(Note: All entries in this index are included in the Covenant Library Unified Index)


[CLUI: Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá]

addresses (talks) of, 224
aids Spiritual Assemblies, 80, 89, 102
America, hopes to visit, 105, 106
associates with souls of friends, 102
Bahá'u'lláh assists, 237
believers remembered, loved by, 182, 259-60
Centre of Covenant, see Covenant
inhales fragrance of love of God, 92
last wish of, 295
persecutions and sufferings of,
are joy, 79, 225-7, 240-2, 316
caused by Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí (Centre of Sedition; half-brother of 'Abdu'l-Bahá), 216–19
political conferences not attended by, 295-6
promulgates Faith, 315
receives message in world of spirit, 19
refer problems to, for solutions, 195
station of, 56, 295
well-wisher of all governments, 294
writings of,
answers are like rain, 181
poems, 228, 256, 270, 278
Beauty, 59, 184, 246, 257, 262
gardens, 235
Horizon, 17
Kingdom, 28, 35, 43
armies of, 237
Paradise, 22, 24, 36, 57, 85, 232, 245
Realm, 22, 23, 36, 38, 264
zodiac of, 39
Abraham, 55, 281
Abu'l-Fadl, Mírzá, 191
Achor, Valley of, 162
Acts, see Deeds
Adam, 51, 275
Adversity, see Tests and Trials
Adoption, see Orphans
Africa, 235, 256
Afnán (Báb's kindred), 238
Age, present, see Bahá'u'lláh, dispensation of
Agriculture, 144-5
'Akká (Most Great Prison),
16, 17
Valley of Achor is, 162
visitors to, 195-6
Alcohol, use of, 149, 150
All things made new, 12
Alpha and Omega, 13
70, 74-5, 235
'Abdu'l-Bahá hopes to visit, 105, 106
Bahá'ís of, restless, 215
Los Angeles, 209, 210
San Francisco, 81 and n.
Chase, Thornton (first believer), 196
Chicago, see Chicago
choir of holiness, 255
Cleveland, 213
letter from 243
believers, 243 and n.
Montana, 206
Pacific coast, 191
President Woodrow Wilson, 109, 311
teaching in, 107
6, 18, 199, 270, 287-8, 293
angelic company, 12
Isráfíl, 23 and n.
meaning of, 81, 166
153, 155, 286-7
animal kingdom (world), 10, 61, 46–7, 157, 195-4, 206
human beings distinguished from, 140
hunting of, 157
kindness to, 158-60
power of selectivity of food by, 155
Animosity, see Hatred
Anísá (Tree of Life), 235
Anthems, see Melodies
Apostles of Christ, 60, 165, 166, 172, 212, 238
of peace, 26
of salvation, 6, 61
Arts, the,
17, 111
as worship, 144-5
study of, 110, 134-5
Assemblies, see Spiritual Assemblies
Astrology, 160; see also Zodiac
Atoms, 41, 58
Attributes, see Character and conduct
Báb (Herald, Point),
15, 60 and n., 235, 236
persecutions and sufferings of, 73, 261-2
Backbiting, 231; see also Character and conduct; Faultfinding
Bahá'í Era, see Bahá'u'lláh, dispensation of
Bahá'í Faith (Cause of God),
2-3, 65-6, 305, 315
administration (organization) of, 106; see also Spiritual Assemblies; Universal House of Justice
attacks on,
229, 233, 313-5
help spread Cause, 234-6
century of God, see Century
civilization and, 282-95, 303-4; see also Civilization
fasting, 69-70
Huqúqu'lláh, 26 and n.
protection of,
10, 233
by Bahá'u'lláh, 237-8
purpose of, see Bahá'u'lláh, purpose of
spread of,
214, 234-6, 314
souls will be raised, 250-52
victory, 231, 238, 264, 275, 310
will encompass earth, 43, 82, 311
see also Bahá'u'lláh, teachings of; Feast; Kingdom of God; Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh; Teaching
Bahá'í Schools,
Green Acre, 28
see also Education
Bahá'í Temples, see Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Bahá'ís (believers, beloved, servants, etc.),
18-19, 57, 70, 176, 272
American, see America
are (must be) candles, roses, stars, etc. of God, 25, 35, 95, 104, 242, 257, 266, 274-5, 312-13
armies and warriors, spiritual, 260, 264
assistance to and protection of,
18, 23, 43, 71, 104-5, 186-7, 237-8, 260, 270
gnat into an eagle, 23
prayers for, 5-6, 222-3, 224-5, 232-3, 254-5, 272-4, 315, 316
at banquet, see God, banquet of
character and conduct, see Character and conduct
chosen by God, 35
discord among, 229-31; see also Covenant
everlasting life, see Immortality
handmaids, maidservants,
are leaves, 57
outshine empresses, 23-4, 123
should found Assemblies, 80
station of, 167
unity of, 75-6
see also Women
love among, 65-6, 246
meetings of, see Feast
must arise, strive, teach, 20, 36, 72, 103, 104, 232, 236-7, 245-6, 263, 266-7, 310, 318
must not be barriers, 263-4
obey teachings, 11, 35, 100
persecutions and sufferings,
9-10, 39-40, 238
in Turkey, 74
see also Tests and trials
Persian, are trustworthy, 293-4
politics shunned by, 92
praise of, by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Company on high, 208, 317-18
prayer for, 37
recognition of Bahá'u'lláh by, see Bahá'u'lláh
service, see Service
souls who will arise, 250-2
spiritual gardeners of world, 282
spiritual physicians, see Health and healing
station of, 13, 100, 184, 261
steadfastness, see Steadfastness
teaching of Faith, see Teaching
unity of, see Unity
well-wishers of mankind, 29
writings should be read by, 35, 61, 190-1
advent (dawn) of,
1, 7-8, 12-17, 31, 33, 38-9, 111, 252, 285
like thief, 198-9
ascension (death) of,
effect of, 65
beauty of, endures forever, 204
bounty of, see Bounty and grace
Christ prophesies, 170
Christ's return in, 60, 167-8, 198-9
Covenant of, see Covenant
dispensation (era, age, cycle) of,
13, 17, 34, 67-8, 71, 111-12, 191, 232, 310
all things made new, 253
perfections to be made manifest in, 71
thousand years, 295
dream about, 179-80
miracles of, 16
persecutions and sufferings of,
16, 73, 257, 262-3,281
maligned by writers of press, 39
power of, 237, 255
prophecies fulfilled by, 13-14, 172
prophecies of,
Napoleon III, 16 and n.
next Manifestation, 67-68
war, 248
purpose of,
1, 10-11, 31, 256, 257-8
unity, oneness, 21, 229-30, 261-3, 278
recognition of,
8-9, 22, 29, 33-4, 280
by child, 142
by handmaids, 23-4
rejection of,
8-9, 33-4
few receive grace of God, 277
like rejection of Christ, 40-1
see also Non-believers
revelation of, see Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
signs of, 15-16
station of,
13, 56-7, 170
encompasses previous Manifestations, 62-3, 64
Mirror, 42
Promised One of all religions, 101
Universal Manifestation, 67-8, 295
teachings of,
23, 107-8, 109, 248-9, 293, 298-307
are remedy, 59, 61
are staff of gold, 166-7
love, 66
titles of,
Abhá Beauty, 26
Light of the world, 33
Prince of Peace, 246
Sun of Truth, 1, 29, 35, 246
Tree of Life, 57
Universal Educator, 195
tobacco, use of, 148
Writings of,
Bishárát, 35, 61
Hidden Words, 35, 207
importance of reading, 35, 61, 190-1
Ishráqát, 35, 61
Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih, 35, 61
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book), 18
revealed with rapidity, 15
Tablet of Holy Mariner, 314
Tablets to kings, 16
Tajalliyát, 35, 61
Tarázát, 35, 61
translation, 66, 79, 191
Beecher, Mother, 75
Behaviour, see Conduct
Believers, see Bahá'ís

New and Old Testaments, 223
Prophecies and quotations from,
camel through eye of needle, 195
Christ coming in clouds, 168
Father is in Son, 42
living bread, 57
Manifestation comes as thief, 198-9
many are called, 9
many things to tell you, 59
Tree of life, 57
woman in wilderness, 172
Revelation of St. John, 12
twelve, significance of, 165-6
8, 58
broken-winged, 237
crow, 219
dove, 9, 200
eagle, 23, 103
falcons, believers are like, 266
larks, 236, 255
nightingale, 8, 9, 19, 93, 134, 208, 219, 235, 236, 255, 312
of clay, 47
of Heaven, 188
of mind, 4
of night, 9
of spirit, 175, 271
parrots of India, 235
ravens, 9, 219, 313
sparrow into a falcon, 23
teacher is like, 268
vulture, 209
Blacks, 113, 114; see also Prejudice
Blessings, 34
Blindness, see Sight
Body, human,
153, 291
composition of, 153, 167
connection of parts like universe, 48
world of, 90-1, 192
Books revered because of words, 177
Bounty and grace,
7, 12, 77
bestowals of Heaven, 22
clouds of, 5, 38
jewel of, 2
non-believers share, 257
of Bahá'u'lláh,
22, 179
could prove barren, 11
of God,
25, 146, 205
few share in, 277
shaped by vessel, 161
Breakwell, Thomas, 187-9
Bugle, 13
California, 81 and n., 196, 209, 210
Candles of unity, see Unity
Capital punishment, see Crime and Criminals
Carnegie, Andrew, 114-15
Cause of God, see Bahá'í Faith
Celestial Preserver, 314
Centre of Sedition, see Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá
each has central theme, 114
illumined (of God; of light), 32, 66-7, 114, 232
this mightiest of, 125
plains of, 266
teach to children, 125
Character and conduct,
1-3, 10, 11-12, 26-7, 28, 71, 90, 92-3, 172-3, 203, 256-7, 258, 294, 309, 318-19
attain perfections (be godlike), 129, 143, 206, 232
children must learn good, 124, 127, 134, 135, 137, 142, 143
cleanliness and purity, 146-50, 203
excellence of, 150
exercise great care, 233
faultfinding, see Faultfinding
friendship and love to all, 1-2, 21-2, 24, 26, 34, 72, 73, 84, 257, 258, 280
good, must be taught, 136-7
graves of sensual desires, 37
happiness depends on, 127
3, 244-5
cannot be shown to liars, thieves, 158
to animals, 158-60
like Paul, 223
and civilization, 283-5
degeneration of, 127
rectification of, 10, 108
see also Bahá'ís; Deeds, Detachment; Love; Materialism; Spirituality; Steadfastness; Thoughts; Unity
Charity, see Poor
Chase, Thornton (first American believer), 196
Chicago, 83, 198; see also Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Bahá'í, should excel, 141
character and conduct of, 124, 134, 135, 142
girls, education of, 124
green branches, 136, 137
humans are as, 21
importance of, 120
maturity of judgement of, 142
mothers of, see Women
nightingales endowed with speech, 134
parents must counsel, 134
potentially light or darkness of world, 130
punishment of, 125
son, real, 140
spiritual training of, 125, 127, 129, 130, 133-4, 139, 142, 143
Sunday school, 143-4
will become trees, 138-9
China, 72, 101
Christ (Jesus),
63, 66, 167-8, 173-4, 311
and teeth of dead dog, 169
Apostles of, 60, 165-6
Bahá'u'lláh independent of, 170
bread of, 57
Cause of, furthered by New and Old Testaments, 223
essence of Word, 60
events during life, 55, 175
"Father is in Son", 42
martyrdom, effect of, 65, 281
purpose of, 31
recognition of, 18
rejection of,
40-1, 44-6, 173
by Pharisees, 18, 174
return of,
60, 167-8
like thief, 198-9
signs of, allegorical, 45
transfiguration of, 162
Christian Commonwealth, address to, 275-6
in England, 62
spread of, 65, 311
true Christians, 29-30
Citadel, 13
Century of Light, see Century
future of,
255-6, 282
Garden of Eden, 69, 275
see also Earth, transformation of; Peace
interdependency of world, 32
material, versus divine, 133, 303-4
sad state of,
103-4, 206, 271-2, 273, 318
arena for wild beasts, 70
countries are arsenals, 284
world is at war, 2
see also Earth, descriptions of; Materialism
true, established by love, 27
Cleanliness, 146-50
Cleveland, 213
Cloud of Mercy, 7
Coloured, see Blacks
Communism, see Left, Movement of
Co-ordinator, 48
celestial, 12
on High,
18, 22, 35, 250
armies of, 231
Supreme, 6
Conduct, see Character and conduct
Conflicts, see Strife; War
Constancy, see Steadfastness
Constellations, twelve, 165
Consultation, see Spiritual Assemblies
Contingent World, see Creation
Convention, National, 123
102-3, 207-228, 255, 258, 309
all beneath banner of, 19
Candle of, 9
Centre of ('Abdu'l-Bahá), 209, 213-16
Eternal, 8
firmness (faithfulness) in, 25, 26, 71, 211-12, 219-20, 238, 250
forces of universe serve, 228
intoxicating cup of, 235
League of, 85
power of, 208-9, 223
refuge in Cave of, 85
tests to and breakers of,
210-12, 224
attackers ruined, 258-9
Centre of Sedition (Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí), 216-19
selfish motives of violators, 215-16
Craftsmen, 135
all things,
goodness of, 190
interdependency of, 49, 157-8, 160
made new, 12, 14
reveal God, 41-2, 47, 58
animal world, see Animals
contingent world, 8, 47
elements, mingling of, 31
levels of, 46-51, 61-2
tablet of, 58
love is supreme force, 27
mineral world, 61, 157
51, 303-4
men captives of, 116, 206, 281
unity necessary for, 31
forces of, serve Covenant, 228
school of, 41, 58
vegetable world, 61, 157-8
visible world, 8
Crier, 13
Crime and criminals,
education prevents, 132-3, 136
kindness to, 158
murder, 179
prevention of opium use, 149
prisoners, 116-17
of Blessed Beauty, 67
of Glory, 13
Dawn, see Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
every day accounted as one year, 67, 172
Judgement, 13
of Grace, 179
of ingathering of all mankind, 260
summit of all, 17
of Justice, 179
of Resurrection, 39, 179
Deafness, see Hearing
Death, physical,
communication with dead, 160-1
life after, see Immortality
prayer for departed, 196-7
Death and sleep, spiritual,
8-9, 12, 191–2, 198, 319
arising (awakening) from, 3, 7, 10, 14, 23, 112, 173, 250, 255, 266, 275
graves of sensual desires, 37
slumber of unknowing, 35
tombs of bodies, 13
see also Non-believers
Deeds (acts, fruit),
10, 175, 203, 267
everlasting life through service, 116
reward of, 185
Destiny, 198
angels sever ties with world, 81
long for non-existence, 76-7
oblivious of world, 192
prayer for, 174-5
severance, 100
stay clear of world's concerns, 12
see also Materialism; Self
Director, 48
Disasters, see Tests and trials
human mind has power of, 194
spirit unravels secrets, 169-70
Disease, see Health and healing
Dispensation of Bahá, see Bahá'u'lláh, dispensation of
Dissension, see Strife
Diversity, unity in, 290-2; see also Unity
Doctors, see Health and healing
Dove, see Birds
Dream(s), 108, 179-80
of one ocean, 280
turn into sea, 103, 104, 261
Drugs, see Alcohol; Opium; Tobacco
Ear, see Hearing
all areas interdependent, 32
descriptions of,
diseased human being, 244
gaol-house of hatred, 221
grown dark, 252
like body of man, 192
mirage, 186
mud hut, 72
narrow place of shadows, 36
nether world (realm), 12, 31, 81
prison of treachery, 221
rubbish-heap, 3
shadow of Kingdom, 178
world of non-existence, 72
fragrance of, 84
fruit of, is man, 120
material world, see Materialism
response to Bahá'u'lláh, 8
transformation of,
3, 12, 70, 106, 221
Abhá Paradise, 36, 245
envy of heaven, 8
Garden of Eden, 69, 275
mirror, 11-12, 70, 128, 221
palace of delights, 280
renewed, 52
see also Civilization
Earthworms, 175
33, 36, 59, 270
lit up, 35, 255
unity with West, 244
109, 301
freedom from struggle for existence, 302
sharing of wealth, 115, 302
109, 124-45
arts and sciences, 134, 144-6
Bahá'í children should excel, 141
Bahá'u'lláh is Universal Educator, 195
character training difficult after puberty, 137
crime prevented by, 132-3, 136
father, duty of, 127
goal of, is service, 141
intelligence levels innate, 131-2
mothers important as educators, 124, 125, 126, 138, 139
obligatory, 126-8, 304
of girls, 124
of mothers, 138
of orphans, 138
parents must counsel children, 134
135, 137
Sunday school, 143-4
speechmaking, 134
spiritual aspects of,
110, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133-4, 137, 139, 142, 143
morals and conduct, 135-6
Spiritual Assemblies responsible for, 126
difficult to succeed as, 133-4
Manifestations are, 128
spiritual doctors, 130
Embryo, see Womb
Emmanuel, 60
Enemies of Cause, see Non-believers
Bahá'ís of, 274-5
Breakwell, Thomas, 187-9
Envy, 163
Equality, see Women
Esperanto, 308
Esslemont, J. E., 96
Essence of Essences, 54
Eternity, see Infinity
Europe, 255
character, 136
Evil One, 88
promptings of human heart, 256
Satan, 275
satanic wickedness, 31
Existence, see Creation
Extra-sensory perception,
association of souls, 102
see also Dreams; Mediums
Eye, see Sight
Faith, see Spirituality
Faithfulness, see Steadfastness
Falcons, see Birds
Fame, see Materialism
Fast, the, 69-70
Fate, 108
169, 230-1
close eyes to deficiencies, 203, 257
attendance, 205
meetings filled with peace and joy, 93
prayer for, 105-6
purpose of, 90-1
Ridván letter from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 111-12
spiritual and material, 90-1
Fellowship, see Unity
Fetus, see Womb
Firesides, see Meetings
Fish, thirsty, 7
Florence, Mrs. 174
Flowering bed of grace, 7
hyacinths of certitude, 254
narcissus of Najd, 258
of one garden, 280
rosebuds of spirit, 22
windflowers, sacred, 254
see also Fragrance; Gardens
Food, see Nutrition
Ford, Miss, 173
Forgiveness, see Sin
176-7, 186, 254
ambergris, 255
breaths of holiness, 182
divine, 251
jasmine, 266
love of God, 92
musk, 9, 72, 76, 224, 245, 255, 270, 276
of earth, 84
offensive odour of violation, 224
realm of God, 4
scents from Sheba of spirit, 255
sweet savours (scents), 22, 264
sweet winds, 10
teachings of God, 23
universal love, 20
winds of Abhá paradise, 22
France, see Paris
Free Will, 198
Freedom, 32, 302, 305
Friendship, see Unity
deeds, see Deeds
of life, 24, 227
of one bough (tree), 1, 28, 277
of oneness, 263
Fund, see Huqúqu'lláh
Future, see Civilization; Prophecies; Time
25, 256
Abhá, 235
flower-garden of guidance, 313
flowers and herbs of one, 280
of Eden, 69, 275
of God, 10, 11, 14, 19, 232
of God's love, 138
of hearts, 252
of heaven, 36
of holiness, 38
of saved, 266
rosebeds of faith, 272
Gatherings, see Meetings
Gazelle, 9
Gentle, 22
Germany, 180
Getsinger, Mrs. Lua, 152
Girls, see Children
crowns of, 19, 21
cycle of, 13
Pavilion of, 18
Gnat into an eagle, 23, 103
46-51, 53-4, 186-7
all things made new by, 12
angels, see Angels
banquet of, 9, 57, 78, 186, 195, 255
blessings of, 3, 205
bounty of, see Bounty and grace
breaths of, 183
breezes of, 19
Commandments of, not limited to one group, 21
Covenant of, see Covenant
does what pleases, 51
existence of,
proofs and signs of, 13, 36, 41, 46-51, 54, 58
gardens of, see Gardens
gifts of, 38
grace of, see Bounty and grace
guidance of, see Guidance
hem of, 9-10
Holy Spirit,
53, 58, 94, 104
assistance of, necessary, 160
bestowals of, 179
unravels mysteries, 170
incomprehensible (unknowable), 4, 10, 47, 53-4, 61
Kingdom of, see Kingdom
law of, woman is symbol of, 172
love of, see Love
man is image of, 140
mercy, 5, 12
nearness to, 4, 182
oneness of,
58, 263
declared by Abraham and Socrates, 55
past, present and future all same to, 207
perfections of, 60
praise and thanks to,
9, 93, 94-5, 176, 178, 179, 253-5
inadequate, 105
prayers of, 4-6, 254-5, 317
protection by, 7, 10
purpose, see Bahá'u'lláh, purpose of
realms (worlds) of, see Worlds of God
song of, will stir world, 93
sun as metaphor for, 42, 50, 73
tests, see Tests and trials
trust in, 51
will of,
contentment with, 26
submission to, 51, 79
word of, see Bahá'í Faith; Word of God
God of strength, 75
Goodall, Helen, 191
Goodness of all degrees of being, 190
Gospel, see Bible
Gossip, see Backbiting
92, 283, 284
loyalty to, 293-4, 319
Supreme Tribunal, 249, 306-7
Grace, see Bounty and grace
Greece, 55
Green Acre, 28
9, 44, 101-2
divine, 3, 28, 264
flower-garden of, 313
lamps of, are out, 273
stars of, 38
founded on spiritual behaviour, 127
joy, 19, 33
dark night of, 2
ravens of, 9
Health and healing,
illness (disease),
disequilibrium of elements causes, 153-6
hard to bear, 151
medical remedies, 152
prayers help, 161-2
sin can cause, 152-3
spiritual, 152
medical doctors,
advice of, must be followed, 156
can also heal spiritually, 150-1
must investigate foods as cure, 153-6
must themselves consult doctors, 156
spiritual healing,
23, 37, 57, 72, 151, 181, 272, 275
for diseased world, 244
from teachings of God, 23
Manifestations are skilled Physicians of every soul, 59
teachers of children must be like doctors, 130
Hearing, spiritual,
8, 191
made to hear, 7, 173, 250, 275
ear, 22, 30
cheering of other peoples', 92, 204
evil promptings of human, 256
mirror, 108, 140, 275
pure, 22, 202, 232
seeing, 37-8
solid as rock, 5
bestowals of, 22
brought nigh, 14
gardens of, 36, 180
new, 12
of Universal Light, 26
rose-tree of, 8
spring winds of, 8
waters of, 7
wine of, 8
Heavenly Loving Lord, 314
Heedless, see Non-believers
Helen (mother of Constantine), 311
Hell, flames of, 14
Hidden Words, 35, 207
Hippocrates, 55
each century has central theme, 114
Jewish histories, 55
Holy Land (Land of Desire),
96, 220
promises about, fulfilled, 235
Holy Spirit, see God
Homelessness, 280-1
Hope, 23
Hour, 14
Houses of Worship, see Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Humanity, see Mankind
Hunting of animals, 157
Huqúqu'lláh, 26 and n.
Husbands, see Marriage
Ignorant, see Non-believers
Illness, see Health and healing
Imáms, 172
1, 3, 12, 52, 55, 65, 184-5, 199-201
death like transfer of confined shrub, 199-200
death of a child, 201
deeds, reward of, 185
destruction promotes progress, 157-8
entry into Kingdom, 18
eternity, see Infinity
everlasting life,
attainable while on earth, 202
through faith, 105, 189
through service, 116
next world,
170-1, 193-5, 197, 201
betrothed hastened to, 180
eternal gardens of Heaven, 36
goodly home, 29
hidden from sight, 8
invisible realm, 140
within this world, 195
of Bahá'u'lláh, 17-18
of Thomas Breakwell, 187-9
prayer for departed, 196-7
reincarnation, 183-5
soul, see Soul
wellspring of life, 36
world is like womb, 170-1, 177, 185
Independent investigation of truth, 29, 109, 248, 298
India, 235
endless universe, 48
eternal bliss, 81
eternal food, 77
Realm of the Limitless, 18
Invention, see Discovery
Invisible of Invisibles, 54
Írán, see Persia
Islám, Imáms of, 172
Israel, see Holy Land
Isráfíl, 23 and n.
Japan, 101
new, 12, 59, 60
Jesus, see Christ
Jewish history not all-inclusive, 55
rejection of Christ,
44-6, 173
forgot Covenant, 207
Torah, see Torah
Job, see Bible
John, Saint,
18, 165-6, 228
Revelation of, 12
Josephus, 55
Journalists (writers of press), 39
Joy, 19, 33
Judas Iscariot, 163, 212
Judgement Day, see Day
158, 287, 304
Day of, 179
3, 244-5
cannot be shown criminals, 158
to animals, 158-60
Kingdom (of God),
33, 192, 204, 206, 310, 311
earth is shadow of, 178
ecstasy at recognition of, 58
entry into, 18
gates open, 57
hidden from neglectful, 185
is real world, 178
Kingdom of Bahá, 57
Kingdom of Splendours, 53
service to, see Service
see also Concourse; Heaven; Paradise
Kings and rulers,
Bahá'u'lláh's Tablets to, 16
handmaids outshine queens, 23-4, 123
politics shunned by Bahá'ís, 92
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book), 18
Knowledge and wisdom,
58, 108
acquisition of, see Education
inner, 122
love of God essential to, 181
Spiritual Assemblies are lights of, 80
thought, see Thought
Esperanto, 308
universal, 32, 301
League of Nations, 306-7
Learning, see Education; Knowledge and wisdom
daughters of Kingdom are, 57
of one branch, 1, 28, 277
Left, Movement of, 250
Letters, 60
Life, everlasting, see Immortality
Light, Century of, see Century of light
Los Angeles, 209, 210
27-8, 66, 69, 197–8, 245
among Bahá'ís, 65-6, 246
God's love, 19, 21, 28, 33, 71, 181
of God,
178, 202-3, 205
army of, 256
is light, 3, 27
wine of, 121
see also Unity
Magnetism, 198
Maid of Heaven, 12
Maidservants, see Bahá'ís
Manifestations of God,
50, 52, 55-6, 59, 62-5
are mirrors, 42, 62
covenants of, 207
divine physicians, 59
next one (after Bahá'u'lláh), 67-8
prayers granted by, 161
progressive revelation, see Religion
Promised One awaited by all religions, 101
purpose of, 31, 64-5
reveal divine realities, 170
stars of guidance, 38
stations of,
physical and spiritual, 55-6
represent human development, 56
teachers of mankind, 128
teachings of, see Religion
universal Manifestation, 67-8, 295
Words and Letters, 60
61-2, 69, 191-2
adulthood (maturity), 34, 56, 285
animals differ from, 140
as child, 21, 34
bird of clay, 47
civilization, see Civilization
equality of men and women, 79-80, 108, 302
future of, see Civilization
gardener needed for world of, 282
hearts of, may reflect Sun, 275
God's image, 140
inner quietude of, 60
inner reality of, 130
is as a tree, 1
is fruit of world, 120
is Universal Reality, 42
Manifestations represent stages of, 56
materialism of, see Materialism
non-believers, see Non-believers
oneness of, see Unity
prisoners of nature, 116, 206, 281
service to, 68-9, 141, 206
sheep of God, 36
some are ignorant, 28
spiritualization of,
1, 303-4
must be led to God, 244
state of, see Civilization
summoned, 2
writings are necessary for, 61
100, 117-122
children important to, 120
choice of spouse, 118
companionship in,
union of body and spirit, 117, 118
may be helped by wife, 81, 122
prayer for, 121
prayer for, 119-20
wife may be transformed, 121
33, 73, 207, 220
Bahá'u'lláh yearns for, 240
detachment from self, 76
spiritual significance of, 73
see also Tests and trials
Mary Magdelene, 105, 123
94, 95-100
American (Wilmette, Illinois), 98, 216
services connected with, 100
hair sacrificed for, 96-7, 98, 99
place for, in every hamlet, 95
spiritual effect of, 95-6
Material world, 106, 177–8
103, 206, 239, 281, 282
dangers of, without spirituality, 283-5, 303-4
fleeting fame, 105
only beauty of True One endures, 204
spirituality will defeat, 191
uselessness of,
176, 200, 204, 220-1, 234, 271
everything impermanent, 311
Maxwell, May (née May Ellis Bolles), 107
Meanings, see Mysteries
Medicine, see Health and healing
Mediums, 160-1
38, 93, 95
attendance at, 205
prayer for, 105-6
singing at, 112
see also Spiritual Assemblies; Feast
Melodies (music, songs, etc.),
11, 147, 200
anthems of the spirit, 11
anthems of unity, 8, 312
choir of holiness, 255
in praise of Beloved, 19
music is food for soul, 112
of Concourse on High, 22, 35
singing at gatherings, 112
song of God, 93
song of Kingdom, 3, 180
songsters that carol, 225
verses of oneness are being sung, 228
cloud of, 7
Kingdom of God founded on, 158
of God, 5, 12
Mineral world, 61, 157
Money, see Wealth
Montana, Phillsburg, 206
of Bahá'u'lláh's arts and skills, 15
rising, of Bahá'u'lláh's times, 17
symbol of Turkish empire, 172
Morality, see Character and conduct
Morning, see Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
52, 235, 281
Covenant of, 207
rod of, and enchanters, 259 and n.
staff of wood, 166
twelve leaders of tribes, 165
Most Holy Book, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas
Most Secret of Secrets, 54
Mothers, see Women
Mount Sinai, see Sinai
98–9, 281
staff of iron, 166
twelve points of holiness, 165
Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá (Centre of Sedition; half-brother of 'Abdu'l-Bahá), 216–19
Murder, see Crime and criminals
Music and musicians, 112; see also Melodies
Musk, see Fragrance
Mysteries (hidden meanings),
divine, 29
excluded will understand, 277, 278
laid bare, 253
hidden, may be revealed, 3
40, 53, 181
buds of, 255
may be learned by children, 134
of the Kingdom, 33
of universe, 157-8
revealed by love, 27
Najd, narcissus of, 258
Napoleon III, 16 and n.
Nationalism, 300-1
Nature, see Creation
Negroes, see Blacks
New York, 83
Newness (renewal), see Resurrection
Newspapers, see Writers of the press
Nightingale, see Birds
'Abdu'l-Bahá hopes unmindful may perceive sweet savours, 22
blind and heedless, 8-9, 22, 23, 33-4, 191-2, 277-8
deniers drink from sea of God's bestowals, 257
drunken stupor of, 13
faithless, 314-15
fate of those who turn away from Divine Love, 28
Kingdom hidden from the proud, 185
leave deniers to their cavillings, 43
must be helped, 28
opponents of Faith,
attacks further Cause, 234-6
ruined, 258-9
Pharisees, 39, 40
sons of earth, 175-6
tyrants, 313
Non-existence, see Detachment
Nutrition, 152-6
Oneness, see Unity
Open of Hand, 121
Opium, 148-50
Opposition to Faith, see Non-believers
Originator, 61
Orphans, 3, 138
Abhá, 22, 24, 36, 57, 85, 232
earthly, 275
Napoleon III, 16 and n.
Past, see Time
Path, 14
Pavilion of Glory, 18
11, 36, 82, 107, 246, 253
ark of, 26
Bahá'ís must offer selves in path of, 273
Hague Conference, 296 and n., 307-8
Kingdom of, 73
League of Nations, 306-7
60, 174, 258, 295-307
dawn of, 311-12
principles for establishing, 248-50, 298-307
Supreme Tribunal, 249, 306-7
Word of God necessary for, 296
see also War
Persecution, see Martyrdom; Tests and trials
Perfume, see Fragrance
101, 221-2, 289
Bahá'ís are only group obedient and loyal to government, 293-4
hope for future of, 256
sun is symbol of, 172
Peter, St., 18, 105, 163, 224
Pharisees, 18, 39, 40, 174, 238
Philosophers and knowledge of God, 54
Physicians, see Health and healing
Planets, see Creation
92, 247, 301, 319
Movement of the Left, 250
political unity, 32
see also Government
Poor, the,
3, 27
entry into kingdom, 195
service to, 115-16
sharing of wealth with, 115, 302
122, 193, 202
at dawn, 6
at midnight, 202
granting of, 161-2
important for children, 139
result of, 95
Prayers for,
assistance, 6-7, 224-5, 232-3, 254-5, 272-4, 315, 316
departed, 196-7
detachment, 174-5
Feast, 105-6
husband, 121
marriage, 119-20
meetings, 105-6
praise and thanks, 4-5, 254-5, 317
protection, 312-14
Spiritual Assemblies, 78, 86-7
spiritual qualities, 5-7, 24-5, 43-4, 227, 319-20
steadfastness, 259, 312-13, 317
teaching, 5-6, 22, 174-5, 225, 250
tests and trials, 227
those who have turned to God, 37
unity, 105-6
Western believers, 75
Predestination, 198
Prejudice(s), 109, 113, 123, 247, 249, 277, 299-301
'Akká, see 'Akká
world of nature is, 116
Prisoners, see Crime and criminals
Professions, see Work
Progressive revelation, see Religions
about Christ were allegorical, 44-6
by Bahá'u'lláh, 16, 67, 248, 314
from Bible, see Bible
from Qur'án, see Qur'án
fulfilled, 13-14, 182, 235
Prophets, see Manifestations of God
by God, 7, 10
of Cause of God, 10, 233, 237-8
prayer for, 312-14
spiritual illness, 152
Purity and cleanliness, 146-50
Qualities, see Character and conduct
Queens, see Kings and rulers
Bahá'u'lláh unfolded, 15
prophecies and quotations from,
13-14, 16
cup tempered at camphor fountain, 254, 278
fire on Mt. Sinai, 254
leave to their cavillings, 43
no Messenger cometh, 234
say, call upon God, 42
serpent swallowed wonders, 259
serried lines, 260
Tree neither of east nor west, 254
works like vapour, 219
Race, see Blacks; Prejudice; Unity
Rahmatu'lláh, 97
Ravens, see Birds
38, 46, 59, 178, 232
inner, 33, 130
of man, 10, 194
pre-existent, 50, 54
universal, is man, 42
Reincarnation, 183-5
channel of love, 36
oneness, 52
power of, 53
prohibitions of, 147
progressive revelation, 51-3, 58-9, 311
Promised One awaited by all, 101
purpose, 28, 52-3, 69, 109, 248-9, 261, 302-3
renewal of, 311
science and, 107, 109, 299
teachings of,
cleanse human heart, 146
like staffs, 166–7, 283
unity of, 32, 52
universal, 305
Resurrection (renewal),
all things made new, 253
Day of, 39, 179
new creation, 13
of Cause of God, 311
Reunion, 12, 24, 201
Revelation, progressive, see Religions
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh,
7-8, 22
dawn (morning), 7-8, 22, 33, 43, 228
dispensation of Bahá, see Bahá'u'lláh, dispensation of
Maid of Heaven, 12
renews material world, 52
Spring, 8, 22, 58, 253-4, 255
see also Bahá'u'lláh; Heaven; Jerusalem; Paradise; Word of God
Riches, see Wealth
Ridván letter from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 110-2
23, 65, 76, 96-7, 197, 207, 245
of dates to Muhammad, 98-9
of a believer's hair for Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, 96-9 passim
Sadratu'l-Muntahá (Divine Lote-Tree), 67, 295
13, 191-2
Ark of, 6, 61
San Francisco, 81 and n.
Satan, see Evil
Scents, see Fragrance
of spiritual progress, 58
see also Education
and religion, 107, 109, 299
as worship, 144-5
dangers of, without spirituality, 283-5, 303
study of, 110, 134
Sea of all bestowals, 7
Seekers, 25
Seir (Palestine), 171
forgetting (renouncing),
180, 193, 207, 236
prayer for, 233
see also Detachment
non-believers sacrificed greatness in both worlds for, 259
veil of, 182
Sensuality, 37, 278
Service (servitude),
77, 93, 140
fruit of, 234
to Bahá'ís, 27
to God (Kingdom),
39, 57, 85, 100, 140, 237, 267, 271, 318
prayer for, 319-20
to mankind, 68-9, 141, 206
to poor, 115-16
Seven Spheres, Lord of, 250
Severance, see Detachment
Sharing, 115, 302
Shepherd, 36
Sickness, see Health and healing
Sight, spiritual,
37-8, 54
8, 54, 191-2
made to see, 7, 112, 173, 250, 275
eye, 22, 29, 30, 33, 176, 191, 319
realm of vision, 176
a potent cause of illness, 152-3
forgiveness of, 164, 233
Sinai, 14, 254
Singing and songs, see Melodies
Sleep, see Death and sleep, spiritual
Smoking, 147-50
Socrates, 55
Son, real, 140
Songs, see Melodies
Soul(s), Spirit(s),
anthems of, 11
as one, 76
divine, see God; Holy Spirit
equality of (all born pure), 171, 190
human, needs assistance of Holy Spirit, 160
immortality, see Immortality
influence of, on body, 291
life of, is Bahá'í's task, 92
of world, 34
realm of, 58
rosebuds of spirit, 22
salvation of, 191-2
spiritual union, 102, 203
training of, 10
unravels phenomenal world, 169-70
who will arise, 250-2
world of, 177
Space, traversing, 102, 198
Sparrow, see Birds
Speech, training in, 134
Spirit, see Soul
Spiritual Assemblies,
77-89, 202
aid to,
80, 82, 85
from 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 80, 89, 102
must ask for, 88
can influence earth, 81
chairman of, 164-5
consultation, 87, 88
education of children, 126
education of mothers, 138
handmaids should found, 80
League of Covenant, 85
National convention, 123
New York, Chicago, Washington, 83
prayers for, 78, 86-7
qualities of,
80, 85-6, 164
members, 87
seeds will become trees, 82-3
source of progress of man, 80
among members, 86-8
between Assemblies, 83-4
unlike those of previous cycles, 82
see also Meetings
Spiritual worlds, see Worlds of God
106-7, 108, 176-7, 178, 199, 202-5
ecstasy, 58
education and, see Education
everlasting life, through faith, 105, 189
while still on earth, 202
inner reality, 33, 130
lack of, see Materialism
lighted candle, 101
material realm may absorb rays of world of spirit, 106
of Peter and Mary Magdalene, 105
prayers for spiritual qualities, 5-7, 24-5, 43-4, 227, 319-20
will prevail, 191–2
see also Character and conduct; Hearing; Hearts; Sight
Spring, see Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
38, 39, 189, 271
influence of, 160
into a sun, 104
9, 120-1, 164, 294-5
after death of Bahá'u'lláh, 17-18
constancy, 19, 78
cup of, 2
musk of, 9
Nightingale of, 9
hyacinths of certitude, 254
prayers for, 259, 312-14, 317
to Covenant, see Covenant
Straight Path, 14
dissension, 275
end of, 34
war, see War
Stygian dark, 8
Suffering, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá; Báb; Bahá'ís; Bahá'u'lláh; Martyrdom; Tests and trials
Suicide, 200
42, 56
at high noon, 33
metaphor for God, 42, 50, 73
of Bahá'u'lláh's era, 17
of Bahá'u'lláh's knowledge, 15
of Bounty, 7
of truth, 1, 11, 29, 35, 41, 62, 165, 194, 246, 258
ray returning to, is wiped out, 76
symbol of Persia, 172
Supreme Tribunal, 249, 306-7
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 60n.
Syria, 55
2, 230
of holiness, 20
of oneness of man, 36, 195
one-coloured, 90
Teachers, see Education
Teaching (of Cause of God),
3, 10, 18, 30, 77, 85, 101, 160, 173, 175, 190-1, 210, 215, 223, 237, 245, 264-73, 295
assistance in, 18, 209
chant melodies and raise banner, 11
Esperantists, 308
friendship as means of, 265
ignite candle, 199
in America and Hawaii, 107
in Paris, 102-3
prayers for, 5-6, 22, 174-5, 224-5, 250
scatter scents of universal love, 20
assisted by Kingdom of God, 109
deeds of, 175
gardeners of heaven, 180
meetings for training of, 123-4
of all on earth, 19
qualities of, 30, 160, 270
serried lines of, 260
souls will arise, 250-2
station of, 100
unselfishness in, 71-2
wisdom used in, 268-9
Temples, see Mashriqu'l-Adhkár
Tender, 22, 26
Testament, cup of, 8
Tests and trials,
9-10, 56, 163-4, 181-2, 238-46, 309
concerning Covenant, see Covenant
inevitable for Bahá'ís, 39-40, 238
of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 225-7, 240-2, 316
of Manifestations, 55-6
prayer for, 227
spiritual value of,
226-8, 239-40, 245, 280-1, 316
awaken people, 81
help spread Cause, 234-6
separate gold from dross, 120-1
steadfastness during, 74, 79, 242, 274
suffering is condition of world, 200
take place only in material world, 194
tribulation shall not afflict them, 12
see also 'Abdu'l-Bahá; Báb; Bahá'u'lláh
acquire power of flight, 202
Assembly members must express, with freedom, 88
must concentrate on single point, 110-11
must concentrate on teaching, 93
spirituality of, 178
traversing, 102, 198
Tobacco, use of, 147-50
Torah, 45, 162, 179, 305, 306
children will become, 138-9
Holy, 254
mankind as, 1
neither of east nor west, 254
Sadratu'l-Muntahá (Divine Lote-Tree), 67, 295
Truthfulness, 221
Bahá'ís persecuted in, 74
moon is symbol of, 172
Twelve, 165-6
United States, see America
Unity (oneness),
1, 11, 19-21, 24, 31, 90, 101, 104, 109, 229-30, 260-1, 263, 277-80, 290
among Bahá'ís,
65-6, 70, 76, 84, 92, 103, 203, 209, 215, 229-31, 246, 260-1, 277
as single soul, 19, 76
anthems of, 8, 312
candles of, 32
causes other problems to disappear, 30
commandment of, not limited to any one group, 20-1
depends on power of Holy Spirit, 53
Divine, 19
each creature sign of God, 24
fellowship, 19, 92
friendship, love, to all, 1-2, 21-2, 24, 26, 34, 72, 73, 84, 257, 258, 280
in diversity, 290-2
light of, is dawning, 228
love, see Love
of conscience, 297
of God, see God
of mankind (humanity),
36, 59, 107, 109, 112-14, 195, 209, 248, 278-80, 286-92, 298-9
drops of one ocean, 280
finally attainable, 31-2
flowers of one garden, 280
fruits, leaves, of one bough, tree, 1, 28, 72, 277, 280
of nations, 113
of race,
32, 112-13
different colours into one colour, 106
one-coloured pavilion (tabernacle), 90, 123, 279
of religion, 32, 52
of world,
communication and travel foster, 31-2
East and West, 244
one native land, 84
of world of Kingdom, 58
prayer for, 105-6
purpose of Prophets is, 31
religions must be cause of, 28
sea of, 20
wave of, 30
Universal House of Justice,
68, 132, 215
education of children, 128
membership of, confined to men, 80
see also Supreme Tribunal
Universal Light, 26
Universe, see Creation
Universities, see Schools
Vegetable world, 47, 61, 157-8
8, 14, 177, 181, 253, 310, 317
human body is, 168
self is, 182
vain imaginings, 53
will be lifted after death, 170-1
231, 238, 256, 264, 275
see also Bahá'í Faith, victory of
Vision, see Sight
2, 174, 247-8, 258, 273, 275-6, 282, 284, 286-9
arms are malignant fruits, 303
cause of, 247, 299
end of, 34, 35, 53, 276
Hague Conference cannot prevent, 307
prevention of, 248-50
260, 264
armies, warriors, 237, 260, 264
those who love, 11
see also Peace
Washington, 83
and entry into kingdom, 195
sharing of, 115, 302
33, 36, 59, 255, 270
lit up, 35, 74-5
unity with East, 244
Western believers,
prayer for, 75
will become East, 70
Wife, see Marriage
Wickedness, see Evil
free, 198
of God, 26, 51, 79
Wilson, Woodrow, 109, 311
Windflowers, sacred, 254
alcohol, use of, see Alcohol
divine, heavenly, 8, 9, 150, 203
of knowledge, 256
of love, 121
Wisdom, see Knowledge
Woe, 14
Womb, world as, 170-1, 177, 185
equality of, 79-80, 109, 249, 302
handmaids, see Bahá'ís
mothers, importance of, 124, 125, 126, 138, 139
symbol of Law of God (Rev. 12), 172
move hearts, 5
of God,
234, 283, 291, 292, 293, 295
power of, 20, 37, 53
sheltering shade of, 19, 85
see also Bahá'í Faith
of Oneness, 20
as worship, 144-6
craftsmen, station of, 145
service to mankind, 68-9
World, see Earth
Worlds (realms) of God,
heaven, see Heaven
invisible, 6, 35
106, 177-8
made new, 52
Pavilion of Glory, 18
Realm of the limitless, 18
realms hidden from sight, 8
see also Abhá; Creation; Dreams; Immortality
26, 53, 139
work as, 144-6
see also Prayer
Writers of the Press, 39
Zaynu'l-Muqarrabín, 99
astrology, 160
of Abhá Realm, 39
twelve signs of, 165