, 247}Sásáníyán kings, (A.D. 226-651), {ROB1: 7}
Fath-'Ali Sháh (reigned 1798-1834),{DBNN: 5}Muhammad Sháh, (reigned 1834-48),
{ROB1: 128}
{ROB4: 222, 303, 433}
{DBNN: 121, 171, 177, 215, 229, 253, 525, 531, 537, 539}Muzaffari'd-Dín Sháh (reigned 1896-1907), {ROB1: 90}
{ROB1: 11 and n., 138n., 325-6, 330}
{ROB3: 247, 265, 422}
{ROB4: 222}
{TOB: 65}
death of, {GPB: 37, 82}
letter from, to The Báb, {DBNN: 229}
Násiri'd-Dín Sháh, see To The Kings and Rulers
Sháh 'Abbás (reigned 1589-1627), {ROB1: 117}
see also To The Kings and Rulers
language, see Language
people of, reject Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 62}
reconstruction of, depends on teachings of Bahá'u'lláh, {SAQ: 35}
sun is symbol of,{SAQ: 68}sunk to low level,
{SFWAB: 172}
{TOB: 85, 95}Tár (village in Persia), {TOB: 77 and n., 78-80}
decay of, {SAQ: 27}
teachers in,{ROB4: 177, 254, 257-73, 274-6, 298, 302, 303, 306, 310, 423}veils obstructed, {TOB: 73}
Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí travels around, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih
Ibn-i-Abhar's travels around, see Hands of the Cause of God
Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl's travels around, see Abu'l-Fadl, Mírzá
Sulaymán Khán's mission to, {ROB4: 185}
women in, {ROB4: 312}
writing, see Bahá'u'lláh
see also Ábádih, Ádhirbáyján, Ámul, Arák, Ardabíl, Ardikán, Badasht, Bandar-i-Abbás, Bárfurúsh, Bavánát, Búshihr (Bushire), Bushrú'íyyih, Chihríq, Fárán (Tún), Darakhsh, Fárs, Hamadán, Isfahán, Káshán, Khurásán, Khuy, Kirmán, Kirmánsháh, Kulayn, Máh-Kú, Manshád, Mashhad, Mázindarán, Najaf-Ábád, Nayríz, Níshápúr, Níyávarán, Núr, Qá'in, Qazvín, Qum, Rasht, Sabzivár, Shahmírzád, Sháh-Rúd, Síyáh-Dihán, Tabríz, Tákúr, Talkhunchih, Tihrán, Yazd, Zanján
{ROB2: 288}Pharaoh, Pharisees,
{ROB4: 433}
{SAQ: 93, 135, 135n}
{SFWAB: 18, 105, 163, 224}
{TOB: 10}
reference to Day of God, see Terms in Holy WritingsPhilosophy, Philosophers,Phoenecia, governor of, pays tribute to 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 313}{ROB4: 138, 236, 294}
ancient Greek philosophers,{ROB1: 214}and knowledge of God, {SFWAB: 54}
{ROB4: 33, 42, 46-9}
{TOB: 144-51, 169}
Aristotle,{SAQ: 15, 290}Plato,
{TOB: 147}
{SAQ: 15, 23, 297-98}Ptolemy, {SAQ: 287}
{TOB: 147}
Pythagoras,{SAQ: 23}Socrates,
{TOB: 145}
{ROB4: 46}see also Physicians
{SAQ: 14}
{SFWAB: 55}
{TOB: 146-7}
fallibility of reason in, {SAQ: 297-98}
Islámic philosophy, {ROB4: 42}
of Hájí Mullá Hádíyi-i-Sabzavárí, see Hádíy-i-Sabzavárí, Hájí Mullá
Physicians, Medical Doctors,Piety,{KA: K113, 161, n134}
{SAQ: 94, 158-59}
Can also heal spiritually, spiritual healing,{SFWAB: 23, 37, 57, 72, 150-1, 181, 272, 275}Galen, {SAQ: 15, 303}
for diseased world, {SFWAB: 244}
from teachings of God, {SFWAB: 23}
Manifestations are skilled Physicians of every soul, {SFWAB: 59}
teachers of children must be like doctors, {SFWAB: 130}
Hippocrates,{SAQ: 15}lying to patient by, {SAQ: 215-16}
{SFWAB: 55}
{TOB: 146}
Manifestations are like, {SAQ: 94, 158-59}
must investigate foods as cure, {SFWAB: 153-6}
must themselves consult doctors, {SFWAB: 156}
Patient must obey; advice of, must be followed,{SAQ: 173-74}permitted to prescribe alcohol or other drugs, {KA: n144, n170}
{SFWAB: 156}
see also Illness{ESW: 23, 135}Pilate, Pontius, {TOB: 10}
{KA: K64, K148, K149, K157, n61, n135}
{TOB: 37, 78, 120, 253}
and detachment, {TOB: 253}
Pilgrimage, Pilgrims,
Pioneering, Pioneer,{ROB1: 211-212}
{ROB2: 240}
{ROB3: 55, 57, 64, 74, 91, 159ff., 177-8, 208, 253, 257, 301, 303-5, 384-6, 395, 401-2}
{ROB4: 7-9, 217, 255}
{TOB: 109}
conditions for, {ROB4: 84}
Holy Places and Historical Sites
Holy Land,permission for,{ROB4: 33, 83-7, 421}Restoration and preservation, {KA: K133, Q32, n154}
'Abdu'l-Bahá makes arrangements for, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
'Akká,Mazra'ih, see 'AkkáHájí Mírzá Habíbu'lláh's account of, {ROB4: 332-7}
Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, see 'Akká
see also 'Akká/pilgrims to
May Maxwell among first group from West, see Maxwell, May Bolles
Pilgrim House,{ROB3: 160, 223, 362}Shrine of The Báb, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
{ROB4: 2, 9, 415}
Oriental, {GPB: 307}
western, {GPB: 307}
Twin Houses,
House of the Báb in Shíráz, see Shíráz
House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád, see Baghdád
pilgrimage to, {KA: K32, Q25, Q29, n54, n68}
{ROB4: 83-7}numerous, {GPB: 177}
arrive without permission, {ROB4: 83-4}
sought from Shoghi Effendi, {ROB4: 87}
ordained, {KA: K32, Q25, 156}
pilgrims visit Bombay, see Bombay
places of, defined, {KA: Q29, n54, n154}
rituals in connection with,{ROB4: 165}shaving of heads, {KA: Q10, n68}
see also Súrihs of Hajj
women exempted, {KA: K32, n55}
see also Baghdád, Muslim(s)
{GL: 334}Poems,
{ROB4: 328}
pioneers of the Faith, {GPB: 261, 398, 399}
Shoghi Effendi encourages, {ROB4: 171-2}
Polygamy, {ROB4: 201}{ROB4: 9, 65, 107-8, 124, 231-2, 313}
George Townshend's poem to 'Abdu'l-Bahá, see Hands of the Cause of God
Háfiz, {ROB1: 11 and n.}
Nabíl's poetry about Bahá'u'lláh, see Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam
Sa'dí, {ROB4: 65}
see also Qasídiy-i-Varqá'íyyih, Rashh-i-'Amá, Sáqí-Az-Ghayb-i-Baqá, Ibn-i-Fárid
Popovitch, Prof. Bogdan, {GPB: 383, 388}
Port Sa'íd, {ROB4: 332}
Prayer(s), Supplication,{GL: 38, 265, 280, 289, 290, 291}prejudice,
{KA: 4, n4, n25}
{PM: 60, 195, 282, 283}
{ROB1: 30, 79, 116, 187, 188}
{ROB2: 19n., 36n., 232-3}
{ROB3: 98, 105, 145, 323n., 334, 344-6, 354, 379, 390-91, 435, 446, 447}
{ROB4: 36, 168, 271, 316n., 411n.}
{SFWAB: 122, 193, 202}
{TOB: 26, 109}
For:Obligatory Prayers,Assistance, Aid and Assistance,{BP: Contents}The Báb, see Báb,The
{PM: 22, 45, 116, 212, 265}
{SFWAB: 6-7, 224-5, 232-3, 254-5, 272-4, 315, 316}
{TOB: 268-9}
Assistance to and protection of Bahá'ís, {SFWAB: 5-6, 222-3, 224-5, 232-3, 254-5, 272-4, 315, 316}
Guidance, {PM: 4, 9, 47, 62, 84, 124, 236, 237, 241, 252, 253, 256, 259}
to do will of God, {PM: 210, 225, 233, 254, 264}
to observe fast, {PM: 299}
to promote Faith, {PM: 19, 28, 35, 38, 53, 56, 60, 62, 64, 86, 99, 100, 117, 141, 142, 150, 159, 162, 165, 191, 202, 213, 217, 220, 226, 227, 239, 242, 243, 291, 334}
to serve, {PM: 33, 77, 240, 244, 247, 289}
With Tests, {BP: Contents}
see also Prayers/Protection, Assistance
Children And Youth, {BP: Contents}
Departed,{BP: Contents}Detachment,
{SFWAB: 196-7}
Prayer for the Dead,{KA: K8, 101-102, Q85, n10-n11, n19, n149}Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá on, at resting places of, {ROB4: 164-5}
{PM: 260, 279}
{ROB3: 350-351}
and burial rings, {KA: Q70, n10, n149}
congregational, {KA: 14, K12, n10}
for women, reworded, {KA: 102}
standing, for recitation of, {KA: n10, n19}
when unable to read, {KA: K8}
see also Qiblih, Burial
see also Death. Life after{BP: Contents}Evening,
{PM: 17, 20, 22, 25, 30, 34, 47, 60, 81, 98, 99, 103, 118, 126, 145, 147, 152, 156, 161, 163, 188, 198, 204, 206, 207, 225, 226, 228, 233, 240, 254, 256, 268, 290, 324, 335, 338}
{SFWAB: 174-5}
{BP: Contents}Families, {BP: Contents}
Midnight,{BP: 61}
{SFWAB: 202}
Fasting,{BP: Contents}Fire Tablet, see Lawh-i-Qad Ihtaraqa'l-Mukhlisún (Section I)
{GL: 299, 337}
{GPB: 172, 177}
{PM: 10, 65, 67, 79, 143, 288-293, 299}
{ROB4: 9}
Munájátháy-i-Síyám (Prayers for Fasting), {ROB2: 397}
see also Prayer(s)/Assistance, Fasting
Firmness In The Covenant, {BP: Contents}
Forgiveness,{BP: Contents}Fund, {BP: 84}
{GL: 105, 310-311}
{PM: 29, 63, 82, 99, 167, 186, 212, 221, 234, 235, 271, 278, 279, 287, 339}
{TOB: 24-5, 95-6}
Healing,{BP: Contents}Hope, {PM: 8, 13, 267}
{PM: 22, 78, 103, 132, 173, 174, 220, 235, 236, 238, 262, 265, 269, 273, 299, 329}
Long Healing Prayer, {BP: 91}
revealed in the barracks of 'Akká, {ROB3: 21}
Sickness, effect upon soul, {GL: 154}
see also Prayers/Protection, Lawh-i-Tibb, Illness/Healing
Huqúqu'lláh,{BP: Contents}Individuals,
{SFWAB: p. 25}Believers,Intercalary Days,{GL: 59, 133-134, 243, 274, 299, 310, 313}Non-believers, {PM: 183}
{PM: 12, 62, 65, 66, 72, 111, 151, 190, 195, 203, 233, 239, 287, 335}
{SFWAB: 37}
Bábís who became Bahá'ís, {PM: 44}
children of, {PM: 229}
families of, {PM: 229, 233, 287}
Hájí Muhammad-Ridá, see Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, Hájí
Hands of the Cause,{PM: 137, 215}influence of, on Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl, {ROB4: 261}
{ROB4: 288, 299, 320, 337-8}
'Alí-Muhammad-i-Khurásání, Mírzá (Ibn-i-Asdaq), {ROB4: 301-2}
kindred of Bahá'u'lláh, {PM: 313}
King of Martyrs,{ROB4: 82}those who have turned to God, {SFWAB: 37}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Western believers, {SFWAB: 75}
Oppressors, Enemies,{PM: 181}see also Afnán
impotence of, {PM: 14, 74, 105, 171, 218}
Son of the Wolf, {ROB4: 369-71}
victory over, {PM: 45, 120, 146, 159, 190}
wrath called upon, {PM: 121, 141, 301, 305}
{BP: 236}Justice, {PM: 31, 45, 55, 119, 121, 134, 141}
{PM: 65}
see also Ayyám-i-Há
Knowledge,{PM: 31, 46, 47, 53, 109, 120, 199, 283, 291}Mankind,
of God, {PM: 4, 38, 42, 148, 185}
of Revelation, {PM: 48}
{BP: Contents}Marriage,
{PM: 136, 162, 183, 250}
{BP: Contents}Martyrs And Their Families,
{SFWAB: 119-20}
Husband,{BP: 65}
{SFWAB: 121}
{BP: Contents}Meetings,
{PM: 76, 83, 168, 300}
{BP: Contents}Mercy, {PM: 19, 24, 29, 31, 81, 114, 137, 148, 158, 166, 167, 169, 178, 215, 220, 228, 244, 250, 255, 262, 339}
{SFWAB: 105-6}
Feast, {SFWAB: 105-6}
Morning,{BP: Contents}Mother Temple Of The West,
{PM: 249, 251}
Dawn,{KA: K33, K115, Q15, n5, n142}
{PM: 288-293}
{SFWAB: 6}
{BP: 265}Nations,
see also Chicago{PM: 113}Naw-Rúz,
America, {BP: 19}
{BP: 262}Nearness To God, {BP: Contents}
{PM: 67}
see also Naw-Rúz
Praise of God, Praise And Gratitude,{BP: Contents}Prosperity, Abundance, Wealth,
{SFWAB: 4-6, 254-5, 317}
{TOB: 110-17}
made possible by God, gift of God, {PM: 128, 172}
Thanksgiving,{GL: 88}
forbounties, {PM: 329-332}
knowledge of Manifestation, {PM: 81, 98, 110, 176, 216, 225, 233, 264, 267, 268, 273, 329}
revealed prayers, {PM: 283}
Revelation, {PM: 179}
steadfastness,{PM: 110}
see also Prayers/Steadfastness{BP: 22, 83, 84, 98, 109, 143, 188, 197, 268, A13, A14, A22, A40, A46, A50}Protection,
daily needs, {PM: 248}
"Good" of worlds, {PM: 10, 15, 17, 38, 60, 66, 75, 76, 100, 109, 114, 129, 146, 164, 186, 196, 216, 224, 233, 237, 249, 257, 259, 310, 313}
{BP: Contents}Service,
{SFWAB: 312-14}
Assistance to and protection of Bahá'ís, {SFWAB: 5-6, 222-3, 224-5, 232-3, 254-5, 272-4, 315, 316}
during sleep, {PM: 263}
from adversaries, {PM: 3, 23, 116, 232, 234}
from dangers,{PM: 159}from disbelievers, {PM: 16, 126, 160, 175, 208, 213, 257, 300}
Natural events, Prayer of the Signs,{KA: K11, Q52, 148, n18}see also Obligatory Prayers
verse replacing Prayer of the Signs, {KA: K11, Q52}
from disunity, {PM: 46}
from enemies, {PM: 3, 43, 84, 98, 119, 185, 196, 207, 233, 305}
from self, {PM: 9, 13, 52, 210, 248, 255}
from sickness,{PM: 224, 235, 237}from tribulations,
see also Prayers/Healing{PM: 9, 224, 232, 234, 235}from vain imaginings, {PM: 53, 72, 75, 123, 255, 256, 275, 283}
see also Prayers/Assistance
of believers, {PM: 169, 238, 251, 337}
when traveling, {PM: 257, 266}
{BP: Contents}Soul,
see also Prayer(s)/Assistance{ROB4: 164-5}Spiritual Assembly,
{BP: Contents}Spiritual Qualities,
{SFWAB: 78, 86-7}
{BP: Contents}Steadfastness,
{SFWAB: 5-7, 24-5, 43-4, 227, 319-20}
acceptance by God, {PM: 67, 84, 149, 162, 173, 299}
assurance, {PM: 14, 53, 112, 170, 188, 191, 231, 283, 304}
eternal salvation, {PM: 251}
grace, {PM: 24, 26, 93, 178, 200, 223, 239, 244, 246}
growth, {PM: 178, 240}
Illumination, {PM: 9, 27, 38, 43, 69, 73, 95, 106, 139, 142, 146, 159, 174, 198, 201, 204, 206, 221, 228, 246, 251, 263, 275, 287, 307, 327}
love of God, {PM: 56, 162}
obedience, {PM: 35, 226}
new creation, {PM: 171}
recognition of Manifestation, {PM: 136, 165, 246, 256}
remembrance of God, {PM: 5, 29, 48, 63, 78, 83, 89, 93, 145, 164, 174, 261}
spiritual hearing, {PM: 171, 269}
spiritual sight, {PM: 7, 80, 171, 198, 209, 215, 269}
spiritual sustenance, {PM: 126, 155, 234, 258, 261, 299}
strength and courage, {PM: 18, 38, 101, 158, 224, 252}
surrender of will, {PM: 32, 64, 95, 151, 241}
those grieved by tribulations of Bahá'u'lláh, {PM: 12}
tranquillity, {PM: 18, 35, 235, 236, 238, 248, 283, 335}
{BP: Contents}Tablet Of Ahmad, see Lawh-i-Ahmad (Section I)
{PM: 5, 6, 18, 25, 27, 28, 38, 42, 44, 48, 49, 53, 59, 63, 70, 71, 77, 80, 84, 98, 114, 119, 120, 131, 142, 147, 164, 174, 178, 183, 188, 208, 211, 215, 219, 220, 223, 230, 238, 239, 242, 247, 252, 258, 284, 300, 337}
{SFWAB: 259, 312-14, 317}
{TOB: 151-2, 234}
see also Prayers/Praise of God
Tablet Of The Holy Mariner, see Lawh-i-Malláhu'l-Quds (Section I)
Tablets Of Visitation, see Tablet Of Visitation (Section I)
Teaching,{BP: Contents}Tests And Difficulties, tests and trials,
{SFWAB: 5-6, 22, 174-5, 224-5, 250}
{TOB: 151-2}
From The Tablets Of The Divine Plan, {BP: Contents}
see also Prayer(s)/Assistance{BP: Contents}Triumph Of The Cause,
{PM: }
{SFWAB: 227}
martyrdom, {PM: 10, 11, 20, 95, 109, 151, 152, 155}
{BP: Contents}Understanding,
more helpers, {PM: 156}
victory over enemies, {PM: 45, 120, 146, 159, 190}
{ROB4: 213}Unity,
Essence of God, {ROB4: 130-1}
{BP: Contents}Women,
{SFWAB: 105-6}
{TOB: 177-8}
of believers, {PM: 26, 45, 46, 57, 106, 109, 114, 121}
{BP: Contents}see also Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
{GL: 134}
Handmaidens, {PM: 13, 78, 126, 139, 142, 148, 156, 163, 196, 213, 231, 235, 327}
Misc. Topics:{BP: 4, 261}
{KA: 14, K6, K8-K14, K18, 92-101, Q14, Q58-Q67, Q77, Q81-Q83, 145-148, n3-n22, n25}
{PM: 314, 317}
{ROB3: 281, 293, 348-51}
{ROB4: 131, 216-17, 261, 299-300}
Long (first),{BP: 7}Medium,
{KA: 92-98, Q67, Q82, 146}
{ROB1: 30}
{BP: 4}Short (third),
{KA: 98-100, Q83, Q86, 146, n5, n34}
{BP: 4}'Abdu'l-Bahá's Statements on, {ROB3: 350}
{KA: 100-101, Q81, Q86, 146, n5}
Ablutions,{KA: 146-147}Bayán, laws of, confirmed, amplified or modified by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: n6, n16, n20}
before Obligatory Prayers, {KA: K18, 98-99, Q62, Q66, Q86, n34}
before repetition of "Alláh-u-Abhá" 95 times, {KA: K18, Q77, n33}
before verse to be said by women in their courses, {KA: K13, n20}
Religions of the past, practices concerning, {KA: n16}
required even after bathing, {KA: Q18}
verses alternative to,{KA: K10, Q51, n16, n34}Water for, {KA: Q51}
verse to be said in replacement of, when no water available, {KA: K10, Q51, n16, n34}
verse to use when water harmful, {KA: Q51, n34}
choice of one, {KA: Q65, 147, n3}
exemptions from,{KA: 146, n20}law of, as fundamental element of Revelation, {KI: 39}
for women in their courses,{KA: K13, 146, n14, n20, n34}in old age, {KA: K10, n14, n20}
verse in replacement of, {KA: K13
in times of insecurity,{KA: K14, Q58, 147, n21}when ill, {KA: K10, Q93, n14, n20}
prostrations and verse in replacement of, {KA: K14, Q21, Q58-Q61, 147, n21}
verses alternative to, {KA: K13, K14, Q58, Q60}
nearness to God, through, {KA: n3}
Prostrations, movements,{KA: K10, K14, 146, n15}Qiblih, focus for, see Qiblih
before another person forbidden, {KA: n57}
compensating prostration, {KA: Q21, Q58, Q59, Q60, Q61, n21, n22}
Genuflections, {KA: n4}
on clean surface, see Cleanliness
Sitting, {KA: 96, 98, 100, Q81}
Standing, {KA: 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, n4}
Rak'ah(s), {KA: K6, K8, Q63, n4, n6, n9, n20}
Salát, {KA: n3}
Tablets regarding,{KA: 92-101, Q63, Q65}Theft of superseded Obligatory Prayer, {KA: n9}
{ROB4: 299, 300}
Bahá'u'lláh sends, to Persian Bahá'ís, {ROB4: 300}
Time for, definition,Daily, {KA: Q14, n3-n7, n19}when travelling, {KA: K14, Q21, Q58-Q61, 147, n21-n22}
Sunrise, {KA: Q83, 146, 147, n5}
Morning, {KA: K6, Q83, 146, 148, n5, n6}
Noon, Midday, {KA: K6, Q83, 146, 148, n5-n6}
Sunset, Sundown, {KA: Q83, 146, 147, n5}
Evening, {KA: K6, Q83, 146, 148, n5}
and Purest Branch,{ROB3: 205-6, 213}Bahá'í Community, {ROB4: 243}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
Bones do not invalidate prayer, {KA: K9, 148, n12}
by Bahá'u'lláh,{ROB1: 51-2, 114-16}cleanliness enjoined when praying, see Cleanliness
power of, {GL: 133, 295}
prayer revealed during enforced journey, {GPB: 109}
congregational,{KA: 14, K12, 147, 158, n19}granting of, {SFWAB: 161-2}
{ROB2: 19n}
{ROB3: 281, 350-51}
hair does not invalidate, {KA: K9, n12}
important for children, {SFWAB: 139}
muttering in public, {KA: K108, 158, n135}
Prayer of,The Báb, at Máh-Kú, {ROB3: 197-8}result of, {SFWAB: 95}
Jesus, {PM: 192}
Nudbih, {KI: 35, 240}
the Czar, {ROB3: 121-2}
Islám (Bahá), {ROB4: 411n.}
Sitting,{KA: K154, n168}symbolized as moon of religion, {KI: 39-40}
associated with Obligatory Prayers, see Obligatory Prayers
associated with compensatory verses, {KA: Q58, n22}
in Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, {KA: K115}
when repeating "Alláh-u-Abhá," {KA: K18}
Times for, definition,Dawn, {KA: K33, K115, Q15, n142}see also Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Evening, {KA: K33}
{ROB4: 56, 138, 150, 194, 291, 308}Pride,
{SFWAB: 109, 113, 123, 247, 249, 277, 299-301}
Principles,{ESW: 53, 56, 61, 62, 76, 99, 124}
{GL: 18, 211, 231, 265, 314, 315}
{KA: 14, K41, K82, K86, K89, K122, K148, K149, 161, n64, n65}
{ROB1: 77, 79, 81, 108, 120, 130, 152, 187}
{ROB2: 40, 44, 318}
{ROB3: 148, 149, 151, 280n., 369}
{TOB: 64}
Intellectual, {GL: 18, 211, 265, 314, 315}
vainglory, {TOB: 67, 266}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Kitáb-i-Íqán, Hidden Words, The
{ROB4: 197}Prison(s),
see also Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'í Faith, Creation, Life, Love, Religion(s), Spiritual principles
Progressive Revelation see Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Religion(s), Bahá'u'lláh
Promised One,of Islám, see Báb, The/Qá'imProof(s),
of the Bayán, of all ages, see Bahá'u'lláh
of the Old Testament, see Bible
of the Zoroastrians, see Zoroaster
of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation, {KA: K136, K165, K167, K183}Prophecies,
God, Revealer of, {KA: Q93}
of independence of the Báb's Dispensation, {KA: n109}
see also Testimony
Propriety,{ROB3: 305}
{SAQ: 39}
{TOB: 117-19}
ark of His Testament, {SAQ: 60}
cannot bear it now, {TOB: 11}
Clergy, downfall of, see Clergy, Imám Ja'far-i-Sádiq
concerning'Abdu'l-Bahá, see 'Abdu'l-Bahádead bodies shall lie in street, {SAQ: 51}
Amos, see Amos
the Báb, see Báb, The, Qá'im, His Sufferings/Banishment, His Sufferings/Martyrdom
Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh, His Sufferings/Exile, 'Akká
Christ, see Christ
Moses, see Moses
Mount Carmel, of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
Muhammad, see Muhammad
Napoleon III [Emperor of France), see Tablet to Napoleon III
Rhine and Berlin, see Berlin
dragon with seven heads, {SAQ: 69-70}
earth will be transformed, {SAQ: 39}
elders, four and twenty, {SAQ: 57-58}
fulfilment of,{GL: 5, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22, 39, 40, 43, 102, 110, 118, 163, 168, 211, 314, 340, 344}future just ruler, see To The Kings and Rulers
{ROB4: 153-4, 408-9, 413, 421}
Holy City trod under foot forty and two months, {SAQ: 46}
Jerusalem, New, see Terms in Holy Writings
judgment of dead, {SAQ: 59}
lightnings, voices, and thunderings, {SAQ: 60-61}
misunderstood, {GL: 17-27}
mysteries revealed, {TOB: 4, 5, 47, 50, 231}
of New Testament, prophecies of future Manifestation, see Bible
of Old Testament, see Bible
Omnipotent, divine cycle of, {SAQ: 56}
prison doors opened, {TOB: 227}
reward them that fear Thy name, {SAQ: 59}
Scriptures unrolled, {TOB: 41}
seventh angel, {SAQ: 56}
Spirit of truth will come, {SAQ: 109}
Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, {SAQ: 57-58}
stars will fall on earth,{SAQ: 111-12}superstitions prevent understanding of, {TOB: 42}
see also Terms in Holy Writings
temple of God opened in in heaven, {SAQ: 59-60}
two Manifestations awaited by world, {SAQ: 39}
woe, first, second, and third, {SAQ: 56}
wolf shall dwell with lamb, {SAQ: 62-66}
see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Ishráqát, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Black Standard, 'Akká, Israel, Bible Verses, Qur'án, Religion(s), Terms in Holy Writings, Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Siyyid Asadu'lláh-i-Qumí, Jordan, Calamity, War(s), West
bounds of, do not overstep, {KA: K123}Protection,
in dress, {KA: K159, n175}
in relation to music, see Music
toward maid (or servant), {KA: K63, Q30, n90}
under all conditions, {KA: K145}
Protestant Evangelical Society, {ROB4: 151}
Prussia, {KA: n117}
Public places
confession of sins in, {KA: n58}Punjab, {ROB4: 183}
muttering verses on, {KA: K108, n135}
Persian baths, see Cleanliness
of all things, {KA: K75, n106}Purity,
of possessions and means of sustenance, {KA: K97, K146}
{ESW: 2, 23, 124, 131, 139}Qádiriyyih Order, {GPB: 122}
{ROB3: 363-5, 439}
of heart, see Heart
of water, {KA: Q91, n105}
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Cleanliness
Qahru'lláh, name given by the Báb to the dervish from India at Iskí-Shahr, {DBNN: 305, 306}
Qá'in,{ROB3: 58 and n.}Qazvín,
{TOB: 135, 198}
Qulí, Áqá, {ROB2: 176-8}
Qum,{DBNN: 101, 223}Qur'án, Koran,
{ROB4: 187, 271}
{ESW: 1, 13, 64, 81, 82, 85, 101, 112, 115-118, 141, 143, 159, 172, 173}
{GL: 21, 23, 25, 44, 46, 147, 270, 294}
{KA: 13, n1, n2, n16, n129, n188}
{ROB1: 69, 86, 88, 90, 109n., 202, 214}
{ROB2: 16, 70, 123}
{ROB3: 30, 46, 97, 102, 186 and n., 245-6, 355, 392}
{ROB4: 29, 46-7, 54, 63, 127, 152, 155, 210, 211, 267, 310, 407, 425-7, 433}
{SAQ: 22-24}
{TOB: 15, 52, 109, 206, 214}
all enjoined to follow, until "year sixty," {KI: 201}
as guide until Day of Resurrection, {KI: 203}
as impregnable stronghold, {KI: 200}
as one of twin testimonies of Muhammad, {KI: 202}
as testimony of God to both East and West, {KI: 210}
as Word of God,{KI: 199}authenticity of, {ROB4: 269, 272}
{ROB1: 22, 23, 34, 126, 189, 190}
confirms Cause of Jesus, {KI: 20}
contains unerring guidance, {KI: 201}
Bahá'u'lláhinterprets, {ROB1: 48, 60, 125-6, 171, 177-9, 185, 335}commentaries of the Báb on, {GPB: 24}
unfolded, {SFWAB: 15}
earth's movement mentioned in, {SAQ: 23-24}
followers of, reject Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 15, 62, 84, 103-4}
Furqán, also called, {SAQ: 53}
historical accounts in, {ROB4: 46-7}
Islamic practices not derived from, {KA: K9, n72, n79, n174}
knowledge of, {ROB1: 19, 126}
knowledge revealed in Qur'án, {KI: 147}
laws of,{ROB4: 166}on certitude, see Certitude
abrogated, {KA: K11, K68, n101}
confirmed, {KA: Q106, Q107, n161}
on superiority of men, {ROB4: 200}
prophecies of,{ROB4: 408}used treacherously, {ROB1: 264}
{SFWAB: 13-14, 16}
foretells Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 119n.}
see also Prophecies
Verses, Súrihs,Ra'd, the donkey, {ROB4: 105}Numbered (verse numbers in Rodwell's translation differ sometimes from those of the Arabic),see also Manifestation(s) of God/Muhammad, Holy Books, Terms in Holy Writings1 (Al-Fatihah/Matháni, The Seven Verses of Repetition),Unnumbered,{TOB: 102 and n.}, {DBNN: 75, 116}, {ROB1: 34}2 (Al-Baqarah, The Calf),
1:5, {SVFV: 16}
2:1, {KI: 202}, {ROB1: 189}3 (Aali 'Imran, The House of 'Imrán),
2:19, {KI: 164}, {ROB1: 164}, {ROB2: 354}
2:23, {KI: 205}, {ROB1: 190}, {ROB2: 123}
2:46, {KI: 139}, {ROB2: 16}
2:69, {SFWAB: 265}
2:75, {KI: 87}
2:79, {KI: 87}
2:84, {SVFV: 41}
2:85, {KI: 169}
2:87, {KI: 13, 71}
2:88 (Rodwell),'Wish ye, then, for death, if ye are sincere.', {TOB: 209}2:89, {KI: 150}
2:94, {KI: 227}
2:115, {KA: 131}, {KI: 51}
2:119, {ESW: xviii}
2:136, {KI: 176}
2:143, {KI: 51}
2:144, {KI: 50}
2:148, {KI: 221}
2:149, {KI: 50}
2:151, {SVFV: 17, 54}
2:154-5, {ROB3: 47}
2:176, {KI: 92}
2:189, {KI: 183}
2:210, {KI: 76, 144}, {ROB1: 185}
2:249, {KI: 139}
2:253, {KI: 104, 176}, {ROB1: 179}
2:254, {SVFV: 57}, {SFWAB: 183}
2:255, Áyatu'l-Kursí (Throne Verse), commentary on by Siyyid Kázim-i-Rashtí, {DBNN: 10}
2:282, {KI: 69}, {SVFV: 3, 54}
2:285, {KI: 152}, {ROB1: 178}
3:7, {KI: 16, 213}4 (An-Nisa, The Women),
3:28, {KI: 99}
3:35, {SFWAB: 183}
3:39, {KI: 64}
3:67, {BP: 103}
3:70-1, {KI: 16}
3:90, {ESW: xviii}
3:91,{ESW: xviii}, {ROB4: 52, 296}3:93, {DBNN: 415}, {ROB1: 56-7, 60}
(Rodwell), 'Pilgrimage to the House is a service due to God.', {TOB: 109}
3:99, {KI: 16}
3:119, {KI: 78}
3:182, {KI: 149}
3:183, {KI: 148}, {ROB3: 246}
3:193, {DBNN: 147}
see also Moses4:29, {ROB3: 390}5 (Al-Ma'idah, The Repast),
4:33, {ROB4: 200}
4:43, {ROB2: 354}
4:45, {KI: 86}
4:50, {DBNN: 162}
4:80, {SVFV: 18}, {SFWAB: 235}
4:96 (Rodwell),'Say not to every one..."Thou art not a believer."', {ESW: 82}, {GL: 225}, {TOB: 207}4:129,
{SVFV: 29}4:164, {SVFV: 64}
(Rodwell), '...God will satisfy everyone out of His abundance', {TOB: 67}
5:1, {SVFV: 57}6 (Al-An'am, The Cattle),
5:62, {KI: 217}
5:64, {KI: 136}
5:93-4, {ROB2: 354}
5:117, {KI: 23}
6:7, {KI: 219}7 (Al-A'raf, The Heights),
6:35, {KI: 110}, {ROB1: 148}
6:59, {ESW: 150, 191}, {ROB3: 245}, {ROB4: 438}
6:75, {SVFV: 61}
6:79, {SVFV: 61}
6:91, '...leave them to entertain themselves with their cavillings.',{KI: 42, 135}6:103, {KI: 98, 170}, {BP: 126}, {SFWAB: 41}
(Rodwell), {TOB: 43}
{SFWAB: 16, 43}
6:104, {SAQ: 147}
6:112, {ROB4: 151}
6:122, {KI: 121}
6:127, {KI: 175}
7:34, {ROB2: 125}, {ROB4: 155}8 (Al-Anfal, The Spoils of War),
7:57, {KI: 191}
7:71, {ESW: xv}
7:77-8, {ROB4: 427}
7:88, {DBNN: 400}
7:105, {SVFV: 62}
7:139 (Rodwell),'Behold, and thou shalt see Me', {TOB: 239}7:140, {SVFV: 64}
7:145, {KI: 105}
7:178, {KI: 113, 119}, {ROB1: 183-4}
7:180, {ROB4: 261-2}
8:17, {KI: 178}9 (At-Tawbah, The Repentance),
8:32, {KI: 207}
8:42, {DBNN: 214}
8:63, {ROB3: 132}
9:33, {KI: 90, 126}, {DBNN: 284}, {ROB2: 173}10 (Yunus, Jonah),
9:51, {SVFV: 35}
9:52, {DBNN: 337}
9:94, {DBNN: 425}
10:25, {KI: 175}11 (Hud, Hud),
10:94, {ROB4: 47}
{KI: 5}12 (Yúsúf, Joseph),
11:7, {KI: 115}
11:18, {KI: 126}
11:21, {KI: 11}
11:27, {KI: 222}, {ROB2: 21}
11:38, {KI: 7}
11:61-62, {KI: 9}, {ROB4: 428}
11:67, {ESW: xv}
11:81, {DBNN: 36}
11:85, {DBNN: 353}
11:113, {KI: 233}
11:114, {SVFV: 48}
see also Manifestation(s) of God{DBNN: 59}13 (Ar-Ra'd, The Thunder),
{SAQ: 13}
see also Qayyúmu'l-Asmá'13:2, {KI: 139}, {ROB2: 16}14 (Ibrahim, Abraham),
13:5, {KI: 115}
13:41, {KI: 147}
14:5 (Rodwell) 'Bring forth thy people...', {TOB: 115, 259}15 (Al-Hijr, The Rock City),
14:15 (Rodwell), {TOB: 258}
14:24, {KI: 23}
14:33 (Rodwell), {TOB: 106}
14:48, {KI: 47}
see also Manifestation(s) of God15:21, {SVFV: 38}16 (An-Nahl, The Bee),
15:46, {DBNN: 54}
15:72, {KI: 135}, {SFWAB: 13}
15:99, {ROB4: 36}
16:43, {KI: 192}17 (Al-Isra, The Night Journey),
16:61, {KI: 170}
16:63, {SVFV: 21}
16:71, {SVFV: 3}
{ROB4: 427}18 (Al-Kahf, The Cave),
17:1, {ESW: xiv}
17:7, {DBNN: 341}
17:15, {SVFV: 51}
17:44, {KI: 140}
17:51, {KI: 117}
17:81, {SFWAB: 13}, {SVFV: 40}
17:85, {KI: 183}
17:110, say, call upon God, {SVFV: 2}, {SFWAB: 42}
18:3, {ROB2: 16}19 (Maryam, Mary),
18:16, {SVFV: 53}
18:37, {SVFV: 18, 57}
18:64, {ESW: xviii}
18:110, {KI: 178}
18:111, {KI: 139}
19:17, {SAQ: 87}20 (Ta-Ha, Ta-Ha),
19:18, {ROB3: 246}
19:22, {KI: 56}
19:28, {KI: 57}
19:31, {KI: 178}
19:57-58 (Rodwell), {TOB: 148}
19:98, {ROB4: 295}
20:12, Sacred Vale, {SFWAB: 234}21 (Al-Anbiya, The Prophets),
20:87-98 (Rodwell),Sámirí, {TOB: 190}, {ROB4: 211}20:106 (Rodwell),
'Thou shall see in it no hollows or rising hills.', {GL: 260}, {TOB: 162}20:107, {ESW: xvi}
20:110, {ESW: xvi}
20:124, {KI: 257}
21:23,22 (Al-Hajj, The Pilgrimage),{KI: 170}21:27, {SVFV: 55}
(Rodwell), 'Verily He shall not be asked of His doings...', {TOB: 108}
21:68, {ROB4: 31}
21:69, {DBNN: 619}
21:89, {BP: A2}
22:2, {DBNN: 567}, {SFWAB: 14}23 (Al-Mu'minun, The Believers),
22:5, {ROB4: 54}
23:14, {SAQ: 183, 224}, {ROB3: 170-1}24 (An-Nur, The Light),
24:35, Tree neither of east nor west, {KI: 54, 90}, {BP: 201}, {SFWAB: 131, 254}25 (Al-Furqan, The Standard),
24:37, {SVFV: 53}
24:39, works like vapour, {SFWAB: 219}
25:7, {KI: 72, 81}26 (Ash-Shu'ara, The Poets),
25:25, {KI: 72}
25:44, {KI: 244}
25:50, {SFWAB: 146}
25:55, {SFWAB: 130}{ROB4: 427}27 (An-Naml, The Ant),
26:19, {KI: 55}
26:31, serpent swallowed wonders, {SFWAB: 259}
26:44, serpent swallowed wonders, {SFWAB: 259}
26:187, {KI: 207}
26:227, {KI: 226}
27:22, {ESW: iii}, {ROB3: 186}28 (Al-Qasas, The Narrations)
28:5, {KI: 146}, {ROB2: 20}29 (Al-Ankabut, The Spider)
28:20, {KI: 54}
28:29, fire on Mt. Sinai, {BP: 201}, {SFWAB: 254}
{ROB4: 427}30 (Ar-Rum, Rome)
29:2, {KI: 8}, {DBNN: 312}
29:19, {ROB4: 52}, {SFWAB: 14}
29:23, {KI: 139, 211}, {ROB2: 16}
29:51, {KI: 91}, {DBNN: 317}
29:69, {KI: 195}, {SVFV: 5}, {DBNN: 47}, {ROB1: 188}
31 (Luqmaan, Luqman)
32 (As-Sajdah, The Prostration),32:4, {DBNN: 248 f9}33 (Al-Ahzaab, The Clans),
32:5, {ROB2: 75}
33:40, {KI: 169, 178}34 (Saba, Sheba),
33:62, {SVFV: 63}
34:12 (Rodwell),35 (Faatir, The Originator),'Few of My servants are truly thankful.', {TOB: 58}34:13, {KI: 229}
34:39, {SFWAB: 14} 34:43, {KI: 215}
35:9, {ROB4: 428}36 (Ya-Sin, Ya-Sin (a name of Muhammad)),
35:13, {SFWAB: 130}
35:15, {KI: 132}
35:39, {KI: 9}
36:20, {KI: 164}37 (As-Saaffaat, Those Who Set The Ranks),
36:25, {SFWAB: 187}
36:29, no Messenger cometh, {SFWAB: 234}
36:30, {KI: 5}
36:35, {SAQ: 87}
36:36, {SFWAB: 119}
36:37-38, {SAQ: 23}
37:36, {KI: 212}38 (Saad, Saad),
37:59, {SVFV: 54}
37:60, The Tree of Zaqqúm, {SFWAB: 131}
37:100, {ESW: xv}
37:173, {KI: 126}
37:180, {SAQ: 287}, {SVFV: 65}, {DBNN: 63 f 13}
38:67, {ESW: xvii}, {KI: 215}39 (Az-Zumar, The Troops),
39:10, {ROB1: 271}40 (Ghafir, The Forgiver (God)),
39:57, {SFWAB: 149}
39:67, {KI: 47}
39:68, {DBNN: 42}, {EW: 133}, {ROB2: 76n}, {SFWAB: 13-14}
39:69, {ESW: xv}
40:5, {KI: 5}41 (Fussilat, Expounded),
40:28, {KI: 11}
40:29 (Rodwell),'Will ye slay a man...If he be a liar...but if he be a man of truth...', {GL: 221}, {TOB: 211}40:34, {KI: 213}
41:20, {ESW: i}42 (Ash-Shura, The Consultation),
41:30, {KI: 42}, {SVFV: 48}
41:53, {KI: 101}, {SVFV: 13, 51}, {ROB2: 250-2}
42:14, {SVFV: 48}43 (Az-Zukhruf, The Ornaments of Gold),
43:3, {ESW: xiv}44 (Ad-Dukhaan, The Smoke),
43:22, {KI: 155}
43:36, {KI: 257}
44:10, {KI: 76}, {ROB1: 171}45 (Al-Jaathiyah, The Kneeling Down),
44:43-44, {KI: 190}, {ROB1: 335}
44:49, {KI: 190}, {ROB1: 335}
45:5, {KI: 206}46 (Al-Ahqaaf, The Sand-Dunes)
45:6, {KI: 207}
45:8, {KI: 207}
45:22, {KI: 214}
45:24, {KI: 209}
47 (Muhammad, Muhammad)
48 (Al-Fath, The Victory),48:1-2, {SAQ: 169-70}49 (Al-Hujuraat, The Inner Apartments),
48:10, {KI: 136, 178}
48:23, {SVFV: 63}
49:6, {DBNN: 150}50 (Qaaf, Qaaf),
50:15, {KI: 115}51 (Adh-Dhaariyaat, The Dust-Scattering Winds),
50:20, {KI: 115}
50:21, {SVFV: 31}
50:29, {SVFV: 10}
{ROB4: 427}52 (At-Toor, Mount Sinai)
51:21 {KI: 101}
51:22, {KI: 68}
51:49, {SFWAB: 119}
51:56, {BP: 106}
52:12, {SFWAB: 16}53 (An-Najm, The Star),53:8, (Rodwell), {TOB: 208}54 (Al-Qamar, The Moon),
53:9,{ESW: xiv}53:10-18 (Rodwell), {TOB: 208}
(Rodwell), {TOB: 208}
53:14, {ESW: xiv}
53:48, {ROB4: 52}
54:5, {ROB4: 301}55 (Ar-Rahman, The Most Merciful),
54:6, {KI: 239}
54:27, {ESW: xv}
54:50, {KI: 153}
55:5, {KI: 37}56 (Al-Waqi'ah, The Inevitable),
55:19-22, {BP: 106}, {SFWAB: 130}
55:26-27, {SVFV: 37}
55:29, {KI: 67}, {SVFV: 61}, {ROB1: 263}, {ROB2: 416}, {ROB3: 390}
55:39, {KI: 173}
55:41, {KI: 173}
55:56, {KI: 71}
55:72, {ROB4: 152}
56:62, {BP: 103}57 (Al-Hadeed, The Iron),
56:92, {ROB4: 52}
57:3, {KI: 143}, {SVFV: xiii, 15, 27}58 (Al-Mujadila, The Pleading)
59 (Al-Hashr, The Gathering),59:2, {SAQ: 149, 288}, {KI: 229}60 (Al-Mumtahanah, The Examined One)
59:9 (Rodwell),'They prefer them before themselves...', {TOB: 71}59:19, {ESW: ii}, {KI: 101}, {SVFV: 52}
61 (As-Saff, The Ranks)61:4, serried lines, {SFWAB: 260}62 (Al-Jumu'ah, Friday),
62:6, {KI: 227}63 (Al-Munafiqoon, The Hypocrites)
64 (At-Taghabun, Loss and Gain)
65 (At-Talaq, Divorce)
66 (At-Tahreem, The Prohibition)
67 (Al-Mulk, The Dominion),67:2, {KI: 39}68 (Al-Qalam, The Pen)
67:3, {SFWAB: 248, 263}, {SVFV: 12}
69 (Al-Haaqqa, The Sure Reality),69:6, {ROB4: 426}70 (Al-Ma'aarij, The Ways of Ascent),
70:40, {KI: 43}71 (Nuh, Noah),
71:26, {KI: 7}72 (Al-Jinn, The Spirits)
see also Manifestation(s) of God
73 (Al-Muzzammil, The Enshrouded One)
74 (Al-Muddaththir, The Cloaked One),74:8, {SFWAB: 13}75 (Al-Qiyamah, The Day of Resurrection)
74:50, {KI: 51}
76 (Al-Insaan/Ad-Dahr, The Human),76:5, cup tempered at camphor fountain,{KI: 41}, {SVFV: 37}, {BP: 201}, {SFWAB: 254, 278}77 (Al-Mursalaat, The Emissaries)
76:9, {KI: 23}, {DBNN: 23 f 5}, {ROB2: 143}
76:13, {SVFV: 61}
76:21, {DBNN: 27}
78 (An-Naba', The Announcement),78:1-2, {ESW: xvii}79 (An-Naazi'aat, Those That Rise)
78:29, {KI: 140}
79:6, {SFWAB: 14}80 (Abasa, He Frowned),
79:34, {SFWAB: 14}80:34, {DBNN: 567}81 (At-Takweer, The Folding Up),
81:6 (Rodwell), 'And when the seas shall boil...', {TOB: 41}82 (Al-Infitar, The Cleaving Asunder),
81:10 (Rodwell), '...And when the Scriptures shall be unrolled.', {TOB: 41}
82:1, {KI: 44}83 (Al-Mutaffifeen, The Dealers in Fraud),
83:6,84 (Al-Inshiqaaq, The Rending Asunder){ESW: xvi}83:22-6, {ESW: 18}, {ROB4: 433}
(Rodwell), 'The Day when mankind shall stand before the Lord of the worlds.', {TOB: 115}
83:28, {SVFV: 22}
85 (Al-Burooj, The Constellations)
86 (At-Taariq, The Morning Star),86:9, {DBNN: 551}87 (Al-A'la, Glory To Your Lord In The Highest)
88 (Al-Ghaashiyah, The Overwhelming Event)
89 (Al-Fajr, The Daybreak),89:22-23, {ESW: xv}90 (Al-Balad, The city)
89:27-30, {SVFV: 50}
91 (Va'sh-Shams, The Sun),{ROB1: 32}92 (Al-Layl, The Night)
93 (Ad-Dhuha, The Glorious Morning Light)
94 (Ash-Sharh, Consolation)
95 (At-Tin, The Fig Tree)
96 (Al-Alaq, The Clinging Clot)
97 (Al-Qadr, The Night of Honor)
98 (Al-Bayyinah, The Clear Evidence)
99 (Az-Zalzalah, The Earthquake)
100 (Al-'Aadiyat, The Chargers)
101 (Al-Qaari'ah, The Great Calamity)
102 (At-Takaathur, Greed for More)
103 (V'al-'Asr, Va'l-'Asr, The Declining Day),{ROB1: 34, 102}, {DBNN: 436}104 (Al-Humazah, The Slanderer),
The Báb's commentary on, {DBNN: 201-3}
104:1-2, (Rodwell) 'Woe betide every slanderer...', {TOB: 219}, {ROB3: 81}105 (Al-Feel, The Elephant)
106 (Quraish, Quraysh)
107 (Al-Maa'oon, The Neighbourly Assistance)
108 (Kawthar, Abundance),{ROB1: 328-9}109 (Al-Kaafiroon, Unbelievers),
{DBNN: 174-5, 496 f 28}
see also Kawthar{ESW: xvii}110 (An-Nasr, Divine Support)
111 (Al-Masad, The Twisted Strands)
112 (Tawhíd, The Unity),{ESW: xiv}, {ROB2: 195}, {ROB4: 407}113 (Al-Falaq, The Daybreak)
114 (An-Naas, Mankind)'And We desire to show favour to those who were brought low...', {DBNN: 93}Quoted,
'And when your Rabb radiates upon the mountain', {DBNN: 248 f9}
'Fain would they put out God's light with their mouths...', {DBNN: 19}
'Far be the glory of thy Lord, the Lord of all greatness...', {DBNN: 319}
'God is verily independent of all His creatures', {DBNN: 137}
'If ye do well, to your own behoof will ye do well...', {DBNN: 137}
'Lo, the Lord thy God is come...', {DBNN: 93}
'Messengers charged with imposture', {ROB4: 210}
'O my Lord, bless Thou my arrival at this place...', {DBNN: 344}
'O our Lord, with ourselves have we dealt unjustly', {DBNN: 174}, {ROB1: 329}
'On that day will We set a seal upon their mouths...', {DBNN: 93}
'Praise be to God, Lord of all creatures!', {DBNN: 62}
'So it was not ye who slew them...', {DBNN: 331}
'That with which they are threatened is for the morning...', {DBNN: 195}
the Day in which man will be able to attain the presence of God, {ROB1: 119}
The Trumpet-blast...signifies the proclamation of the Message of Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 109n}
'There is no God but Him', {ROB2: 286-8}
'To him who hopeth to attain the presence of God...', {ESW: 116}, {ROB4: 408}
'Verily, amid gardens and rivers shall the pious dwell...', {DBNN: 295}
'Whoso maketh efforts for Us, in Our ways will We guide them', {DBNN: 165}
woe betide slanderer, {TOB: 219}
{ROB1: 56, 164, 171, 177-9, 183-5, 188-90, 271n., 335}see also Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Index, Part I - Súrihs of Bahá'u'lláh)
(ROB3: 47, 81, 131-2, 170-71, 390}
Rahmatu'lláh, {SFWAB: 97}
Rajab 'Alíy-i-Qahír, Mullá, {ROB1: 249n.}
Ramadán, {ROB4: 79}
Rangoon, Bahá'ís of, {ROB3: 430-31}
Ransom-Kehler, Keith,{GPB: 344, 398}Rasht, {ROB4: 112, 191, 383}
buried in Isfahán, {GPB: 400}
petitions to the Shah, {GPB: 345}
Rawdih-Khání, {ROB4: 201-2}
Reading,Recognition of,instruction of children in, {KA: K48, n76}
Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses,{KA: K36, K138, K150, Q52}
daily, see Bahá'í(s)
of Prayer for the Dead, see Prayer(s)
in public,{KA: K154, n168}'in the most melodious of tones', {KA: K116}
Muttering sacred verses in public, {KA: K108, 158, n135}
manner of, {KA: K149, Q68, n165, n168}
of verse replacing Prayer of the Signs, see Prayer(s)
of verses alternative to
ablutions, see Prayer(s)verses of God, does not include the writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, {KA: n165}
fasting, see Fasting
Obligatory Prayers, see Prayer(s)
see also Prayers, Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Religion(s), Religious, Dispensations, of the past,Bahá'í Faith within society, {KA: n49}
Manifestation of God,{KA: K55, K80, K85, K100, K157, K182-K183, n1, n48}positions and aims of Bahá'í Faith, {KA: n49}
barriers (veils) to,earthly desires, {KA: K39, K82, K86, n23}and obedience to Laws, twin duties, {KA: 15, K1}
learning, {KA: K41, K102, n60}
names, {KA: n180}
religious leaders, {KA: K165, K167}
removal of, {KA: K47, K132, K165, K171}
scripture, {KA: K134, n155}
see also Veil(s)
result of, {KA: K7, K38}
see also Bahá'u'lláh, recognition of
precepts as a means of order and security, {KA: K2}
purpose of Laws, {KA: K2}
significance of Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {KA: 16}
unity of God, {KA: Q106}
verity "He shall not be asked of His doings,"{KA: K161-K163, 163}
see also Infallibility
Renan, Ernest,{ESW: 159}
{KA: K7}
{ROB3: 40, 104, 138, 140, 168, 322, 334, 355, 369, 374-5, 386n.}
{ROB4: 56, 196, 214, 278}
{SAQ: 158-59}
{TOB: 64, 125}
and law, {ROB3: 277-8}
and the Holy Land, {ROB4: 365}
Bahá'u'lláh on,A 'radiant light', {ROB4: 154-60}birth, {ROB1: 4}
abrogation of laws by Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: 4, 8}
Addresses leaders of,{KA: K99, K101-K104, K165-K166, n64, n171}commotion among leaders of, {TOB: 106}
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Súriy-i-Vafá, Clergy
Denounces hypocrisy in, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
differences promote strife, {TOB: 72}
education in, {TOB: 68}
Enjoins amity with followers of all, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Essence of,{ESW: 13}fellowship among, {TOB: 22, 87, 91}
{TOB: 155}
followers,{KA: K73, n180}foundations quaked, {TOB: 107}
Bahá'u'lláh's precepts, Water of Life to, {KA: K29}
consort with, {KA: 14, K75, K144, n173}
refutations by, {KA: K168}
heaven of, is split, {TOB: 247}
Heavens (of religions) rent, {GL: 41, 42, 45, 333}
leaders of, put to flight, {TOB: 258}
necessary for man, {TOB: 63-4, 125, 129-30}
prohibition on questioning Him Whom God will make manifest, see Bahá'u'lláh
prophecies (promises), fulfilment of, {KA: K35, K80, n160}
Unity of,{ESW: 14, 63}Source of order, {ESW: 28}
essential unity of, {KA: n160}
see also Kitáb-i-Íqán
Weakening of, {ESW: 28}
New, {ESW: 52}
channel of love, {SFWAB: 36}
development of, {ROB4: 324}
differences explained, {GL: 287, 288}
disenchantment with, {ROB4: 71}
divisions in,{ROB4: 192, 365}establishment of Divine Kingdom, {SAQ: 57-58}
sects in,{ROB4: 138}
{TOB: 60}
Fanaticism,{GL: 288}followers of, {ROB4: 340, 365, 423}
{GPB: 215}
{KA: 14, K144, 161}
{TOB: 68, 168}
harmony of science and, see Bahá'í Faith
Holy Books (of former religions), Scriptures,{KA: 7, 13, K17, K19, K149, K163, K168, Q106, n129, n155}ignored in its day, {ROB4: 72}
{PM: 37, 39, 43, 66, 106, 143, 275, 286}
{ROB1: 151, 161, 162, 190, 296}
{ROB4: 47, 48, 49, 126, 137, 218, 262, 373}
{TOB: 12}
Bahá'u'lláh,{KA: 13, K136, K138, K168, n2, n160, n180}interpretations of, see Interpretation
embellished by, {TOB: 245}
of The Báb, see Bayán
of Christianity, see Bible
of Islám, Qur'án
of Judaism, see Bible
of Zoroastrianism, see Zoroaster
of old religions, {ROB3: 38, 97, 98, 103, 135, 144, 217, 293}
purpose of, {TOB: 105, 161, 162, 212}
record Promise and Threat, {TOB: 68}
restrictions of, removed, {TOB: 88}
see also Terms in Holy Writings, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Interpretation of Sacred Text, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Verse(s)
Irreligion, spread of, {GL: 171, 200, 209, 288}
Law,of God divided in two parts, {SAQ: 47-48}nature of, {GL: 81}
of primogeniture, {KA: n44}
prohibitions of,{SFWAB: 147}
Restrictions on travel, {KA: K131, n153}
opposition of clergy, see Manifestation(s) of God
past, {ROB4: 162}
power of,{SFWAB: 53}practices concerning,
loss of power of, {ROB4: 155}
ablutions, see Prayer(s)Principles of, {ROB4: 215}
clothing, {KA: K159, n174-n175}
destruction of books, see Book(s)
hunting, see Hunting
kissing of hands, {KA: n57}
marriage and divorce, {KA: Q31, Q43, n89-n90, n93, n101}
monasticism and asceticism, see Clergy
music, see Music
prayer, {KA: n6-n7, n15, n135}
congregational, {KA: n19}exemptions granted to women in their courses, {KA: n20}
Progressive Revelation, see Manifestations of God
Purpose of,{ROB1: 311}Reality of, {ROB4: 152-3}
{ROB4: 159}
{SFWAB: 28, 52-3, 69, 109, 248-9, 261, 302-3}
{TOB: 129-30}
Relationship between religions, {ROB4: 155, 161-2}
Religious leaders, see Clergy
Religious traditions,
{KA: n2, n22, n65, n114}renewal of, {SFWAB: 311}
{ROB3: 49}
meaning of, {GL: 171, 174 }
liable to error, {SAQ: 298}
see also Báb, The, 'Akká, Christian Faith, Clergy, Islám/Hadíth, Islám/Shí'ah, Customs
Science and,{SAQ: 137}Snare, {TOB: 42}
{SFWAB: 107, 109, 299}
Spiritual cycles of, see Manifestations of God
teachings of,cleanse human heart, {SFWAB: 146}Unity of,
like staffs, {SFWAB: 166–7, 283}
{ESW: 13}universal faith,
{ROB1: 161-2}
{ROB4: 191}
{SFWAB: 32, 52}
oneness of,{GL: 78, 95, 217, 287}
{SFWAB: 52}
{SFWAB: 305}unnecessary to turn to other religions, {ROB4: 141-2}
{TOB: 69}
waning, {GL: 171, 200, 209, 288}
will oppose Faith, {GPB: 315}
world, {GPB: 375}
World Parliament of (1893), {GPB: 256}
see also Báb, the, Bahá'í Faith, Holy Books, Manifestation(s) of God, Islám
{GPB: 80}Renunciation,
{ROB3: 166-7}
{ESW: 2, 53, 74, 85, 89, 92}Residence see House(s), Inheritance
{ROB3: 338ff.}
Resignation (attribute),{GL: 129, 322}Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh (Adib Taherzadeh), {ROB4: 420, 432}
{ROB1: 98, 108, 269}
{ROB2: 150, 238, 282}
Revenge,{KA: n86}Reward,
{SAQ: 270}
Vengeance, {SAQ: 267, 268-69, 271}
{GL: 36, 94, 117, 129, 158, 167, 219, 339}Ridá-Qulí-i-Tafrishí, Mírzá, {ROB3: 23, 224-5, 235-6}
{ROB3: 294, 297, 319}
{ROB4: 157, 159, 211, 236}
see also Justice
Ridáy-i-Qannád, Áqá, of Shíráz,{ROB2: 403, 404}Ridáy-i-Sa'ádatí, Áqá, {ROB3: 302-4}
{ROB3: 20}
{ROB4: 420}
Ridván,Righteousness,{GL: 31}
{KA: K75, n107, n138, n140}
{KI: 9, 20, 24, 38, 43, 60, 106, 113, 122, 140, 149, 158, 174, 201, 208, 210, 233}
{PM: 4}
{ROB3: 53 and n., 108, 362}
Garden of,{KA: n107, n138}Lawh-i-Ridván, see Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Index, Part I)
'Akká,{ROB4: illus. 20-21; 11-32, 105, 244}Baghdad,
'Abdu'l-Bahá, at, {ROB4: 11, 14}
Abu'l-Qásim, gardener at,{ROB4: 28-32}May Maxwell's account of, see Maxwell, May Bolles
and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {ROB4: 32}
Na'mayn, Garden of, (designated 'Garden of Ridván'), {ROB4: 11-32}
passage on trustworthiness revealed in, {ROB4: 16}
{GPB: 150, 151}
{ROB1: 53, 109n., 229, 259-62 passim, 275-6, 281-2, 293}
'Abdu'l-Bahá, at, {ROB1: 261-2}
Bahá'u'lláh's declaration in,{GPB: 150-155}Najíbíyyih, Garden of, (designated 'Garden of Ridván'),
{KA: K75, n107, n138}
{ROB1: 17, 53, 109n., 142, 208, 210, 260-63 passim, 273-8, 286, 293, 299}
{ROB2: 72, 302}
{ROB4: 53, 81, 305, 329}
{SAQ: 44n}
Báb alludes to, {ROB1: 280}
His activities prior to the declaration of mission, {DBNN: 372, 433, 459}
Festival of Ridván, Feast of Ridván, Most Great Festival, King of Festivals, Festival of God{GL: 31}significance,
{GPB: 148}
{KA: K110, Q1, n107, n138}
{ROB1: 259-60, 262, 277}
{SAQ: 44n}
King of Festivals, {KA: K112, n138, n140}
first day,{GPB: 151-155}ninth day, {ROB1: 276n., 281}
{ROB1: 260, 262, 278, 280, 281}
twelfth day,{ROB1: 281}see also Holy Days
departure from Garden of Ridván, {GPB: 155}
{ROB1: 273-80}
important statements at Ridván, {ROB1: 278-80}
{KA: n107}
{ROB1: 259}
Paradise,{ESW: 132, 133}Ridván letter from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {SFWAB: 110-2}
{KA: K46, K106}
{PM: 296, 327}
{ROB1: 109 and n., 183}
{SAQ: 223-26, 228}
{SFWAB: 14}
{TOB: 116, 189, 206}
Abhá, {SFWAB: 22, 24, 36, 57, 85, 232}
decked with mystic roses, {TOB: 119}
doves of, {TOB: 58}
earthly, {SFWAB: 275}
is reunion, {TOB: 118}
meaning of, {GL: 31, 32, 45, 70, 107, 116, 158, 303, 319, 341}
of true understanding, {TOB: 106}
trustworthiness is Beauty of, {TOB: 38, 122}
see also God/Worlds of
Ridvánu'l-Iqrár, see Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (Index, Part I)
{GL: 287, 306, 315, 323}Robbery, {GL: 297, 298, 299}
{TOB: 36, 59, 86, 170}
Rome,{ROB3: 117-18, 154}Rosenberg, Ethel J, {ROB4: 46}
Basilica of St. Peter's in, {GPB: 353}
Rothschild, {ROB3: 168 and n., 172}
Rumania,Rumelia, {SAQ: 28}letters to King of, {GPB: 345}
Princess Ileana of, {GPB: 383, 387, 393}
Queen Marie of, the first Queen who arose to promote the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh,{GPB: 256, 294, 344, 375, 387-395}
{ROB3: 213}
attests to the Faith, {GPB: 294, 391}
memorial gatherings for, {GPB: 395}
unable to visit Bahá'í shrines, {GPB: 392}
visited by Martha Root,{GPB: 387, 390, 393, 394}
gives Martha Root a brooch, {GPB: 394}
Russia, Russian,{ROB3: 118, 120-23}Rúz-bih (Salmán), companion of Muhammad,
{ROB4: 388, 418, 432-3}
Alexander II, Czar of Russia, see To The Kings and Rulers
Bahá'í Faith attacked in, {GPB: 360-1}
see also 'Ishqábád, Moscow, Sámarrá, Transcaspia
{KI: 65, 167}Sabzivár, {ROB3: 121}
{ROB1: 109, 113, 169}
Sacraments, {ROB4: 289}
Sacrifice,Sádát-i-Khamsih (The Five Siyyids), {ROB4: 191}
backbiting as cause, {KA: n37}Sadru'd-Dawlíy-i-Isfáhání, {DBNN: 547}
not to cause, {KA: 92, Q98, 159}
fine for causing abolished, {KA: K148, n163}
Sadru's-Sudúr, {ROB4: 313}
Sa'íd Khán, Mírzá, Persian Foreign Minister,{ROB1: 225-6}Saints,
{ROB2: 131-4}
{GL: 317}Samarkand, Samarqand,
{KA: n160}
Barbara, {SAQ: 136}
{GPB: 195}Sámarrá, {ROB1: 156n.}
{ROB4: 262}
Sámerí, {ROB4: 46}
Sámsún, port of,{ROB1: 285, 292}Samuel, Sir Herbert (High Commissioner for Palestine, later Viscount Samuel of Carmel), {GPB: 317}
{ROB2: 6}
attends funeral of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 312, 313}Sarah, {GPB: 347}
visits 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 306}
Sardár 'Azíz Khán,{GPB: 77}Scholar, scholarship, {ROB3: 92, 94-6, 239-40}
{ROB4: 435}
School(s), Universities,Scientists, {ROB4: 354}{ROB4: 215}
{SFWAB: 135, 137}
built during ministry of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Bahá'í schools,in Persia, see Persiabuilt by Bahá'ís see Bahá'í(s)
in United States of America, see America
purposes of summer schools, {GPB: 340}
site for on Mt. Carmel, {GPB: 307}
Sunday school, {SFWAB: 143-4}
to be on Mount Carmel, see Lawh-i-Karmil
of God, see God
of inner meaning and explanation, {KA: K175}
of spiritual progress, {SFWAB: 58}
of Transcendent Oneness, {KA: K175}
man's knowledge of God not dependent on, see God
throughout the world, {GPB: 340-341}
see also Education
Sects, {ROB4: 138, 156, 295, 365, 392}
Security,Seeker(s), Wayfarers,Self,{SFWAB: 25}
{TOB: 47-8, 49, 90, 106-17 passim, 241, 255}
beware of doubts, {TOB: 78}
eyes of, cheered, {TOB: 9}
happy, {TOB: 15, 62, 253}
hear doves of Paradise, see Terms in Holy Writings/Hearing
insight of, {TOB: 61}
jewel among men, {TOB: 13}
men devoid of learning, {TOB: 236}
must be like butterfly and nightingale, {SAQ: 77}
must seek Sun of Reality not dawning-place, {SAQ: 77}
pass beyond sea of names, {TOB: 58}
prayer for, {TOB: 110-17}
qualities of, {SAQ: 38}
recognition of Bahá'u'lláh,{TOB: 47-8, 50-3, 78, 103, 114, 188, 207-11, 238-45, 248, 250, 261, 263}reward of, {TOB: 86}
by Alí-Akbar, {TOB: 48-9}
by Bethlehem, {TOB: 15}
faculty for, {TOB: 52-3}
necessary to know God, {TOB: 50, 156}
obscured by veils,{TOB: 9-10, 12, 41}requires freedom from attachments, {TOB: 41}
see also Veil(s)
True,{GL: 264-269, 323, 326}see also Blessedness
attributes and rewards of, {KI: 3-4, 192-97}
qualifications of, {ROB1: 162-3, 186-9}
see also Bahá'í Faith
Self-defence, {KA: K159, n173}{ROB3: 95-6, 247, 354}
{SFWAB: 256}
{TOB: 87, 118}
corrupt, selfish desire, {KA: K2, K29, K39, K58, K165, n25}
forgetting (renouncing),{SFWAB: 180, 193, 207, 236}gems of constancy in, {TOB: 88}
prayer for, {SFWAB: 233}
see also Detachment
knowledge of, {TOB: 35, 72, 156}
non-believers sacrificed greatness in both worlds for, {SFWAB: 259}
self and passion, worst human characteristics, see Unpublished or Untranslated Works
Selfishness, {TOB: 80}
veil of, {SFWAB: 182}
Victory over,{GL: 93}see also Knowledge
{TOB: 86}
Self-surrender,{ROB3: 104, 249, 404-8}Sensuality,
meaning of, {GL: 337, 338}
surrendering one's will to the will of God, see God
Service, Servitude,Servitude, {ROB1: 133-4, 179-80, 239-40}{KA: 14-15, K125, K178, n2, n56}
{ROB4: 193}
{SFWAB: 77, 93, 140}
'Abdu'l-Bahá's services to Bahá'u'lláh, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
and tests, {ROB4: 246-7}
day of service, {GL: 9, 92, 193}
exhortation to arise, {KA: K35, K38}
exhortation to Kings, {KA: K82, K84}
fruit of, {SFWAB: 234}
greatest of all deeds, see Deeds
of Hands of the Cause, see Hands of the Cause of God
promise of Divine Assistance, {KA: K53, K74}
social, {ROB3: 345-7}
station of man is service, {ROB4: 65}
to Bahá'ís, {SFWAB: 27}
to God (Kingdom),{SFWAB: 39, 57, 85, 100, 140, 237, 267, 271, 318}to mankind, human race,
{TOB: 196, 234}
prayer for, {SFWAB: 319-20}
{ROB3: 327, 351}to poor, {SFWAB: 115-16}
{ROB4: 235}
{SFWAB: 68-9, 141, 206}
{TOB: 167}
to the Cause of God,{ROB3: 326, 379-81}
see also Bahá'í Faith/Service to, Bahá'í Faith/Teaching of
Sháh Khalíl'u'lláh-i-Fárání, Hájí,{ROB3: 159-62}Sháh-Muhammad-i-Manshádí, Hájí (Amínu'l-Bayán), {ROB3: 57, 73-6, 77, 178, 182-3, 427}
{ROB4: 254n.}
Sháh-Rúd (village of),{DBNN: 299}Shams-i-Duhá, {ROB4: 16}
see also Letters of the Living/Quddús
Shaykh Bahá'í, {ROB1: 117}
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abdu, {GPB: 317}
She-Camel,{ROB4: 425-8}Shidád (Stress), years of, {ROB1: 136 and n.}
{TOB: 208, 213}
Shipping records, {ROB3: 5-6 n., 11n.}
Shíráz,Shoghi Effendi Rabbání, Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith,{DBNN: 4, 30}
{KA: n138}
{ROB1: 111-12, 223, 265-6, 294}
{ROB2: 240}
{ROB3: 42, 50, 255}
{ROB4: 314, 329, 331, 334, 384, 429-31, 436}
and The Báb,{ROB1: 200, 327}cholera in, {GPB: 13}
Báb's return to, {GPB: 10}
Báb's stay in, {DBNN: 143}
Birth of,{DBNN: 72}House of,
{ROB1: 294n.}
{ROB4: 334-5}
early days of, {DBNN: 72}
Genealogy of,{DBNN: lviii}one of Twin Birthdays, {KA: Q2}
born from Law of Muhammad, {SAQ: 69}
descended from Abraham, {SAQ: 13, 213}
prayer revealed by Bahá'u'lláh on Anniversary of, {TOB: 234}
school days, {DBNN: 75}
son of a mercer of Shíráz in Fárs, {GPB: 5, 402}
see also Tablet Of Visitation (Section I), Bahá'í Faith/Holy Days
{GPB: 337}
{ROB1: 155, 211-12}
{ROB4: 16, 122n., 165, 330, 331, 334, 429-31}
Bahá'u'lláh on, {ROB4: 429-30}
Center of pilgrimage,{GPB: 177, 300}Restoration of, {GPB: 268}
{ROB4: 165, 429, 431}
Restitution of, {GPB: 195}
Scene of Báb's declaration, the Declaration of the Báb,{GPB: 5}see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá, Súrihs of Hajj, Unpublished or Untranslated Works
{KA: K110, n138}
{ROB1: 193, 293}
{ROB3: 254}
{ROB4: 148, 329, 335n., 429}
dream of, prior to, {DBNN: 253}
during the fast, {KA: Q36}
effects of, {GPB: 10}
May 23, 1844,{GPB: 3}to Mullá Husayn, {GPB: 5}
came in Year Sixty, {TOB: 89}
significance of His Centenary, {GPB: xi}
"Upright Alif", as symbol of advent, {KA: K157, n172}
see also Báb, The; Holy Days
those who embraced the faith in, {DBNN: 156}
turmoil in, {GPB: 11}
see also {DBNN: 671}
{KA: vii, 254}Shrines,
{ROB1: 15, 36, 38n., 78 and n., 137, 159, 202, 229, 241n., 303-4}
{ROB2: 237n., 238, 298}
{ROB4: 28, 383}
BiographicalHis Station and Titlesand Hands of the Cause of God, see Hands of the Cause of God
and laws of The Báb, see Báb, The
and prestige of Faith, {ROB4: 239-42}
and Shrine of The Báb, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
and Siyyid Mustafáy-i-Rúmí, see Hands of the Cause of God
appoints Trustee of Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
austerity of his life, {ROB3: 81-2}
Genealogy, {DBNN: lviii}
ministry of,{ROB3: 84, 162, 285}passing of, {KA: n66, n67, n183}
creation of world administrative order, {ROB4: 362-7}
Divine Plan, implementation of, {KA: 4}
travel teachers during, {ROB4: 276}
ushers in Formative Age, {ROB4: 233}
permission for pilgrimage sought from, see Pilgrimage
stories attributed to, {ROB4: 170}
transfer to Mount Carmel of remains of Purest Branch and Navváb, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
see also Aghsán
His Tablets and WritingsCentre of Cause, see Covenant
Guardian,{ROB3: 215, 372 and n.}infallibility of, see Infallibility
{ROB4: 366}
Guardianship,{KA: 3-4, 6-7, 13-14, , n66, n125, n130}Interpretation of Scripture, of Sacred Text,
anticipation of institution in Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {KA: 3, 13-14, K42, 143, 145, n66, n125}
installation of, {GPB: 328}
see also Aghsán, Interpretation of Sacred Text
{KA: 3, 4, n130}
{ROB4: 356-7}
interpreter of the Word of God, {ROB3: 50, 139, 241, 283, 374}
of Tablet of Carmel, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
{ROB3: 138n., 139, 140, 440}
The Advent of Divine Justice, {ROB3: 331}
God Passes By,{KA: 12-16, n108, n158, n190-n192}The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh,
{ROB3: 241, 281}
Shoghi Effendi's purpose in writing, {GPB: xii, xiii}
{KA: n173, n189}
see also New World Order of Bahá'u'lláh
summary of martyrdoms in Yazd, {ROB4: 347-8}
Teaching Plans,{ROB4: 358}translations by, {ROB3: 276, 284}
Ten Year Crusade , {ROB4: 358}
Statements,and Kitáb-i-Aqdas,Quoted,{KA: 6-7}describes end of the Wolf and the She-Serpent, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Burhán
annotations to, {KA: viii}
description in God Passes By, {KA: viii, 12-16}
synopsis and codification, {KA: vii}
translation, {KA: 9-10}
Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh,describes events after, {ROB4: 418}describes importance of Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in 'Ishqábád, {ROB4: 122-3}
effect of, {GPB: 244}
describes relationship of God to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB4: 129, 135}
discusses Bahjí, see 'Akká
encourages pioneering, see Pioneering
explains revelation of laws, {ROB4: 116-17}
explains 'rulers' and 'learned', {ROB4: 38}
on Administrative Order, {ROB3: 50, 126}
on Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB3: 152-5, 236-8, 264, 393, 419-20}
on Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
on Kitáb-i-Aqdas, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
on love, compassion and sacrifice, {ROB4: 190}
on martyrs, {ROB3: 213, 241}
on the Purest Branch, see Bahá'u'lláh
on Shaykh Kázim-i-Samandar, {ROB3: 88}
on teaching, {ROB3: 332-3, 383}
recounts martyrdom of Mullá 'Alí-Ján, {ROB4: 387}
{ROB1: 133, 143-4, 160, 208-9, 281-2, 284-5, 292-3, 304-8, 311-13}
{ROB3: 14-16, 50, 110, 113-14, 117-18, 126, 128-30, 145, 152-5, 158, 166-7, 211, 214-15, 236-8, 264, 281-2, 286, 294, 308-9, 311-12, 330, 332, 345-8, 357, 364-5, 383, 393, 419-20, 431-2}{ROB4: 429}Shujá'u'd-Dawlih, Prince,
of Bahá'u'lláh, see 'Akká
of The Báb, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
of the Immaculate, see Fátimih 'the Immaculate'
see also Pilgrimage{ROB1: 258}Siam (Thailand), {ROB4: 183}
{ROB4: 434}
Sidon, {ROB4: 51}
Sidq-'Alí, Darvísh,{ROB1: 289}Sight-seeing, {ROB3: 64}
{ROB2: 164-5, 188, 329, 330, 402, 409}
Sin, Transgressions,Sinai, Mount Sinai,{GL: 309}
{KA: K143, K155, K162}
{ROB4: 86, 164}
{SAQ: 119-20}
{TOB: 109
a potent cause of illness, {SFWAB: 152-3}
attachment to physical world is, {SAQ: 124, 126}
confession of, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
difference between good, sinners, and wicked who are veiled, {SAQ: 238}
forgiveness of,{KA: K49, K184, Q11, Q47, 101, n37, n58}good deeds of righteous are sins of Near Ones, {SAQ: 126}
{SFWAB: 164, 233}
{TOB: 24-5, 77, 176, 208}
of bounds of propriety, {KA: n175}
repentance, {KA: K34, K37, K49, K184}
Transgression of laws of God, {KA: K29, Q94, n37}
see also Bahá'u'lláh
Sincerity,{ESW: 8, 18, 38, 41, 42, 43, 47, 53, 57, 65, 86, 133, 145, 173}
{GL: 16, 19, 211, 282, 325}
{ROB3: 119, 305}
{ROB4: 70, 94, 126, 130, 139, 228, 357}
{SFWAB: 14, 254}
{TOB: 5, 11, 15, 103, 118, 210, 237, 242, 248, 251}
habitation of Lord, {TOB: 13}
of Wisdom, {TOB: 210}
Revelation on, {TOB: 52}
Sinaic Bush, {TOB: 61}
Speaker on, {TOB: 36, 50, 52, 107}
see also Moses{ESW: 38, 85}Sirát ('road', 'bridge to heaven'),
{KA: K29, K108, Q106, n95}
{ROB2: 7, 128}
{ROB2: 74 and n., 345}Síyáh-Dihán, village of, near Qasvín, {DBNN: 235 (note 21)}
{TOB: 237}
Síyávash, Mr, {ROB4: illus. 292; 291}
Siyyid of Findirisk, {ROB4: 434}
Slavery,{GPB: 214}Sleep,
{ROB3: 124, 281, 369-70}
prohibition of, {KA: 14, K72, 157}
Sodom, {SAQ: 51}
of Bahá'í Faith, {KA: n26, n49}Space, traversing, {SFWAB: 102, 198}
of God,{KA: K74, K172, K182}
relation to kingship, {KA: K82}
Speech, Utterance,Spirit,{ESW: 25, 29, 55, 93, 166}
{KA: K160}
{ROB4: 69-70, 237}
{TOB: 40, 66, 72, 75, 80}
Afnán, {TOB: 84}
chalice of, {TOB: 139}
chambers of, {TOB: 106}
hosts of, {TOB: 59, 76-7}
human, {TOB: 143}
importance of, {TOB: 172-3}
kingdom of, {TOB: 57, 62, 76, 83, 103, 137, 253}
light of, quenched, {TOB: 151}
manner of delivery, {KA: n168}
man's treasure, {TOB: 62}
moderation in, {TOB: 172, 198-9}
Nightingale of, {TOB: 107}
ocean of, {TOB: 78, 143, 241}
of Bahá'u'lláh, {ESW: 24, 34, 65, 71, 83, 140, 147, 158}
of God, {ESW: 2, 3, 24, 104, 119, 150, 172}
penetrating power of, {TOB: 198-9}
showers of, {TOB: 85}
speechmaking, {SFWAB: 134}
to assist God through, {KA: K73}
Tongue(s),{ESW: 10, 15}training in, {SFWAB: 134}
{TOB: 5, 47, 76, 87, 106, 111, 113, 114, 169, 232, 253, 263}
victory through, {TOB: 57, 197}
waters of, {TOB: 132, 145, 172}
wine of, {TOB: 85, 176, 195}
Word(s),{TOB: 172-3}see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat, Languages, Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
cause of creation, {TOB: 116, 140-1, 161-2}
dumbfounded all, {TOB: 50}
good, {TOB: 85}
inner meaning of,{ROB4: 149-50}limitations of, {GL: 176 }
{TOB: 167}
Most Sublime, {TOB: 211}
of God, see God
purged, {TOB: 138}
sciences which begin and end in, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Tajallíyát
single, could render Cause victorious, {TOB: 197}
stream of, {TOB: 105}
two, {TOB: 66}
vitalized by Bahá'u'lláh, {GL: 93 }
water of sacred, {TOB: 257}
Spiritual Principles,{ROB3: 50, 60}
{TOB: 11, 265}
all filled with, {TOB: 145}
chilled by expositions, {TOB: 142}
communication with spirits, {SAQ: 251-53}
dejected, will surge with delight, {TOB: 263}
five categories of, {SAQ: 143-45, 208-09}
heavenly, {SAQ: 144-45}
Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost,{KA: K37, n23, n160}human, see Man
{ROB1: 28, 63, 71, 148, 184, 189}
{ROB3: 144, 224, 360}
{ROB4: 133-5}
{SAQ: 108-09, 114, 145, 152, 299}
{SFWAB: 53, 58, 94, 104}
acceptance or rejection of, {SAQ: 127-28}
assistance of, necessary, {SFWAB: 160}
bestowals of, {SFWAB: 179}
Christ born of, {SAQ: 16, 87-88, 118-19}
descent of, {SAQ: 106-08}
eternal life is gift of, {SAQ: 242}
healing power of, {SAQ: 256}
unravels mysteries, {SFWAB: 170}
Most Great Spirit,{ROB1: 34, 45, 63, 242}of faith, see Faith
{ROB2: 124}
{ROB3: 143, 223, 227, 231}
of God, see God
of life, {TOB: 147}
"spirit of my spirit", {TOB: 114}
of Truth, {TOB: 12}
pure, {TOB: 199}
see also Manifestation(s) of Godof consultation, see ConsultationSpiritual Springtime,
of sacrifice, {ROB3: 78}
see also Bahá'í Faith, Detachment
{GL: 27, 84, 94, 167}Spouse see Adultery, Divorce, Inheritance, Marriage
{TOB: 86, 195, 257}
Sprague, Sidney, {GPB: 261}
Station, {ROB4: 192-3, 208-9}
Steadfastness, Faithfulness,Stewart, Elizabeth, {GPB: 261}{ESW: 18, 87, 97}
{GL: 13, 75, 76, 129, 167, 170, 202, 245, 246, 253, 289, 290, 291, 312, 319, 323, 325, 330, 338, 339}
{GPB: 309}
{KA: K134, K164, K173, K183}
{KI: 233}
{ROB3: 26, 85, 90, 177, 258, 259, 267, 360}
{ROB4: 140-1, 317, 318}
{SFWAB: 9, 120-1, 164, 294-5}
{TOB: 16, 51, 91, 117, 123, 132, 191, 200, 262, 268}
After death of Bahá'u'lláh, {SFWAB: 17-18}
Constancy,{KA: K163-K164}Fidelity,
{SFWAB: 19, 78}
{TOB: 51, 76, 80, 88, 239, 247}
{KA: 14, K120}hyacinths of certitude, {SFWAB: 254}
{TOB: 181, 200}
see also Faithfulness
Perseverance, {KA: 161}
Tenacity, {KA: K74}
see also Lawh-i-Ahmad, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Ishráqát, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Prayers, Bábí(s), Bahá'í Faith, Bahá'í(s), Covenant, Faith, Obedience
Stimson, Henry L., {GPB: 336}
Storrs, Sir Ronald, visits 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 307}
Struven, Howard, {GPB: 261}
Stuttgart,'Abdu'l-Bahá in, {GPB: 286}Stygian dark, {SFWAB: 8}
Subhí Páshá, fate of, {GPB: 232}
Súdán,{ROB1: 28}Suhráb, 'Ináyatu'lláh, {ROB4: 263}
{ROB2: 332, Appendix III passim}
{ROB4: 177, 273}
Gordon, General, British Governor of the Súdán, {ROB2: 446-7}
Suhráb-i-Púr-Kávús, {ROB3: 269}
Sulaymán Khán, Hájí,{DBNN: 610; martyrdom of, 617, 618}Sulaymán Khán-i-Afshar, {DBNN: 235, 391, 402}
{ROB3: 422-5, 426}
martyrdom of,{ROB3: 423}
martyred by burning candles, {GPB: 77}
Sultan-i-Karbilá'í, Shaykh, {DBNN: 190, 270, 593}
Summer School, International Bahá'í, {GPB: 340, 341}
Sun(s),Superstition, {ROB4: 150, 174, 230}
Swedenborg, Emanuel, {SFWAB: 60n.}
Sword, {TOB: 185}
Syria,{ROB3: 16}Tabarsí, Shaykh, fort of,
{ROB4: 240, 258, 262, 416, 418}
{SAQ: 52}
{SFWAB: 55}
{TOB: 14}
see also Aleppo, Damascus
{ROB1: 149-50}Tabríz ,
{ROB2: 129, 146, 180, 210-11, 246, 256}
{ROB3: 27, 101, 257}
{ROB4: 380, 435}
Bahá'u'lláh's visit to, {DBNN: 348, 368}
Tábúr Áqásí, Yahyá, {ROB1: 317}{ROB1: 284, 293}
{ROB3: 188n., 191, 269, 422-4}
{ROB4: 55-6, 146, 178, 186, 266, 402, 439}
prison of, {ROB4: 186}
The Báb,arrival at Tabríz, {DBNN: 506}
examination of,{DBNN: 315}last stage of His journey to Tabríz, {DBNN: 235}
{GPB: 21, 22}
reception in, {GPB: 18}
Martyrdom of,{GL: 89, 146, 147, 221, 222}people hail the Báb's arrival, {GPB: 20}
{GPB: 49-60}
{KA: n139}
{ROB1: 53-4, 67, 154, 268}
{ROB3: 200, 202, 211, 422 ff.}
{ROB4: 73}
{SAQ: 55}
Brings calamity to people, {GPB: 53, 54}
Earthquake after, {GPB: 53}
Effect of His martyrdom,{DBNN: 523}Last words to multitude, {GPB: 55}
{GPB: 55, 56}
Miraculous escape,{DBNN: 513}Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Zunúzí, {DBNN: 422, 509, 510, 512, 513}
Not killed by first volley of bullets,{GPB: 52, 53}
Sám Khán,{DBNN: 510, 512, 514, 516}
{GPB: 52}
Renewed and final attempt on His life, {DBNN: 514}
Unparalleled in religious history, {GPB: 56}
see also Tablet Of Visitation (Section I), Lawh-i-Karmil/remains of The Báb, Bahá'í Faith/Holy Days
welcomed by a youthful disciple on arriving at Tabríz, {DBNN: 237, 238}
Tact, {KA: 6, K73, 160}
Tákúr,{ROB1: 50}Talkhunchih, {ROB4: 384}
{ROB3: 415}
Taqí Khán, Mírzá (Amír Nizám),'Abdu'l-Bahá's statement on, {ROB3: 245-6}Táríkh-i-Shuhadáy-i-Yazd (The History of the Martyrs of Yazd), {ROB4: 124, 347}
his death, {GPB: 54, 82}
orders the Báb's death, {GPB: 51, 52}
persecutes Bábís, {GPB: 82}
Taxation, {GL: 251, 253 }
Temple,of human body, {KA: K96, K120, K155, n160}Technology, {ROB3: 137-40}
of Manifestation of God, {KA: K86}
see also Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Terms in Holy Writings, Symbolism,
Theosophy, {SAQ: 285-86, 290-96}{ROB3: 30, 135, 144, 349}
{ROB4: 172-3, 218, 427}
{SAQ: 83-86}
{SFWAB: 6, 18, 199, 270, 287-8, 293}
Adam and Eve,{SAQ: 122-26}Angels,
see also Woman as symbol of Law of God{GL: 16, 41, 45, 125, 136, 139, 277, 295, 309, 334}Anísá, Tree of, (The Hidden Words)
{KA: K53, K170, n128}
{PM: 158, 173, 252}
{ROB1: 171}
{TOB: 145}
angelic company, {SFWAB: 12}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 78-80}
{ROB1: 81}Apocalypse,
{SFWAB: 235}
{GPB: 239, 249}Appointed 'Hour',
reference to Bahá'u'lláh in, {GPB: 95}
references to Kitáb-i-Aqdas, {GPB: 213}
{GL: 17, 43, 103, 119, 125, 151, 204, 211, 214}Ark,
{TOB: 11, 40, 107, 117, 131, 244}
Appointed Time, {TOB: 150}
{PM: 44, 115, 271}'B' and 'E' (letters),
{ROB1: 236}
{ROB4: 357}
{TOB: 5, 71, 97, 116, 120, 134, 208}
Ark of God, {GL: 16, 113, 170, 212, 302}
Covenant, {ROB4: 361}
Crimson Ark, Crimson Colored Ark,{GPB: 151}of peace, {SFWAB: 26}
{KA: K84, n115}
{ROB1: 280-81}
{ROB3: 159}
{ROB4: 318, 361, 411, 437}
companions of the (Bahá'ís),{ROB4: 318}of Bahá'u'lláh's Testament, {GPB: 239, 249}
{TOB: 97, 120, 134}
refers to Bahá'í Faith, {KA: n115}
of salvation, see Salvation
Universal House of Justice and the, {ROB4: 361}
{KA: K177, 96, n188}'B' and 'H' (letters), (The Hidden Words) {ROB1: 83}
{ROB1: 30}
baptism, {SAQ: 91-92}
Balance, {TOB: 118}
Birds,{SFWAB: 8, 58}Black Standard,
{TOB: 106, 197}
broken-winged, {SFWAB: 237}
Celestial, {TOB: 139}
crow, {SFWAB: 219}
Dove,{SFWAB: 9, 200}eagle, {SFWAB: 23, 103}
{TOB: 58, 106, 240}
symbolism of, {SAQ: 85}
falcons,Falcon, {TOB: 169}in cage, {SAQ: 228}
believers are like, {SFWAB: 266}
larks, {SFWAB: 236, 255}
nightingale,{SFWAB: 8, 9, 19, 93, 134, 208, 219, 235, 236, 255, 312}of clay, {SFWAB: 47}
{TOB: 107, 195, 197, 240}
of darkness,{GL: 340}of Heaven,
{TOB: 236}
{SFWAB: 188}of mind, {SFWAB: 4}
{TOB: 197, 261}
of night, {SFWAB: 9}
of spirit, {SFWAB: 175, 271}
parrots of India, {SFWAB: 235}
ravens,{SFWAB: 9, 219, 313}sparrow into a falcon, {SFWAB: 23}
{TOB: 261}
teacher is like, {SFWAB: 268}
vulture, {SFWAB: 209}
{ROB4: 209}Bread and Wine, {SAQ: 97-99, 121, 125}
prophesied by Muhammad, {GPB: 38}
Bugle, see Bahá'u'lláh
Catastrophe, {TOB: 118}
Citadel, {SFWAB: 13}
City, Cities,Holy City,Clouds,{KA: 12, n114}of Certitude,
{ROB3: 154}
meaning of, {SAQ: 46, 48, 67, 68}
see also Jerusalem
{GL: 267-270}of God,
{KI: 197-99}
{ROB1: 190}
{GL: 267-270}of Radiant Acquiescence, see Madínatu'r-Ridá
{ROB1: 189}
of spiritual attainment, {ROB1: 151-2}
of Unity, see Gleanings/Tablet of Madínatu't-Tawhíd
{GL: 26, 27, 42, 45, 68, 92, 101, 167, 246, 258, 275, 282, 288, 306, 320, 324}Concourse, Concourse on High, Supreme Concourse, Celestial Concourse,
{ROB1: 170}
{TOB: 116}
of Mercy, {SFWAB: 7}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 71-75}
{GL: 14, 59, 91, 113, 118, 135, 139, 148, 266, 280, 284, 292, 307, 315, 330}Crimson,
{KA: K71, K76, K89, K132}
{PM: 83, 97, 166, 268, 277}
{ROB1: 81 and n., 82, 267}
{ROB3: 89, 151, 180 and n., 364, 372, 383, 407, 441, 446}
{ROB4: 284, 298, 316, 349, 353, 365}
{TOB: 3, 13, 36, 65, 85, 106, 122, 182, 206, 208}
celestial, {SFWAB: 12}
circle around Qiblih, {KA: K6}
on High,{SFWAB: 18, 22, 35, 250}promise of assistance, {KA: K53}
armies of, {SFWAB: 231}
Supreme, {SFWAB: 6}
see also Kingdom of GodArk, see Arkdarkness is ignorance, {SAQ: 84}
Book, see Kitáb-i-'Ahdí
Pillar, {KI: 70}
Sea, {ROB1: 280-81}
Spot,{KA: K100, n127}
see also 'Akká
Day,{TOB: 28, 64, 80, 85, 103, 107, 142, 171, 220, 232, 237, 253, 258, 261}Earth, symbolic meaning of, {KI: 46-48}
Day Star, {TOB: 33, 50, 62, 76, 77, 85, 111, 114, 125, 199, 205, 211, 240, 247, 252}
earth laid bare treasures, {TOB: 107}
everything will fade away (vanish), {TOB: 231-2, 245, 265-6}
every day accounted as one year, {SFWAB: 67, 172}
of deeds, {TOB: 232}
of God,{ESW: 2, 13, 18, 19, 29, 30, 47, 49, 107, 114, 117, 126, 132, 134, 140, 143, 144, 145, 147, 162, 165}of Grace, {SFWAB: 179}
{GL: 29, 30, 38, 40, 43, 44, 58, 107, 151, 171, 205, 206, 257, 276, 316, 319, 320}
{KA: K80, K88, K138}
{ROB1: 45-6, 64-7, 119, 129, 152, 213, 236-8, 275, 308}
{ROB2: 16-17, 30, 32, 116, 183, 249}
{ROB3: 3-4, 45, 105, 136, 144}
{ROB4: 66, 125, 126, 133-4, 148, 166-7, 209, 214, 218, 230, 238, 249, 257, 259, 302, 313, 374, 406, 413}
{SAQ: 57-58}
{TOB: 3-5, 64, 78, 103, 118, 241, 256}
foretold in Scriptures, {GL: 10, 11, 12, 17, 145, 163, 314, 340}
greatness of, {GL: 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 28, 35, 36, 39, 45, 59, 60, 108, 145, 168, 196, 197, 214, 245, 263, 287, 340}
incomparable, {TOB: 28, 80}
Peter, St., disciple of Jesus, reference to, {GPB: 96}
veils prevent understanding of, {TOB: 41}
of Great Rejoicing, {TOB: 78}
of Hearing, see Terms in Holy Writings
of ingathering of all mankind, {SFWAB: 260}
of Judgement, Judgment Day, Judgement Day,{GL: 11, 40, 41, 43, 125, 136, 137, 143, 226, 236, 247, 251}of Justice, {SFWAB: 179}
{KI: 111, 114, 116}
{SAQ: 59}
{SFWAB: 13}
{TOB: 124}
of Reckoning,{GPB: 29}of Resurrection,
{TOB: 14}
{SFWAB: 39, 179}of Return, {TOB: 104, 186}
{TOB: 58, 107, 183-7}
of Revelation, {PM: 36, 117, 252, 273, 275, 277, 279, 282, 286, 308}
of sight, see Terms in Holy Writings
of the Covenant, {KA: n139}
Promised, {TOB: 239, 244} summit of all, {SFWAB: 17}
treasures of no use, {TOB: 232}
see also Bahá'u'lláh/His Revelation, Calendar, Holy Days, Intercalary Days, Nineteen Day Feast
Elders, four and twenty,{ROB1: 201 and n.}Fane,
see also Prophecies
{PM: 9, 211}Father,
Frequented Fane, {GL: 292}
{TOB: 11, 14}Fashioner, {GL: 14, 141}
"Father is in the Son," see Terms in Holy Writings
God appeared as pillar of, {SAQ: 85}Fish, thirsty, {SFWAB: 7}
symbol of love of God, {SAQ: 92}
Flowers,Flowering bed of grace, {SFWAB: 7}Food, {ROB1: 59-60}
hyacinths of certitude, {SFWAB: 254}
narcissus of Najd, {SFWAB: 258}
of one garden, {SFWAB: 280}
rosebuds of spirit, {SFWAB: 22}
windflowers, sacred, {SFWAB: 254}
see also Fragrance; Gardens
Fragrance(s), Perfume, Scents,{SFWAB: 176-7, 186, 254}Garden(s),
ambergris, {SFWAB: 255}
breaths of holiness, {SFWAB: 182}
divine, {SFWAB: 251}
jasmine, {SFWAB: 266}
love of God, {SFWAB: 92}
musk, {SFWAB: 9, 72, 76, 224, 245, 255, 270, 276}
of earth, {SFWAB: 84}
offensive odour of violation, {SFWAB: 224}
realm of God, {SFWAB: 4}
scents from Sheba of spirit, {SFWAB: 255}
sweet savours (scents), {SFWAB: 22, 264}
sweet winds, {SFWAB: 10}
teachings of God, {SFWAB: 23}
universal love, {SFWAB: 20}
winds of Abhá paradise, {SFWAB: 22}
{SFWAB: 25, 256}God will subdue hearts, {TOB: 264}
Abhá, {SFWAB: 235}
flower-garden of guidance, {SFWAB: 313}
flowers and herbs of one, {SFWAB: 280}
of Eden, {SFWAB: 69, 275}
of God, {SFWAB: 10, 11, 14, 19, 232}
of God's love, {SFWAB: 138}
of hearts, {SFWAB: 252}
of heaven, {SFWAB: 36}
of holiness, {SFWAB: 38}
of saved, {SFWAB: 266}
rosebeds of faith, {SFWAB: 272}
Hearing, Ears,{GL: 164, 195, 340}Heart(s),
{SFWAB: 54}
{TOB: 111, 113, 131, 147, 170, 171, 244, 250}
Day of, {TOB: 239, 258}
Deaf,{SFWAB: 8, 191}Ear,
Made to hear, {SFWAB: 7, 173, 250, 275}
Spiritual Deafness, {SAQ: 102}
{SFWAB: 22, 30}Prayers for Spiritual Hearing, see Prayers
{TOB: 12, 47, 61, 64, 197, 209, 240, 258}
Blessedness of hearing ear, {TOB: 197, 209}
Spirituality of seekers and believers, hear doves of Paradise, {TOB: 58}
Heaven,{ROB4: 68, 213, 283, 380}
{SFWAB: 192-3}
{TOB: 152, 163, 178, 183, 189, 196, 256, 267}
bear witness to God, {TOB: 114}
cheering of other peoples', {SFWAB: 92, 204}
chilled, {TOB: 263}
detached and pure, {TOB: 143, 172, 198}
doors of, unlocked, {TOB: 89, 173}
ears of, {TOB: 208}
evil promptings of human, {SFWAB: 256}
fixed on vanities, {TOB: 241}
may attain peace, {TOB: 219}
mirror, {SFWAB: 108, 140, 275}
opened through fear of God, {TOB: 121}
purity of,{KA: K116, K157, K175, K179}radiant, {TOB: 116, 138}
{ROB1: 79, 96, 107, 172, 186, 187}
{SFWAB: 22, 202, 232}
see also Hidden Words, The, Kitáb-i-Íqán
seeing, {SFWAB: 37-8}
set ablaze, {TOB: 142}
set towards Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 12, 245}
solid as rock, {SFWAB: 5}
stainless, {TOB: 199}
will be subdued, {TOB: 264}
won by good words, {TOB: 85}
see also Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Man
{ROB1: 170}Hell,
{ROB4: 211}
{TOB: 47, 114, 120, 173}
bestowals of, {SFWAB: 22}
brought nigh, {SFWAB: 14}
gardens of, {SFWAB: 36, 180}
Heavenly Loving Lord, {SFWAB: 314}
heavens cleft (split), {TOB: 119, 247}
new, {SFWAB: 12}
of Universal Light, {SFWAB: 26}
Paradise, see Ridván
rose-tree of, {SFWAB: 8}
spring winds of, {SFWAB: 8}
stars of, revealed, {TOB: 107, 117}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 44, 62, 66-68, 71}
waters of, {SFWAB: 7}
whispering sound of, {TOB: 145}
wine of, {SFWAB: 8}
see also Kingdom of God{ESW: 132, 133}Holy of Holies,
{GL: 42, 45, 158, 209}
{PM: 296}
{ROB1: 183-4}
{ROB4: 211}
{SAQ: 223-25}
{TOB: 118, 119, 189}
flames of, {SFWAB: 14}
{SAQ: 46}Hour, {SFWAB: 14}
has become visible, {SAQ: 59-60}
symbolic meaning of, {SAQ: 48}
Isráfíl, {SFWAB: 23 and n.}
Jerusalem,{GL: 13, 117}Kawthar,
{KA: 12, n7, n114, n116}
{ROB1: 173}
{ROB3: 15, 16, 150, 154-5, 172, 275}
{ROB4: 352, 361, 408}
{SAQ: 46-47, 52}
{SFWAB: 165-6}
{TOB: 159, 174}
Aqsá Mosque, Temple Mount, {KA: K85, n116}
Divine, {SAQ: 59-60}
Law of God is New Jerusalem,{SAQ: 67-68}
{SFWAB: 12, 59, 60}
see also Holy City{ROB1: 178, 196 and n.}Kingdom of Names,
Súrih, see Qur'án
{ROB2: 39-43, 182}"Letter" revealed by God, {PM: 291}
{TOB: 47, 83}
see also Attachment
Letters, {SFWAB: 60}
Life and death,{ROB1: 183-4}Light, Lamp,
Dead,{ROB4: 207}Death (spiritual) and sleep,
meaning of the, {SAQ: 59, 101-02, 126, 279}
{SFWAB: 8-9, 12, 191–2, 198, 319}
arising (awakening) from, {SFWAB: 3, 7, 10, 14, 23, 112, 173, 250, 255, 266, 275}
graves of sensual desires, {SFWAB: 37}
slumber of unknowing, {SFWAB: 35}
tombs of bodies, {SFWAB: 13}
see also Non-believers
{SAQ: 150}Maiden of Heaven, Maid of Heaven, Maids of Heaven,
imagery of lamp and, {SAQ: 155, 288, 303}
symbol of Knowledge, {SAQ: 84}
{GL: 32, 91, 136, 156, 282, 284, 327}Mi'ráj, {KI: 185-86, 187}
{ROB1: 63, 82, 83, 125, 213, 218, 242}
{ROB3: 143, 223-4}
{SFWAB: 12}
{TOB: 251}
Moon,{ROB1: 167-8, 170}Mother Books, {KA: n129}
as symbol of Ottoman Empire, symbol of Turkish empire,{SAQ: 68}of Bahá'u'lláh's arts and skills, {SFWAB: 15}
{SFWAB: 172}
rising, of Bahá'u'lláh's times, {SFWAB: 17}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 33, 35-36, 37-38, 39-42}
Mustagháth,{KI: 229}Oppression,
time of {GL: 73}
warning to men of Bayán concerning, {KI: 248}
{ROB1: 165-7}Párán, Mount, (The Hidden Words)
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 31-32}
{GL: 19}Path, {SFWAB: 14}
{ROB1: 81}
{SFWAB: 207}
Prince of Peace, see Bahá'u'lláh
Remoteness, {GL: 71}
Resurrection,{ESW: 132, 133}Ruby Tablet, (The Hidden Words) {ROB1: 82}
{GL: 31, 97}
{PM: 72}
{SAQ: 103-05}
{SFWAB: 14}
{TOB: 40, 89, 107, 118, 183-7, 248}
all things made new, {SFWAB: 253}
Day of Resurrection,{ESW: 178, 179}of Cause of God, {SFWAB: 311}
{GL: 69}
{KI: 47, 143-44}
{ROB1: 171, 184-5}
{ROB4: 207}
{SFWAB: 39, 179}
see also Qá'im
raising of dead, {TOB: 13, 16}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 116, 118, 144-45, 158, 170}
Rebirth,{PM: 42, 44, 51, 52, 56, 264, 281}regeneration, {TOB: 84, 130, 141, 223, 244}
{TOB: 142}
New Creation, Newness, Renewal, {SFWAB: 13}
Return,{GL: 21, 22, 52, 231, 246, 269, 345}Sacrifice, meaning of, {PM: 96}
{ROB4: 207-11}
{TOB: 183-7}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 150, 151, 158, 159, 160, 168}
see also Manifestation(s) of God/Christ
Salsabíl, {ROB4: 348}
Salvation,{SFWAB: 13, 191-2}Seal of the Prophets,
Ark of, {SFWAB: 6, 61}
{GL: 60, 162}Seal on Holy Books, {ROB1: 160-1}
{KA: n180}
{KI: 40, 162, 166, 169, 213, 233}
{PM: 29}
{ROB1: 66}
applies to all Manifestations, {KI: 179}
applies to Muhammad, {KI: 162, 169}
as veil to Muslims, {KI: 213}
see also Muhammad (Apostle of God)
Sea(s),Boil, {TOB: 41}Serpent,
Sea of all bestowals, {SFWAB: 7}
{SAQ: 122-24, 126}Seven Spheres, Lord of, {SFWAB: 250}
symbolism of, {SAQ: 123-24, 126}
Shepherd, {SFWAB: 36}
Sight, Eyes,{GL: 164, 194, 195, 340}Signs of the Son of Man, {ROB1: 168-71}
{SAQ: 210-11, 297}
{TOB: 111, 113, 171}
Blindness,{SAQ: 102}Day of, {TOB: 239}
Bahá'u'lláh addresses 'People of The Bayán', {GL: 106}
Braille, translations, {GPB: 383, 386}
Non-believers,{TOB: 186}Spiritual,
blind and heedless, {SFWAB: 8-9, 22, 23, 33-4, 191-2, 277-8}
{GL: 106, 113, 116, 284, 327}
{SAQ: 102}
{SFWAB: 8, 54, 191-2}
made to see, {SFWAB: 7, 112, 173, 250, 275}
Eyes,{TOB: 74, 91, 111, 258}Spiritual Sight,
Eyes chaste, {TOB: 138}
Eye, function of, {GL: 160}
{SFWAB: 37-8, 54}Vision,
Eye, {SFWAB: 22, 29, 30, 33, 176, 191, 319}
Prayer for, see Prayers
{ROB4: 169}
{TOB: 35, 131, 147, 258}
Realm of, {SFWAB: 176}
of Bahá'u'lláhuniversal, {KA: 1-2, 11}World-embracing, {TOB: 87}
unrivaled, {KA: K101}
see also Understanding
Sleep, {SAQ: 85-86}
Smoke, {KI: 76-77}
Son,of Man, explanation of coming of, {KI: 61-62, 66-67}Sovereignty, {ROB1: 180-82}
Son, real, {SFWAB: 140}
Spirit of Truth, {TOB: 12}
Spiritual,Birth, {SAQ: 223-24}Stars,
Blindness, see Terms in Holy Writings/Sight
Deafness, see Terms in Holy Writings/Hearing
Spring,{SAQ: 74}War, see War
Divine, {SAQ: 57}
Springtime, {PM: 161, 199, 273}
{GL: 163}Strong City, {TOB: 259}
{ROB1: 167-8, 169-70}
{SFWAB: 38, 39, 189, 271}
{TOB: 107, 117}
as herald of new Day, {KI: 62, 63, 64}
Fall of,{SAQ: 111-12}influence of, {SFWAB: 160}
{TOB: 118}
Referred to in the Gospels, {ROB4: 229}
Star-fall of 1866, {ROB2: 270-2, 422-6}
see also Prophecies
into a sun, {SFWAB: 104}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 36, 37, 38, 66}
Sun,{GL: 87, 154, 155, 188}Sure Handle, 'Urvatu'l-Vuthqá,
{ROB1: 167-8, 170}
At high noon, {SFWAB: 33}
Is cause of life and illumination, {SAQ: 162}
Of Bahá'u'lláh's era, {SFWAB: 17}
Of Bahá'u'lláh's knowledge, {SFWAB: 15}
Of Bounty, {SFWAB: 7}
Of Reality, {SAQ: 57, 58, 104, 172, 207}
has numerous dawning places, {SAQ: 76-77}Of Truth,
reflects in Manifestations of God, {SAQ: 114}
{GL: 88, 333}Ray returning to, is wiped out, {SFWAB: 76}
{SFWAB: 1, 11, 29, 35, 41, 62, 165, 194, 246, 258}
Symbolic meaning of,{KI: 33-34, 35-36, 37-38, 39-42, 43, 66}
As metaphor for God,{SFWAB: 42, 50, 56, 73}Imagery of, and mirror, {SAQ: 106, 107, 113-14, 144, 145, 147-48, 155, 196, 201, 206-07, 222, 229}
{TOB: 61}
Laws, {KA: K7, K108}
Manifestation of God, {KA: K6, K41, K53, n8}
Symbol of Persia,{SAQ: 68}
{SFWAB: 172}
{KI: 30, 38, 205}Sustenance, spiritual, {PM: 126, 155, 234, 258, 261, 299}
{TOB: 239, 242}
'Urvatu'l-Vuthqá (newspaper),{ROB4: 401-2}
{TOB: 95}
Symbols, purpose of, {KI: 49}
Tabernacle,{SFWAB: 2, 230}Tablet of Paradise, fifth (The Hidden Words) {ROB1: 82}
{TOB: 84, 166, 208, 242}
of holiness, {SFWAB: 20}
of oneness of man, {SFWAB: 36, 195}
one-coloured, {SFWAB: 90}
Blessed, {SAQ: 58}Trinity,
children will become, {SFWAB: 138-9}
Holy, {SFWAB: 254}
mankind as, {SFWAB: 1}
neither of east nor west, {SFWAB: 254}
of life (good and evil), {SAQ: 122-26}
of Zaqqúm,{KI: 190}Sadratu'l-Muntahá (Tree beyond which there is no passing),
{SAQ: 285 and n}
{GL: 70, 91, 198}see also Tree(s)
{KA: K100, K148, 99, n128, n164}
{ROB1: 3, 82, 83, 135}
{ROB3: 163}
{ROB4: 436}
{SFWAB: 67, 295}
{TOB: 208 and n.}
Divine Lote-Tree,{ROB4: 169, 411, 436}Za'farán, the land of, {TOB: 137 and n.}
{TOB: 33, 34, 52, 53, 78, 107, 196, 246, 247, 250, 251}
see also Bahá'u'llah
"Father is in the Son", "Father is in Son"," symbolism of,Trumpet, see Bahá'u'lláh{SAQ: 85, 207}meaning of, {SAQ: 113-15}
{SFWAB: 42}
Oneness of God and concept of, {SAQ: 113-15}
Twelve,{SFWAB: 165-6}Veil(s),
Twelve Gates, meaning of, {SFWAB: 81, 166}
{KA: K132, K165, K171, 92}Water(s),
{SFWAB: 8, 14, 177, 181, 253, 310, 317}
{TOB: 12, 17, 41, 47, 58, 131, 151, 189, 205, 238, 266}
divines,are, {TOB: 238}God beseeched to remove, {TOB: 63}
veils created by, {KA: K165, K167}
human body is, {SFWAB: 168}
of concealment,{KA: K47, K175, K176}of Divinity, {TOB: 208}
{PM: 229, 246, 294, 308}
of earthly desires {KA: K50, K82, K86, n23}
of fairness, {TOB: 59}
of Glory,{KA: K50}of learning, of knowledge, of human learning
{TOB: 114}
symbolic meaning of, {KI: 164, 166}
{KA: K102, n60}of light, {TOB: 143}
{PM: 77}
{TOB: 240-1}
of names,{KA: K167, n180}people are, unto themselves, {TOB: 79}
{TOB: 9-10}
Persia hurt by, {TOB: 73}
raised, {TOB: 14}
rent asunder, {TOB: 15, 231, 255-6}
self is, {SFWAB: 182}
superstitions, {TOB: 42, 58, 62, 71, 105}
that which is veiled from eyes of men, {TOB: 232}
those behind, {TOB: 73, 123, 131}
vain imaginings, {SFWAB: 53}
will be lifted after death, {SFWAB: 170-1}
see also Detachment, Recognition
{KA: K29, K50, K54, K57, K80, K135, 162}Wine
{ROB3: 178, 303 and n.}
all created out of, {KA: K148}
billowing, {TOB: 78}
for ablutions, see Prayer(s)
for washing,oneself, {KA: K106}fountains of, {TOB: 78}
things, {KA: K74, n105}
warm recommended, {KA: Q51, Q97, n167}
in 'Akká, see 'Akká
in Persian pools, {KA: K106, n131-n132}
in the barracks, see 'Akká
is knowledge and life, {SAQ: 92}
"Living waters", {PM: 6, 8, 13, 24, 26, 30, 33, 37, 42, 44, 51, 68, 69, 78, 79, 109, 117, 124, 152, 154, 178, 195, 197, 239, 240, 241, 256, 268, 281, 307}
Ocean(s),{TOB: 40, 169, 235, 245, 247, 252, 261}of joy, {TOB: 139, 163}
drops into an ocean, {TOB: 176}
lie in brief saying, {TOB: 170}
Word is, {TOB: 173}
see also Unity
of divine wisdom, {TOB: 23}
of life, {TOB: 48, 110}
of providence, {TOB: 262}
of utterance, {TOB: 132}
of sacred Words, {TOB: 257}
pure,definition, {KA: Q91}Sea,
use required, {KA: K74, K106, n105}
{TOB: 34, 58, 117}
of sea of delusion, {TOB: 58}
{KA: K4-K5, K150, K173, n2}Wings and comb, (The Hidden Words) {ROB1: 82}
'choice Wine',{ESW: 18}divine, heavenly, {SFWAB: 8, 9, 150, 203}
{KA: n2}
{ROB2: 151}
{ROB3:297, 344}
{ROB4: 410, 433}
of Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 105, 108, 110, 208, 239, 241, 249}
of God, {TOB: 110}
of knowledge, {SFWAB: 256}
of love, {SFWAB: 121}
of reunion, {TOB: 116}
of utterance, {TOB: 85, 176, 195}
see also Alcohol
Woman, as symbol of Law of God,{SAQ: 68, 70}World, {GL: 276 }
{SFWAB: 172}
Misc. Topics,clergy has not understood, {SAQ: 104-05}
see also Bible, Holy Books, Man, Prophecies
Testimony,Thacher, Chester I., {GPB: 257}
Thamúd,{ROB4: 96, 425-8}Theology, theological Commentaries, {KA: n110}
{TOB: 214}
Thought(s),Throne,{KA: K133}Tibet, {ROB4: 183}
{TOB: 189, 200, 240, 243, 263}
Lord of the Exalted, {TOB: 24}
Mighty, {TOB: 22, 37, 74, 97, 122}
see also Holy Places and Historical Sites
Tigris, river, {ROB1: 71, 259}
Tihrán, 'Land of Tá',Time,{ESW: 122, 127, 148, 149, 169}
{DBNN: 13, 101, 261, 287, 389, 433}
{GL: 228}
{KA: K91, n122}
{ROB1: 51, 86, 202, 266, 286}
{ROB2: 174-6 passim, 219}
{ROB3: 1, 50, 58, 80, 85, 86, 92, 97, 182, 183, 204, 218, 388, 424-9 passim, 435}
{ROB4: 12, 76, 99-100, 119, 177, 222, 259, 296, 297, 311, 314, 328, 352, 387, 429}
{SAQ: 28}
{TOB: 85, 104}
addressed by Bahá'u'llah,{ROB1: 46-9}Bahá'u'lláh in,
apostrophe addressed to, {KA: 15, K91-K92, 163}
{ROB1: 7-13, 17}believers of, {GL: 122 }
{ROB2: 174-8, 212}
{ROB3: 245-8}
Birth of,{KA: K92, K110, Q2, n123, n138}persecution in {ROB1: 8-14, 46, 51, 224}
{ROB4: 335}
lineage,{ROB1: 7, 305}youth, {ROB1: 19-20}
descended from Abraham,{GPB: 94}lineage of Jesse, {GPB: 94}
{SAQ: 213}
see also Tablet Of Visitation (Section I), Bahá'í Faith/Holy Days
suffering in, {ROB4: 148}
prison of,{ROB4: illus. 309; 64, 302, 306-7, 338}
Bahá'ís in, {ROB4: 379-80}
release of Bahá'í prisoners, {ROB4: 14}
Síyáh-Chál, dungeon of,{DBNN: 372, 377, 607}
{GPB: 71, 72, 92, 100, 101, 103, 104}
{KA: 8, n62, n126, 254}
{ROB1: 7, 8-11, 25, 45, 46, 54, 207-8, 224, 225, 246, 257, 293, 299}
{ROB2: 356}
{ROB3: 80, 204, 243, 260, 267, 415}
{ROB4: 6, 116, 133, 148, 248, 389, 378, 406}
Bahá'u'lláh's food was poisoned at, {GPB: 72}
Birth of Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh,{KA: 8, n62, n126}Chains in,
{ROB1: 7, 10, 12, 299}
{ROB4: 406}
hints at prophethood, {GPB: 152}
{ROB1: 9 and n., 10, 51}four months in dungeon,
Qará-Guhar, {ROB4: 6, 389, 435}
Salásil, {ROB4: 389, 435}
{DBNN: 607, 631}incident in, related by, {DBNN: 631, 635}
{GPB: 71}
release from, {GPB: 105}
see also Grand Vizir
birthplace ofBahá'u'lláh, {KA: n123}blessing of pilgrimage to, {GL: 121, 122 }
revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, see Tihrán/Síyáh-Chál
court of Sháh, {ROB1: 26-7, 41, 326}
Faith at Congress in, {GPB: 343}
future of, {GL: 111 }
glorified by the Báb, {GPB: 102}
governor of, Kámrán Mírzá, the Náyibu's-Saltanih,{ROB3: 85}"Liar of Tihrán," fate of, {GPB: 232}
{ROB4: 297, 299, 338, 379-80}
Martyrs of,{GL: 109, 121 }Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in, {ROB4: 316}
Mullá 'Alí-Ján,{GPB: 201}Seven Martyrs of Tihrán,
{ROB4: 386-7, 435}
Shoghi Effendi recounts, see Shoghi Effendi
{GPB: 47-90}
{ROB1: 9, 153}
Hájí Muhammad-Taqíy-i-Kirmání, {DBNN: 456}
Mírzá Qurban-Alí (a native of Bárfurúsh),{DBNN: 449 (note 35)}Muhammad-Husayn-i-Marághi'í, {DBNN: 458}
{ROB2: 25, 102-3}
Mullá Hájí Ismá'íl-i-Qumí (a native of Faráhán), {DBNN: 453}
Siyyid Husayn-i-Turshízí, {DBNN: 455}
Siyyid Murtadá (a noted merchant of Zanján), {DBNN: 457}
see also Báb, The/Khál-i-A'zam
burial of, {DBNN: 463}
execution of, {DBNN: 446}
Masjid-i-Sháh (Sháh Mosque), {ROB3: 101}
names given it by Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 102}
Rayy,{KI: 246-47}remains of The Báb in, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Karmil
Zawrá', {KI: 246-47}
residence of Ibn-i-Abhar, see Hands of the Cause of God
Sabzih-Maydán, {ROB1: 9, 11}
school for girls in, see Persia/Schools
Siyyid Asadu'lláh in, see Asadu'lláh-i-Qumí, Siyyid
Spiritual Assembly of, see Bahá'í Faith
station of, {GL: 120, 121 }
teacher training institute in, {ROB4: 304, 313}
upheaval in, {ROB4: 124, 368, 380}
see also Martyrdom, {DBNN: 671}
Tolstoy, Count Leo,{SFWAB: 207}
Century(ies),each has central theme, {SFWAB: 114}Future events,
illumined (Century of God; Century of Light), {SFWAB: 32, 66-7, 114, 232}
this mightiest of, see Bahá'í Faith
knowledge of, secrets of, revealed to Prophets, {SAQ: 138-39}God, no 'time' in sight of, time nonexistent for, {SAQ: 116, 152-53, 156, 169-70}
may be seen in dreams, dreams may reveal, {SAQ: 227}
past, present, and future, in world of God, {SAQ: 156}
preexistence of, {SAQ: 116-17, 148-49, 203}
traversing, {SFWAB: 102, 198}
universe has no beginning, {SAQ: 180}
Word of God exempt from, {SAQ: 152-53}
{ROB3: 172-3}Transcaspia, {ROB4: 344}
interested in Bábí Faith, {GPB: 56}
pays tribute to the Faith, {GPB: 316}
Transmigration, {SAQ: 282-83}
Transmutation of elements,Travel, Traveling,Treachery, {KA: n1, n190}
Treasure,Hidden, {KA: K15, n23}Tree(s),
trove, {KA: Q101, 157}
Trespass(es), {KA: K73}{TOB: 61, 116, 120, 137, 148, 195, 196, 208, 247}
believers are leaves, {TOB: 254-5}
celestial, {TOB: 137, 148}
Lote-Tree, see Sadratu'l-Muntahá
man as, {TOB: 132, 257}
of eternity, {TOB: 261}
of knowledge, {TOB: 127}
of realm of existence, {TOB: 137}
of wisdom, {TOB: 174}
voices of, {TOB: 76}
word of God as sapling, {TOB: 93-4}
in God, {KA: K33, K153, K160}Trustees
property in,{KA: Q96, 157}
see also Trustees
in inheritance law, see InheritanceTrustworthiness,
of the House of Justice see House(s) of Justice
Trusted ones of the Merciful, {KA: 13, K30, 91, n51}
Truth, Verity,Turkey, Turkish,{ROB3: 3, 292, 334, 337, 356}
{ROB4: 153, 169, 176, 213, 221}
{SAQ: 137}
{TOB: 12, 42, 47, 49, 50, 53, 57, 62, 75, 76, 171, 242, 254, 261, 263}
afflicted by falsehood, {TOB: 39}
and error, {TOB: 108, 186}
and knowledge, {KA: n110}
establish and expel falsehood, {TOB: 139}
investigation of, {SAQ: 45-46}
most people comprehend not, {TOB: 147}
newspapers untruthful about Bahá'u'lláh, {TOB: 40}
of Bahá'u'lláh's words, {KA: K70, K134, K182-K184}
of Law(s) of Bahá'u'lláh, {KA: K3, K7, K162-K163}
of Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, see Bahá'u'lláh
power of, {KA: K38, K64, K98, K140, K142}
religious, {ROB4: 150, 152}
requirements for seeker of, {SAQ: 38-39}
Spirit of, {ROB4: 227}
Sun of, {KA: K6, n8}
truthfulness,{ESW: 139, 141, 150}Truths, beyond expression, {GL: 176 }
{GL: 232, 271, 290, 297, 299, 305 }
{KA: 14, K120, Q106, 160}
{ROB4: 173, 250, 322, 380}
{SFWAB: 221}
truthful tongue, {TOB: 138}
unfettered search after, investigation of, see Bahá'í Faith
Turkistán,{KA: n120}
{ROB3: 37, 68, 74n., 87, 123, 150-55, 218-19}
Bahá'ís persecuted in, {SFWAB: 74}
Bosporus, {KA: n120}
Government:{ROB2: 326}moon is symbol of, see Terms in Holy Writings
{ROB3: 12, 123}
allowance from, {ROB2: 57, 327}
attitude to Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB2: 1, 55, 325}
Ottoman,Empire,see also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Lawh-i-Ra'ís, Lawh-i-Fu'ád, To The Kings and Rulers, Unpublished or Untranslated Works, Ottoman, 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, Adrianople, Constantinople, Mardin, Sámsún, War(s){KA: n119-n120}court of, {ROB4: 396}
{ROB3: 14, 30, 122, 123, 152, 239}
{ROB4: 178, 393-4}
moon is symbol of, {SAQ: 68}
Government,{ROB1: 16, 17, 147, 225, 227, 229, 254}peoples, {ROB3: 37, 123}
{ROB3: 22, 37, 410}
{GPB: 360, 361}Turkmenistan, {ROB4: 177}
{ROB4: 122, 258}
Bahá'í centers in, {GPB: 195}
Turkomanchay, Treaty of, {ROB4: 433}
Tyranny,{KA: K86, K89, K141}Ungodly, {ROB3: 35-6, 326 and n.}
{TOB: 84, 85, 90, 164, 170, 215-16}
people of, see Unbelievers
see also Oppression
Unity, Concord, Oneness,Uprightness,{ESW: 2}
{ROB3: 125ff., 130, 131, 132, 138, 213-14, 365-7}
{ROB4: 159, 161, 298, 375, 380, 382}
{SFWAB: 1, 11, 19-21, 24, 31, 90, 101, 104, 109, 229-30, 260-1, 263, 277-80, 290}
{TOB: 23, 60, 87, 90, 94, 127-8, 129, 132, 162, 164, 166, 167-8, 220, 222}
anthems of, {SFWAB: 8, 312}
as essential purpose of creation, {KI: 29}
as one soul, {TOB: 162, 264}
based on justice, {TOB: 67}
bestowed by Word of God, {KI: 112, 200}
candles of, {SFWAB: 32}
causes other problems to disappear, {SFWAB: 30}
commandment of, not limited to any one group, {SFWAB: 20-1}
concord, {TOB: 130}
depends on power of Holy Spirit, {SFWAB: 53}
Divine,{SFWAB: 19}doors of, {TOB: 87}
{TOB: 60, 74, 105, 114}
Drops of One Ocean,{SFWAB: 280}each creature sign of God, {SFWAB: 24}
{TOB: 27, 129}
Drops turn into sea, {SFWAB: 103, 104, 261}
earth one country, one city, etc., {TOB: 22, 67, 68, 127, 167, 172}
enjoined by Bahá'u'lláh, {ESW: 24, 38, 76}
Essence of, {SAQ: 180, 221}
establishment of, {SAQ: 62-66}
Fellowship,{ESW: 14, 15}fire of love will unify, {TOB: 88}
{SFWAB: 19, 92}
{TOB: 22, 35-6, 44, 67, 87, 90, 91, 162, 168}
among Bahá'ís, see Bahá'ís
with followers of all religions, {KA: K75, n173}
fix gaze on, {TOB: 67}
friendship, love, to all, {SFWAB: 1-2, 21-2, 24, 26, 34, 72, 73, 84, 257, 258, 280}
fruit of one tree, {TOB: 127, 164}
in Diversity,{ROB4: 198-9}in society, {ROB4: 196-9, 214, 365}
{SFWAB: 290-2}
Kingdom of, {SAQ: 123}
laws of God promote, {TOB: 67}
leaves of one tree, bough, {TOB: 27, 127, 129, 164}
light of, is dawning, {SFWAB: 228}
Man,Unity of Soul, see Manmeaning of,
Unity of Race, of Mankind, of Humanity, see Man/Unity of
{ROB4: 190-204}not possible in previous Dispensations, see Dispensation
Divine Unity, meaning of, {GL: 59, 69, 70, 166, 167, 187, 191 }
of Bahá'ís, of the Bahá'í community, see Bahá'í(s)
of Bahá'í Faith, {KA: 5, 8, 13}
of conscience, {SFWAB: 297}
of Manifestations of God, {KA: n160}
of Nations, {SFWAB: 113}
of religion, {SFWAB: 32, 52}
of world of Kingdom, {SFWAB: 58}
of world,communication and travel foster, {SFWAB: 31-2}pantheism, {SAQ: 290-96}
East and West, {SFWAB: 244}
one native land, {SFWAB: 84}
peace unattainable without, {ROB4: 157, 196-8}
Posture of unity, {KA: n22}
power of,{ESW: 14}prayer for, see Prayers
{GL: 286}
{ROB4: 197-8, 318}
purpose of,Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation, see Bahá'u'lláhsea of, {SFWAB: 20}
Prophets is, {SFWAB: 31}
Religion,{TOB: 129}
religions must be cause of, {SFWAB: 28}
Threshold of, {SAQ: 137}
through one aim and faith, {TOB: 69}
true, {TOB: 124}
wave of, {SFWAB: 30}
world-embracing vision, {TOB: 87}
see also God/Unity of/source of unity, Kitáb-i-Íqán, Lawh-i-Ittihád, Love, Gleanings/Tablet of Madínatu't-Tawhíd, Seven Valleys, The, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Maqsúd, Manifestation(s) of God, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'í Faith, Deeds, Religion(s)
{KA: Q106}Ustád Husayn-i-Na'l-Band, {ROB3: 93}
{TOB: 37, 57, 88}
Uzbikistan, {ROB4: 262}
Vahháb-i-Khurásání, Mírzá (Mírzá Javád), {ROB1: 254}
Vain imaginations, Vain imaginings, Idle fancies,{GL: 6, 12, 34, 42, 82, 83, 93, 156, 196, 203, 204, 219, 291, 307, 324, 326, 337, 338 }Valí, {SAQ: 34n}
{KA: K17, K35, K37, K41, K132, K165, K178, 98, 160}
{PM: 7, 27, 53, 72, 75, 102, 112, 123, 146, 255, 256, 275, 283, 307}
{TOB: 41, 49, 58, 60, 61, 77, 79, 96, 104, 107, 117, 120, 170, 196, 211, 236, 259}
Vanity, {KA: K36}
Vambery, Prof. Arminius, pays tribute to the Faith, {GPB: 316}
Vassals,{KA: K82}Vatican, {ROB3: 117-18}
see also Kings
Verse(s), Holy,Vicegerency, {KA: K167, n181}
Viláyat, {KA: n181}
Village, House of Worship in every, {KA: K115, n53}
Village dweller
amount of dowry payable by, {KA: K66, Q87, 150, n93-n95}Vineyard of God, {KA: n114}
definition of, {KA: Q88}
and dowry, {KA: Q47, 151-152}Virtue,
and parental consent to marriage, {KA: Q13, 150}
{KA: K71}Versailles, Treaty of, {ROB3: 154}
{TOB: 57}
Victor Emmanuel I, King of Italy, {ROB3: 117}
{SFWAB: 231, 238, 256, 264, 275}Vienna,
Bahá'í Faith, victory of, see Bahá'í Faith
dependent upon obedience, {GL: 289 }
over self, see Self
through fear of God, {GL: 272 }
time of, {GL: 319 }
'Abdu'l-Bahá in, {GPB: 287}Von Goumoens, Captain, account of Bábí persecution, {GPB: 65}
War(s), Conflict, Contention, Hostility, Strife, ViolenceWealth, Money, Prosperity, Possessions, Riches, Treasures,{GL: 95, 196, 218, 250, 288, 296, 333, 341}
{KA: K169, 92, n173}
{ROB3: 154, 309}
{ROB4: 56, 157, 196, 235, 268, 361, 377-9, 392}
{SFWAB: 2, 174, 247-8, 258, 273, 275-6, 282, 284, 286-9}
{TOB: 23, 39, 72, 85, 88, 89, 91, 94, 166, 170, 177, 198, 199, 221}
Arguments, Disputation, Wrangling, {KA: 14, K77, K177, n110}
arms are malignant fruits, {SFWAB: 303}
Bahá'í Principles forbid,{ROB4: 375-82}Balkan, {ROB3: 154}
Strife, effect of, {GL: 9}
Cause of, {SFWAB: 247, 299}
conflicts and changes, {TOB: 267}
Crimean War, {ROB3: 111, 113, 122, 123}
Dissension,{KA: 6, K183}end of, {SFWAB: 34, 35, 53, 276}
{SFWAB: 275}
{TOB: 120, 138, 260}
Kitáb-i-Aqdas forbids,{ROB3: 369}predicted,
Contention, {GL: 9, 277, 279, 296, 304}
Violence, {GL: 277, 303 }
by Bahá'u'lláh, {GPB: 305}Franco-German, {ROB3: 113}
foreseen by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, {GPB: 282, 303-304}
Franco-Prussian, {KA: n117, n121}
global, {ROB3: 126}
Hague Conference cannot prevent, {SFWAB: 307}
holy war,{KA: n173-n174}increasing, {TOB: 171}
{ROB4: 161, 167, 432-3}
ban on, {GPB: 219}
forbidden, {TOB: 21, 28}
Jihád, {ROB3: 59}
not to contend
with authoritative interpretations of Writings, {KA: n130}prevention of, {SFWAB: 248-50}
with those in authority, {KA: K95}
Russo-Turkish (1877-8), {ROB3: 154}
Sedan, Battle of,{KA: n118}Spiritual,
{ROB3: 113}
{SFWAB: 260, 264}those who love, {SFWAB: 11}
armies, warriors, {SFWAB: 237, 260, 264}
Violence,forbidden, {KA: n170}World Wars I and II, {ROB3: 149-50}
see also Abuse forbidden, Murder
Zulu, {ROB3: 113}
see also Sadness/not to cause, Striking a person, Peace
Weapons, Arms, Armaments, Guns,{GL: 285}
{KA: K40, K48}
{ROB4: 82, 256}
{TOB: 35, 57, 59, 74, 96, 138, 156}
and charity, {KA: K147, n162}
and dowry,{KA: K66, n95}and entry into kingdom, {SFWAB: 195}
see also Dowry
and Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
and obligation to work, {KA: n56}
cord of material means, {TOB: 26}
Debt, {KA: K28, Q9, Q69, Q80, n47}
Depreciation of property, {KA: Q96}
duty of wealthy,{GL: 202, 235, 285, 314}duty to offer to Manifestation of God abrogated, {KA: K114, 159, n141}
{TOB: 125}
Financial Assistance,to family during year of patience, {KA: K70, n100}fleeting, evanescence of,
to poor, see Poverty
{KA: K40, K86}earthly possessions,
{TOB: 219}
{GL: 116, 137, 138, 202, 209, 234, 235, 252, 272, 276, 298, 304, 314, 316, 323, 332, 334}moderation of, {SAQ: 274-75}
{ROB4: 195}
of God, {TOB: 75}
possessions no protection, {TOB: 248}
Property, Real estate,
Aghsán have no right to property of others, {KA: K61, n85}sharing of, {SFWAB: 115, 302}
of deceased see Inheritance, Will
held in trust, {KA: Q96}
lost, {KA: Q17, 157}
payment of Huqúq'u'lláh, see Bahá'í Faith
real estate, {KA: Q102}
social function, {KA: n38}
Tax, {KA: n85}
treasures, {TOB: 232}
true, {SAQ: 78-80}
Usury laws (interest on loans, interest on money), {TOB: 133-4}
Wages payable to servants, {KA: Q30, n90}
see also Bahá'í Fund, Charity, Detachment, Dowry, Financial Investment, Inheritance, Materialism, Poverty, Property
West, the, Occident,{GL: 249, 250, 254}
{KA: K159, Q24, n83, n173}
{ROB2: 355}
{ROB4: 173, 236}
{TOB: 165}
carrying of, {KA: K159, 158, n173}
conversion of, {TOB: 23}
deeds and character, {TOB: 256}
force similar to lightning, {TOB: 69}
infernal engine, {TOB: 69}
reduction of, {GPB: 217}
use of forbidden, {ROB1: 278-9 and n.}
Wickedness, {KA: K64, K123}{ROB3: 50, 73n., 138, 265, 285, 336, 345, 374}
{ROB4: 232-3, 242}
{SFWAB: 33, 36, 59, 255, 270}
Bahá'í Faith,'Abdu'l-Bahá,civilization of, {TOB: 69}on importance of, {ROB4: 232-3}Establishment in, {GPB: 252-263}
travels in,{ROB3: 82-4, 138}
characteristics displayed in His travels, {GPB: 282, 283}
journeys to West (outline of), {GPB: 280, 281}
see also America, Britain, Paris, Stuttgart, Vienna
Western believers,{SFWAB: 74-5}
prayer for, {SFWAB: 75}
prophecies about, {GPB: 253, 254, 255}
Christians of, {ROB3: 265}
lit up, {SFWAB: 35, 74-5}
signs of dominion in, {TOB: 13}
sun of craftsmanship in, {TOB: 38}
unity with East, {SFWAB: 244}
will become East, {SFWAB: 70}
see also East, the
Wilberforce, Venerable Archdeacon, pays tribute to Faith, {GPB: 316}
Will and Testament,Winds of despair, {TOB: 171}adornment with Greatest Name, {KA: K109, n137}
obligation to write, {KA: 14, K109, 157, n136}
of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
of Bahá'u'lláh, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Kitáb-i-'Ahdí
owners jurisdiction over disposition of property,{KA: Q69, n38, n136}Testator, {TOB: 221}
see also Inheritance, Intestacy
Wise, Rabbi Stephen, pays tribute to Faith, {GPB: 317}
Witnesses, just
definition, {KA: Q79, n99}woes, three, {GPB: 92}
to spouses death, {KA: K67, Q79, n99}
to year of patience,{KA: Q73, Q98, n100}
see also Divorce
Women,Word(s),{ROB4: 215}
burial rings, inscription, {KA: K129}
concept of uncleanness in courses abolished, see Cleanliness
education,eligibility as members of Spiritual Assemblies (Houses of Justice), {KA: n80}{KA: K48, n76}inheritance, see Inheritance
see also Education
equality between men and, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
fasting, exemptions from, see Fasting
Maid (female servant), {KA: K63, Q30, 157, n90}
marriage verse, {KA: Q3}
obligatory prayer, exemptions from, see Prayer(s)
pilgrimage, exemption from, {KA: K32, n55}
Prayer for the Dead reworded, see Prayer(s)
seclusion of, {ROB4: 119, 201}
Spiritual Assembly of Bahá'í, see Bahá'í Faith
teacher training institute for, {ROB4: 304}
trade or profession, {KA: n56}
'Varaqih' (Leaf), Handmaids, Handmaidens, Leaves, Maidservants,{ROB1: 14n.}Widow(s), {KA: K21, K89}
{SFWAB: 79}
{TOB: 252, 254-6}
daughters of Kingdom are leaves, {SFWAB: 57}
outshine empresses,{SFWAB: 23-4, 123}
should found Assemblies, {SFWAB: 80}
station of, {SFWAB: 167}
unity of, {SFWAB: 75-6}
Wife see Divorce, Dowry, Inheritance, Marriage, Remarriage
Women's International League for Peace, {GPB: 343}
see also Education, mutatis mutandis, Mothers
Work, Crafts, Labour, Livelihood, Occupation, Profession, Trade,{SFWAB: 60}
and expression of spiritual realities, {KA: K116, n4}
as veil to recognition of Revelation, {KA: K117, K167, n180}
Christ's perfections are called, {SAQ: 206-07}
definition of "Be", see Terms in Holy Writings
move hearts, {SFWAB: 5}
of Bahá'u'lláh see Section I of Index, Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses, Bahá'u'lláh, His Tablets and Writings
of Oneness, {SFWAB: 20}
see also GodWorld,{GL: 202}
{PM: 127}
{ROB3: 282, 351-2}
{ROB4: 162-3, 258}
{SFWAB: 129}
{TOB: 26, 35, 150, 155, 175, 267-8}
arts and sciences, see Education
as worship, exalted to rank of worship,{GPB: 214}Business practices, Economics, laws for Factories,
{KA: 14, K33, 157, n56}
{ROB3: 351}
{SFWAB: 144-6}
{TOB: 26}
{SAQ: 273-77}cord of material means, {TOB: 26}
{SFWAB: 109, 301}
freedom from struggle for existence, {SFWAB: 302}
moderation of income, {SAQ: 274}
profit sharing, sharing of wealth,{SAQ: 274-75}strikes, {SAQ: 273-76}
{SFWAB: 115, 302}
Craftsmanship, sun of, {TOB: 38}
Craftsmen,{SFWAB: 135}Earning one's living, {KA: K147, n56, n162}
{TOB: 52}
station of, {SFWAB: 145}
heavy, during the fast, see Fasting
homemaking, {KA: n56}
idleness, {TOB: 138}
Labor, reduction of, {ESW: 139}
obligation to engage in,{KA: 14, K33, 157, n56, n162}service,
a duty, {GL: 202 }
{TOB: 167}Skills, {KA: n162}
to mankind, {SFWAB: 68-9}
suspension on Holy Days, {KA: Q1}
Worship,{ESW: 54, 55, 56}
{GL: 162} {ROB3: 26, 48-9, 81, 110, 112, 125-30, 133, 136, 138, 148, 160, 309-12, 315, 328, 380, 421}
animating power of, {GL: 93, 157 }
attachment to, see Attachment
Civilization, Society, see Civilization
community, {GPB: 354}
compared with body of man, {GL: 81, 254, 255 }
compared with mirage, {GL: 328 }
condition of,{ESW: 62}equilibrium upset, {KA: K181, n189}
today, {GL: 97, 118, 136, 200, 213, 218, 255 }
Fairs, {GPB: 342}
Fellowship of Faiths, {GPB: 342}
impermanence of, {PM: 116}
International Counsel enjoined, {GL: 216, 249, 254}
'is in travail', {GL: 118 }
maturity of,{KA: n194}Nasút, realm of, see World/Nasút
{ROB3: 157}
One, {GL: 334 }
Order,New, see Orderpeoples of, {ROB3: 126-7, 138, 167, 199, 214, 290, 293, 380, 396}
'rolled up',{GL: 313}
"Soon will the present day order be rolled up," {GL: 7}
revolutionary changes since birth of Faith, {GPB: xi, xii, 316}
spiritual worlds of God, see God
Supreme Tribunal, see Government(s)
unification of, {KA: 1, 2}
World's equilibrium upset, {GL: 136 }
worthlessness of, {ROB4: 249}
see also Civilization, Detachment, God/Worlds of, Man, Universal LanguageYahúdá, Hájí,{ROB3: 293, 343ff.}
{ROB4: 36, 163-4}
{SFWAB: 26, 53, 139}
{TOB: 27, 129}
acceptability to God, {KA: K36, n60}
House of Worship see Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
obligation, {KA: K78, K184, 91, Q106}
recitation of verses,{KA: K149}work exalted to rank of see Work
see also Recitation of sacred Writings and Verses
see also God, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Hikmat, Bahá'í Faith, Fasting, Prayer(s), Prayers, Christian Faith
{ROB4: 446}Yahyáy-i-Dárábí, Siyyid, Vahíd,
and Bahá'u'lláh, see {ROB4: 12-13}
persecution of, {ROB4: 13}
Ya'qúb, Siyyid, {ROB2: 343-5}{GPB: 42}
{KI: 223}
{ROB1: 138, 264-5, 268, 325-31}
{ROB2: 47, 175, 180, 211-12, 256-8}
{ROB3: 359}
addressed by The Báb, {ROB1: 297}
converted by the Báb, {GPB: 12}
declaration of, to people of Yazd, {DBNN: 469, 472, 474}
his departure for Nayríz, {DBNN: 474, 481, 483, 486, 489}
in Yazd, {ROB1: 326, 331}
interview with Báb, {DBNN: 173, 177}
journey to Tihrán and Yazd, {DBNN: 465}
martyrdom of,{DBNN: 494, 495 (note 28)}praised by Bahá'u'lláh, {ROB1: 191, 267}
{GPB: 43, 50}
account of death, {DBNN: 495 (note 29)}
sent by Sháh to investigate the Báb, {GPB: 11}
tribute to, {GPB: 50}
Ya'qúb-ibn-Betros, of Lebanon, {ROB3: 22}
Yarkand, {ROB4: 183}
Yazd, 'Land of Yá',Yazdí, Azíz, {ROB4: 446}{DBNN: 5, 465, 642} {ROB2: 99-102, 256, 272, 358}
{ROB3: 44, 73, 76, 120 and n., 177, 194-5, 261, 263, 272-3, 302-3, 334, 358-9, 367-8}
{ROB4: 23, 50-1, 118-19, 123, 245n.}
{TOB: 85}
Bahrám, Mullá, Zoroastrian of, {ROB2: 103-4}
Bahá'ís,{ROB1: 37-9 passim, 84, 85, 320, 321, 323, 331}Christian missionary in, {ROB3: 40-44}
{ROB3: 194-6, 263}
{ROB4: 124, 188, 333, 346-50}
martyrs,of 1891, {ROB3: 194-6}
of 1903, {ROB4: 188n., 314, 348, 368}
'Alí-Asghar (first martyr of Yazd), see 'Alí-Asghar
'Alí-Asghar (sixth martyr of Yazd), see 'Alí-Asghar
Áqá 'Alí, see 'Alí,Áqá
Muhammad-Báqir, see Muhammad-Báqir
Muhammad-Hasan, see Muhammad-Hasan
Mullá 'Alíy-i-Sabzivárí, see 'Alíy-i-Sabzivárí, Mullá
Mullá Mihdí, see Mihdí, Mullá
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, after, see Bahá'u'lláh
Shoghi Effendi, summary of, see Shoghi Effendi
and Jews, see Jew(s)
see also Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh/Lawh-i-Dunyá, Táríkh-i-Shuhadáy-i-Yazd, Bahá'í Faith
citizens, {ROB1: 138, 199, 320}
governor of,{ROB3: 195}Muhammad-Taqí, Mírzá, mujtahid of, {ROB4: 23}
{ROB4: 118}
Mahmúd Mírzá, Prince, the Jalálu'd-Dawlih, Tyrant of Yazd,{ROB4: 346-8}
Vahíd in, see Yahyáy-i-Dárábí, Siyyid
see also Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí, Hájí, {DBNN: 671}
Youth,{ROB4: 313}Yugoslavia,
conduct and life, see Bahá'í(s)
teacher training for, see Bahá'í(s)
see also Bahá'u'lláh, Lawh-i-Ghulámu'l-Khuld, 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Education
Prince Paul of, interviews Martha Root, {GPB: 387}Yúnis Khán-i-Afrúkhtih, Dr.,
Princess Olga of,{GPB: 387}Queen Marie of, {GPB: 344}
pays Martha Root tribute, {GPB: 389}
{ROB1: 315-19}Yúsuf Khán, Mírzá (Mustasháru'd-Dawlih), {ROB4: 266}
{ROB3: 361n., 361-3, 405-9}
Yúsuf Khán, Mírzá (Mustawfíyu'l-Mamálik), {ROB3: 191, 387-8}
Yúsuf Khán-i-Vujdání, Mírzá, {ROB4: 333}
Yúsuf, Shaykh, {ROB4: 239}
Yúsuf-i-Sidihí, Siyyid, {ROB1: 151}
Zahra Bagum, {ROB4: 429-30}
Zakaríyyá, Shaykh, {ROB1: 268 and n.}
Zamenhof, Lydia, {GPB: 383}
Zanján, 'Land of Zá',Zaynab,audacity of, {GPB: 45}Zion,
heroism of, {DBNN: 550}
see also HujjatZoroastrianism, Zoroastrians,{KA: n160}
{ROB2: 103, 104n.}
{ROB3: 42-3, 98, 260-65, 268ff., 272-3}
{ROB4: illus. 292; 263, 267, 291, 423}
{SAQ: 39}
Bahrám, Mullá, of Yazd, Yazd
become Bahá'ís, {GPB: 195, 302}
contribute to the Temple, {GPB: 350}Council of, {ROB3: 269, 272ff.}
Tablet to priests of, {GPB: 211}
Faith of, deterioration, {GPB: 230}
Zoroastrian physician anoints 'Abdul-Bahá, {GPB: 292}
see also Zoroaster
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