The extracts from the Writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh contained in this book are from the matchless translations by Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, and those carried out under the auspices of The Universal House of Justice. Published sources are acknowledged in the references and Bibliography. There are many other quotations from Persian manuscripts and publications, and these I have translated, unless otherwise indicated. Most quotations had to be edited prior to translation. The footnotes to these quotations, however, are mostly mine, and this is indicated explicitly where confusion may arise. Verses taken from the Qur'án are numbered in accordance with the Arabic text, although their numbering may differ from that given in English translations. Persian and Arabic names are transliterated in accordance with the system adopted for books on the Bahá'í Faith, but quotations are reproduced in their original form.

The early followers of Bahá'u'lláh seldom sought to be photographed. Occasionally group photographs were taken, from which it has been possible to obtain many of the individual photographs which I have included, in the belief that their historical interest outweighs the fact that some are faded and out of focus. I am deeply indebted to the Audio-Visual Department of the Bahá'í World Centre for supplying most of these photographs. I should like to thank Mr. Ruhi Shakibai for his excellent reproduction of some of the photographs printed in this book.

I wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks the co-operation of the Bahá'í Publishing Trust, London, and the Bahá'í Publishing Trust, Wilmette, Illinois, in permitting me to quote from their publications.


I desire to record my warm appreciation to Dr May Ballerio for her untiring efforts in helping me to speed up the preparation of the manuscript and for her skilful editing, and for the making of the index. My thanks go to Miss Eithne Earley for typing the manuscript from my original scribbled notes, many of which were illegible and often difficult to decipher, and to Mrs. Corrine Alexander for additional typing assistance. I am also grateful to Mr. Harold Boyce for his careful reading of the proofs.

Although I consider this work to be a very insignificant contribution to the great wealth of Bahá'í knowledge, nevertheless it has taken me a very long time to produce this volume. The main reason has been lack of time on my part. I have had to work during my free hours at home, usually in the late evening, and consequently the pace has been very slow. And probably the same situation will apply to Volume 4. However, in all my work I am deeply indebted to my wife Lesley for her constant support and encouragement.

Adib Taherzadeh


The arrival of Bahá'u'lláh in 'Akká, signalizing the long-awaited fulfilment of the prophecies of the advent of the Lord of Hosts in the Holy Land, opens a new chapter of glorious consummation in the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh. The momentous events associated with this period surpass those of the earlier days of His ministry. The final acts of the proclamation of His Message to individual kings, rulers and ecclesiastics, the revelation of the laws of His Dispensation regarded as the warp and woof of His World Order, the reversing of the tides of misfortune and misrepresentation into those of honour and public reverence, the revelation of countless Tablets bringing to a mighty climax all that had been revealed in the past, and the release of vast spiritual energies destined to regenerate human society and create a new race of men, all these characterize this period of Bahá'u'lláh's ministry in 'Akká and later in Bahjí.

This volume, covering the first nine years of the ministry of Bahá'u'lláh in 'Akká, is an attempt to catch a glimpse of this mighty Revelation. But how puny and feeble are the mind and vision of man, how poorly they equip him to venture into the arena of Divine Revelation which is far above his ken. It is obvious that we are unable to fathom this deep ocean of the Word of God in this age. We can only pass over the surface.

The aim of this volume is to describe some of the contents of the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh. To achieve this, the author has followed the same pattern as in the two preceding volumes. He has outlined some of the main topics of a Tablet and elaborated on certain points which are in his opinion helpful for understanding some basic truths of the Faith. The aim has not been, however, to write a book of history. It is only to provide


a background to the revelation of the Word of God that the author has dwelt at some length on the life of Bahá'u'lláh, the circumstances of His imprisonment in the barracks and later in 'Akká, and has also given brief accounts of the lives of some of the early believers involved.

The study of the Writing of Bahá'u'lláh is a never-ending spiritual experience; the many significances contained in His utterances and the power of His words are inexhaustible. The reader, therefore, will discover in this book only a drop out of the ocean, for only through a deeper study of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh can we see the immensity of the Knowledge of God which Bahá'u'lláh has bestowed upon us in this day, a knowledge which will continually expand and unfold itself with the passage of time.

